Xenon Hub plot choice query (Spoilers)

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Xenon Hub plot choice query (Spoilers)

Post by Scoob » Sun, 23. Oct 22, 16:17

Hey all,

So, I've just done the Xenon HUB plot, choosing to side with the Pirates this time. However, upon doing so, while two of the gates are indeed connected to Pirate sectors, with the remaining ones Paranid, I take a MASSIVE rep hit with the Pirates for doing what they asked. Is this some sort of bug? I'd leveraged Diplomacy option to be on very good terms with the Pirates - part of my future role-play plan for the sandbox element of the game - yet that's been ruined. Conversely, selecting any option EXCEPT the Pirate option, sees my high standing preserved.

What's the deal here?

Edit: Yeah, this is totally broken. Even when I do pick an option that preserves my high standing with the Pirates, as soon as I go out into the rest of the Universe, pirates are all hostile. Worse than the sandbox start, where Pirate standing is negative. Note: I'm well aware that you might still get the odd Hostile Pirate even when rank is good. However, in my recent experience - current Sandbox game - any hostile Pirates went away as the player's standing with them increased. I've literally got the highest standing with the Pirates I've managed, yet most of their combat ships are red. Yet any pirates in those starting sectors were friendly.

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Re: Xenon Hub plot choice query (Spoilers)

Post by Hwitvlf » Sun, 23. Oct 22, 18:58

By 'hostile' do you mean that the pirates were tagged red, or do you mean your reputation rank went down. Pirates seem to be different than other races in that if you have a high reputation-rank, they can still be hostile when you enter a new pirate sector. This was true in AP as well.

If your reputation rank is high enough, you can usually fix it by sending a ship into the hostile sector remotely (aka you're OOS) and then viewing the 'info' panel on the ship. For whatever reason, this seems to force a re-check for the Friend-Foe settings of all ships in the sector. It doesn't work on enemies that have been attacked/targeted by one of your ships.

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Re: Xenon Hub plot choice query (Spoilers)

Post by Scoob » Sun, 23. Oct 22, 22:29

Thanks for the reply.

I'm aware of how Pirates can be a bit X2 sagt Bussi auf Bauch, but when one is near top-rank with them there should not be so many that are red. It's like the game hadn't updated their standings as I improved it over time / the rest of the Universes Pirates were locked at default levels. Regardless, I've been a far lower rank and had far far less hostile Pirates. These Pirates were also aggressive, targetting me the moment they saw me. Quite often, if your standing with them isn't too bad, even a Hostile Pirate will leave you alone.

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