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As-tu des problèmes avec ton jeu ? Ne cherche plus , Egosoft à créer cette section pour l'aide technique. Les jeu sont eux mêmes classé séparément veilliez donc à bien choisir lcelui pour lequels tu à besoin d'ade dans le menu de gauche.

Whether you want help with a particular Steam-related issue or are just curious about why Egosoft uses Steam, this section should hold the answers.

  • [EN] What is Steam?
  • [EN] What is Steamworks?
  • [EN] Where can I get more help with my Steam problems?

  • [EN] Can I change where my Steam game is installed?
  • [EN] Can I install my Steam games on more than one PC?
  • [EN] How do I activate my DVD games on Steam?
  • [EN] How do I obtain patches for my Steam games?
  • [EN] [XR] What launch options are available for X Rebirth?

  • [EN] I have a slow/unreliable internet connection. How can I minimise the connectivity required by Steam?
  • [EN] When do I have to run the Steam client?
  • [EN] When does Steam require me to be online?

  • [EN] Is there any way to reset my Steam achievements?
  • [EN] Steam says that my game is unavailable. What's wrong?
  • [EN] What about modding? Can I install mods for Steam games, or develop my own?
  • [EN] [XR] I don't get the Steam achievements marked as "Hard" or "Very Hard", although I play X Rebirth on that difficulty level. What's wrong?

  • [EN] How do I use the NoSteam executable? (X Rebirth)
  • [EN] How do I use the NoSteam executable? (X3: Albion Prelude)
  • [EN] How do I use the NoSteam executable? (X4: Foundations)
  • [EN] What happens to my Egosoft games if Steam goes out of business?
  • [EN] What is a NoSteam executable?
  • [EN] Why are you using Steam/Steamworks?

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