Bad mission trigger entering RIP space.

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Bad mission trigger entering RIP space.

Post by Scoob » Thu, 29. Feb 24, 14:57


I reported on this once before, during a prior game-start, but it's happened again.

Basically, when you enter RIP space (Avarice) for the first time, there's this TEL Freighter that's in trouble, and you get a mission chain from that. However, the trigger for it is basically broken. Normally, it triggers when you enter Avarice IV from Windfall III, perfectly logical as that's where the ship is. However, it didn't play out that way this game.

These sectors were all explored remotely by ships I had set to Explore. They uncovered all the stations there over a game-day ago. Recently, I wanted to buy the BP for the Tueta, so I ordered a ship to fly to the RIP HQ station in Avarice I, again, remotely, I was NOT on that ship. Later, I teleported to that ship, so I could walk directly to the Faction Rep there. However, THIS, triggered the start of the mission - even though I'm NOT in the correct place.

There was nothing I could do, nor wanted to do, as I wasn't near the ship in question as busy with other things. I got the BP I wanted and teleported away.

A short while later I got another cut-scene of the TEL Freighters - camera panning around it - but nothing else. I. Wasn't. There. Nothing to do with me. Some time after that, I get a comm demanding to be picked up. Again. I'm. Not. There. Plus, in the context of this current game, I have NO knowledge of what this ship is and who this Teladi might be. So, I'm continuing to ignore this event.

To be clear, while aspects of this mission appeared to trigger, I at no point got the full story that I would if there in person. I.e. No request to help - just a cut-scene lacking in detail - no missions to try to fix things, no message re: the ships destruction. Just some disjointed cut scenes and a message from a stranger to pick them up.

I plan to IGNORE the pick-up request, as the mission has not triggered legitimately. I do wonder what will happen if I do actually travel to the mission sector... hopefully things will continue as they should, I'm just not going to do that currently, as I have other objectives.

I consider this a BUG. A mission, that relies on the player being there, is being triggered even though I've never been to that sector at all. Caveat: I know that Avarice is one bug sector consisting of three sub-sectors, and that's likely why the mission triggered. However, that's not right and the mission trigger should be more refined. I.e. I should have to be in Avarice IV, and not just ANY Avarice sub-sector.

Anyone else had problems with this? Worthy of a more formal bug report do you think?

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Re: Bad mission trigger entering RIP space.

Post by LameFox » Sat, 2. Mar 24, 07:35

Same thing has happened to me before. It's kind of weird that this game has various things like this which just assume you will be the first to fly there in person, given the nature of the game making it quite possible you won't. That assumption probably holds true the first time someone activates a new DLC, but after...? Probably not safe to rely on, and you end up with weird irritations like this, or those cutscenes into Split or Terran space that interrupt whatever you happen to be doing near the gate. I even got killed by that once, when the Split one started in a Xenon sector during a dogfight. I closed it but it had brought my ship to a dead stop, which cost me my shields, and unable to boost away the hull followed a few seconds later.

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Re: Bad mission trigger entering RIP space.

Post by Scoob » Mon, 4. Mar 24, 16:21

Indeed, this is but one example, but one I've been able to recreate. I've had a number of cut-scenes when I've been in the middle of something that has caused...problems. Once time I was blasting past a Xenon Fleet in travel mode and a cut-scene triggered, causing my ship - now not under my control - to halt in the middle of that fleet. Dead. Reload lol.

I often like to leave missions chains until later in the game, something to do while I've a major Station build going on for example, or just on a whim. This means that sectors which trigger an event might be in an entirely different state to what they were. For example, a once friendly sector infested by Xenon, or a Xenon sector perfectly safe due to a friendly faction having kicked the Xenon out ages ago.

While it's likely not possible to anticipate everything, I think the trigger in my example is one that clearly needs a little refinement, as I was not in the intended trigger area at all, yet the game carried on like I was. That Teladi dude's gonna be floating in space for a while, cos I'm busy.

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