[5.10 HF3] BUG - Kromancketslat monologue cut short (longer than time available)

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[5.10 HF3] BUG - Kromancketslat monologue cut short (longer than time available)

Post by Sparky Sparkycorp » Tue, 23. Aug 22, 11:49

After we first meet Kromancketslat at the Derelict Station in Lasting Vengeance, we following him into Cardinal's Redress.

While Kromancketslat is flying within Cardinal's Redress towards a Defence Station, Dal Busta starts a conversation with Kromancketslat.

In my game Kromancketslat arrives at the Defence Station before he finishes speaking a sentence of dialogue seen in the subtitles. At which point Kromancketslat stops that sentence and begins speaking a new one that was probably triggered by arrival at the station.

Unfortunately I could not reproduce this with a save+reload. Perhaps reload one of the following happened:

- Kromancketslat could have disengaged travel drive earlier, giving more time for talking.
- Dal might have started the conversation sooner.

Here is the save in question in case of help:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IFUetn ... sp=sharing

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