[MOD] Entern mit Flottensupport (mehr Marines)

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Marvin Martian
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[MOD] Entern mit Flottensupport (mehr Marines)

Post by Marvin Martian » Mon, 2. Nov 15, 16:02


im Laufe dieses Themas ist die Idee entstanden neben der Skunk noch weitere Schiffe für den Transport von Marines für das Entern einzubinden und damit die Enterstärke zu erhöhen.
Der nachfolgende Mod ermöglicht es daher Marines von der Skunk zu in der Squad befindlichen Schiffen, welche freie Drohnenplätze haben, zu transferieren und natürlich zurück.

Bei einer Enterung werden dann Squadschiffe mit Marines berücksichtigt und von dort jeweils ebenfalls die Enterkapseln entsandt.

Es ist auch möglich Stationen zu entern, dazu muss aber der Enterbefehl per Konversation mit einem Gefolgsschiffkapitän gestartet werden.
Außerdem ist es Empfehlenswert die Verteidigung der Station zuvor außer Gefecht zu setzen (z.b. per HaaS ;))

  • 1.31 XR 4.30
  • 1.30 Überarbeitung der Flottenfunktion, Entern durch Flottenschiffe ohne Player Aufgaben *)
  • 1.22 DLC Fraktionen hinzugefügt
  • 1.21 Anpassungen XR400 B5
  • 1.20 Anpassungen XR400
  • 1.18 Bugfix und Verbesserungen
  • 1.17 Entern für andere Fraktionen (10Mio Reward für Stationen, Schiffe werden einfach vollständig repariert und als Ownerless zurückgelassen)
  • 1.10 Entern von Stationen möglich
  • 1.0 Initial Release
mm_enterwithfleet/ im Extention/ Verzeichnis von Rebirth löschen, wenn vorhanden und mit nachfolgendem Punkt "Installation" fortfahren

Entpackten Ordner mm_fsboarding/ ins Extention/ Verzeichnis von Rebirth kopieren

Marineoffizier ansprechen und "Truppen verlegen" wählen, es werden nur Schiffe mit Marines/freien Plätzen angezeigt.
Derzeit werden alle freien Plätze bzw. die maximale Anzahl Marines verlegt (in absteigender Reihenfolge Elite -> Rekrut)
Entern erfolgt wie gehabt
:arrow: um Stationen auszuwählen eine "Greife an" Konversation mit dem Kapitän eines der Gefolgsschiffe starten welches auch Marines an Board hat

*) um ohne den Player eine Enternung einzuleiten muss der MarineOffizier zu einem Schiff übertragen werden und der Entervorgang von diesem aus gestartet werden, der Spieler sollte dabei NICHT in der selben Zone wie Schiff und Enterziel sein (nach Start des Prozesses kann bereits in die Zone zurückgekehrt werden)
Das Schiff mit dem MO kann eigene Marinesoldaten haben oder muss untergebene Schiffe mit eben solchen besitzen, im Falle eigener Marines werden die Enterkapseln jedoch umgehend gestartet.
Wenn das (Mod)Klasse-M Schiff Styrmir nebst Squad verwendet wird, sollte diese am Besten am Träger angedockt sein, die AI wird alles erforderliche einleiten und nach abgeschlossenem Vorgang wieder andocken.

Mod deaktiveren,
aber möglichst nicht während einer laufenden Enterung, ggf. verlegte Marines zuvor auf die Skunk transferieren
Last edited by Marvin Martian on Tue, 4. Jun 24, 11:12, edited 14 times in total.

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Post by Marvin Martian » Fri, 6. Nov 15, 13:07

nun lassen sich Stationen entern, für den Eigengebrauch (wovon ich dann aber abraten würde, ist zu versuchen ein Konstruktionsschiff mit dieser Station zu verbinden, da dies sicher in die Hose geht :| - die Station also nur bedingt nutz- und reparierbar ist ohne weitere Mods),
oder für eine beliebige (nicht-DLC-) Fraktion (geht auch mit Schiffen, wenn man diese per Befehl angreift)

bei Stationen erhält man 10Mio Cr Finderlohn wenn man dies für eine Fremdfraktion macht und die NPC Fraktion betreibt diese dann auch weiter
bei Schiffen wird dieses aktuell nur vollständig repariert und dann Besitzerlos zurückgelassen (kann man dann ja erneut zum Eigengebrauch entern)

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Post by Rubini » Fri, 13. Nov 15, 22:58

Hi MM,
My native language is portuguese, so I will stay with english, ok?

