what next?

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what next?

Post by Decun2001 » Mon, 26. Dec 05, 03:48

Sup guys been playing for awhile.. So far I own two complexs, one in the Wall a Rimes M/Wheats M with 2 Mercury S class Frieghters buying Energy cells... NPC's are buying for 292c and buying energy cells for 12c... My other complex is in Kingdom End which is a BoFu Lab L/Bio Gas factory L with 3 Mercury S class frieghters, 2 buying energy cells, 1 selling BoFu... Last but not least I have a fully upgraded Mercury S frieghter free trading in Halcon nebula (north of Argon Prime)... My only fighter I have is a fully upgraded Argon Buster you start out in quick start mode....
ATM my two complexs are breaking even, I have 1.2 million on me, 500k in each complex... Any one have any suggestions what I should do next?

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Post by Decun2001 » Mon, 26. Dec 05, 03:59

This is for X3 Reunion btw =-P :roll:

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Post by BlackRain » Mon, 26. Dec 05, 04:15

Concentrate on getting your factories making more profits, however you can. Get your free trader to universe trader status to make your more money. Do assassination missions, Xenon missions and cap ships. Get your race ranks up so you can buy better ships. When you have enough money, buy more merchants or a new ship for yourself.

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Post by Decun2001 » Mon, 26. Dec 05, 04:53

How do I go about getting my factories to have a profit?

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Post by Shokai » Mon, 26. Dec 05, 05:08

From your description you're selling at average price for cloth rimes. 292 ccredits. And you said you have npc buyers buying them. Relying on npc buyers makes for terrible profits. I would get another mercury and make him a seller for your rimes and up your price to the maximum you can get within about 3 jumps or so and reduce allowed jumps on your station to 3 jumps. That should help out your profits alot.

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Post by Decun2001 » Mon, 26. Dec 05, 21:05

Well the factory is never full.. EVER.. Top of that I have gotten huge rep with it... Why I do not undertand this, is I 5 million last night in SETA.. at these figures and now its keeping empty and all but I am keeping even steven....
My BoFu L/Bio Gas L has the same problem I thought about making a massive loop supplying all the resources.. Only problem is there is no silicon in Kingdom End of any kind which I can build a plant on.. ONly ore...
My trader though has been suprisingly proftiable.. He made 15 million last night as a sector trader!
What else you think I should do to these factories to make them better.

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Post by RagX » Mon, 26. Dec 05, 21:08

upp the price just a tad on your rimes :) it seems you're using the split-even value the factory gives you considering the price of how much you're willing to buy the resources. Aim a little above that and you'll see the profitssss

oh and grab a police license, you'll add to your earnings that way too (and earn valuable combar experience as well)

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Post by Decun2001 » Mon, 26. Dec 05, 21:10

What about my BoFu Lab L/Bio Gas L factory in Kingdom End.. Any suggestions on what I should do for that?

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Post by Geggo » Mon, 26. Dec 05, 21:19

well thats not a good place for bio gas/bofu complex to start with but raising the sell prise to near max is always my goal. (while keeping the buying prise low, maybe 14 or 15 in your case 2 sectors is a long way....)

I havent tried building in that area cause it's way too packed with food fabs to begin with. all boron sectors are well fed.

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Post by ravinhood » Mon, 26. Dec 05, 21:23

Placement of factories is everything. I look for factory placements with 4 jumps max. Then I position my factories at the best spot in those 4 jumps that have energy factories in them (less travel time for my energy gatherers). I don't sell to NPC's ever, you're losing 1/2 your income doing this.

A good factory setup will have (2) resource gatherers and (1) seller. There's also a mod/plugin you can get to optimize your gathers and sellers time in space to make the most use of them and gain you better profits. It has an 80% buy and a 20% sell setup that works great and your ships aren't in space to be slaughtered so much. Adjusting your buy price for resources are important also. What I usually do is set it at 15 or 16 to start, as it starts getting full then back down to 13 or 14. If it's full then to 12. You can just let it auto do everything, but, the more you operate it yourself the more money you can make. If you get that mod you will hardly ever have to manually operate your factories except adjust the buy resources prices.

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Post by Decun2001 » Mon, 26. Dec 05, 23:17

Well I do have 15 million and both of my complexs have 500k each.. Any suggestions where I should spend that 15 million on?

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Post by Decun2001 » Tue, 27. Dec 05, 00:30

any one>>?

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Post by iahag » Tue, 27. Dec 05, 01:33

Invest in more factories, and make sure they are fully equipped with many TS ships servicing them.

Id reccommend 3 or 4 lowish tech factories in and around the argon sector, and perhaps one relatively high tech one.
Around argon, the high tech, cheap military goods do really really well. ie 1 mj shield or pbe forges
Every factory will make a profit if there is demand. At your stage in the game id suggest taking the time to research whats in demand and why, to make sure your factory runs a max efficiency. Then, when your money machine is working, you can begin to place random ones all over the universe.

Then when thats done, place more.

Then get yourself a massive fleet of ships and destroy the universe.

oh, and get a monkey also

and eat cheesecake while your doing that, it really helps you focus

hope that helps

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Post by Decun2001 » Tue, 27. Dec 05, 06:47

yeah.. Was also thinking of getting, 3 or 4 more Sector traders, sense i made such a ridiculous amount in one night off one..

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