‘X4’- A Divided Universe (or there about... Fan concept)

General discussions about the games by Egosoft including X-BTF, XT, X², X³: Reunion, X³: Terran Conflict and X³: Albion Prelude.

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would you like to see a game like this?

i have no opinion, just want to see the results
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‘X4’- A Divided Universe (or there about... Fan concept)

Post by ReeverDrak » Mon, 30. Mar 09, 23:37

Hi everyone, now before I start i just want everone to know first that>

This post is by no means an attempt to infringe the rules of this forum nor is it a leak from Egosoft of a future release in the series, it is a purely fictional concept created by myself as>
1) A show of appreciation to the development and creation of the X-series.
2) To express my feels and wishes for the series or at least the genre in some way to be continued in the style of game play found in X3 and so on.... and
3) To show where I’d like to see additions to any game of this style or to in essence produce a new and even bigger genre for the game style...

I only wish to post this with full respect to the game makers and the keepers of this forum as well as the game itself and I do not wish to course offence to any aspect of the game, forum or member/user of game or forum and i would say that if there is any concept that has aready been thought of by another forum member i will give credit to them, (*** means that i am aware that the idea or concept is in use for the current X games in some form made by the forum member, like that of a script or a mod, such as LV's scripts or XTM and full credit will go to them) and i am only adding them to this concept to show that i feel that they are great ideas and should be added to the game. i tip my hat to you all for such great work.

It should be made aware to anyone posting as I am aware that it is completely up to Egosoft as to whether any of the concepts iv or that of anyone posting in here are to be considered by Egosoft and it is to the discretion of Egosoft as to whether they are to be taken into account at all as Egosoft is the owner of the X-series it is fully their choice to use or not use any of the following concepts...

The concepts in the post are not made in stone, and if Egosoft wishes to make something from these concepts, do not have to make a follow up to the X-series, and could, (if Egosoft desires) if Egosoft like the concepts suggested make this into a completely new game of the styling’s suggested, but for now the X-series is a template for this concept, and if it does end up making X4 then that in itself I consider is more than satisfactory...

Thank you...

To the fun bit>

Now to the whole reason for this post is as you’d probably know, X3 is the last to be made by Egosoft... There is to be no more... that’s it, it’s finished (*sighs for everyone*)

However I don’t want to let this happen, or at least I don’t want to see the genre vanish and forgotten... and the X-series is unique in it is easy to play, and better than (as far as I feel), other games out there at the moment. And it has no limits as such, and it complex yet easy... nothing is as good, however...

I have an idea that could make it so much better... (Note all the ideas can be adapted if say this is not going to be X4 but a new game of this type) so just think of X3 and then add the following...

>like have you ever wonder what the inside of that M1 you bout, looked like, or that solar power plant?

>Or ever wondered what it was like to walk around on the Argon home world?

>Would you like to explore new worlds?

>See xenon carriers enter the atmosphere and begin a planetary invasion?

>Or as a pirate, board a ship when the shields are down and hold the crew hostage and sell them off as slaves? And if you fail you could retreat back to your ship if the shields are down but if they get there ship back up and running again they will be after you as well as any ships friendly to them near them will also be after, you so be prepared to run as fast as you can.

>Or save the crew and the ship by administering med packs and repairing ship systems... And all the while you’re gaining EXP points allowing you to increase your skill and reputation in the universe. Smaller one manned ships as big as a M3 wouldn’t be board-able or walk-able as such if someone is on board as they are to small but if the shield are down and no one’s home you could transport over there and hack into the on board flight computer, which gains you more skill, and the more hacking skill you have the bigger the ship you can gain control of.

>dynamic mapping so that if a ship is under attack real time damage accurse as you walk around it... and remember you can, if you have the tools, repair it if you want or with a weapon, damage it from the inside, take out systems to help you gain control of the ship quicker.

> Or maybe even when you have enough money and you’ve found an uninhabited planet to build your own base, walk inside the factories.

> drive around in buggies, tanks, artillery, juggernauts, or sea ships.

> request people to settle on your planet, and increase the size of your base, and maybe develop it into a City and train the settlers into security, solders, medics, Space or sea ship crews, engineers and mechanics, or even trader, taxi drivers, or assassins. There’s no real limit to the classes or people you could have trained. You can even have tax collectors to gain revenue from the colonists.

