Boarding/Interior Combat Mechanics?

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Should there be combat mechanics on foot?

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Boarding/Interior Combat Mechanics?

Post by Obvious_Quark » Sat, 10. Aug 13, 21:06

We all saw in the (quite spectacular) videos that we can enter the space stations, walk around in ships, interact with NPCs, and make like Gordon Freeman in the vent shafts.

But what about combat? Obviously space combat is going to be a kick-ass experience, building huge fleets and having epic battles around the wild black yonder is only ever awesome... but are we going to be able to board ships and fight with our crew/hired mercenaries to capture them instead of just blowing them up? Can we fight to defend our facilities from roving pirates that have taken our workers hostage and dug themselves in? Will we face the threat of brutes and muggers while walking through the slums of the ever-expansive space cities?

I for one, think this would make getting out of your ship even more interesting, and add a nice mechanic to X: Rebirth.

What better way to show off the completely destructible structures than to make them an environment for combat?

I'm not saying that space combat should be neglected in any way, being a fan of EVE Online and Sins of a Solar Empire, but like those games, it seems leaving ground combat out is just leaving out something that would make the game even more special.

Its like having your favorite cake/ice cream minus one or two of your favorite toppings. You still love it, cause its not only cake/ice cream, its your favorite one! But you still think if you had an extra dash of pecans and some chocolate syrup, it would be even better.

Of course, I could be wasting my breath because they already have this planned, but who knows? I don't.

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Post by Cascinova » Sat, 10. Aug 13, 21:26

Well its far too late for them to be adding any game changing mechanics, however, I agree it would be sweet to be able to board ships with your crew, even fight with them for that matter. However, I really doubt we would ever see that happen in rebirth. For example in previous x games pirates were simply psychotic maniacs who would go around blowing up ships and stations for no clear reason that I could see, since they weren't actually capturing anything.

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Post by Obvious_Quark » Sat, 10. Aug 13, 21:38

Well, I can only hope they added it already and just haven't released the info yet. Even if it isn't in, like I said, its still a delicious cake. Just missing a few touches that would make it even better.

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Post by Ravenhurst » Sat, 10. Aug 13, 21:59

big whooping YES

gimme mah immersion!

this will the first time I get back into X since Beyond the Frontier by the way.. it´s been ages since I played an X game, now the time has come......

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Post by BigBANGtheory » Sat, 10. Aug 13, 22:31

Yes, but as features go it wouldn't be high on my list.

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Post by Athraku » Sat, 10. Aug 13, 22:39

Id even gladly wait another 6 months for them to implement that feature or pay for it as DLC :( but i fear its just a pipe dream...... Maybe in X2 Rebirth?
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Post by you_rebel_scum » Sat, 10. Aug 13, 23:15

No just hell no, masters of space sims yes, but fps no no. This is a space sim plz leave it at that
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Post by brucewarren » Sun, 11. Aug 13, 00:21

| This

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Post by Berserkenstein » Sun, 11. Aug 13, 01:17

BigBANGtheory wrote:Yes, but as features go it wouldn't be high on my list.
It is high on a lot of people's lists.

Boarding ships and piracy was a huge source of fun in X3.
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Post by Obvious_Quark » Sun, 11. Aug 13, 01:45

brucewarren wrote:^
| This
Why not have both?


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Post by randomuser » Sun, 11. Aug 13, 02:09

no thats not why i play x games.
i actually dont like the running around as a person and shooting things gameplay

what if you die?
if you can take out multiple enemies: why? are they stupid why arent they using the same tech like i do?

so a no for that

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Post by Obvious_Quark » Sun, 11. Aug 13, 04:58

If you don't want to fight on foot, you've also got a spaceship! Send in your mercs/soldiers to do your bidding! Its all about choices.

Sandbox games are built on having options and different ways to do things. Different people will like different things, and some people like being able to choose how to tackle a situation.

What if you die in your ship? Is that any different?

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Post by DavidGW » Sun, 11. Aug 13, 05:08

randomuser wrote:no thats not why i play x games.
i actually dont like the running around as a person and shooting things gameplay

what if you die?
if you can take out multiple enemies: why? are they stupid why arent they using the same tech like i do?

so a no for that
If this was implemented, I see no reason it would be necessary to join your marines on every boarding attempt. It would need to just be as simple as possible, and basically be there to break up the space-sim gameplay with something different now and then.

Furthermore, I think if it was implemented, it would have to be done such that the player's participation is normally only equivalent to one or two mid-range marines. Enough to tip a close battle in your favour, but no soloing a station (unless marine equipment is upgraded to the point where one of your NPC marines could do the same).

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Post by Chris0132 » Sun, 11. Aug 13, 05:13

Perhaps not playing quake 3 inside space stations, but the ability to perhaps shoot someone would be a potentially valuable feature. In addition to being able to sabotage objects and suchlike.

It'd add a potentially neat assassination mission you could do on stations.

I think if there was to be any combat, it should perhaps be based around avoiding fights, bypassing hostile enemies with hacking and vent crawling, and using environmental traps and things triggered by consoles to clear enemies and affect the station as a whole.

It also might be easier than making a full FPS game that plays well.
Last edited by Chris0132 on Sun, 11. Aug 13, 05:24, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by RWolf » Sun, 11. Aug 13, 05:21

The chances of them doing a good job at incorporating indoor combat mechanics is so slim that its would only hurt the immersion rather than help it.

So no. Unless they license a game engine built around fps mechanics, it probably shouldnt happen. They should focus far more development resources on the universe and space ship aspects of the game.

Remember, Egosoft isnt Epic, Valve or Id. Their time and resources are limited and if they cant do a gameplay mechanic such as indoor combat well, it probably shouldnt happen.

Maybe in the future, but I would think its not worth getting into now.

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Post by Tommety » Sun, 11. Aug 13, 11:51

I'd be thrilled to have the option to become part of the raiding parties.

I mean, I found the capital ship raiding in the TC/AP a rather boring event, steering your ship to a dead corner (lord knows the Terran destroyers were just too easy) and then wait for the Marines to do their work, which was always a given if you sent a full crew of even half-trained marines.

But I agree, this would be a very new area for egosoft, so IF they decide to go with it, I'd like 'm to take their time with it and not rush it in.

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Post by Burneyx » Sun, 11. Aug 13, 12:02

I have voted "YES" for more options are always better!

An "no combat on ships and stations" button for those who don't like it and want to build up an industrial empire without disruption would be usefull!

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Post by frankestein » Sun, 11. Aug 13, 16:31

ohhhhhh come onnnnnn
this topic puts a big smile on my face :)
it's not like you see call of duty class missions on ace combat series or something....
you HAVE to leave the job to the job professionals .
these guys are 15-20 years space simulator veterans and no one could design a space game better than these guys but if they try too build fps aspects in this game they have 2 options :
1. hire a team of professionals = budget issues
2. do it themselves = and we have a god awful fps on our hands

you guys are just asking too much . leave them to do their good work and don't expect to have every genre in a single game .

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Post by Dexhii » Sun, 11. Aug 13, 17:32

I'd rather have them focus on the game they have to make that perfect instead of wasting time and money on a fps mechanic they haven't got any experience with.

Maybe as a DLC it would be cool but you can't go inside the ship yourself because if you die in the ship you're dead. bernd didn't want that. Maybe a boarding drone? or something like that would work. Pirates attacking our, would be too annoying, like in assassins creed where they would attack your hideouts and you have to do a tower defense segment, it can get tedious after a while.

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Post by Texhnolyzed » Sun, 11. Aug 13, 18:12

We should wait and see if they can actually make just walking around on stations and ships compelling, before we demand even more.

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