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Posted: Sun, 11. Jan 15, 04:07
by NovaCameron
I fixed all the swarm and guided missiles.

0.875 Uploaded.

It seems that guided missiles require strafe and reverse movement. The missiles should preform excellent now. Destroyed a bunch of fighters with guided missiles. and bombarded a cap ship with cruise missiles to test. Actually watched a medium guided snake its way through a station no problem.

Edit: updated the Missile Data Dump with the new changes.

Posted: Sun, 11. Jan 15, 05:03
by NovaCameron
The Fields of Opportunity (aka the Teladi Outpost) has issues with my setup script and will not load it. Thus in the FoO there will be no arms dealers. The rest should be fine as they run from the original Setup script and not the Setup_Teladi_Outpost script

Egosoft changed the script and it is being a complete pain to update it.

I have no idea how to use the <patch> mechanism.

Posted: Sun, 11. Jan 15, 17:42
by NovaCameron
MAJOR UPDATE: Finally fixed the dealer issues. Some were pointing to another list that is nowhere to be found. I repointed them back to the standard list.

Supernova typo fixed.

Removed Teladi Outpost requirement.

Now with all bugs killed we can move back to adding things!

Posted: Mon, 12. Jan 15, 06:36
by JESS 246
Hi Hi NovaCameron

The update works a bit better the missiles are now hitting the fighters buy seams to be week against then and still the fighter can outrun some or stay out of range against the 2km ones.

I fire any lightweight missile at a fighter and it hardly do damage so i have to fire a lot but fire the same missiles at a cap ship and it seams to do more damage and thats odd that i can knock out a row of small turrets with one missile but can kill a fighter.

Can't fire the Supernova missile they wont launch it like the rack is empty.

Posted: Mon, 12. Jan 15, 18:20
by NovaCameron
Fixed and Fixed.

Updated to 0.91

Complete rebalance of missile speeds and times.
Even blast radii, which are balenced better,
Swarms are now really fast and have 2x more blast zone,
Swarms have the proper flytime formula applied,
Swarms have 2/3 the damage of the same level guided,
Stars have doubled their speed,
dumbfires now have proper flytimes and should explode at 2km and 4km as they should,
switched light and medium guided to 6km and 8km flytimes, (will update text next version)
light guided have 50% more blast zone,
added celestialhornets to drops,
reduced low level missile drop amounts,
Increased drop amount spread,
Removed low level missile drops from capital ships,
Supernova fixed
Novas are a bit faster (100ms) and have 50% more blast zone
Cruise missiles have completely rebalanced movement and blast zones

Updated Missile Data

Edit: Due to me updating this quickly I have uploaded it to Steam as well. Link in Main.

Edit2: Due to steam editing the ID and me editing the version paste this over the mod patch line in your save if you have an issue of the mod breaking the save:
<patch extension="ws_374182808" version="091" name="MoreMissilesMod"/>

I found wordpad worked best for some reason.

Posted: Tue, 13. Jan 15, 02:06
by JESS 246
Hi NovaCameron

Getting better my last test of update 9.1 all firing now keep the good work up.

Posted: Wed, 14. Jan 15, 04:41
by NovaCameron
I will update this in the morning if I haven't figured out missile trails by then. I rebalenced the damage values down and prices are... much higher for the lower ones and a bit lower for the higher ones. I will remove the higher HP mod recommendation. It is impossible to edit other extentions so any HP mods only affect the base game messing with the balance of other extentions. I also want to expand this to bring back the X3 laser weaponry at some point and other mods add ships that have some new weapons. So in the intrest of compatability and future expansions I have massively reduced the higher end missiles to bring them in line with vanilla. This had the side effect of tightening the damage range between missiles. Also means my Skunk Poppers warning will dissapear on missiles but remain in general as my missile HP tweaks are being tossed out. (I never logged it in the discription.)

It always bugged me that missiles were cheaper than a space suit. Which makes no sense in a government force monoply. Plutarch, the AF, Cantara should make missiles and guns hard to get. So now drops are even more lucrative/main source. But that also means you can more easily swap lower end ones for high end ones now that the prices are on a gradient by damage. Arms Dealers are more like missile swaps now. Also makes the Syndiate a more belivable force cause now they have a lore source of income for all those ships: Good Ole Gun Running.

Posted: Wed, 14. Jan 15, 09:41
by JESS 246
Hi NovaCameron

If you are doing any modding to the skunk roll this idea around where the skunk has single gun weapons how about doubling them up i'm getting cheesed of that every fighter that attacks has 2-4 guns and you swing around to fire back with 1 pulsemaster etc.

P.S. I still have to fire 2-3 sometimes 4 missile at a fighter before it destroyed that can't be right and yet fire the same single missile at a cap ship can take out row of turrets and thats with full shields. the power of some seams right but still speeds & ranges need to be tweaked as in a close fight i'm doing more damage to myself than the enemy.

Posted: Wed, 14. Jan 15, 12:12
by NovaCameron
Which missiles are you using in a close fight? Which missiles are the ones for which cap ship? I do actually feel subsystems are too weak HP wise. Which types are too slow? Each type has there own image so you should be able to tell them apart. (Some are having difficulty with that I know.)

If using light missiles then yes you will have to use a lot of them. Medium guided missiles can one shot most fighters but do not use them in a close fight as they have large blasts. Missiles are designed to supplement guns in a close fight not replace them. Is the issue in the amount of missiles? I did lowered the drop amount of the light and medium missiles, perhaps by too much since you do use a lot of them? Reload rate? I am actually dropping the fire rate of light dumbfires next version. Should I just increase the fire rate for light guided? (I probably should to get a slightly higher DPS than guns.)

