X3 IS X2 but a bit more colourful

General discussions about the games by Egosoft including X-BTF, XT, X², X³: Reunion, X³: Terran Conflict and X³: Albion Prelude.

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Post by antman112 » Wed, 14. Dec 05, 16:10

wow man you guys relly have low oppans of X3

i see the same stuff as X2

iv not played X2 in all the time X3 been out coz of how good it is
and i find no difface like restarting X2 but with extra goodys

i dont know how you think its X0

mad all of you thats all i can say :lol:
sorry of any spelling mistakes

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Post by g04tn4d0 » Wed, 14. Dec 05, 16:13

antman112 wrote:wow man you guys relly have low oppans of X3

i see the same stuff as X2

iv not played X2 in all the time X3 been out coz of how good it is
and i find no difface like restarting X2 but with extra goodys

i dont know how you think its X0

mad all of you thats all i can say :lol:
Apparently you don't do much when you play them. I suppose if you are just flying around shooting at things, then X3 would seem superior and bugfree...

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Post by Dunners » Wed, 14. Dec 05, 16:15

One of thwe things that irritated me with both X2 and X3 is the lack of interaction in the game with your status.

I had 300 factories, over 40 destoyers, had eliminated the Arogn, but there was never any mention of this, no interaction. I could take on a pirate with four destoyers and get "do you know who you are messing with" how ridiculous, if it had said "oh my God its you!!" and legged it then that is the ineraction I am taking about.


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Post by antman112 » Wed, 14. Dec 05, 16:21

ncc386 wrote:
antman112 wrote:wow man you guys relly have low oppans of X3

i see the same stuff as X2

iv not played X2 in all the time X3 been out coz of how good it is
and i find no difface like restarting X2 but with extra goodys

i dont know how you think its X0

mad all of you thats all i can say :lol:
Apparently you don't do much when you play them. I suppose if you are just flying around shooting at things, then X3 would seem superior and bugfree...
lol dont do much

build facs

in fact i dont like fighting in it that much but it is fun ween pirates attack you (in X2 thay just fly past you in X3 thay do attack you like real pirates do)
sorry of any spelling mistakes

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Post by Stuie66 » Wed, 14. Dec 05, 16:32

New to the X-Universe after seeing some nice screenies of X3 somewhere.

However, having seen several threads like this one, I bought a cheap copy of X2 off of ebay (along with a copy of KOTOR that I don't need :roll: ). Looking forward to playing that fully patched.
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Post by Myros » Wed, 14. Dec 05, 16:46

It is very clear now why they really canceled the planned expansion for X2 ... if they had released it then there really wouldnt have been ANYTHING new in X3 except for the pretty graphics ;p

Im enjoying X3, its like X2 only less so ;)


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Post by karvala » Wed, 14. Dec 05, 16:59

antman112 wrote:wow man you guys relly have low oppans of X3

i see the same stuff as X2
Um, wasn't that the original point? :? ;)

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Post by Urashima Keitaro » Thu, 15. Dec 05, 16:32

RJV wrote:
ncc386 wrote:
RogerL wrote:You must be kidding if you say X2's combat is better than X3's?
Well, yeah, that too. The combat in X3 is definitely better but apart from the superior mouse flight controls of X3, it's just a combat rebalance which can easily be duplicated in X2 in about half an hour of work.
And what about the aquaduct?

And the roads, don't forget the roads.

And the wine.

:twisted: MoM
Yeah, they were going to use cloths and meatsteaks to end up with an argon wine. Whatever happened to just fermenting potatoes? :roll:

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Post by NF » Thu, 15. Dec 05, 23:23

Geez, this has got to be the most intense flaming I've ever read. I've never tried x3, but if it's as bad as this thread suggests, I probably never will. X3 sounds more like an expansion pack to X2, rather than a new game. May it rest in peace in the game-stores until I find it a worthy buy...
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Post by Misinformed » Thu, 15. Dec 05, 23:40

This is more of highlighting X3's shortcomings rather than a flame, it may come off looking like a flame because of the sheer number of failings. It wont stop me playing the game, it will shorten the amount of time i spend playing it though.

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Post by ShadowStrike » Thu, 15. Dec 05, 23:50

X3 is a graphical update to X2... that’s about it. When companies release new games, even if they are based off the old ones, usually modify something. Officially the only thing that has really changed is the graphics engine, which is the cause for the majority if not all of the tech support problems for the game. They copy and paste pretty much every detail of their games from the previous versions. The sectors stay the same, the races stay the same (unless they add a new one). To me thats not making a new game... that's repackaging the same game with a new feature and charging full price for it. (Thank you gogamer.com for a cheaper than store price)

Apart from the graphics the game is totally run off of the scripting engine, which if you look deep into the coding of it, still bears the name X2. The curious thing about things they added to the scripting engine like the UT's (universe traders) is that it borrows it's entire existence from scripts put out by modders / scripters in x2.

