To the devs: Wishlist for XRVR - Post your wishes here.

Feedback and information for X Rebirth VR Edition

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To the devs: Wishlist for XRVR - Post your wishes here.

Post by dertien » Tue, 1. Aug 17, 01:45

Pretty Please (if possible):

- Smaller Icons on the stations and the ships, also thinner carets around the fighters.
- Old original cockpit (done)
- Option to not show (render) game on screen to save resources.
- Move pilot viewpoint / chair backward for a more natural ergonomic view of the slideout-monitor in the cockpit.
- A less talkative Yisha in the co-pilot seat preferably moddable by extensions.
- Replace the currnent comms 'Dialog Menu' with someting akin to the 'Quick Menu'. (Y)
- Use the red/white pointer in the Oculus in order to activate circular menu choices.

See post 3 for details: ... 00#4669700
Last edited by dertien on Thu, 3. Aug 17, 12:43, edited 8 times in total.

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Post by eMYNOCK » Tue, 1. Aug 17, 04:14

my two cents:

- re-open the Station interior Doors (at last on Player owned Stations)

- Yisha can stay in the Backroom but please relocate her... always standing around isn't healthy.

- re-enable Coms and trades in the Com Link

(it is a waste of time to find Traders in that Menu when you have to search every Docking Platform via Zone Map / Station Overview manually.)
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Franc Kaos
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Post by Franc Kaos » Tue, 1. Aug 17, 07:04

Big ask here:
1) relocate the right side screen to pop up as overlay in front of you (maybe a holographic display?), as the thrusters stop anyway when the screen displays and give us mouse control - or it really needs to be bought forward quite a bit to stop neck ache. I can't recall, but originally did the camera snap to the screen since we spent quite a bit of time on it, maybe that's an option?

Then make the live elements bindable or numbered (like the dialogue options), no more than 8 tho' or I run out of bindable options :). It does react to some menu inputs (page down, left & right, execute) but it doesn't seem very intuitive or flow well - also, kill the MS controller icons on the bottom 4 buttons.

When I originally played this it was with a controller, it's a real joy to fly with a proper HOTAS, so thanks!

2) Which reminds me, no central notch on the X56 so only forward thrust would be a nice option, with an option for button to reverse. I kinda got it working but pressing any button on the throttle might cause you to move forward or back accidentally, not ideal.

3) Mouse control for platform movement, pretty please :)

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Re: To the devs: Wishlist for XRVR - Post your wishes here.

Post by Sparky Sparkycorp » Tue, 1. Aug 17, 08:12

dertien wrote: - Smaller Icons on the stations and the ships, also thinner carets
Please could you post your display settings and monitor native resolution to help put this into context?

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Post by dertien » Tue, 1. Aug 17, 13:02


Sure thing: Native resolution on my monitor is 1920 x 1080. It's a laptop. I set the ingame resolution on the lowest setting 1280x720 in a window with mouse bound to it under mouse options. My reasoning for this is that I assume XRVR behaves in the same way as Elite Dangerous. The lower you set the resolution setting at, the less high resolution the 'on screen' steroscopic render is, since nobody looks at the screen and the less resources it gobbles. In ED the resolution of the screen can be set as low as 800x600 or even 640x480 which is also what I have set it to in that game. Not sure if the stereoscopic rendering sucks up more resources than a single render, resources that are all lost instead of being used by the VR headset.


- Yisha can come back to the copilot seat as long as she keeps her trap shut. I can then swap her out with one of Yorrick's creations.

@Franc Kaos:

1) Yes definitely getting an ache in the neck from this: What they could do is simply move the pilot viewpoint (and the seats - both Yisha's and Ren's) a couple of inches back as to get a different and more reasonable view angle on the slide out monitor.

Also, the menu is a mix of 3 different UI flavors. Why not do away with the immersion breaking 6+A menu and just use the regular one with the slideout monitor, as it is done in Elite Dangerous with a tabulator? There is also an unused monitor up on the top right side of the cockpit which is screaming to be used.

2) Controller wise, have you tried flying with Assist Off?

- In the Axis settings (analog) unbind any control related to Thrust.
- Bind 6 digital keys to the 6 thrusters:

Strafe left & right, Strafe up & down, Thrust foward & back. I have this setup on my CH flight stick and Throttle.

- Bind one key to all stop.

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Post by w.evans » Tue, 1. Aug 17, 19:34

dertien wrote:immersion breaking 6+A menu
Do you maybe have your Main Menu set to Legacy? If we're talking about the same thing (that radial menu with the blue numbered options?) they only appear for me in conversations. Main Menu set to Sidebar.

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Post by dertien » Tue, 1. Aug 17, 21:15

No, I have it set up to "Sidebar". Yes it's the legacy menu I'm talking about that pops up when you select a 'comms' option. I feel they could have streamlined and ironed out the way the GUI system is set up. The game itself is great, but the menus are tedious, and a pain to setup. Elite Dangerous has more controls than XR, but its GUI is brilliant in it's simplicity.

There is a yellow circular Quick Menu (which is superb), and a blue Abilities Menu (drone control), they could have added a green menu with the same visual style to deal with communications; it would also open up more than 5 options and a 'close' button. Or even more intuitive just 1 circular menu that opens up and lets you choose between 'Quick menu', 'Drone Control' and 'Comms' which then opens up the related quick-menu style circular menu or sends you off to the slideout monitor.

If your comms can be done via the slideout monitor screen, not sure why this 'legacy' menu is required.

