Animated Dockports - Dock Flags and Reference Point to docked ship

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Animated Dockports - Dock Flags and Reference Point to docked ship

Post by daniel.benton » Fri, 13. May 22, 13:31


I'm currently modding my own version of X3:AP and I noticed in the X3:FL reveal trailer there is a scene where a ship emerges on an animated platform before launching. I was just curious if there were new docking points created for Farnham's Legacy that use the bottom of a ship model for docking rather than the top like all the docking points I can find in AP? (I don't currently have X3:FL to look deeper into the Dummies file)

I'd also be curious if any more Docking Flags were revealed? :wink: I appreciate if this isn't something you are willing to share as I know a lot of effort will have gone into creating X3:FL.

Thank you.

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