The X games if anything are a palette, from which modders / scripters can make a decent game from. If you have no interest in modding or scripting and only want to try and run the game as it was released, you will be sorely disappointed.

Personally i'm having great fun creating a new universe from scratch. The systems are seperated into quadrants, each race holds a quadrant, and you can only get to another quadrant via a central corridor that is always in flux do to agressive race settings (everyone is at war), and pirates. The farther you push into another races quadrant the more protected it becomes, the more stations it contains, but the fewer raw resources (asteroids) available. You choose the race you want to side with, and basically play until you defeat the rest of the races.

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Post by ravinhood » Fri, 16. Dec 05, 00:17

Well this is my FIRST X series of the game, I'd known versions of games II, III's and even IV's are mostly graphics facelifts of all games anyways, and improvements and tweaks to the series. So, I never got the origional or X2, but, I figured X3 would be the cremedelacreme of the others combined, like CIV IV is the combining of all the others before it.

This game is GREAT. The graphics are awesome, but, I must say getting used to the combat interface after playing so much FREELANCER isn't easy. Went out and bought me a sweet joystick today and it's much better and much easier. Now, I just have to get used to using the console commands vs the easy and quick to use mouse switch (I ain't got room for a mouse and a joystick).

This has to be the hugest empire space builder I've ever seen. Just thinking about the future possiblities of all that I can and am going to have. And the dynamics of the economy is to just adore. Finally a game where the prices flucuate over time. And finally a game where I don't have to fight everytime I step out into space. Combat is fun n all but space empire building is much more fun for me.

Lol and I didn't even start with the storyline. Who cares they are always all the same, gotta save the universe from some idiot or space creatures.
I like the ranking system as well. Something to strive for and reach famedom another way.

I guess if it's like X2 then the X2 players feel ripped off somewhat, but, for someone just taking a look at this game system it's great, greatest space game ever. (Now, only if it had the easy space combat of FREELANCER) heh

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Post by Xaffax » Fri, 16. Dec 05, 02:33

I agree that the dogfights in X3 are better. But the mouse interface shoul;d be sent back to hell where it belongs. Stick and keyboard is al I want and need in space. Once your docked a mouse may be nice to flick through a decent menu structure.

What i hate most is that I have to use the mouse to target things and i miss target "closest to croshair".

Hell this game want's to make throw my mouse out of the window.

And if (BIG IF) if you do want to use a mouse. Right clicking on a target should give you a menu of options related to the target.Just like it does in windows. Double clicking or any mopuse movement should EVER engage the auto pilot.

But to be honest mouses in space are for wimps.
Xaffax out!
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Post by bman3500 » Fri, 16. Dec 05, 03:30

ncc386 wrote: X3 isn't X2 by a longshot. X3 has half the features of X2. It just has better graphics and controls. (and even the controls are controversial)

X3 is like X0... if you want an abstract comparism.
lol, please tell me how/what are the "half the features of X2" that X3 has somehow mysteriously taken out?

I think people are starting to overdramatic here. If, as everyone says X3 is X2 but prettier, how can that make it any less a game then X2 was? I mean by definition that doesnt make any sense. Now, X2 players being upset that there arent enough new features in the game, well thats different. I dont know what everyone expected form this rushed one year release, obviously one year isnt enough time for a small developer like egosoft to completely change a huge universe like the X Universe. Now whether they couldnt have at least added more features thats, yah I think so; but i see some posts that are asking for a ridiculous amount of changes in too small a frame of time.

Now, any people NEW to the X-Universe, please dont be scared by all these cries of doom for X3. If you never played X games, go get X3, its ok, it has superior graphics compared to X2 and gameplay wise (except for some variations) is the same, its NOT a step back, its just not that much of a step foward either. So please dont get X2 instead of X3, its NOT that horrible IMO. If you want to complain about X3 fine, but please stop giving the impression that somehow X3 is a worse game overall then X2, its not, and I think some new players reading this would get that impression from the way alot of people talk about the game.

Oh, and if somehow you think it is a step back, I would like to see you argue why. The stupid BBS mission crap that everyone talks about, thats such a stupid reason for calling it a step back....i for one hardly played BBS missions in X2, and i certainly didnt read the random board posts, it wasnt really a major part of the game IMO and certainly not something I would consider in evaluating the overall game.

