Attaching S/M fabrication bay to one station completely ruined trade

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Attaching S/M fabrication bay to one station completely ruined trade

Post by SpacePhantom » Fri, 5. May 23, 18:59

I am at my wits end with this issue.

I have several factories organised generally by the production tier in Argon Prime. So Refinery, Hi-Tech and Ship-Tech. Plus Trade Station that is supposed to take and sell excess. All of this worked beautifully, up until the moment I've attached S/M Fabrication bay to my ship tech factory.

Nothing is moving anymore. Hi-Tech sits there with production chocked, while both trade station and Ship-Tech are in need of wares, traders are just sitting there doing nothing. Just prior to the save state ship-tech basically ran out hull parts, while at the same time production on the hi-tech station was chocked.

Should I make S/M Fabrication into a separate station? Because it seems that everything is completely borked because of it.

I've attached a link to the save game. I really hope someone can offer explanation on what is going on.

Game is un-modded, latest steam release with all expansions. So should be 6.0 HF2 ...

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