Friend or Foe problems in X3 1.4

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Friend or Foe problems in X3 1.4

Post by Shurhaian » Sun, 19. Mar 06, 18:44

First off - wow. I was expecting, based on some comments in the 1.4 patch thread, to have less difficulty with savegames becoming unplayable(CTD on load). I'm actually impressed that a previously-unplayable game got salvaged with no problems on patching.

Okay, so... I'm playing as the (initially) bankrupt mercenary. I've had some success capturing M5-M3 ships(even a Xenon M), and the IFF was working okay.

Then I climbed into a captured Falcon.

Now, for the life of me, I cannot get pirates to show up as enemies without turning on "Show as Enemy if Enemy to Me" - which also highlights a bunch of transports and such from other races, which I would rather ignore.

I've tried setting pirates to Friend and back to Foe, but the only thing that makes them show up as red is that aforementioned setting which I'd rather leave at No.

This was, just to clarify, working just fine in the Split Mamba that I started with.

Any suggestions?

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Post by ehaefele » Sun, 19. Mar 06, 19:51

I think have a problem with friend foe setting also.

Lost two uni traders in two hours with no attack warning. Just had a message that the trader was destroyed in sector x. No jump, no help message, no drones. I went back through the saves to see what happened. One flew straight into a group of Xenon being led by a P and the other aparently flew into a Khaak battle group.

Both had plenty of energy they bought themselves. Pirate, xenon and khaak set to foe. "Show as enemy if...." was set to No.

I could only test this with one but here's an interesting twist. If I watch the sector the trader is in, if I watch my messages or if I just have the property list open he gets attacked, sends a message, launches drones and jumps out. Otherwise I just get a ship destroyed message. I could understand watching the sector changing the outcome but messages or property?

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Post by Xylaan » Mon, 20. Mar 06, 15:21

I have the exact same IFF problems whenever I get into my captured Pirate Buster. I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that it was a pirate vessel.

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Post by Tigerhawk71 » Mon, 20. Mar 06, 15:51

go into your player details, and you should find some global friend/foe settings. set them how you want them, then select to transmit to "all reachable properties" and bam, you should be just fine.
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Post by Shurhaian » Mon, 20. Mar 06, 17:04

Doesn't work.

I didn't see any pirates to test it out on, so I tried with Paranid when they were in the area. They stayed blue.

I then decided to try taking a trip into Xenon Sector 101 to see if it was just specific enemies of pirates that would be red-tagged.

THEY stayed blue.

The only thing that tags an enemy as such in this captured ship, post-1.4, is the "Show as enemy" setting. The others do absolutely nothing.

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Post by mcafee » Sat, 8. Apr 06, 11:50

Yeah... I find the friend/foe system is really buggy. I posted a topic on this a long while back. None of the patches have addressed it.

My problem is that in M3 ships... I cannot get the races I want to show up as red. No matter how I set them.

What does work... is if I have really pissed off a race... so that they attack me on sight... they will show up as red because of the "show if enemy to me" setting. However... if a race does not have any real problem with me, but I want them to be red because I am hunting them... I cannot get them to show up as red.

I thus have to scroll through the list of ships in a sector constantly to see if one from the race I am hunting is there. It is just shoddy... and I bet the fix would just be a simple one if the developers took it on board to fix it.


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