Ore Belt Mission - Impossible? HELP!

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Ore Belt Mission - Impossible? HELP!

Post by jeffkretz » Mon, 27. Dec 04, 07:59

Before when I was a newbie to X2 I thought a Silicone mine in Ore Belt would be a good idea, so I scanned all the astroids, found one with 64 Silicone and set it up. I didnt make any money very fast and my transports got desroyed a lot so I abandoned that Idea and made some SPP's and made lotsa profitsssss. So now that I got lotsa credits and a couple M6's fully decked out, I went on and continued with the campaign...

I have now decided to continue the campaign. I am supposed to scan ALL the astroids in Ore Belt for a Khaak station; I have and no luck finding it. I dont know if the fact that I had scanned all the astroids early in the game screwed this mission up, but I think I am about to throw my very expensive computer down from my third floor apartment.

If you have any advice, please share so i dont have to violently maim my PC.
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Post by ennokT » Mon, 27. Dec 04, 09:29

Nothing you did violated this mission. It'll always be an asteroid N of the North gate. Never one that you build on.. in the 2 times I've restarted it's been a different asteroid .. but always on the N side of the N gate. Just scan those and you'll find it!!


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Post by terrabyte » Mon, 27. Dec 04, 09:59

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Post by junj.chan » Mon, 27. Dec 04, 16:36

theres a sensor obscuring nebula (sp) [i think there is anyway, the khaak ships attacking me dont show up on the sector map and theres a large hole without astroids in] in there, you might have to fly up to every astroid to target them as they wont be on the sector map.

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Post by Graaf » Mon, 27. Dec 04, 16:41

All I will tell you its an Ore Asteroid NorthEast behind the North Gate.
Good Luck.

PS: The Khaak spawn right around you, meaning your very close.

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Post by CHAZZ » Mon, 27. Dec 04, 19:25

It probably sounds dumb, but make sure you talk with the Colossus Captain first. Just in case 8)

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Post by Graaf » Mon, 27. Dec 04, 23:03

Baldy Mik is the one telling you to scan all the 'roids in Ore Belt.

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Post by Droffy » Mon, 27. Dec 04, 23:48

even if you have scanned all the asteriods prior to the mission, you will have to scan them again.

not sure if they are correct about it always being a north asteriod. cant remember that far back lol.

make sure you have a good and well equiped ship. with maybe some wing men too..
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Post by jeffkretz » Tue, 28. Dec 04, 04:51

Cool! Alright guys thanks for the help I guess I was just really hoping I didnt screw up royaly and have to restart the whole game. Well I am flying a centaur and have a dragon also protecting me, and these damn swarms still get me sometimes! :( :o :( :shock: :x :evil: Alright cool Ill check northeast of the north gate.
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Post by Cmdr. B. » Tue, 28. Dec 04, 06:28

jeffkretz wrote:Well I am flying a centaur and have a dragon also protecting me, and these damn swarms still get me sometimes! :( :o :( :shock: :x :evil: quote]

Use an Osprey instead - it's what I used today to beat that mission. With BPSGs in the rear turret (and the extra 125MW shield) the swarm won't bother you too much. Not sure if it's the 1.4 patch or the Gunnery Script but the Khaak are most definitely tougher than before.
The asteroid to look for is random but I think it is always north of the north gate. Mine turned out to be NW of the north gate beyond the sensor obscuring area this time.

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Post by meddluk » Sun, 2. Jan 05, 18:10

Man, Im struggling with this part of the plot at the moment, I've founf the asteroid, got the equipment needed to destroy it but cant seem to make it out the otherside with the debris in my freight bay alive.

Im in a maxed out Nova with another the same as a wingman.

Should I just give up for now and wait until I have better ships?

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Post by Phoenix_UK » Sun, 2. Jan 05, 19:36

1) Sell the Nova.
2) Buy something that moves slightly faster than a retarded animal baby on crack.
3) Don't try it in a corvette.

This mission got hella tight since the update. First time round i waded in with a fully loaded centaur and pasted the whole field MUAHAHAHA.

This time i got my butt handed to me after the third khaak wave spawned in... too many m4's...
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Post by olisimar » Sun, 2. Jan 05, 20:12

Yeah well a dragon got one advantage few care for in this mission, speed,
shields and turrets. I did it in a dragon solely. The advice I got that once
I had blown that base up, head out for the colossus and pick up the pieces
later so to speak, once the colossus had waped most of them that was
following you. (cred to AdmiralTigerClaw)
http://www.egosoft.com/x2/forum/viewtop ... c&start=15

Just set it's turrets to attack all enemies and roll the dragon around to
wape 'em. With a corvette the games isn't cap ship but close too, gotta
expose thos turrets to be effective since your main gun isn't going to
cut it as you have a poor turning speed as compared to a M3.
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Post by Merroc » Sun, 2. Jan 05, 20:34

ennokT wrote:in the 2 times I've restarted it's been a different asteroid .. but always on the N side of the N gate.
In the few times Ive done this mission it was on a radom place. Even the few times when I had to load a game prior to discovering which asteroid it was (or it was before the starting of the mission, long time ago), it changed every time I reloaded... :(.
I like 'yes Ive finaly found it, now I can go sit in my mining laser equipped transport to destroy the asteroid'. BOOM too close to the 'roid :shock: :evil: . Well reload, I still now which 'roid it is. NOT... :shock: :evil: .

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Post by robjfrench » Mon, 3. Jan 05, 00:38

Why not use a jumpdrive to get away from the Khaak?

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Post by AdmiralTigerclaw » Mon, 3. Jan 05, 01:55

Because you need to get the Khaak far enough away from the debree to have time to drop your shields and pick up three items without getting reduced to SPACE SLAG. I don't think you can pick something up from out of system... last time I checked anything... I needed to be there if I wanted to pick anything up... especially if it's my hands doing the picking. This is a classic 'run the guantlet' mission.

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Post by GCU Grey Area » Mon, 3. Jan 05, 14:45

I did the Ore Belt mission in an Elephant & just ignored the Khaak ships buzzing around. Took a bit of hull damage when I had to drop the shields to pick up the bits, but nothing serious & easily repaired once the mission was over.

Only problem I had with the mission was that I had to restart the game before I did it - in the previous game I had mined out the entire sector (& most of the rest of the universe) before I got round to doing the mission & it was taking too long for the asteroids to respawn...

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Post by jester688 » Mon, 3. Jan 05, 15:45

Its easy enough in a NOVA...just keep shooting...keep you rear gun on Auto...

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Post by nightshade » Mon, 3. Jan 05, 19:32

played that mission twice and both times i found the base
nw of n gate. to the left of the pirate base.
it appears the base is on the outskirts of the asteroid field i usually go over or under if i dont feel like a big fight.
did the mission easy in a cuda going round the field
On the day of judgement.. do you think i could demand trial by combat?

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Post by meddluk » Tue, 4. Jan 05, 00:26

I just did it, I did it with a 2 maxed out Nova's and a Maxed out Khaak M3.

With that support as wingmen the Khaak barely touched me.

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