Story Time

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Story Time

Post by [DLM]Jimbo » Fri, 17. Sep 04, 01:10

Decided to make a thread regarding stories of special moments in the game that you really enjoyed. Here's my (first) contribution.

---Xenon's and Doughnuts---

I was doing a 'Help me run away from the Xenon' missiong when I decided that the best way of getting him away from the threat was by killing them. I'd earlier managed to cap an Orinoco, so I'd gotten a feel for how it worked and felt like capping me some Xenon's.

Got a little into it when I accidentally destroyed one with my A-PSG leaving two for me to cap. Argon One decides to wander over and take out another, then realises it's forgotten to collect doughnuts for the crew and wanders off to leave me to deal with the other one.

I decide to play with it a little more, but unfortunately between the Ion-D and the A-PSG I managed to get the attention of a Nova... Oh dear I thought. In my panic I accidentally rammed the remaining Xenon and so decided on what to do with the Nova.

I initially thought 'run away' after having heard about it's nefarious rear turret. Except this one seemed to neglect to have anything in it... so I proceeded to spend some time chasing it around, with Argon One still on it's mad doughnut mission, and all other Argon forces being completely oblivious to the Nova's needs.

After a whee while of Ion-D and A-PSG'ing it, the pilot finally decided to call it a day and ejected. Score one for the home team. Sadly it was capped without shields or guns and I'm now wondering whether to keep it, repair it and go shopping for guns, or simply sell it for ~340k and get save up for one that comes fully armed and dangerous.

---The End---

(Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it)

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Re: Story Time

Post by -TD-13- » Fri, 17. Sep 04, 05:31

[DLM]Jimbo wrote: Argon One still on it's mad doughnut mission


Great story. :D :thumb_up:

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Re: Story Time

Post by Hachiman » Fri, 17. Sep 04, 07:43

TD005013 wrote:
[DLM]Jimbo wrote: Argon One still on it's mad doughnut mission

Do I see a niche market in 'Express Donut Delivery' here? profitzzzz!!

Must stop hanging out in teladi space,even my skin is starting to shed :wink:
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Post by HCFC » Fri, 17. Sep 04, 12:36

Havent been playing for too long but my most satisfying experience took place in Cloudbase northwest.

I was happily exploring in my barracuda around black hole sun when I was told a ship was under attack in CBNW (Initial thoughts - Khaak Cluster). Anyway my merc had crap shields so was destroyed. I didnt really think much of it after that. I jumped back to argon prime to check on my station and did the same in ringo moon. About 10min after my merc was destroyed i ventured into CBNW to find 2 Khaak M3s and a shed load of M5s merryly attacking any stations and ships close by. There was no defenders at all. Not one. :evil:

So I thought - what the hell - loaded up my IonD with one BHEPT and went staight for the nearest M3 (someone had to help the poor deserted citizens of CBNW). After I was able to dodge his initial long range beams i managed to get in behind him and quickly finished him off. Turned on the next M3 and finished him off as well (never before managed two in succession as the second often nabs you as your dealing with the first). By this time I was in full die you b*****ds mode and switched to two BHEPTs to take on the M5s. Lost count of how many I destroyed but it was all of them. Lost the Jumpdrive and the boost extension and the strafe drive :roll: but I did it - just me against a mighty large cluster in my flying fish.

Irritatingly when I looked at my message log one M3 and about 6 M5s had bailed but as I was in a firing frenzy bitching betty didnt have a chance to tell me :( so they all counted as enemy kills somehow :gruebel:

Not to worry - it did my combat rating no harm at all. Confidence up :)

The next cluster I took on wiped me out in under 30seconds though. Confidence back down :(

Good fun though
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Post by KarlHemmings » Fri, 17. Sep 04, 12:44

Cracking stories - mad doughnut mission - thats going to keeping me going for hours. Well done. :thumb_up:

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Post by gerrythegremlin » Fri, 17. Sep 04, 15:59

Yes, these space navy types take donuts and e-mail very seriously. Maybe the Nova was a donut delivery guy who was late, so they decided that his crime had serious implications for moral, and the best way to deal with him was to take away his new toy as an object lesson.
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Post by KarlHemmings » Mon, 20. Sep 04, 10:46

Just had to share...

The (Late) Mad Fly Spotter

In my current game I have worked on the basis that if I do not bother the Xennon they will not bother me; so I was most upset when one of my ships reported it had been attacked by a Xennon in Scale Plate Green. I decided to pop into the Xennon sector just south of SPG and have a chat to the pilot; after all I am on good standing with the Split and we all know they have some contact with the Xennon.
Well things did not go too well. A number of "J" and "K" class ships took exception to my being in their sector and wanted to negotiate with me over a round of PPC fire, I was in my Osprey and countered their argument with a volley of HEPT fire. From their the discussion really went down hill and the air was soon filled with counter arguments.
Next thing I get was "we are scanned" - now I must admit what I said and what I write are not quite the same - "in here - who?". A Paranid Peggy with no home base had scanned me - ah a freelancer possibly looking for taxi mission.
"we scanned your ship" was interupted by "incoming missile". The Peggy shot off - I think the pilot had seen some space flys - the last I saw of him was a puff of smoke as he tried to pass between me and the Xennon K that was currently to hand.
Obviously I had to take that personnaly as the Paranid and I are on reasonable terms.

