Velocityone Flightstick

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me too0
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed, 3. Apr 24, 16:23

Velocityone Flightstick

Post by me too0 » Fri, 12. Apr 24, 11:16

Hello there, I am a german longterm player, started with X2.
Love to flight with joystick.
I am using the VelocityOne Flightstick on SteamDeck.
In Desktop-Mode it is recognized by SteamOs, despite in Steam there is only the generic xbox controller setup possible.
Tried much to run.
What works for full controll with Version 6.2 is switching in Steam to Linux Native and download the nonsteam startfile for linux.

So everything works fine.

But in 7 beta it´s like sisiphus. Only generic xbox controller setup possible. SteamOverlay deactivated, right position ingame up in the settings,
but failed.

I hope for version 7 there will be a nonsteam exe for linux too.

Or has anyone an idea, how to setup the VelocityOne Flightstick right on SteamDeck with all functionalities?

Best Regards to all Pilots


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