I saw your post about this mod in the CWIR topic... Can you explain better what exactly it does?
- It allows to we board and conquer an enemy station now? If so, this is a very good news! :wink: :wink:
- What do you mean here : "optional for a selectable fraction (but have shortcuts for HOA,RC,PMC) "?
- If we board and conquer a station, what will happens with police and jobs directed for that station?
- only the player can board and conquer the stations or npc will do it too?

Thanks to any advice!

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Post by Marvin Martian » Sat, 14. Nov 15, 10:54


i try to take some screenshots in english, but "-language 44" as startparameter doesn't work well

so i try to explain
Rubini wrote:What do you mean here : "optional for a selectable fraction (but have shortcuts for HOA,RC,PMC) "?
[ external image ]
1 is you, 2+3 any fraction you choose(by 3, to start take 2), 4-6 are the predefined shortcuts
2 faction is a global.$var so you can't forget for who you fight for :P (set and forget)
Rubini wrote:- If we board and conquer a station, what will happens with police and jobs directed for that station?
i don't know what jobs you mean, as far i know, the NPC Stations have no assigned ships and Jobs of Jobs.txt should not related to a Station (yet) - anyway, i do not change anything
the police "drones" will be destroyed (as they not already before) in case after-boarding-owner is the player
if the new owner is an NPC fraction i simply do

Code: Select all

<signal_objects object="player.galaxy" param="'init station'" param2="$target"/>
like for an new scripted station, controlentitys are already destroyed by the vanilla boarding script
Rubini wrote:- only the player can board and conquer the stations or npc will do it too?
yes only the player can do this, yet
and no because boarding.xml try to be not related to the playership, but there a lot of positions the player have to interact with at the moment

the Marinerebalance remove the "destroy this", "hack that" Jobs already, best would be to overhaul the boarding.xml with some added

Code: Select all

chance="if player.primaryship.zone == $target.zone then 100 else 0"
but you can start the boarding trigger with an completly NPC ship, you only need a ship with Marines (at the dronebay) and an Marinecommander assigned as marine at this ship

here some screenshots
- start
- swarm boardingpods from one M-Class ship i created for this, i used 3 of them
- status message at boardingprocess
- success information (now go and pick up your Marine)
[ external image ] [ external image ] [ external image ] [ external image ]

The difficult thing at an fully scripted boarding might be to destroy the station defence
so it might better to hack them, because the pods get destoyed very quick
maybe you can do it by hacking with a random chance 0-100, so some turrets can be stay working and it is not directly a set-new-owner

i added some tweaks in my code so the boarder don't need to be the player, but here is some work to do at boarding.xml

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Post by icanfly » Mon, 16. Nov 15, 12:53

Hallo MM,

ich werde die Mod auf jeden Fall testen, in Kombination mit der [MOD] Station Engineers (http://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=377068) dürfte es auch für Spieler interessant werden.

Grüße icanfly

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Post by Marvin Martian » Mon, 16. Nov 15, 16:16

es ist auch jetzt schon hilfreich, wenn man bspw. die Stationen für eine Fraktion "rekrutiert" mit welcher man sich besser versteht als dem aktuellen Besitzer :wink:

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Post by Rubini » Thu, 19. Nov 15, 20:39

Hi MM,

Yesterday i made some tests with this mod (the 118v and the other one that you send me). It work well, very good work mate!
Here some doubts and comments (i test it on just one scenario, because sometimes boarding and mainly boarding a station needs very long time. So, excuse me and correct me if some comments below are about vanilla behaviour):

- I noticed that the player needs to have at least one marine inside Skunk to the option "move troops" stay disposable. So, if you transfer the troops (as the mod intend) you will end with zero marines, then you can't move any troop back because the menu is greyed out.

- If the drone bay is destroyed, the ships loses all marines inside, even if it was repaired later. This is a vanilla behaviour, ok. But as the player ships loses its drone bay in some seconds after any engagement i guess that we need a fix here (if possible)

- Also could be a good idea to make a small routine (if possible) to make the ships with marines approach the target a bit before release the marines. Sometimes they are very far from the target and the pods needs to fly a huge distance. Not a real problem, but just for immersion. Or vanilla already have a distance limit here?

Edited: have not tested the AI npc ships yet.