>have on larger ships crews that interact with you if you own the ship.

>Build up your economy ether on your planet or in space and trade between the two so you can build up your fleet and take over the universe or defend it against enemy invaders. Battle armadas of space ships, drop troops, tanks and artillery onto the ground and assault enemy bases, fortresses, factories, mining placement, cities and whatever you like with a philosophy of, “if you can see it you can- use it/blow it up/build it/walk in it/capture it”

>custom balanced customization that allows you to tweak the ships or hand weapons you build or buy, like if you increase your armour your HP goes up but so does your mass which makes you slower, buy new engines to make it faster and the price goes up... and there is a limit to how much power you can have with the engines as the chase would collapse under too much strain... so if you want something with more power, buy a bigger chase, so instead of a M4, you get a M3. You can have a list of ships on one side of the ship selector and then in the centre a rotation 3D model of the chase and all the tweaks you can do to it, with the amount you could buy at any one time, and a tab at the top to allow you at add equipment from the EQ dock. The same for hand weapons, like if you increase the rate of fire then it uses more energy units in a energy cell cartridge, the more cartridge slots you add the heavier it is and the slower you become handling it.

>ship/vehicle build and repair times, and watch them being built/repaired for more realism, and the bigger it is the longer it takes. Also there would be a build queue and how many of a curtain classes of ship could be built at any one time, like it would take the ship yard 30 seconds to build 10 M5’s but 2 minutes to build 5 M3’s, and 10 minutes to build 1 M1. And you’d have to wait till your next in line (if you don’t own the shipyard) if there are other ships being built for the NPC.

>the ability with a ship EQ upgrade to let you enter a planet’s atmosphere from space so it looks and feels real... and then land on the surface and walk around with you weapon in hand... and anything can land... fighter and corvettes can land anywhere but anything larger will need a landing placement and some placement can only be built in cities/fortresses, like for anything the size of a carrier or destroyer. And all ships can (if upgraded) hover in one place, so you could have a destroyer stationery providing air support or quicker troop deployment.

>The ability for all really large ships like destroyers and carriers to bombard the planet from orbit, although that would be less accurate and would endanger any of your land force and structures, but would be perfect if you are starting and assault against an enemy.

>player and race owned Super flag ships. Race owned ones would respond to high threat levels within close sectors.... only one should be allowed to be built...

>no more need for gates... just safe jump in and jump out areas that could be marked on a star map...

>If you are in the centre points like a shipyard you could gain control of you fleet in a local RTS style like that of Homeworld, and on the planet there would be a command centre/Construct assembler which like a shipyard would produce all you planet side factories and vehicles but would also give you the same control locally... but none would give you universal control.. For that you’d need a player owned headquarters that could give you control of any unit, station or factory you own anywhere in the universe ether on a planet or in space... station placement would also be easier and more RTS, giving you the control to first select the horizontal plain position, then using a hotkey allowing you to move it vertically and control its orientation while being able to view it in 3D and pan around it at any point. And any TL constructing the station would actually go there and build it instead of it just popping up from nowhere so you would see it being built, over a short period of time, and the bigger the station the longer it takes...

> Construct assembler and shipyard can make each other, like you can get a shipyard to build Construct assembler as a colonizer ship that can be unpacked when on a planet, and equally once the Construct assembler has become big enough like city sized you can get it to build the parts for a shipyard that you can get a landed specially constructed planet side TL to transport up for you bit by bit (this form of TL would be much smaller and without a jump drive but can be used to place factories on the planet as well)... A shipyard can’t build another shipyard and that’s the same for the Construct assembler can build itself ether... the only thing that can build both would be your headquarters...

> build a full range of factories on your planet, from mines and farms, to research and development or even a massive fortress or trooper of star fighter garrison... Some things you can only produce in space like crystals, and quantum tubes, but equally there are only things you could make on a planet, like mass produced highly refined metals, and special food stuffs, and you can get more people on a planet than on a space station... the only thing you can’t build would be the residential areas, that’s build and improved by you colonists, all you do is select the areas where there allowed to build and once that’s done just watch them build up their houses and see how they turn to bigger and bigger buildings as you improve your base till it turns into a city and their houses are skyscrapers. The same can be done in space by building in a similar way, factory complexes, except this is but placing a frame for the colonists to come and place housing pods on, and you can expand it by adding more to the frame, though you will never get the same amount of people in one place compared to being on a planet... and be warned, you’ll need security and solders defending your colonists as you become a target for slavers and raiders who would quite happily come from the other side of the galaxy to raid you of people and the tax money you collected from the population...