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Post by Storm666 » Mon, 20. Sep 04, 11:04

lol... yeah them freelance cops get ya anywhere anytime!

i recently re-done the ore belt mission again (since 1.4) and you have to watch out for these argon nova pilots that have watched too much red dwarf...
let me explain... whilst i was thoroughly getting my ass kicked by tons of missiles (what ever?) from the khaak invaders, i accidentally shoot a nova a few too many times (hey.. what can i say it was a huge furball of a fight... couldn’t help it!!! thats my excuse!). anyway i got behind a KM3 and started to get some good hits in... when i noticed the nova appear on the righthand side very quickly bouncing into the KM3, knocking the KM3 into me, Killing the KM3 and of-course ME!!!!

No... i do not want to play pool any more... Thank you Lister! :(

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Post by Kibinto » Mon, 20. Sep 04, 12:27

My best story, is I had just wiped out the xenon sector 372(number) just south of SPG. I have a loop in Omicron Lyrae, so i had to bring in my main fleet to protect it from the inevitable Xenon reinforcement fleet coming from 472. I brought my main fleet into Black Hole Sun to try and stop them there before I launch an attact on teh shipyard in 472. My fleet consisted of a Titan, a Ray, 12 Novas and 6 other M3's from all other races and 5 M6's (2x centaur, 3x dragon). I set then up with all the usual orders, and waited (I was in my Teladi M6 -w00t). Then 1 K enters, and starts to approach, then another and another enters. I think to myself wow, are there gonna be anymore? Then about 20 Xenon fighters come in too, so the main battle begins. I single handedly take down a K, with another K pouning away at me and my 2 M2's beating the living crap out of the other K. I turn around to go after the K attacking me when WHACK, a L suicides into me. No matter, I think, it barely made a dent. Then BOOM, a notehr L kamakazied. WTF?? I think. My shields have taken anotehr hit and my jumpdrive is dead by now, the K starts to take off, running away from me, so i send 2 of my Dragons to catch up to it to try slow it down for me. One of them gets nailed before it gets its first shot off, the second one gets ready to attack it, when the K turns around and almost collides with it. I have a quick look at how my fleet is doing, and i notice that another K has come in, almost all of my M3's are dead and 1 of my centaurs is down. My Titan is doing fine, hammering away at 4 or 5 L's, when my Ray gets blown up by the new K. Screw this i think, and withdraw all my forces into Treasure Chest, to make a seconf line of defence. I bring in another Titain and 3 more Centaurs from OOS defence, along with a Herc carrying 17 Novas. I get ready for the Xenon to come pounding through, so i send a disco through the gate to find out whats happening in BHS. The Xenon has almost whiped out the sector by now, with no sign of them weakening. In a spur of the moment decision, i jump my entire fleet in Treasure Chest into 472 and target the shipyard. A massive battle ensues where i lost a Titain and my Herc along with 2 more centaurs and a bunch of M3's. I pull the rest of my remaining fleet from 472, the mission being accomplished and set them up in Omicron Lyrae, ready to defend my loop there. I have an extra Titan by doing this, and 2 more centaurs thanks to my Omicron Lyrae defence fleet. The Xenon fleet, having bashed through Treasure Chest, enters through the jumpgate, and my fleet engages. First blood is drawn when i use a backup jumpdrive that i scrounged from one of my Novas, to jump in behind the K as it comes through the gate. Easy work. A massive slugfest starts as 2 of my Titains take on 2 K's, almos drawing even until i come ion and lend a helping hand. The battle practically over, i assist my fighters in a mop-up of the remaining Xenon fighters, and startsending my ships off to get repairs. The funnest battle i have ever fought. :twisted: :twisted: :D :D
[ external image ]
Thats like strapping a 3000hp engine to a shopping trolly... sure it goes fast... but would you really get in it?
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Post by KarlHemmings » Mon, 20. Sep 04, 12:55

Now that is a cool Xennon battle story!!

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Post by Kibinto » Mon, 20. Sep 04, 13:53

thanks :)
[ external image ]
Thats like strapping a 3000hp engine to a shopping trolly... sure it goes fast... but would you really get in it?
M1: 6
M2: 23
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M4: 57
M5: 28
M6: 103
Factories: 348
Credits: 46,128,672

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