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The Ultimate M6-destroyer.

Posted: Sun, 12. Apr 09, 19:01
by Dreez
Been toying with this thought for a while and i want your opinion in which
that would make the best possible M6-destroyer. We've all had those missions
to assassinate someone, and once we jump through that gate, there's like...
10+ M6's waiting for us. And we want to kill'em all.
But we need a ship that has enough shields to take the beating from all those
ships and outlast them until they are all dead. The guns has to have good tracking
and do a welcomed amount of damage as well.

My testrun today will be with an Akuma which i boarded. I will load it to the brim
with Gauss Cannons and FAA's. I was having my eye towards the HEPT, but
they have too short range and are hard enough to come to equip all my fighters.

What we're setting up is basically a ship we could call 'The Assassin', a ship
which we setup and send specifically to deal with fleets of M6.

Any thoughts?

Posted: Sun, 12. Apr 09, 19:22
by maphys
Tough one. Deimos might come close in the M7 category. I know the Tiger/Panther start to get overwhelmed at about ten M6s at once. Thinking that a pair of PSGs might make a mess of the pesky critters and 6GJ of shields mean ramming them is always an option.

Otherwise given their habit of near-missing you I'd imagine the Oddy is a nice one - PSG All around = massive blue field of death for anything nearby! Or, of course, just take a Boreas and load it with PPC/Gauss cannons. Adieu M6!


Posted: Sun, 12. Apr 09, 19:28
by WellMad
Well I would say a boron theaser(bad spelling I think) For some Reson m6's hit you 1/10 when your Rolling your ship with Q or E.

Seems to be a bug but I was able to take out 19 m6's and hand full of m4's m5's

Posted: Sun, 12. Apr 09, 20:03
by delray
Try something with FAAs all around, they are surprisingly good against M6s when in a huge mass. So are PBGs.

Re: The Ultimate M6-destroyer.

Posted: Sun, 12. Apr 09, 20:08
by Gazz
Dreez wrote:Been toying with this thought for a while and i want your opinion in which
that would make the best possible M6-destroyer. We've all had those missions
to assassinate someone, and once we jump through that gate, there's like...
10+ M6's waiting for us. And we want to kill'em all.
But we need a ship that has enough shields to take the beating from all those
ships and outlast them until they are all dead. The guns has to have good tracking
and do a welcomed amount of damage as well.
An M7M with 60-100 Hammer torpedos should do nicely. =)

Re: The Ultimate M6-destroyer.

Posted: Sun, 12. Apr 09, 20:31
by Demolisher 2
Gazz wrote:
Dreez wrote:Been toying with this thought for a while and i want your opinion in which
that would make the best possible M6-destroyer. We've all had those missions
to assassinate someone, and once we jump through that gate, there's like...
10+ M6's waiting for us. And we want to kill'em all.
But we need a ship that has enough shields to take the beating from all those
ships and outlast them until they are all dead. The guns has to have good tracking
and do a welcomed amount of damage as well.
An M7M with 60-100 Hammer torpedos should do nicely. =)
No, it wouldn't. The M6 are too good at shooting down missiles with their turrets, and often can trigger a chain reaction back through the missiles which can heavily damage the M7M. No, I believe the Odysseus is the way forward, or perhaps the Deimos. PSGs work wonders against Corvettes due to their large size but low (for the size) shielding.

Posted: Sun, 12. Apr 09, 21:22
by brucewarren
Call me unoriginal, but I just used the old Boreas loaded with PPC front,sides and back,
and 8 FAA on the top/bottom.
Being an M2 it takes a while to cover the ground, but it does get the job done.

However, I wouldn't use it on the Final Fury missions- it is possible to be overwhelmed if
there are hundreds of them.

Posted: Sun, 12. Apr 09, 22:05
by silenced
there are no longer "hundreds" in final fury ... i started final fury after 2.0a with combat rank "overlord" and finished it as "legend" ... but mainly NOT because of khaak รดรด, somehow they have gelded that plotline with 2.0a, or at least i did not have any problems with that one, =)

for the escort missions only i used the support of one tiger and one springblossom just because of my boreas was too slow for the freighters to keep up with them ...

and for killing m6 -> the boreas with ppc is pretty fine, just fly AWAY from the m6 that chase you ... they will all die :/, it's just a kind of "elephant-tactic", works fine with ANY enemy bigship/corvette

about missiles against m6: again, typhoon = the ultimate cure for anything slower than 180 m/s

Posted: Mon, 13. Apr 09, 01:06
by eddywolf001
true light seeker with 6x gc work suprisingly well

Posted: Mon, 13. Apr 09, 01:09
by DeadlyDarkness
A fast ship with heavy guns that can fire backwards.