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Post by Marvin Martian » Thu, 19. Nov 15, 20:54

yes the transfer to Skunk needs an update

marines will be converted to welder drones (at the moment) in case there are no other place, but that requrieres also free space at the station URV-Launcher
maybe they should converted into items at the pocket of the Marineofficer

the follower ships are not commanded by the script it only launch the Pods, so it is required to self command them, in XR v4 you can send them to a point you like
after release the Pods it is best to send command of withdraw

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Post by Rubini » Thu, 19. Nov 15, 23:24

More feedback:

Now i boarded an enemy station for canteran (allied) and works ok too as intend. But i lose my Marine Officer (he was not killed in action, just dont returned to my ship neither stay on the "new" canteran station)...is to be this way?
marines will be converted to welder drones (at the moment) in case there are no other place, but that requrieres also free space at the station URV-Launcher
maybe they should converted into items at the pocket of the Marineofficer
Good idea! :D :D :D

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Post by Marvin Martian » Fri, 20. Nov 15, 00:35

normally you should get a marker to your marine,
but sometimes the marine will set to a dock that have no place for new "visible" NPCs
maybe you get your marine back when you leave the zone and came back a bit later
normal the decoration NPCs get deleted when you OOZ, but your marine will stay, then you can call him over the "service personal" method back to skunk, or will find him hat the plattform because he move up in the population-hierarchy

for that case is Show Me Your Faction, Please! useful

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Post by Rubini » Fri, 20. Nov 15, 14:20

Thanks by the tips. Found him (marine officer) on the "service personal" list. A good idea is to know his name before start the board for another faction. Then will be easy to find him on the list above. Anyhow could be a good touch to try to make this automated by code. Is this possible?

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Post by Marvin Martian » Fri, 20. Nov 15, 16:33

on the NPC boarding process the Officer will directly placed back on his ship, but this is vanilla behavor to stay at the boarded object, i simply don't change it, but it won't be a houge thing

just change md/boarding.xml (of the modfile)

Code: Select all

<add sel="//cue[@name='Success']/actions/do_else/do_if/do_if[@value='$target_dock']" type="@chance" >$isplayerprocess * 100</add>

Code: Select all

<add sel="//cue[@name='Success']/actions/do_else/do_if/do_if[@value='$target_dock']" type="@chance" >if $isplayerprocess and not $target.isclass.station then 100 else 0</add>

maybe it would be possible to start the recall with Pod at the end of boarding, but that would have the vanilla Problem, that the Marine sitting in the Back but is not marked as boardingNPC, that may confusing too

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Post by Rubini » Fri, 20. Nov 15, 18:42

Marvin Martian wrote:on the NPC boarding process the Officer will directly placed back on his ship, but this is vanilla behavor to stay at the boarded object, i simply don't change it, but it won't be a houge thing

just change md/boarding.xml (of the modfile)

Code: Select all

<add sel="//cue[@name='Success']/actions/do_else/do_if/do_if[@value='$target_dock']" type="@chance" >$isplayerprocess * 100</add>

Code: Select all

<add sel="//cue[@name='Success']/actions/do_else/do_if/do_if[@value='$target_dock']" type="@chance" >if $isplayerprocess and not $target.isclass.station then 100 else 0</add>

maybe it would be possible to start the recall with Pod at the end of boarding, but that would have the vanilla Problem, that the Marine sitting in the Back but is not marked as boardingNPC, that may confusing too
Yeah! That small change works! Now the MO goes back safely as it must be! Thanks mate!

About recall pods, well, this was an old desire from the community never made by devs. As you is already at the "theme" perhaps you achieve to do it. Crossing fingers!

2 more words:
- I will start now to test the npc board in 1.20b. I made a small routine that create a small npc faction invasion force (with marines obviously) at my choose anywhere/anytime, so this really makes the test thing much more easy and productive.
- I already said that this mod is just terrific? The script is very well done and it can open a new page on conquer side of the game. Thanks again mate! :thumb_up: :thumb_up: :thumb_up:

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Post by Marvin Martian » Fri, 20. Nov 15, 18:56

take a look into boarding.ship

basically the ship will do the boarding job and then "go explore" :o simply to prevent us for a fleet of useless ships

but you can also set a targetzone by parameter or if it is a Job, the new jobzone and then the ship should go to board the next possible target (as long it has marines, otherwise "go explore")

in case you set a commander for the ship, you have the option to start escort this ship/patrol station after the boarding job is done

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Post by Rubini » Mon, 23. Nov 15, 21:52

Hi MM,

Just an update on my feedback.
Well, all is working now with few comments:
1. I made a new file (adaption of vanilla boarding.xml) just for non player (npc factions) board ships. This way its not needed anymore to dig the entire boardind.xml and all its possibles mods (mods like marine rebalance, board options mod, etc) to adjust it for all possible scenarios. So now all is working correctly and also this way - with a dedicated script - its more easy to adjust board calc (attack strength, marine fight, loses etc) or any other detail for this situation.
2. The 1.20x boarding.ship aiscript have some issues when moving the npc troop ship (boardingship). Sometimes, if enemies are present at same zone, these ships will go more and more far way (withdrawing more and more from enemies) and when the board is finished they are very far from boarded station...suggestions: make the max distances on the calc lower and/or come back to dock at station using boost if distance is for example more than 15km away. Or just use another approach to move them, not using the "go for the opposite direction" script. It is very good but can lead frequently for the situation described above..

