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{Feature requests} (-: Do more with cargo instructions

Posted: Wed, 24. Apr 24, 09:49
by Mr.Killer
Hi there,
I was doing a shooting on a station when a lot of cargo got dumped, while a battleship is not that keen in keeping bulk cargo, I addressed a cargoship to pick up drops.
Now, would it be nice to have a set of instructions to give this cargoship like:
- Pick up drops - trade them at station {name of station}
- Pick up drops - trade them at demanding stations {any station in reach} until drops are gone.

Something in that genre, I find this a very nice and actually a missing feature that makes controlling cargo while battle is on, very distracting.
So I hope this will be a feature that can be approved.

Re: {Feature requests} (-: Do more with cargo instructions

Posted: Wed, 1. May 24, 10:38
by Mr.Killer
I often see cargo floating around and noone is interested in picking this up (I try often after attacking a station, shooting its buildstoragein phases so my cargoships can pick up and sell, pickup and sell), so why not make pilots aware, if they have the space onboard, to take a little detour to pick this up, it is free, costs just a little bit of time(current AI takes for sure its time) and it gains money, or saves money.

Re: {Feature requests} (-: Do more with cargo instructions

Posted: Wed, 1. May 24, 11:05
by charlie1024
At least I agree because current dropped cargo is hard to manage.

Especially, from destroyed storage modules, it is practically hard to get the all of the cargos because of many limitations from the X4 command system.

Actually that kind of cargos are like 'loots' to the attacker, but for current system we are very hard to get these loots, so we cannot get any amends by destroying storages. So, destroying stations is just destroying stations. No any of amends.

These kind of scavenging could help the war economy, actually some factions are based on this kind of concept, isn't it? (Recycling)

On the current system, we can salvage. Wish we can scavange from storage wrecks as well. Or, at least how about we can instruct AI ships to use container magnets when getting containers from the empty space.