>Have refineries that turn your metal into liquid armour to be used in the production of all ships and vehicle hulls, trooper suites and stations and factories... basically everything that has a outer skin has to have it made from this stuff that can only be produced on a planet... and every race have its own type with its own pros and cons. You can also customise the suites of your troopers and the suite you weir to your liking... place logos and markings to make your people stand out from all the others, you can place them on anything your stations and factories have made.
>your shipyards and Construct assembler’s can build ships and vehicles to sell to others for a profit, and even sell out to other races your troops as mercenaries.

>***Cycrows scripts for X3 I think are some of the greatest ideas out there for add-ons and I would like, if he would also give permission, to add them to this idea and improve upon them, say his ideas on the guilds- like the taxi drivers guild? So why not have a station that acts like a taxi rank? A taxi garrison and a centre point to get all the taxi missions... and also if you’re just walking around on a planet and you have no ship? Then why not hire a taxi to pick you up? And then drop you off? Handy if you’re running from bounty hunters or if you yourself are tracking someone and you don’t want to get seen and a taxi can drop you off anywhere as long as there’s no hit of an attack, so you could go to any station, large ship, city or general planet... of course it will cost you, they charge you on their meter... and if your want to be a taxi driver you can get one installed as an upgrade from the taxi rank once you pass you hackney cab licence, but you could just build the station and start your own firm that way and let others make the money for you. You can also say how much you can charge that way... and so can other firms if they wish so if you are stuck on a planet then try to find the best price for a firm locally as they will charge for getting to you as well as sending you to where you need to go... But that’s not the only thing, you could do this to all the guilds that Cycrow came up with, like a the racers guild could also be a betting shop for people to come and bet on a race and for racers to find races to be in, and with all the tweaks you can now make to your ship... Who knows it you could be faster than anyone else?? And that’s just the start...

>One idea I don’t know if it’s been thought of and I don’t think it has been made is maybe-- a salvagers guild or scrap yard, where old ships and parts are sold or melted down, and scavenger crews are sent out to find old ships, you could even go out on a mission to find scrap to keep or sell to the guild... one man’s junk is another man’s pay check...

>new civilian classes of ships with no weapons from super fast one person sports ships, family flyers to large busses and an array of prices depending on their luxury and speed so as your city develops so does the wealth of its people, and also with taxi’s the better they are the more you can charge as the faster they get but it is always good to get a range so suite all customers

>all civilian parts of your city are automatic, all you need in a basic landing post for their ships to land and for you to sell the plots of land on you planet for the colonists to develop on, and there will only be as mean colonists as there are jobs, but once the ball is rolling just see it grow by itself as they send down their own good to build up your city, so as long as you give then the work, ether in factories or in shops, or maybe special military training centres for a full range of jobs, and no need to worry, all you basic colonists will have basic training or they wouldn’t of left their home system, as will try to explain—

>an idea for the first mission would be your character on a planet on training day... where anyone wishing to leave there home sector has to do some basic training in combat, flying and survival or they won’t given the permit to let them leave. The idea was a joint agreement with all the race governments to prevent as much unnecessary loss of life as possible as the universe is an unforgiving and dangerous place, so this basic training was like a driving test but with extra bits, it didn’t mean you where in the military, and the training schools where usually tort by ether base draft ex-military or just someone with allot of experience, and the schools themselves were usually a civilian run organisation backed by the government (you could one day build your own training school as well and get credits for it), one thing was shore thought, and that was that is cost allot to get into and your characters parents where the ones who paid the 15kCr to get you to follow the family trading tradition and explore the opportunities out there. If everyone wants to I can write up a full story to go with this...

These are just some of the concepts, which take the trade, build, fight, think principal much further than ever before.

X3 has hints of everything like a space flight sim, and action game and even a real time strategy and I just want to give the ideas I’ve got out and develop though principals and give the game all the added dimensions to make it truly a timeless game.

