Trump - Criminal Prosecution

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Re: Trump - Criminal Prosecution

Post by matthewfarmery » Thu, 4. Apr 24, 09:37

Lets hope it will be rejected outright. Also, there are questions regarding the CEO, he claims he never met Trump, but that also been called in to question.

Also, Trump has tried again to get the hush money trial delayed or thrown out. And again, trying to say he has presidential immunity, (which is bonks) but the judge has again rejected that, and said, Trump had ample time to cover that in earlier filings. He is out of time now.

So yeah, going to be a few bad months for Trump indeed. :)

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Re: Trump - Criminal Prosecution

Post by felter » Fri, 5. Apr 24, 00:10

So it keeps on going. It looks like the company that posted Trumps bond in New York doesn't have the cash reserves to do so, they are short by about $40 Million, not just that it looks like they also don't have the licence or whatever it's called to be able to make this kind of bond in New York, and they are not even a registered insurance company in New York. So it looks like its all just another scam and case of fraud by Trump and his allies.
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Re: Trump - Criminal Prosecution

Post by matthewfarmery » Fri, 5. Apr 24, 09:21

Interesting, then I hope the bond will be rejected outright and Trump will start to see his assets seized. I don't see the AG office or the appeal court any more time for Trump's allies to come to his rescue. So yes, another scam. birds of the feather.

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Re: Trump - Criminal Prosecution

Post by matthewfarmery » Fri, 5. Apr 24, 12:37

There is going to be a hearing about the bond on April 22, I don't see a need for that? I mean, if Knight doesn't have a license to do business in NY, or wants to abide by NY state laws. Then the bond should be rejected. I tried to verify the hearing on April 22, and can't. That seems way more time then the 10 days that been offered. Other sources say that the time for any more corrections is today.

So not sure what is happening. But it wouldn't surprise me if this paperwork was just more fraud, which then could put this Knight group into a crosshairs of the goverment.

So, Loose cannon refuses to dimiss the case, but then today says that she won't decide on the jury instructions until the later date, (which could be mid trial and none appealable. I think Jack smith has no other choice to send this to the 11th Circuit, and get her hammered or removed. Its clear she doesn't want to anger Trump too much, but still shows are inexperience up. High time she is dealt with.


I have verfied the meeting, as several new sources are saying similar. that Judge Arthur Engoron himself has order a meeting to discuss the bond in greater detail. I guess nothing more will happen until the meeting has been concluded. I still think the bond should have been rejected outright. anything to do with Trump just smells foul. And any Company that bails him out is probably the same.

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Re: Trump - Criminal Prosecution

Post by matthewfarmery » Sat, 6. Apr 24, 13:07

Looks like Hankey is having second thoughts on posting the bond for Trump

"Hankey told Reuters that he was taken aback by James scrutiny of the bond.." and he also saying, he should have charged more for his services :lol:

In other words, he wanted to pull a fast one, and hoped he could get away with it. I wonder if Trump or his lawyers even told him, this is money down the tube, win or lose? And Trump will wind up screwing him over, and refusing to pay. So someone who doesn't like the spotlight on them, is now getting a lot of attention. I wondering if they might pull out of issuing the bond at the last minute? especially as there will be a hearing about it. But he should have done his research a bit better. before he jumped into trying to save Trump's skin.


This guy is also one huge red flag, taken from another site
In 2015, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau ordered Hankey's company to pay $44.1 million dollars in consumer relief for engaging in illegal debt collection practices.

In August, 2022, 2022, Hankey's company was found guilty of stealing $9,366,976.37 from elderly victims in a ponzi scheme.

A month later, in September 2022, his company agreed to pay more than $225,000 for violating the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) by failing to provide qualified servicemembers with interest rate benefits.

And he imagined the court would give him a wink-and-a-kiss pass on a $175,000,000 surety bond for a fraud judgment? Even without Trump in the picture, that would be sheer madness. The guy is a walking red flag.
I hope this will get raised in the 22th meeting, there clearly justification to reject a bond from this shady company.