For example: when you click a ship in your property screen list, you can choose to communicate with it, or give it orders.

If you click comms [keyboard 2], you get the 'legacy' menu, and if you click orders [option 4] you remain on the monitor and give orders there.

It's not only confusing to new players, but the menu system feels like a collage of different GUI's that all do their own thing, but nothing unified in particular. At the moment I have 4 buttons that each open up their own respective menu. That's three too much IMHO.

The only full menu is the Sidebar one which does a great job in conjunction with the slideout monitor.

Another missed opportunity is to use the HMD mousepointer (the white/red dot you see wherever you look) to make a selection, instead of using a joystick; at least in the Quick Menu and the Drone Control Menu where the gui options are icons and can be easily selected that way.

I understand that this is a VR 'testbed' for X4, and that EGO might be thinly stretched for manpower and focusing on X4 development, but I doubt that creating a unified GUI based on either the 'Sidebar' or 'Quick menu' style in conjunction with the existing slide-out monitor would require an unsurmountable effort from their part. Besides, the framework is there, they just need to add the options to the existing Quick Menu GUI.

Apologies for the long rant!

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Franc Kaos
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Post by Franc Kaos » Tue, 1. Aug 17, 23:54

There is a yellow circular Quick Menu (which is superb), and a blue Abilities Menu (drone control), they could have added a green menu with the same visual style to deal with communications; it would also open up more than 5 options and a 'close' button. Or even more intuitive just 1 circular menu that opens up and lets you choose between 'Quick menu', 'Drone Control' and 'Comms' which then opens up the related quick-menu style circular menu or sends you off to the slideout monitor.
Yea, I like this idea, simplify the menu (but still has the depth of the sidebar), and it's also elegant. I must admit to liking the monitor, it fits in with the aesthetics of the ship, but kill the sidebar with fire :) and make with the mouse pointer when in monitor mode (or at least offer it up as an option).

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Post by Sparky Sparkycorp » Thu, 3. Aug 17, 00:02

dertien, thanks for the detailed system info.

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Post by rboerdijk » Thu, 3. Aug 17, 00:42

Funny nickname, "dertien" is the dutch word for the number '13'... coincidence?

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Post by dertien » Thu, 3. Aug 17, 01:46


You are very welcome!

@ rboerdijk

Nee hoor makker, geen toeval.

It's not my age... although I wish that sometimes, but I adopted it as my lucky numbera loooong time ago due to XIII being my favorite comic series.

Yours is funny too, sounds South African, or Dutch or Belgian.



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Post by rboerdijk » Thu, 3. Aug 17, 08:28

@dertien: Haha, Nederlanders zijn overal te vinden :)

Hoop dat je het spel leuk vindt.
Bedankt ook voor je UI-feedback, zal ervoor zorgen dat het iig de juiste persoon bereikt.

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Post by dertien » Thu, 3. Aug 17, 12:42


Ja, het spel is super; bedankt hiervoor de UI kan nog wat finetuning gebruiken. :)

I'm loving the game on Oculus, will test with the VIVE some time next week.

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Post by Tanall » Thu, 3. Aug 17, 13:20

My wishlist item: Replace the hangar on your capital assets with a bridge. Even if it doesn't have any added functionality, it would just feel better for us fleet commander types rather than giving orders from the hangar.
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Post by netshaman47 » Wed, 29. Nov 17, 12:09

Yes the "broken neck ache " is a real issue with the side screen, it needs to be tweaked because it is a real pain physically spoken ^^
And please reintroduce a real landing sequence* , because it is an immersion breaker in the actual state, * allow us to manually land on a platform , is it resource consuming to add this ?

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Post by Ringo7 » Wed, 3. Jan 18, 17:35

PLEASE! When on platforms, allow snap left/right turning like most other VR games do to avoid motion sickness.

Not sure why you guys keep ignoring this simple request as people are asking for it even in the Oculus Home Reviews. It's making people sick. Being a developer myself, I know it can be done with like 3 lines of code.

Please add this option! Thanks

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Post by profanicus » Fri, 5. Jan 18, 22:20

Here are a couple of things that stood out for me after some great VR sessions the past few days. Loving it! I'm flying with Oculus Touch, gesture controls, using right stick as targetting:
  • I'd like to be able to switch between scanners directly, without first having to turn the active one off.

    Also remove that period where you have to wait for the voice to finish telling you scanners are off before you can do anything else (I guess this happens with every voice sample, would be great in general if you weren't locked out of the game while waiting for these to finish playing).

    A shortcut to exit the map quickly - like long-press on B (back) button or something. (edit: have bound left stick click to 'exit menu', which helps)

    Maybe an option to just use the front view overlays instead of the side view map panel, since you can't do anything while it's open anyway (and make the overlays bigger).

    Toggle off option for 'movement in the direction you're looking' when in first person on platforms.

    When resting my finger on X or Y, it often registers as a capacitive touch on the left faceplate and resets my view (usually when I'm using the map) Maybe don't reset the view if you're also touching X or Y?

    Throttle should work without needing to initiate press from zero state - i.e. reverse makes me go backwards even if still holding accelerate, but then when I release reverse accelerate should still be recognised as being held down and ship thrust forward again. And vice versa.

    Holding up/down in menus should work, shouldn't need to move stick up/down repeatedly to navigate them (same way holding left/right to set amounts works). (edit: have bound grip buttons to 'page up/down', which helps)
Thanks for a great game.

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