***I also think that the ideas made by the community like that of Cycrow and LV and all the other should not be left to waste around and should be given the opportunity to be put in a full game to add diversity and depth as well as extra opportunities to truly say there is no limit to what you could do in the game. thank you all. :thumb_up:

I want to say thank you to the moderators for replying to my requests, and thanks to the community who has supported me so far in my endeavours.
All feedback is welcome.
:?: >So like how can this concept be improved?
:?: >What could be added to make it better?
:?: >Pros and the cons?
I can make up concept art for the ideas as well, like for the GUI and other elements of the game play, what it would all look like and so on...
A story can also be written for it as well.

I hope you all like my ideas, and that you’ve enjoyed reading this so far. Cheers all :D

More ideas to come :D he he he

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Post by Nyax » Tue, 31. Mar 09, 00:37

Well there's a lot there :)

The trouble is the game you want does everything. It's an RTS, and FPS an RPG AND a spacetrading game. What you want really is 4 games rolled into one. I would Love to see such a game, but frankly i can't see it happening. It would require a COLOSSAL amount of manpower to produce in anything less then a century and you'd be producing a game that an awful lot of people would not be interested in. Or at least they'd only be interested in parts of it (like the RTS side) but not the space trading side.

Games have tried to do this 'cross genre' thing before but they invariably end up being a kind of jack of all trades master of none afair (Battlefront for a loose example). Oh and they're often incomprehensibly complicated (The battlecruiser series)

Done properly what you describe would be the ultimate game. (although i'd much rather it be set in the much deeper and moe interesting star wars universe then the deathly dull xverse) but until someone manages to pull it off i'm afraid i'm left feeling it's simply infeasible.
mrbadger wrote:Anyway, it's Star Wars, this is important....

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Post by musicalfruit » Tue, 31. Mar 09, 00:41

This must be what devs see in their nightmares, it's a gargantuan project.
But "would you like to see a game like this?", well of course 8)

Just don't make it a MMO!

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Post by Targ Collective » Tue, 31. Mar 09, 00:50

I'd love to see it. Why? You going to code it? Realise, please, that Egosoft have a budget and must sell their games...

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Post by ReeverDrak » Tue, 31. Mar 09, 00:51

Glad you like it so far... and it does not have to be set in the X-universe as iv said, and I’d like to see it as an easy to Mod game as well, with inbuilt 3d editors and so on..

also additional Idea> Shipyards, EQ dock and trading stations should all be rolled into one, and have a hanger of fighters and maybe a turret or two, with protective room for larger ships so it would in essence become like a massive space harbour... but also there should be like a start point in its contraction as just a trading station if say that is all you wanted in the area, like a trading outpost....

Also> on the target radial menu which is accessed from a hover and hotkey system.

Edit> NO way would i want it as an MMO, it would clash with EVE and mess the hold concept up. Also, i couldn't be set in starwars, as you'd need to set up a licence from lucsarts, and there already is starwars Galaxy. However modding a game like this to starwars i would make quit easy to do if you wanted :D

Edit> I can’t make a game like this on my own, as I know kinda what would be involved, so I would hand the torch of the idea to Egosoft, and I would help them develop it with concept art, and I can make music, I hope at the mo that my music is going to be used in XTC, iv submitted it in there forum.

Edit> I would also like to say I would like as much help as I can from you guy to get Egosoft to see this idea and to see if they will make it :D
Last edited by ReeverDrak on Tue, 31. Mar 09, 01:25, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MegaJohnny » Tue, 31. Mar 09, 01:22

Infinity may be just your ticket. I hear it's going to ship with Duke Nukem Forever.

My idea of X4 was a bit more standard and/or run of the mill: the Argon are experimenting with military cybernetic implants, the controversy of which is causing riots across the territory, the Paranid are determined not to let their M0 go the way of the Agamemnon and Hyperion, Terran security relaxes a little and relations with the Argon go up nicely, the Boron lose a lot of ground to the Split, ATF ships start to tag along with Argon fleet activities, and the petty little border conflicts explode into open war. The Teladi sign official deals with several pirate clans to further trading income and their arms dealers make a fortune selling to small-time Pirate fighter refits.

I hadn't even thought about new game features.

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Post by ReeverDrak » Tue, 31. Mar 09, 01:35

sounds like a good idea :)

just keep in mind though that i havent as such focased on the story side of it just incase X$ will never be made...

however asfar as relations go you'v got some good ideas there... and i would personaly focas the story more towards the conflict with the xenon on a personal level to the character as well as what you'v mentioned, i have some story ideas for it aswell. :D
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Post by NUKLEAR-SLUG » Tue, 31. Mar 09, 01:38

Reading through that reminds me of Spore. That was another title that attempted to be all things to all people and ultimately ended up as not really anything at all.

