Suggested bug fix priority for x rebirth

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Suggested bug fix priority for x rebirth

Post by HowDoYouPurr » Sat, 16. Nov 13, 18:08

Ha they were right it was my cookies blocking me from putting on the technical forum go figure

There is 2 sets of bugs that make the game almost unplayable the trade bugs and the forced script missions that you cant seem to get out of. Altho it may be theoretically possible to just keep a second mission and set your ships priority to the second mission not the primary and have that script unload so you can play the game sandbox.

Actually make some money and get around the problem of what is presently working. But they have to fix the trading so badly its rediculous. soon as they do This game will easily become more popular then any game before it.

I know the fps bugs are annoying and make combat difficult is a polite way to put it because the ships movements to the targetting redicule are not smooth enough to aim properly making any large scale engagement a nightmare. The ships even when a swarm of them and your alone, not targetting you is sad beyond measure as they seem to do after you actually actively attack them.

You go from shooting practice for 9 year olds to no chance in hell to live. Pretty sad but they will fix the bugs I am sure but thats what I have notices so 3 sets of bugs actually.
If they fix the first 2 you can get the money to upgrade your ship and survive the combat by hiring actual fighting vessels to defend you til you can find the upgrades for the skunk so you can play the game

As if going for the sandbox merchant but no turrets at all on your initial ship that is the saddest joke when it comes to the x games. Every single other game you get that the most crap basic player ship in the previous games was the centaur which at least had 1 turret both sides and back and turned like a fat man with a boulder on his ♥♥♥ but it worked.

Every major player ship from the previous games had min 2 weapons in turrets left and right side and back and I do not picture any executive as the ship is supposed to be considered for would not have at least this much coverage for themselves. Reason simple they dont have any fighting skills of their own so being able to run and have turrets making it hard to chase you to kill you as you gracefully ran away was just the right way to do it.

Hell even the first trader ship you get if you look at the stats has the upgrade options for a TON of turrets on the damn thing but for some reason none on the player ship. Its a sad disgrace of a joke.

However with that being sad the option to have a full compliment of drones instead of the turrets. Once you have them you will become close to a god unstoppable but with the economy so broken and the forced mission scripts that you cant get out of, to get your economy running to a high enough level to get said drones with the seemingly broken trade menu's and ship trader ai. It is no real surprise that many consider this game ♥♥♥♥ed.

What I am listing is so standard I am surprised that no one else has listed it this so plainly for egosoft. """"""First priority""""""" fix the trade system for your npc ships along with the menu's being able to work while flying your ship. I listed above my order for what needs to be fixed in what order to make this game playable. so not going to repeat it. I am not going to stop playing your new game while we go from this """""false final game """"" open beta to the proper finished game. But I'm not going anywhere I HAVE FAITH IN YOU EGOSOFT. Make use Die HARD fans PROUD!!!! Thanks thats it

Sorry guys I fixed my post
Last edited by HowDoYouPurr on Sat, 16. Nov 13, 18:40, edited 2 times in total.

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Joined: Fri, 28. Oct 05, 16:31

Post by killerog » Sat, 16. Nov 13, 18:30

You need to clear your bowsers cache to prevent the forum from "resetting".

This also doesn't belong in the scripting forum so moving it to XRU.

Posts: 46
Joined: Thu, 22. Nov 12, 14:12

I was informed that its likely my computer

Post by HowDoYouPurr » Sat, 16. Nov 13, 18:31

and should reset cookies etc to post on the technical forum but I honestly believe that is a load of crap because click on it every time it resets you to the menu. Clicked on the script and modding forum instantly able to post. So nice try but I dont buy it. I appologize for my bad grammar in my post. It is definetly one of my weakness's when it comes to writing. So I appologize. But I still believe I listed the right order for what needs to get fixed. 1 trade menu's being able to work in the story driven game. I list this because i tried a sandbox start and no problems. 2 after the trade menus fixing the script for the energy cell mission so that way it will take the first 100 cells that are loaded on your ship and leave the rest. Simple script fix if you do that. 3 Yes you changed to add npc captains with different skill levels and I have no doubt that the captain it points you to that you can get for 10k is a 1 star captain for this easy work around if your 1 star captains if that is the case do not work and just sit there for insane amounts of time change the initial captain you can run into at least a 2 star captain so the trader uses that script which doesn't make your first captain the laziest son of a bitch this side of pluto. other way to fix this change the initial starting funds from 100k to 200k you get the other 100k from doing the first few missions and having 300k so even if you pick the first captain and he still sucks if you cant get around that will at least allow players to go find a second captain for your trader that doesn't suck monkey balls. If you can not change him with his stats from being in that mission if its his script that is the priority just before the energy cell mission (after you fix the trade menu while flying) get your co-pilot mention it say "Wow this guy sucks. You need to fire him and find a replacement." and add within the trade mission a need to fire and replace said captain with a better one. Simple a bit annoying but YOUR FANS will understand. seriously. Anyways a few suggestions on how to fix these problems I hope it helps



a die hard fan

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