Trading budget behaviour

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Trading budget behaviour

Post by ponsukeen » Mon, 8. Oct 18, 12:06

I sometimes see that my budget does not dencrease when making trade orders (ctrl+y) and i wonder... is it a bug somekind or the way traders take funds is not so direct.

Do they calculate money needed from your account after the profits of last runs (when assigning multiple runs at a time) or something? How does it work exactly? Should it always take funds according to investment?

If it is weird then ill try to test it further...
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Re: Trading budget behaviour

Post by TheDeliveryMan » Mon, 8. Oct 18, 13:39

The freighter captains take expected sales into account when calculating how much money they need from you.

Deal 1: buy for 200k credits, sell for 250k credits => trader takes 200k credits from your account
Deal 2: buy for 300k credits, sell for 400k credits => trader takes 50k credits from your account
Deal 3: buy for 375k credits, sell for 500k credits => trader gives 25k credits back to you when deal 2 is completed

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