(I actually halved the light amount and the number spread can result in lower numbers now.) I could double them back up. Fixing the supply issue.

Posted: Wed, 14. Jan 15, 18:02
by NovaCameron

Damage values rebalanced to be in line with vanilla.
Massively increased lower end prices.
Decreased high end prices.
Prices now on a gradient to help with missile swapping.
Prices based on a 500k 6mil Balor.
Damage based on a Balor.
Can fire two light guided missiles now.
Light dumbfire reload rate decreased.
Heave dumbfire reload rate tweaked.
Light Swarm reload rate decreased.
Light Swarm numbers and damage rebalanced for a 27k total.

Posted: Wed, 14. Jan 15, 18:05
by w.evans
But I just downloaded your last update, and didn't even get to play it yet!

Just kidding. Thanks for the update!

NovaCameron wrote:Light dumbfire reload rate decreased.
Heave dumbfire reload rate tweaked.
Just asking this question because it looks like you're working carefully on the balance: why? Only reason I could think to use a dumbfire over a guided missile is because it loads faster, and it's cheaper. And it works, sort of, immersion-wise because they don't have the delicate electronics the guided missiles do, and don't have to be initialized, and can be roughly shoved by the robotics into the launch pods. Did it simply reload too fast?

Posted: Wed, 14. Jan 15, 18:22
by NovaCameron
Ya, you simply get too much DPS. Dumbfires are used for their blast radii which are 3-2 times larger. Though the higher ones shrink to 1.5...

I will tweak them again. As well as tweaking the Medium guided reload rates a tad slower. (they are currently just below the lights...) I might just flat out halve the heavy dumbfire rates and squish the lights. But you can pop a balor in two volleys with nemeses and they are cheaper and easier to get now....

Edit: well easier to buy if you can find them. I am not happy with the drop rates yet.

Posted: Wed, 14. Jan 15, 18:27
by w.evans
Cool. I'll give it a try over the weekend.

ps. man, my sig is distracting. Sorry about that. Should probably think about cutting it.

Posted: Wed, 14. Jan 15, 23:52
by Spieler195583
Hey, I tried this mod (it really sounds fun) but neither with a new gamestart nor a save got it to work.
I sold all missiles as told in the description and then installed the mod, but although the new missiles are dropped and in the new game the traders sold them, I was unable to equip or switch between missiles. I stayed struck with one missile type and no ammo. In the ship's info section I still found the vanilla missiles. Any ideas what is causing this?
In case it helps here's my current mod list:
  • cleanSidemenu
    assault urv fix
    boarding options
    engineer 100
    safe squad join
    Show Skills
    Taranis redesign - extreme firepower

Posted: Thu, 15. Jan 15, 00:51
by NovaCameron
Sounds like something is conflicting with the skunk weapon layout. Not sure which causes it though cause I use most of those mods.

Posted: Thu, 15. Jan 15, 01:29
by w.evans
If it's any help, I know that the Boarding Options mod consistently overwrites Marine Rebalance. Since it happened even that one time when Boarding Options was updated ahead of Marine Rebalance, I don't think that the load order is defined by file date. Which leaves either version number, reverse alphabetical order, or something else entirely. (X3 mods were loaded in alphabetical order, weren't they? Was a while back.)

Assuming the folders of those mods on Spieler195583's list are named as they are on the list (I recognize a couple, and they look like folder names rather than mod names), then they should be above the moremissilesmod on that list.

Does anything there alter the player ship macros?

Posted: Thu, 15. Jan 15, 15:03
by Spieler195583
Yeah, these are the folders, but most of them match the mods' names, so I guessed it would be sufficient.
I didn't find any unit_player_ship_macro* in the other mods. I checked the *.cat files and the loose files.

Posted: Thu, 15. Jan 15, 16:08
by NovaCameron
Well, only one way to find out! Uninstall all non-required extentions, See if it works, if it does then install them back one at a time or a group at a time till it breaks, you found the one that breaks it. It is doesn't then keep removing required ones in a new game till it breaks.

And that is how you find a conflict! :)

Posted: Thu, 15. Jan 15, 19:11
by Spieler195583
What I've done and experienced:
I deactivated all mods and had steam check my local files.
Then I activated only your missile mod and started new games:
With free start it worked, but not the constrictor missiles.
With the empire builder start, I got no missiles except the constrictor.
With the argon mercenary start, I got no missiles except the constrictor.
After that I also deactivated the DLC, but the effect was the same.
All missiles were sold by weapons dealers but not every missile was equipable.
In the empire builder and the argon merchant I also found the vanilla missiles in the ships details tab.
Hope this helps, btw. I use the german version, any way it could conflict with that?
Might be useful if someone else could test this, too.

Posted: Fri, 16. Jan 15, 01:48
by NovaCameron
Huh... Didn't know about those two starts being different...
I will see what is causing the game to load old ships and not new ones.

The constrictor is in a kind limbo. I will remove it next patch.

Which EXACT missiles aren't equitable? If it isn't in the ship weapons list. You can't equip it. Period.

Also due to my failure to test it in a save (stupid) It is NOT save compatible. I am complicating a save edit list to those who want to remove it or add it to a save.

Edit: On second thought.... The wares are impossible to edit in the save... ._.
Edit2: I will continue to work on it.