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Welcome Station

Posted: Tue, 1. Aug 23, 11:26
by steph_m37
Hi !

As an Terran this resort aims to unify the races, we have a complete range of gambling, entertainment, casinos.
And of course, all the products you have dreamed of :wink: . A wide interracial variety of docks.
But be careful when leaving the station after buying our products.
Station Product: Illegal Drug !!
Welcome need only ICE, but the second station (added Terran Stim need helium and silicon more demanding

Video of the station. (YouTube)

Test with the TOBII eye tracker 5, better than the trackIR you can look while keeping your head in the screen axis, the sensitivity was not well adjusted and every time I look at the keyboard and well it shows, I find that it is much more practical than the TrackIR, I had tested the very first trackIR maybe currently with multi-screen it is better. That's just my opinion, of course.

with TOBII (YouTube)
Edit : Sorry no sound in the two videos, sound redirected to external sound system
  • Tip: only Argon has complete chaine food production, and the Quantum Tube Production is just cosmetic and no connected (disable it)
EDIT : corrected missing Water product for two stations, modified for 6.10

Re: Welcome Station

Posted: Tue, 1. Aug 23, 16:47
by steph_m37
-- MAJ for the two stations --
- need only ICE for both, HELIUM and SILICON for the second station (4 drug products)
- Only ARGON have chaine food prod, it's possible to buy the other food's race but this station works as commercial station too.
- Complex made with Beta 6.20, modified xml to work in 6.10
