a Small ode' to X-rebirth...

General discussions about X Rebirth.

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Did you play and enjoy X-Rebirth regardless of the differences?

Yes and No
Total votes: 60

Uncle Benis
Posts: 25
Joined: Sat, 21. Feb 15, 06:15

Post by Uncle Benis » Fri, 15. Jun 18, 10:28

Yes and No.
The game aside from a few select bits is well and truly awful with its lack of automation, terrible AI, constantly glitching out story scripts and a bunch of straight nonsensical design decisions like locking away SETA and jumpdrive and giving you an absolutely useless autopilot that cannot navigate highways or use boost. Everything you have to do constantly is needlessly ponderous and boring and repetetive and repetitive and repetitive and repetitive and also incredibly time consuming to the point I spent more time in this game in downtime just to wait for the cap to arrive at its destination than I ever spent idling waiting for UTs to bring in the dosh in X3. Playing XR felt more like waiting for the next action point to drop in your favourite mobile game than it felt playing a videogame.

GCU Grey Area
Posts: 7954
Joined: Sat, 14. Feb 04, 23:07

Post by GCU Grey Area » Sat, 23. Jun 18, 10:10

Uncle Benis wrote:Yes and No.
The game aside from a few select bits is well and truly awful with its lack of automation, terrible AI, constantly glitching out story scripts and a bunch of straight nonsensical design decisions like locking away SETA and jumpdrive and giving you an absolutely useless autopilot that cannot navigate highways or use boost. Everything you have to do constantly is needlessly ponderous and boring and repetetive and repetitive and repetitive and repetitive and also incredibly time consuming to the point I spent more time in this game in downtime just to wait for the cap to arrive at its destination than I ever spent idling waiting for UTs to bring in the dosh in X3. Playing XR felt more like waiting for the next action point to drop in your favourite mobile game than it felt playing a videogame.
What a load of rubbish, most of it is simply untrue. The autopilot has no difficulty at all navigating the highway network &, while it is true it doesn't automatically activate boosters, nevertheless manual operation of boosters is entirely possible while autopilot is active. This is by far the best option in my opinion - certainly would not want the autopilot to automatically drain shields (by activating boosters) every time I turned it on.

In regards to automation - plenty of it, practically every ship I own runs automatically, whether it's freighters & miners I've assigned to stations, the warships I have patrolling key zones, or the freighters in my own squad conducting trade directly under my command (really love the queued trading system in XR, vast improvement over the paper notes I had to keep when MORTing in previous games). For more automation, if desired, there are also several mods available which replicate those in previous X games - particularly fond of MitchTech Station Logistics which does a good job of replicating the CLS mod from X3.

As for repetition, there's a lot of that in all X games & XR is far from the most repetitive gameplay I've experieced in an X game. Think that award would go to the Hub plot in TC. First time I did it ended up building a chip complex with 104 chip plants, along with all the food factories & SPPs they required, & another 4 vast complexes elsewhere to supply all the silicon & crystals the main complex needed. Took many weeks to build it all, often at <1fps, couldn't even begin to guess how often I saw the station building animation in all that time... (note: despite that, TC Hub plot remains one of my favourite plots in any X game).

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