Welcome to Scripting and Modding - Please read these first

The place to discuss scripting and game modifications for X³: Farnham's Legacy

Moderators: Moderators for English X Forum, Scripting / Modding Moderators, Moderators for the X3:FL Forums

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Moderator (Script&Mod)
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Welcome to Scripting and Modding - Please read these first

Post by Cycrow » Fri, 9. Apr 21, 15:18

Hello, and welcome to the EGOSOFT forums!

We hope that your experience with the EGOSOFT forums is informative and entertaining. If you have any questions, please contact a forum moderator. The moderators for the Script & Modding forum can be looked up here. Please make sure you read General Forum Rules below to ensure a pleasant stay for everyone.

General Forum Rules

Please respect the forum rules and make your stay here an enjoyable one for yourself and all other users.
  1. Personal abuse directed towards another forum member is not permitted under any circumstances. If you are offended by another user's post or conduct, try to contact that user directly to peacefully resolve the issue. In most cases a single PM can solve misunderstandings quickly. If you do not succeed, please contact a moderator for assistance. Do not respond in kind.
  2. Mild swearing is permitted, but minors do use these boards so please bear that in mind. A 'swear filter' is in place on these forums, but users who consistently rely on it in their posts may receive a warning.
  3. Images, links or any other content that other forum users may find obscene or offensive, will not be tolerated. This includes but is not limited to sexism, racism, incitement to violence and extreme religious and political views. Users breaking this rule will be dealt with severely.
  4. Any form of commercial advertising will not be tolerated (except by us, obviously).
  5. Any discussion of illegal activities, links to pirated software, or sites with content that is not in line with the law of the host country AND the posting country will not be tolerated. This is not limited to the X series games.
  6. Spam will not be tolerated. Please also ensure that when posting a new thread, your topic title is relevant and not just an 'attention grabber' e.g. HELLLPPPP!!!!!
  7. Signatures should total no larger than 600 pixels wide and 150 pixels high, including all images and text. This means you can have up to 8 lines of text maximum (including blank lines) or an image up to 150 pixels high, but not both. Avatars are limited to 80 x 80 pixels. The total combined size for both signature and avatar should not exceed 50kb.
  8. Images posted should not exceed 640 x 480 and 100kb in size
  9. Discussion of any action taken by a moderator or site administrator is not permitted. This includes discussion of warnings, bans or locked topics, and also the re-starting of a topic that has just been locked.
  10. 'Bumping' of old or out of date topics is not encouraged, as is doing so to a more recent topic just to bring it back to the top.
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  12. Abuse of the "report" function will not be tolerated. The report function is a tool to quickly report violations of the forum rules to the forum moderation team. It should not be used to report posts that have already been moderated, nor to bring a moderator's attention to a post for any reason other than a rule violation (in particular it must not be used to highlight your own posts). If you want to contact a moderator, please use the Private Message system.

Forum User Agreement
  • While the administrators and moderators of this forum will attempt to remove or edit any generally objectionable material as quickly as possible, it is impossible to review every message. Therefore you acknowledge that all posts made to these forums express the views and opinions of the author and not the administrators, moderators or webmaster (except for posts by these people) and hence will not be held liable.
  • You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-oriented or any other material that may violate any applicable laws. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned (and your service provider being informed). The IP address of all posts is recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions. You agree that the webmaster, administrator and moderators of this forum have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should they see fit.
  • Egosoft reserves the right to ban a user at any time, without notice, from any or all areas of the Egosoft website especially for spamming, flooding, or otherwise abusing the public communication tools.
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  • By using these forums you agree to be bound by these conditions.

Game registration
  • Moderators and site administrators are within their rights to ask you for your game registration code where relevant. This will not reveal personal information, and as such, failure to provide this on demand without any reasonable explanation may be dealt with severely.

Queries and complaints
  • For a question or complaint about the forum, your forum account, or another user, please contact a moderator.
  • For a question about game registration or complaint about a moderator, please contact an admininstrator.
  • This is the X3:FL Scripts & Modding forum, here you can find or design scripts and other mods to change your game. There are many different other forums, a full list of which can be found in the forum index
We reserve the right to extend or update these rules at any given time without prior notice. However usually there will be a notification of such a change.


Additional rules for the Scripting & Modding Forum
  1. Use of other authors scripts or mods in your own work from any Egosoft product without the authors permission is not allowed and will be regarded as breaching piracy rules, links will be removed and posts locked. This work is the property of the author and permission must be gained and provided to a moderator on request.
  2. Posting new threads with questions in relation to an existing active topic : USE that thread.
  3. Posting topics that have nothing to do with Scripts and Modding : Don't do it!
  4. Trolling the forum with "all community scripts are cheats" posts is not acceptable, this includes any other forum on this site.
  5. "This threads is gonna get locked" or "here come the keys" posts. Shhhh or PM a moderator :)
  6. Cheats questions go in the Cheat Sticky
  7. Any dispute should primarily be resolved between the two parties via PM, Moderators will not get involved unless there is a blatant breach of Rule 1 which is evidenced to them via PM after this discussion has taken place.

Quick Tips for new visitors to S+M
  • For a more detailed explanation please see the other sticky threads for Activating the Script Editor, X Plugin Manager for issues with installing .spk files, you don't need to read past the first post in any of those threads.
  • If you are after a simple hack or cheat there is very little chance they are not contained within the Cheat Scripts sticky and all questions and requests must be posted in that thread.
  • There is also no need to bump your thread back to the top of the forum. This also applies to threads you have created without replies, please don't bump just edit your previous post with any extra info.

The Script Editor

Please note that this powerful tool is provided for your use as is. Script writing and accompanied problems are NOT supported by Egosoft or any testers/volunteers.
  1. Enter the menu to change your pilot's name
  2. Type Thereshallbewings (note the capital T) and press enter
  3. The menu will close, your player name will NOT have been changed, and a confirmation beep will sound on correct activation
  4. You will now find the "Script Editor" menu item in the command console (shift+c)

Troubleshooting if you can't open the SE
  • Have you changed your pilot name, not your ship name
  • Make sure you are not docked
  • Have you used a capital T

Note that the publication of the Script Editor access code by no means forces you to use it. The editor is an advanced and most importantly optional feature.
If you are not into script programming of any sort you are advised not to try to alter any scripts without first accepting you may fubar your game.

IMPORTANT: Once opened the script editor can not be closed in your save game. A new start will be required


Troubleshooting Scripts or Mods

If you have downloaded a script/mod and it seems not to work make sure you have followed the following 5 steps
  • Have you enabled the script editor by typing Thereshallbewings as your Pilot name? (Read "The Script Editor" section above for more help)
  • Have you read the guides that are stickied on this forum
  • If the script is an AL Plugin have you saved your game after installing it and then reloaded to check if the AL Plugin settings are showing up?
  • Have you posted your problem in the thread which you got the script from?
  • Are you positive you have installed the files to the correct folders?

Where has my post gone
  • If you post a new thread and it has disappeared it is likely that it has been merged with another thread. You can go to your forum profile page and click the link that says "Show all posts by this user" you will find your post quite easily. If you still cant find it, PM a moderator for more information.


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