Ive taken on multiple m6s with my Shrike. The trick is to fly off in one direction, letting your turrets pick them off. Then when you get low on shields, jump back to the gate and recharge. They fly back to you, with diminished strength. Rinse and repeat.

Posted: Mon, 13. Apr 09, 04:03
by Rick James
Personally i just see what gate they come thru with my adv sat network,
jump to a near one in an M8,
send about 4 torps after each m6 and ignore the rest.
9/10 times they aren't shot down.

Posted: Mon, 13. Apr 09, 08:11
by Kor'ah
Springblossem. Gank'n'run works pretty well. Kill the mark in a assasianation mission and the other M6s instantly jump out. No money in fighting them anyway so it's all good.

Posted: Mon, 13. Apr 09, 10:39
by Gothsheep
I donno. I never really had a problem just jumping in and tearing them up in a Springblossom or Vidar.

Posted: Mon, 13. Apr 09, 11:46
by 1muvwndr
Get a decent M6 (Hyperion, HCP, Springblossom, even a Dragon can do) and you should have no problems with just about any number of M6s as long as you pick it as the target, fly in at max speed (a bit less in a Blossom :)) while spiral-strafing. once the target is killed, most of the M6 escorts jump out leaving a few (depends on your combat rank I think) behind. You may want to clear the fighters and capture the M6s if you wish.
Never had a problem with one of those mentioned ships, were they armed with EBC (best option) or HEPT/CIG.

As for overkilling, an Agamemnon with a full load of PSG takes away anything that's closer than 3km in just a few seconds after you enter the sector.

Posted: Mon, 13. Apr 09, 13:56
by DGBowman
If you really want overkill, I find the Osaka with PSPs very effective. A single volley will kill an M6. Alternatively just run everyone over. Last time I used it I impaled the mark on the "horns" when I jumped in.

I'll admit the "fun" element is somewhat lacking though.

Posted: Mon, 13. Apr 09, 14:47
by Demolisher 2
1muvwndr wrote:Get a decent M6 (Hyperion, HCP, Springblossom, even a Dragon can do) and you should have no problems with just about any number of M6s as long as you pick it as the target, fly in at max speed (a bit less in a Blossom :)) while spiral-strafing. once the target is killed, most of the M6 escorts jump out leaving a few (depends on your combat rank I think) behind. You may want to clear the fighters and capture the M6s if you wish.
Why would I want to leave/capture M6es? As far as I know they give the same combat rank increase as Destroyers and Carriers and TLs... and they're easy targets as well.

Posted: Mon, 13. Apr 09, 16:22
by bertiroteo
ok, for that "assasins missions" i only use my hyperion vanguard using 4 HEPT and 4 concussion cannons. Just go straight forward to the ship you have to kill...forgot the others.....when you kill it, the others M6's will disappear...only the m3,m4,m5's will remain....and thats a easy job for the hyperion.

Posted: Mon, 13. Apr 09, 17:34
At Hero rank in 2.0 I get assassination missions for 26 million apiece that spawn about 40-50 M6s which do stay even after the culprit has been taken care of. That part can be done in any ship provided you can either outrun or outjump the escorts. I usually do this in a Tiger or a Hyperion Vanguard, then jump off to the opposite gate and call a Boreas to support me. I find the Boreas is superior to both the Osaka and the Tyr in this role, because the PPCs and FAAs put much more energy on target upon time than PSPs and SSCs.
Of course you can do all this in a Springblossom employing hit-and-run tactics, but that's boring and the noise of the Starbursts and the M/AM launchers is somewhat annoying 8)
If you want to have fun with missiles, use some of the swarm variety, like Typhoon or Wraith. Not really needed, but with a 26 million reward, it is more than worth the fun :twisted:
I'll defitnitely check out a Paranid capital ship festooned with PSGs, thanks for the hint :idea:

Posted: Mon, 13. Apr 09, 18:12
by Dreez
That's exactly what i am talking about. I don't have any problems with killing
a lot of M6's, i just want do be able to do it very effectively and fast, and
that's why i am trying to setup the 'perfect M6 destroyer'.

Even jumping in a poorly setup Boreas or Tyr will only result in a dead M2
if there are enough M6 that fires upon you, not to mention that HUGE risk
of suffering from massive FF when jumping in an Oddy with PSG's.... imagine
the horror.

The currently best option so far looks to be the Akuma with its awesome
turrets, 4x8x8x8x8x8. we're talking a LOT of Gauss-cannons.
Yes it will use insane amounts of gauss-amo, but that's not a problem with
the ability to build stations. Yesterday i did not have time to test the setup
because of... complex-issues, but hopefully today i can leave a report on
a test with this Akuma.

I just need to find all the 40 Gauss Cannons :roll:

Posted: Mon, 13. Apr 09, 18:53
by Demolisher 2
Since when did an Akuma have 44 guns? Since when could Akuma mount more than 20 Gauss cannons?