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UT and weaponry.

Posted: Fri, 24. Nov 06, 11:36
by Hoops71
I read somewhere on here a LONG time ago that its better not to arm your UT's with any weaponry as they will use them agressively and not just for self defense.Is this true? As Im getting quite annoyed with the number of UT's Im losing I was wondering if I should arm them? At the moment I let them roam around with fighter drones (which they bought themselves) only.

Posted: Fri, 24. Nov 06, 11:40
by silenced
do not give them any fighting software ... or even weaponry ... if they got nothing -> they jump away ... if not, they try to fight more often =)

and after all, me personally got no use for ut's ... too hostile the universe it is !

Posted: Fri, 24. Nov 06, 11:47
by apogee
For a UT , fight command software is required, otherwise it can't be made into a UT. AFAIK a UT is programmed to leg it when under attack (jump to a safe sector) whether or not its armed.

Posted: Fri, 24. Nov 06, 12:01
by Hoops71
Hmm right,guess Im gonna have to experiment by loading one of my UT's with weaponry and seing how long it survives! :twisted:

Posted: Fri, 24. Nov 06, 12:27
by Phlt
Hoops71 wrote:Hmm right,guess Im gonna have to experiment by loading one of my UT's with weaponry and seing how long it survives! :twisted:
Not very long I'm afraid.
Fight softwares are mandatory because MK3 will use fighter drones. These drones will distract the assailant, giving time for the UT to jump.
If it is equiped with guns, he might intend to fight, and be destroyed fairly quickly.
This what has been reported by many players.

Posted: Fri, 24. Nov 06, 12:42
by Etolf
Phlt wrote: Not very long I'm afraid.
Fight softwares are mandatory because MK3 will use fighter drones. These drones will distract the assailant, giving time for the UT to jump.
If it is equiped with guns, he might intend to fight, and be destroyed fairly quickly.
This what has been reported by many players.
and that has been my experience too, I never arm my UTs, and I only tend to lose the odd one now and then.. but more since 2.02 as there seems to be more Khaak and Pirates about, but it's still not too bad...

Posted: Fri, 24. Nov 06, 13:16
by Dunners
Also get your pilots from the scaredy cat emporium. The test i use is to burst a paper bag, if they have a nervous breakdown then i employ them as UT pilots.

Posted: Fri, 24. Nov 06, 18:10
by pjknibbs
Phlt wrote: Not very long I'm afraid.
Fight softwares are mandatory because MK3 will use fighter drones. These drones will distract the assailant, giving time for the UT to jump.
If it is equiped with guns, he might intend to fight, and be destroyed fairly quickly.
This what has been reported by many players.
It was reported by many players in X2, and even then it only applied to normal station haulers, NOT UTs. I have never had a UT try to "stand and fight" in either game--they will always attempt to drop fighter drones and then jump out. You lose them because (a) they're out of fighter drones or (b) they get attacked by something big and get destroyed before their jumpdrive can charge up.