Not to say you don't have some good ideas there, some of it could be incorporated into a new project fairly easily, but practically speaking most of it just wouldn't work I'm afraid.

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Post by Deadbeat_Spinn » Tue, 31. Mar 09, 01:42

This is an interesting idea but combining that much into one game may be a little too much for most people to handle. I mean there are various topics/threads of people who new to X and are frustrated by the learning curve and complexity of the game. Add your ideas into the mix and the learning curve and complexity of the game would become a vertical slope. Even for vets of the X series.

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Post by ReeverDrak » Tue, 31. Mar 09, 01:44

NUKLEAR-SLUG wrote:Reading through that reminds me of Spore. That was another title that attempted to be all things to all people and ultimately ended up as not really anything at all.

Not to say you don't have some good ideas there, some of it could be incorporated into a new project fairly easily, but practically speaking most of it just wouldn't work I'm afraid.
Spore dosen't tuch what X dose, iv played spore and i know that it can get teedeos....

however what im praposing most of it is already there, like the FPS side is there everytime you do a space walk and the system wouldn't be all that hard to impliment if you think about it... just plaster on an unreal engine on to it and use the same GUI and controls, with a little hand weapon quick selector added on.

Deadbeat_Spinn wrote:This is an interesting idea but combining that much into one game may be a little too much for most people to handle. I mean there are various topics/threads of people who new to X and are frustrated by the learning curve and complexity of the game. Add your ideas into the mix and the learning curve and complexity of the game would become a vertical slope. Even for vets of the X series.
as for the RTS side, well most of it is automatis anyhow like say for example> SimCity style, from the point of view of the citizens... the rest of it is basicaly X on the ground... thats it, thats all i would have to be, no need to over complictat it... the factorys you build would do the same as the ones in space, except for some would make wares that you couldn't make in space and others you couldnt make on the planet...

And your free to do whatever, so no need to just do all the city bit, if you just want to tooodle around then good... these features are just there if you wanted...

and the systems on how to do thing would still be the same from on the ground or up in space... it would still be X style, and as easy to ues as X, and the rest would be made simple and stright forward to use yet powerful.

take the tanks or buggies for example- they would operate the same as your M3's or anything like that except there would be no vertical plane of movement...

It is important to remember what it is that im tryin to achieve, and if ther think of it by spliting it into 3 parts>

:arrow: The core eliments of X

:arrow: The core eliments of any FPS, and i think the best for this would be Unreal 2004+ as the features in it would intergate quit nicly into the X GUI

:arrow: and a access when needed from a ingame terminal or computer panel that would alow the RTS side of the game, via the ingame menu or if in FPS mode there would be a access point on the map.

If anything the RTS side is just a GUI tweek to make station and unit placement easyer, and i would like to see it in X now as it happens lol :p
Last edited by ReeverDrak on Tue, 31. Mar 09, 02:31, edited 1 time in total.
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Demolisher 2
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Post by Demolisher 2 » Tue, 31. Mar 09, 02:30

OP - do you really think no-one has thought of this before you? If it was viable, it would have been done already, and the market would not be saturated with niche/single-genre games.
This signature is here because it makes my posts look longer and therefore makes me seem like I know what I am talking about - which I do, honest! :wink: For example, the Ray is the best M2 and a Falcon always beats the other M3s, see!

Hey, now that TC is out the Ray does seem to be one of the best M2's. Maybe I had better change my sig...

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Post by ReeverDrak » Tue, 31. Mar 09, 02:37

Demolisher 2 wrote:OP - do you really think no-one has thought of this before you? If it was viable, it would have been done already, and the market would not be saturated with niche/single-genre games.
:( as far as im aware ther is no game that has all the eliments of X3, and the suggested add ons...

i dont see what the matter is? the main core idea is to add the planet side and inside of the Ship to X3....
And how trade would be done on a planet... all the other bits are just extras...

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Post by LTerSlash » Tue, 31. Mar 09, 02:47

Well, do you realise that this cant be done with the current game engine right? so it cant be called "x4"...