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Re: Trump - Criminal Prosecution

Post by felter » Tue, 9. Apr 24, 23:15

So Trumps trial is all but guaranteed to start this coming Monday as he has basically used up every possible way to stop it from happening, and they have all failed. There is one way he could possibly stop it, all he has to do is fire his lawyers claiming that they cannot work together, it will be interesting to see if he tries it, but he will have to do it sooner rather than later as in like the next 48 hours as anything longer than that he will be out of time.

There is the saying action speak louder than words, and I'm glad more and more are saying while Trump is ranting that he is innocent then why is he putting so much effort into trying to stop the trial, surely if he is innocent he would want to go to trial and prove he is innocent as soon as possible. In other word, his actions are screaming I'm guilty as hell while actually screaming I'm innocent.

Just adding, Trump Media and Technology stock price is at $37.47 at the close of the market today, that less than half of what it was a week ago when it hut $79. So it has lost over half it's so-called value in a week, and it's still overpriced and is expected to continue to drop in price, we shall see.
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Re: Trump - Criminal Prosecution

Post by matthewfarmery » Wed, 10. Apr 24, 16:33

I think Trump is very guilty and will have a felony to his name. I also think his behaviour in court will not do him any favours either. I wonder if his lawyers are getting more and more terrified of the fact, that Trump may not follow their advice, or stick to the script? Especially if he takes the witness stand. As for the share price, I think will that tumble even more, especially if there is a successful conviction. I also think the amount of evidence will be far more then what Team Trump can handle. They are probably trying to say to Trump, that the evidence will not be that great, and we can get you off the hook. In some news articles, this could be another election interference case. So, the evidence is probably stronger then we are led to believe.

Roll on Monday!

As for firing his lawyers, its possible, but I don't think that will really do much, he will then be forced to take public lawyers I would assume. I wonder if he will attend the court all the time, or if he will try a sick motion and try and be somewhere else? But if that happens, I doubt the judge will stand for it.

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Re: Trump - Criminal Prosecution

Post by felter » Thu, 11. Apr 24, 01:56

So Trumps audit accountants who he got to audit Trump Media & Technology Group Corp turns out they are not very good at it, as they have a 100% deficiency rates, when the US regulators did an audit on the companies audits out of the 21 audits they looked at 21 of them failed, and even those accountants said Trump Media & Technology Group Corp was doomed to fail due to massive loses.

Meanwhile, Trump tried again today to stop Monday's trial with another appeal and guess what it failed, that's over 10 attempts made to stop the trial, 3 of them just this week, so far. It's funny as it is the same old things he keeps on trying and the judges are picking up on this, let alone others attempts are failing as they shouldn't even be made till after the trial ends.
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Re: Trump - Criminal Prosecution

Post by matthewfarmery » Thu, 11. Apr 24, 08:56

So Trump's lawyers made a huge screw up recently.
Trump’s attorneys tried to subpoena Jeremy Rosenberg, who had worked in the Manhattan district attorney’s office, then complained to the court that he was “flippant and dismissive” when he said he had none of the documents they wanted.

But it turns out there was a reason he didn’t have the documents: They had subpoenaed the wrong Jeremy Rosenberg.

Totally incompetent. So they aren't ready for the trial.

I heard about the appeal court thing, and glad it got rejected yet again. Team Trump must be in panic mode about now, Apart from firing his lawyers, I don't see what else he could do to delay the case. And hopefully it will still be on track for Monday.

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Re: Trump - Criminal Prosecution

Post by felter » Thu, 11. Apr 24, 16:52

Allen Weisselberg has been sentenced to 5 months for his perjury in his statements about Trumps apartment, he got let off for lying on the stand in the actual trial. The prosecution has also told him he will not be required to give evidence in Trumps upcoming trial, though Trump could possibly call him as a witness, but the man is so toxic that it would be a waste of time doing so.
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Re: Trump - Criminal Prosecution

Post by matthewfarmery » Thu, 11. Apr 24, 18:40

Calling him for the defence would probably backfire on team Trump. but it wouldn't surprise me if he does get called.

