<RetVar> = <RefObj> get factory array from sector

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<RetVar> = <RefObj> get factory array from sector

Post by mark_a_condren » Wed, 27. Jul 11, 08:17

<RetVar> = <RefObj> -> get factory array from sector

<RetVar> = variable where the requested information is stored, this will be an array
<RefObj> = The sector you want to get the factory array from

This function returns the stations of class 'Factory' from a sector. Only stations that are classed as factories will be returned, this includes shipyards.


$sector -> get sector from universe index: x=0, y=0
$factories.array = $sector -> get factory array from sector

This will return an array of all the factories located in Kingdom End (sector location 0, 0)

Alternate Uses:

Can also be used to return a factory array from a Complex Hub. <RefObj> being the complex hub, not the sector. If the sector is inserted the array will contain all stations of type 'Factory' from the sector.

n.b. <RetVar> = <RefObj> -> get station array from sector, does not work on complex hubs.

Related Commands:

<RetVar> = <RefObj> get station array from sector
<RetVar> = <RefObj> get dock array from sector

Command Location:
Last edited by mark_a_condren on Wed, 3. Aug 11, 02:46, edited 1 time in total.

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[tip][49] 304818

Post by X2-Illuminatus » Sat, 1. Oct 11, 11:52

<RetVar> = <RefObj> -> get factory array from sector

<RetVar> = Variable, in der die geforderte Information in Form eines Arrays gespeichert wird.
<RefObj> = Der Sektor, vom dem du die Fabriken wissen möchtest.

Dieser Befehl gibt die Stationen der Klasse "Fabrik", die in einem Sektor stehen, zurück. Nur Stationen dieser Klasse (einschließlich Schiffswerften) werden zurückgegeben.


$sector -> get sector from universe index: x=0, y=0
$factories.array = $sector -> get factory array from sector

Dies gibt ein Array, das alle Fabriken in Königstal (Sektorkoordinaten 0,0) beinhaltet, zurück.

Alternativer Nutzen:

Der Befehl kann auch dazu genutzt werden, die Fabriken eines Komplexes zu ermitteln. Als <RefObj> muss das Komplexkontrollzentrum (nicht der Sektor) ausgewählt werden.

Beachte: Der Befehl <RetVar> = <RefObj> -> get station array from sector funktioniert nicht mit Komplexkontrollzentren.

Verwandte Befehle:

<RetVar> = <RefObj> get station array from sector
<RetVar> = <RefObj> get dock array from sector

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