I think they already hit the wall in what can be done with the current engine. Just look that even I7 processors has slowdowns playing X3:TC...

Basicly for a new proyect they known the limits that have enconutered with this engine, but develop a game from scrach takes way too much time, and the costs are... well too high, and the market from this kind of game is small compared to other games.

Currently there are better choices to do heavy CPU load things like X3 do, DX11, OpenCL, Parallel processing and GPGPU is the way to go, but again, they will need to develop a new engine. And thats is no less than 5 years and a lot of money.

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Post by Rednoahl » Tue, 31. Mar 09, 02:50

You've got some good ideas imo. Having said that I cannot see it all working in one game, and honestly, I think with so much going on you'd just end up looking at loading screens every two minutes.

Actually...now I've thought about your ideas a bit more I don't think I'd want what you're proposing. I like space-trading games, but I wouldn't want to ruin the experience by tagging on a FPS or RTS. I'm probably in a minority, but I hated GTA4 because it tried to be so many things at once, and I'd hate the X series to follow suit. I think there's a game in development that is supposed to do much of what your proposing anyway, but I can't remember it's name.

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Post by ReeverDrak » Tue, 31. Mar 09, 03:02

well as i have said, this dose not have to be a new X, i could be something new but with the same, if improved if needed, gameplay as X...

and i know of the limits, as im learning the sripting the X uses, and i know there are thing that would have to be radicaly changed for it to work like i suggested... but its doable,...

i worked out the if there say was a basic data interface patch put in the current X engin that in theory you could use the data X produses as a result of interactions within the game, aswell as the random eliments it produses to generate within a secondery engine all that would be needed in the FPS side of it...

for example, your in a ship and there's aother ship you blasted the hell out of, and you wanted to board it...
now in x3 it would have the data on the traget selected which would select the map the FPS engin would use as your map to walk around in... the data on the condition of the trage would also give data on the map type... naturaly there would be a level of repitition on the same type of ship with the same damege.... and all you'd to is press the borad over there botton to triger a switch between the game engines,

the same could in theory done with the trade data with respect to a secondey engine....
Rednoahl wrote:You've got some good ideas imo. Having said that I cannot see it all working in one game, and honestly, I think with so much going on you'd just end up looking at loading screens every two minutes..
not if you have all the eliments running at the same time as the would have to to alow trading between the to... and i know what people would say_ that that would be stupidly CPU hungery... well yes it would but X dosent load every 2 min by itself as it is, it keeps the base data running for trade and dynamic changes in the universe, the same would be aplyed to the ground... with the grphical data added as you go...
Rednoahl wrote: Actually...now I've thought about your ideas a bit more I don't think I'd want what you're proposing. I like space-trading games, but I wouldn't want to ruin the experience by tagging on a FPS or RTS. I'm probably in a minority, but I hated GTA4 because it tried to be so many things at once, and I'd hate the X series to follow suit. I think there's a game in development that is supposed to do much of what your proposing anyway, but I can't remember it's name...

its not trying to be everything, just give just the little bit more, like walking on the plaent or trading on the planet...

and as iv said the RTS is just a GUI tweak to make some things easyer, i wouldn't play a large part of what X already has...
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Post by LTerSlash » Tue, 31. Mar 09, 03:16

I just think, seeing what is current situation with the mid-low end processors, is not possible to do so, you will end with a game that can be only be played at a playable framerates with an I7 level processor, this is unacceptable i afraid.

I think even the devs are suprised how much they have done with their engine, but i think we already come to a point of there is not much else that can be done.

The idea is very good, but still, it cant be done with this engine i afraid.

If i correct, the engine is the same since the first x-game, improved over time.

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Post by ReeverDrak » Tue, 31. Mar 09, 03:27

LTerSlash wrote:I just think, seeing what is current situation with the mid-low end processors, is not possible to do so, you will end with a game that can be only be played at a playable framerates with an I7 level processor, this is unacceptable i afraid.

I think even the devs are suprised how much they have done with their engine, but i think we already come to a point of there is not much else that can be done.

The idea is very good, but still, it cant be done with this engine i afraid.