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Post by Dgn Master » Fri, 16. Dec 05, 04:28

bman3500 wrote:Oh, and if somehow you think it is a step back, I would like to see you argue why. The stupid BBS mission crap that everyone talks about, thats such a stupid reason for calling it a step back....i for one hardly played BBS missions in X2, and i certainly didnt read the random board posts, it wasnt really a major part of the game IMO and certainly not something I would consider in evaluating the overall game.
Not trying to be argumentative here, but after playing every X game produced i for one have grown VERY tired of making an empire for the sake of just making an empire and in X2 i relied alot on the BBS to give me something to do most times.

I'm not much of a dogfighter (never could get the hang of it with a keyboard and mouse), and i use missules to kill everything now as i couldn't be bothered to wait the 2 hours for a pilot to bail.

The trading end of it is quite good, but as i said, i have done this exact same thing for numerous empires now.

IMO BBS was the only thing i personally was looking forward to and after reading some of the suggestions on devnet i was surprized to see it almost non-existant in X3.

To conclude although the BBS may mean less than squat to some, others here were REALLY looking forward to it. Although i don't believe that X3 is a step back as it has some new features, it also lost a few and is IMO not exactly a step forward!
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Post by AjRyder » Fri, 16. Dec 05, 09:07

DUNNO!!!! I had a very good friend in ROME you know. His name was biggus dickus! He had a wife you know. Her name was incontinetier....... You know the rest. I was build and now I can see AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!

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Post by AjRyder » Fri, 16. Dec 05, 09:09

I just hope this patch brings the game back to life!!!!! Im finding it very hard to find things to kill :twisted: hardley any pirates flying around. And I have not seen a KHAAK cluster for some hours now :cry:
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Post by SteveMill » Fri, 16. Dec 05, 11:13

bman3500 wrote:
I think people are starting to overdramatic here. If, as everyone says X3 is X2 but prettier, how can that make it any less a game then X2 was?
Because x2 had more features than x3.

Mobile mining to begin with. An economy that did not either grind to a halt without player input or rely on hacks like 'AI traders ignore massive profits in hi-tech so the player can make money,' cockpits, wide station design variety, different ship models for different ships, hawkeye rather than mr magoo draw distances in sectors so you could actually see objects at a distance, more varied sector design (with descriptions that matched, not the ported over from x2 and left as they are even though number of suns etc have changed), a variety of scripts that made managing fleets and trading easier, more bbs missions and variety, khaak were a threat, internal docking, cap ships that were more functional etc. Stability was good.

And I don't think it unreasonable of us to have expected that the functionality x2 sorely needed adding, and was added by scripters and released by Ego as the final upgrade, should have been the baseline for x3 functionality. Instead it was almost all thrown away.

Sure, some things in x3 are better. Combat is better (but that is not down to the graphics engine, it could as modders showed in x2, be done with more sensible balancing and AI scripting).

When you can see things, graphics are better.

The HUD is a slight improvement and by that I mean, a bit less of a joke compared to what real HUDS are and what has been done in very old games. More sub types of ships are nice (but we've lost all the pirate ships). More variety in pirate and xenon behaviour.

But, considering all the bugs, missing content, missing functionality, stability problems, cheap hacks to major economy and frame rate issues etc etc etc as a long time X fan I do find X3 a step sideways.

I play it because it is different, having exhausted x2. I'd have greatly preferred x3 to have been x2 graphics engine with all the dev effort put into deepening the gameplay experience.

I find it both indicative and sad that modders have added more excitement and variety to x3 with a few scripts in a few weeks than Ego managed in all the development cycle.

It was just misguided to put so much effort into another poorly implemented (and broken) storyline and a graphics engine so unoptimised that to get it to work on even high end systems draw distances have had to be slashed to a few klicks and so asteroids materialise out of clear space, stations can't be seen even when docking in some places etc.

I really hope they have learned a lesson here for x4. Leave the graphics. Let the user base catch up with the technology. Optimise and add content.

This is why many of us veterans are disappointed (apart from the missing contet like player hq's etc) but I can see why those new to the series are impressed.

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Post by TWP » Fri, 16. Dec 05, 11:27

Does the AI make new factories within sectors in X3? i think this was promised but reading some of the stories, doesn';t look as if it happened.

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Post by tphater » Fri, 16. Dec 05, 12:14

X3 = X2 +-content+better graphics+-bugs
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