Edit: Im always using last marine rebalance mod from nexus. (then no other mod that changes boarding.xml) . XR 3.61

Edited 2: The "jobmainzone" lead me an error on the debug and I did not found any reference to it on vanilla xml or xsd. Like here on boarding.ship.xml:

Code: Select all

<set_value name="$targetzone" exact="this.ship.jobmainzone"/>
More later!


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Post by w.evans » Sat, 19. Dec 15, 20:17

debuglog wrote:[General] ======================================
[=ERROR=] Cannot match path '//cue[@name='CheckTargetState']/actions/do_elseif[@value='PreScan.state == cuestate.waiting and $scannerdroneexists and not $skipscannerdrone']' in patch file 'extensions\mm_fsboarding\md\boarding.xml'. Skipping node.
[General] ======================================
[General] ======================================
[=ERROR=] Cannot match path '//start_conversation[@conversation='BoardingSupport_Started_Conversation']' in patch file 'extensions\mm_fsboarding\md\boarding.xml'. Skipping node.
[General] ======================================

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Marvin Martian
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Post by Marvin Martian » Sun, 20. Dec 15, 09:11

what versions do you use?
XR400 B4 HF3 and FsB 120(dev) should not make problems
i added the 1.20 now on startpost

do you have other mods that change boarding.xml besides marinerebalance 0.49?

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Post by w.evans » Sun, 20. Dec 15, 10:46

4.0 B4 HF3 with 120(dev). Marine Rebalance installed. I sometimes have Boarding Options installed as well, but not when I checked the debug log and spotted that.

edit: Oh! Just spotted incompatibility with Marine Rebalance:

<replace sel="//cue[@name='CheckTargetState']/actions/do_elseif[@value='PreScan.state == cuestate.waiting and $scannerdroneexists and not $skipscannerdrone']/@value">$cprescan and $scannerdroneexists and not $PreScanDone and not $PreScanFailed</replace>

Hm. I could make MR optionally dependent to yours so that you could put your change in before I do.

edit 2: That's strange. You've already accounted for the change in MR:

<add sel="//cue[@name='CheckTargetState']/actions/do_elseif[@value='PreScan.state == cuestate.waiting and $scannerdroneexists and not $skipscannerdrone' or @value='$cprescan and $scannerdroneexists and not $PreScanDone and not $PreScanFailed']" type="@chance" >$isplayerprocess * 100</add>

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Post by Cappy1401 » Sun, 20. Dec 15, 16:18

Nur eine kleine Idee nebenbei von mir. Es löst das Problem das ein Schiff nutzlos ownerless zurückbleibt.

Die eigentliche Idee:

Randomausswahl beim erstellen der Mission, was nach dem kapern mit einem Schiff geschehen soll.

Möglichkeit 1:

Schiff wurde erfolgreich gekapert.
Spieler holt Marineoffi an Bord der Skunk, was durch ein Script überwacht werden kann.
Das Schiff wird dann per Script der Auftragsfraktion zugewiesen und repariert.
Es bekommt Lasten-URV, eine Besatzung und wird dann dem Manager einer Station der Auftragsfraktion zugewisen.

Zweite möglichkeit

Spieler bekommt das Schiff als Bezahlung.

Wie bei möglichkeit eins.
Nachdem das Schiff repariert, Lasten-URV und eine Mannschaft hat, wird der Spieler zum Besitzer gemacht und das Schiff seiner Staffel hinzugefügt.
So muss der Spieler das Schiff nicht unnötig erneut kapern, denn er muss es ja erneut fast zu schrott ballern, was unsinnig ist.

Gruß Cappy1401
Jedes Kriegsschiff, das unsere Werften verlässt, jedes abgefeuerte Geschütz bedeutet letztlich einen Diebstahl an denen, die sich nicht wehren können, nämlich an unseren Kindern. Eine Welt bewaffnet bis an die Zähne feuert nicht nur gebündelte Energie allein. Sie feuert auch oft genug die Hoffnung ihrer Kinder nutzlos in den Weltraum hinaus. Doch hin und wieder lässt man uns keine Wahl, dann jedoch besteht jede Salve aus der geballten Hoffnung das endlich wieder Frieden herrscht.

Der Amazone

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Post by Dreamwind » Mon, 21. Dec 15, 21:24

Please can you post Instructions on how to use this mod and what it does in English plz.

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