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Re: Yet another economy breakdown

Posted: Wed, 31. Aug 05, 12:19
by jlehtone
Sorry for digging old things. Fully comprehended it a moment ago. Or so I believe. Yet, I still have to say that this schema is clear and well explained. :thumb_up: JMCorp

JMCorp wrote:and on the subject of 'roids and yeilds. 26 yeild is what it takes to run a loop. if you do it with 26 one yeild 'roids you will make more trips to supply power initially but they still generate the exact same amount of silicon as one 26 in the exact same amount of time. . also to note is that it takes the exact same amount of ecells to make the same amount of silicon. so what i'm trying to say is that 26 yeild is 26 yeild. that goes for big 'roids too. a 64 yeild roid isn't better than 2 26's
I was just yesterday digging the forum for yields and came across a formula (forgot the link) about mine production time. I think the breakdown was that:
- Silicon mine produces 2 units in 40 min per (1 + yield)
- and ore mine 8 units in 10 min per (1 + yield)

In other words: a mine will produce N units in basetime D divided by (1 + yield). The (+1) part is really handy when the yield is 0, as in the asteroid of wrong type. Now let say that we let the mine work for time t. We end up with:
( N * t ) / ( D / ( 1 + yield ) ) units of product
If we would have two mines of yields A and B, we would have
( N * t ) / ( D / ( 1 + A ) ) + ( N * t ) / ( D / ( 1 + B ) ) units, which simplifies to
( N * t / D ) * ( 2 + A + B )
Naturally, that can be expanded, and thus 26 mines on 1-yield roids produce
( N * t / D ) * ( 26 + 26 ) = ( N * t / D ) * 52, while the single 26-yield roid does only
( N * t / D ) * 27
If all this holds true, then 14 1-yield mines produce slightly more than 1 26-yield mine and 2 26-yield mines will be equal to one 53-yield mine.

Thus, the low yield roids may be more valuable than they seem at first. The downside is the ROI (or lack of it): 14 mines cost 14 times one mine, and the transport ships add up to the investment. The CLS can help here, for a fee.