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Re: Trump - Criminal Prosecution

Post by matthewfarmery » Fri, 12. Apr 24, 12:24

Well, things get even more interesting. More details about the parent company behind Knight, its based in the Cayman Islands, a notorious tax haven. Also, the bond also says, that if the appeal fails, Knight will not pay up. And with very little regulation in the Cayman Islands, it would be next to possible for AG James to recover the money.

So the bond is looking even more dodgy as time goes along. And more reason to reject it. There is another theory, that the parent company could be using a "reinsurance" technique, which means, that the parent company is insuring smaller company. So, basically, if the smaller company runs into trouble, it gets bailed out by the parent company. But anyway, with this new information, it just raises even more red flags.

And looks like there aren't anymore delay tactics, so Monday it begins!!!

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Re: Trump - Criminal Prosecution

Post by felter » Sat, 13. Apr 24, 16:55

It turns out Trump made a last minute and 11th attempt to postpone/cancel/stop his upcoming trial claiming bias and prejudice in the media, making it impossible for him to have a fair trial, of course it failed. The Judge basically stating the last minute is not the time to make this sort of claim and that making the trial go away would not solve the issue, if anything it would just prolong and possible make it even worse, besides jury selection should sort out the issue, so better to get the trial over and done with. The prosecution also pointed out that all the media was mainly of Trumps own doing it was him who was making all the social media posts, the rally speeches, the video releases and news interviews, all of which were his decisions no one made him do them, his own mess in the making, and you cannot let someone off for doing that.

So the trial is already to start on this coming Monday, jury selection is expected to take the whole week while the trial days will be on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, Wednesday and the weekend are days off. Trump will have to be in court on each and every day unless excused by the judge, which he will need a good and valid reason for that to happen. Let's see how bad he acts in court this time, I doubt he will get away with some of the things he did in the last trial, as this is a criminal trial. Shame there is no video, but then again that's also a good thing as they say people play up for the camera when they are in the courts.

So some good days ahead.
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Re: Trump - Criminal Prosecution

Post by felter » Tue, 16. Apr 24, 00:59

So it was the big day and it was busy. To start with, Trump kept on falling asleep in the courthouse, he just couldn't keep those beady little eyes of his open, and he calls Biden sleepy Joe. The day itself started off with numerous motions on Trumps behalf, he tried to get the judge removed along with evidence and witnesses, I think he was claiming the evidence shouldn't be allowed as it made him look guilty so he wanted it removed from the case. Talking about witnesses, turns out Trump's legal team have not yet supplied the court with their witness list on the people they are going to call for Trumps defence, something that should have been done literally months ago, the judge has given them 24 hours to sort it out. As for evidence, turns out one of the DOJ subpoenas that Trump applied for a little bit late in the game in the hopes of delaying the trial, well it turned up new evidence, unfortunately for Trump it was evidence for the prosecution that they didn't have or know about, so that plan kind of backfired for him. And then there was the prosecution that filled a complaint that he Trump committed contempt as they claim he has broken the gag order and there is now going to be a legal hearing on the issue on Apr 23rd to see if he is guilty or not. Oh, and more than half the jury pool claimed they couldn't be impartial, so they were released and sent home.

And to top it all off, Trump Media & Technology Group Corp stock continues to nose dive, at the close of the market today it was down to 26.61, continued to fall after that to 25.59. That means the price has dropped by a whopping 53.79 from its highest point. Remember them getting all worked up that Trump on paper had made $6 Billion, well he has now lost over $4 Billion of that, and it keeps going down, so more loses to come.