If i correct, the engine is the same since the first x-game, improved over time.
your probably right, and as far as the power needed, well i know a game like this to get right would take more than a year, so hopefuly by then there would be the power out there so in the mid range thee would be more avalable as anyone knows the tech moves on... and as for the X engin, well if we are at its end then ok, bt there are still parts of it that could quite happy be salveged, like the trade system it uses...
its like the old to new addge of XP over vista LMO :P

if X is to died then ok.. but dont let it be the end of the gunre... and thats what id hope with some of the ideas iv posted...

i love to in you core of my idea just walk around my ship or base i build but also fly around like in X... that is what would make me happy :)
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Post by freddiel » Tue, 31. Mar 09, 03:32

Dreaming costs nothing, and it would be a dream to play with all the additions you have listed.

However,the development time would be massive, the cost would also be massive and the biggest risk is would the market be equally massive?

Great ideas though, and who knows in 15 years time or so when processing power will be exponentially bigger than what it is now, something like this may occur.

When Voodoo changed the face of graphicss way back in the mid 90's or so, I didn't think we would ever acheive the graphics we take for granted now, but if anyone can remember how good Quake 2 looked with a Voodoo card back then, I bet it would look awful to us now, so you never know what the future holds, just implementing some of the ideas may be feasible.

I can imagine the C.E.O of Egosoft in ten years time delivering his speach to the press

"We chose to develop X4 The Ultimate, not because it was easy, but because it was bloody hard" :D
X3 TC 3.2
Bringing peace to the Commonwealth with overwhelming fire power.

Why is there so much month left at the end of the money?

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Post by ReeverDrak » Tue, 31. Mar 09, 04:11

freddiel wrote: I can imagine the C.E.O of Egosoft in ten years time delivering his speach to the press “We chose to develop X4 The Ultimate, not because it was easy, but because it was bloody hard" :D
:D i like that lol
freddiel wrote: Dreaming costs nothing, and it would be a dream to play with all the additions you have listed.
I know, and i really wish i had the skills to make this into a game i really do, i have so many ideas, i just don’t know what to do with them, and sometimes i can’t implement them so it’s like having the words but not having a voice, of the hands to write them down, as you see I’m dyslexic and mildly autistic so doing stuff like coding and writing here can get really like an uphill struggle for me so it can get really disappointing to me lol, but i do my best and i will still carry on lol :) or try to at least... and it my autism that made me able i think to come up with all these ideas in one place, like being to see a bigger picture from all the little bit that could make it up. its really hard to explain....
freddiel wrote: However,the development time would be massive, the cost would also be massive and the biggest risk is would the market be equally massive?
I really believe that it depends on how you market it... like market it as a space trading game, then it’ll sell like a space trading game... market it like an FPS then it’ll sell like an FPS... but it’s both... what I’m trying to say is that this sort of game is more like real than either of those games, but it both at the same time... and you don’t have to rely on all of the features to play the game, like if you just wanted to live like a soldier and make it you work in the game then that’s all you’d have to do, you don’t have to build an empire of anything at all if you didn’t want, just like in X3 now, and if you wanted to get around and didn’t ever want to fly, the hire a taxi to take you lol =) can you see what I’m trying to say? X3 has so many possibilities and with it can add to them... just adding a new element to the thing.
freddiel wrote: Great ideas though, and who knows in 15 years time or so when processing power will be exponentially bigger than what it is now, something like this may occur.
Thanks dude :D I don’t think a game like this would take that long surely? Lol I mean X3 even now has data that is always running, so from the base dynamics of the game it wouldn’t be adding that much i would think? Just like adding the planets would be like having extra sectors to the game... That how I would think it would be treated at least... but even i know that the graphical side would be a nightmare, so from that end yes maybe i would think but it depends on how much work you’d put into the way the game looks, like a tread off between looks and gameplay... but that’s a debate left to the ones selling it not simple folk like me lol
freddiel wrote: When Voodoo changed the face of graphicss way back in the mid 90's or so, I didn't think we would ever acheive the graphics we take for granted now, but if anyone can remember how good Quake 2 looked with a Voodoo card back then, I bet it would look awful to us now, so you never know what the future holds, just implementing some of the ideas may be feasible.
I hope dude i really do, thanks for the feedback. Got any ideas you’d like to make this even better? :)
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Post by Saber15 » Tue, 31. Mar 09, 05:59

Battlecruiser 3000AD Millenium / Universal Combat tried to do much of this; it ended up being a overcomplicated, incomprehensible game with poor controls and subpar graphics across the board.

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