Traders for Supply ships

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Traders for Supply ships

Post by redstamp » Tue, 14. May 24, 19:44

I have a monitor attached to my carrier fleet and a couple of traders set to Trade for Commander of the Supply ship (Monitor specifically).

The traders are 4 stars pilot and the Supply ship is piloted by 4 star pilot and he has 4 star mgt too (modded with Learning all the Things).

The traders on say they can use 1/5 jump gates... is this right?

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Re: Traders for Supply ships

Post by Koizuki » Tue, 14. May 24, 20:05

Traders attached to an aux/resupply ship rely entirely on their own Piloting skill to determine trade range, not any skills of the Aux ship captain.
Your traders should have a 4-gate range with 4 stars in Piloting, but whatever mod you're using may be interfering.

I've also noticed when I was testing this a couple weeks ago that if you've attached them already as a trader for the aux ship, then spam skill books to raise their skill up rapidly, their gate range doesn't update properly.
This can be fixed by temporarily unassigning them, then reassigning them to trade for the aux ship.

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Re: Traders for Supply ships

Post by Buck » Tue, 14. May 24, 20:47

These should be raised to 15 gates like miners
They should also not need to be assigned to a fleet to function
They should literally be a floating repair station for all player vessels & 27 & above allies

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Joined: Sun, 11. Feb 24, 10:47

Re: Traders for Supply ships

Post by redstamp » Wed, 15. May 24, 08:35

Thanks - looks like it was an update issue, as re-assigned and seem to have picked up 4/4 gates now - thanks for help.

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