Happy Days all around. :D
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Re: Trump - Criminal Prosecution

Post by matthewfarmery » Tue, 16. Apr 24, 10:59

I think it going to be hard finding 12 people for the jury, Trump's team will try and dismiss them all, and will try and say, we want another venue instead. But hopefuly a jury will be selected, even it its not to team Trump liking. As for the witness list, my bet is, its all made up, it will probably be people who are paid to speak on Trump's behalf. And not really true witnesses. And probably why, it has taken them so long, as they needed to find people who will try and back up Trump. That will be my bet. And hopefully if they do turn out to be fake, it will backfire on Trump.

as for the share price, I'm glad that is dropping still, and hope it continues its nose dive to worthlessness.


And to add insult to injury, Accounting Firm for Trump Media Quit. Only took a few months. Not surprised.

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Re: Trump - Criminal Prosecution

Post by matthewfarmery » Tue, 16. Apr 24, 17:22

So, Team Trump has responded to the request for more details about the bond, and the money is held in Charles Schwab brokerage account over which KSIC has the authority to take control.

So, who's money is it? if its in a separate account, then it can't be knight? and if it's Trump's money, why not pay the cash without a bond company? Still smells very fishy to me. because the original filing did not mention this bank account. So, anyway, just more dodgy paperwork and worthless guarantees. Next week the meeting about the bond. I still think it should be rejected.

As for Trump sleeping, I suspect we will see a lot more of that, his late night social media postings, and tantrums, etc, will come back to haunt him. So, I think its going to play havoc with his daily routine, And he will find it harder to counter the claims. Especially when the sessions really start getting interesting.


I thought the name sounded familiar, this account is also been used by chubb that holds the E Carroll bond, so Trump could be double dipping, and hoping one verdict will fail. then this needs to be dealt with. and E Carroll should be notified about this as well. Then the fraud bond is indeed worthless. I don't think the courts will be happy about this.

Edit 2

The signature page is not signed by knight, but by chubb, so yes, double dipping.

edit 3
Trump just can't keep his eyes open, and again fell a sleep on the second day!!!! :lol:

I think this is going to be a very regular occurrence. So its clearly messing him up.

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Re: Trump - Criminal Prosecution

Post by felter » Wed, 17. Apr 24, 01:53

7 Jurors down, 6 more plus alternatives to go, so it is pretty much looking like they are going to get their jury without too many issues. Though I wouldn't be surprised if Trump ends up spending a night or two behind bars, even before this trial ends.
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Re: Trump - Criminal Prosecution

Post by Falcrack » Wed, 17. Apr 24, 15:24

Sleepy Don!

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Re: Trump - Criminal Prosecution

Post by Chips » Thu, 18. Apr 24, 13:48

I noticed people kept going on about Trump's lawyers over many months - so this video may be a watch for those people (it is old, you may have seen it).

"Ranking Trump's Terrible Lawyers"

It includes an oversight of each and their "stuff", obviously nothing recent. Can't comment on the guys qualifications - he is a lawyer but how would i know.
Nice history though :)

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Re: Trump - Criminal Prosecution

Post by matthewfarmery » Thu, 18. Apr 24, 16:27

The jury has been reduced by one, as juror number 2 has to bow out, as she figured that friends and family found out she on the jury and so will the rest of the media. Sad to see this happen. But the media is to blame here. And I bet Trump is probably behind it as well. Lets hope the jury isn't reduced again, but Trump has already tried to intimidate some of the jury in the courtroom, and the judge has warned him not too. But unless Trump faces real punishment, he will continue on with what he been doing.

As for the lawyer list, I strong disagree with the rankings. They ALL deserve to be "F" as they are nothing but total failures. I also hope Trump's lawyers who turn up on monday for the bond meetings will get castrated by the judge. They don't deserve to be lawyers full stop.

Edit, jury reduced by 1, one of the jury was arrested for tearing down political posters. Also, the media has been told not to identify the jurors jobs or occupations. So that should help a little.

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