Pirates a little silly?

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Pirates a little silly?

Post by AdmiralTigerclaw » Thu, 13. Dec 18, 17:41

Noticed this behavior, and it always annoys me when I encounter it in a game, because it's the same thing I encountered in elite.

And that's silly omniscient pirates.

That being, that I fly around for hours without pirates bothering me because I have no cargo. Then, suddenly, the moment I'm moving some engine parts to get ships moving again, I've got a pirate 35 km away calling me on the comms.

"Let's see what you have in your cargo..."

"Mate, I'm doing 4 km/s in a nodan and you're 40 km out. So go bother-"

"Oh, that cargo looks nice. Drop that cargo!"

"How the blue-blazes did you do a freakin CARGO SCAN from 40 km away when I'm literally doing Mach 11? And where can I get some scanners like that? Because I'm sick of doing scans from spitball distance."


This kind of behavior is always immersion-breaking and needs a fix. Pirates should obey the laws of in-game physics too. I found this behavior annoying in Elite as well, when you can fly around unmolested for hours because your bay was empty, then the moment you have cargo, the AI drops all kinds of enemy on you.

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Re: Pirates a little silly?

Post by ZombiePotatoSalad » Thu, 13. Dec 18, 17:55

*pirates scan hold, find biowaste*

"That cargo looks valuable, drop it now!"
The Teladi are known for creating a standardized currency, ship insurance, and insurance fraud.

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Re: Pirates a little silly?

Post by Runner » Thu, 13. Dec 18, 18:02

Dude, they're pirates, you know? They be drinkin' with their mates on that station where you bought your carge, so they know ye carryin' it! no need to scan.
About the bio waste though - no idea... Maybe drinkin' too much, and not listenin' enough :)

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Re: Pirates a little silly?

Post by ApoxNM » Thu, 13. Dec 18, 18:03

I agree.

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