RS.Quick Fighter Launch System[07/02/05]

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Red Spot
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Post by Red Spot » Wed, 1. Jun 05, 03:46

minor update .. :gruebel:

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Post by Aye Capn » Wed, 1. Jun 05, 06:46

Your QFLS script sounds totally cool!

Using M5's as scouts is neat. Will deployment of advanced satellites help in that department as well?

The "fleet management" aspect of your script also sounds really neat.

The question of "how many ships should I launch?" would seem to depend on the size of the threat: a Khaak destroyer is going to take everything you've got, but to launch hundreds of ships against a lone Orinoco would be silly.

Does your resupply script keep watch over its targets, resupplying them whenever needed, or is it a one-shot like Xai's resupply script?

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Post by Red Spot » Wed, 1. Jun 05, 07:18

tnx ..

and about deploying fighters in an amount that is triggered by a type off enemy .. is something I do want to incorperate .. but its a bit harder than you might think .. cause just think about "finding" a lone M5 .. whats behind it?? .. so theres where the scout option becomes very helpfull .. it only launches 2 wings .. (already decided to retweak that a bit .. so it launches 3 wings on an M6 and 2 on anything smaller .. still not launching on anything bigger than an M6) .. and if they have a hard time .. its very easy to quick launch a few back-up wings .. or often they will get in range off the carrier by that time .. and it starts launching more fighters ..

so in short .. checking the nearest target and launching wings depending on that .. requires "re-checks" while there are allready fighters in space .. so that means for 1 launch-cycle you need to keep track off at least 3 totals ..(amount of enemies/size of enemies/amount off launched ships/wings)

and there I than have to limit the players input ..

about the equiping .. it an one-time-shot ..

(my SRS-script is the "constant" resupplier .. but this is not yet usable with this script .. not yet .)

btw. just to let you know how much tweaking etc I had to do to get it all done .. the total package consists out of 37scripts ..


ps; does it really matter that your carrier gets emtied out on a cluster .. they prob wont see much big battles anyway .. and its just cool to see a cloud off fighters picking of enemies 1 by 1 .. nothing being able to tough them .. because they stay organized .. :fg:

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Post by Red Spot » Wed, 1. Jun 05, 23:54

improvements have been realized .. and more to come .. (read the first part of the first post ..)


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Post by milling_hordesman » Thu, 2. Jun 05, 04:14

glad to see you're still keeping up with this. it sounds like it's turning out to be quite a package. good luck! :thumb_up:
--the milling_hordesman

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Aye Capn
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Post by Aye Capn » Thu, 2. Jun 05, 06:58

I really want to get my hands on this. It sounds like you've put a lot of work into it.

I guess I need to get to "work" at earning some credits so I can afford all those ships. ;)

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Post by Red Spot » Mon, 27. Jun 05, 11:12

added an extra command .. and 'expanded' the 'auto-command' ..


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Post by Glare » Sat, 2. Jul 05, 08:52

Alrighty then, time to add my two cents worth. :D Firstly I really like this script. It gives a feeling of real carrier operations to the game.

With mine I fiddled slightly with the 't' file and changed the names and stuff to reflect my personal views on it. Take it as you will.

Ware name - Flight Operations Control Centre
Launch X - Launch Flight
QFLS Main - Carrier Flight Operations (Catch all for CAP, BARCAP, etc) seeing as it constantly runs in the additional slots it fits.

I left the others alone because they didn't really need renaming, just removed the QFLS prefix. As I said, just personal preference.

I also fiddled with the launch numbers when it auto scrambles or you decide to launch a group. Now there will never be a single fighter launched as in the modern Air Forces and Navy's the smallest unit for Air Ops is the element or two fighters, leader and wingman. Same now goes for space navies.
Organisation is as follows:
2 ships is an element, 4 is a flight (two elements) and 12 is a squadron(3 fights, 6 elements)
and the launch values are:
M5,M4,M3,TS,TP - element
M6 - flight
TL - flight
M2 - squadron
M1 - squadron

This is a nice easy breakdown and I can always launch more fighters as backup for attacks on the big fellas when they arrive by using the launch X command (gotta love it)

Improvement wise, it might be an idea to add another script call in the launch count script that sets a loadout appropriate to the target eg:
launch at an M1, M2 or other large ship and your fighters are prepped with an anti shipping loadout of hornets with some dragonflys and the like for keeping fighters of your backs. Launch for escort and the loadout alters to more dogfighting missiles with a few hornets in case some biggies arrive.

I know theres a equip command already in there but this would make it a lot more dynamic. (I'm lazy sorry but equipping, sorting and whatnot of 100 plus fighters is not my cup of tea) My reasoning then is that the player doesn't have to keep fiddling with individual fighters and their wares all the time. All they have to do is maintain munitions levels on the carrier itself.

What also might be an idea is to make stations able to use this script as well. Not really that desperately needed for me personally as I'm running Marks wingamn scripts as well.

Finally, there was mention in the topic about having a CAP flight launched and pacing the carrier at all times. Good Idea that. Rather than have them stuck as a close escort have them orbit (patrol) the carrier at say 2 km distance and make the waypoints move with the carrier as it moves. Hell even have a timer going so that every twenty minutes or so they dock and fresh flight is launched. Then if any enemy gets within 10km of the carrier they attack. If the loadout script is added then to the CAP then they can be set with a nice mix of weaponry so they're prepared for any eventuality.


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Post by Red Spot » Sat, 2. Jul 05, 09:50

Thanks for the input Mark ..

-I wouldnt mind making a 2th 't'-file with some other names for the commands .. but pers. I like the combi off colour-coding commands and having the 'script'-name in front off them (my carriers a jam-packed with commands .. and I would go crazy if couldnt see in 1 look what is what)
next to that .. I guess any-one wanting the commands to have a diff. name will prob change them themselves ..

-launch-amount .. same as above .. wouldnt mind making a "launch.amount"-script that sets M5's etc on a min. off 2 Fighters .. but have you ever seen a cluster break up close to the carrier? .. cause then first off all ships get launched at the cluster .. than when the cluster breaks up .. the carrier only launched individual ships at the M5's .. but only if there are not more than x fighters airborn .. so here it would not matter to much .. but when a cluster breaks up .. and the carrier starts launching at every individual ship .. means it will start launching about 40 fighters for 1 cluster ..
in my method (dont need more than 1 ship/M5) you keep it at a minimum .. and still have a Fighter targetting every individual M5 ..

-launching vs M1/M2 .. wel this is more or less somethig I added just in case .. cause 'auto' launching vs them is kinda a death-wish ..
also I have been experimenting a bit with "wing-sizes" .. and came to the conclusion that 2 wings off each 4 fighters usually do a better job than 1 wing off 8 fighters .. (also take in account that the lead-ship is usually the first to go boom..)

-X is handy isnt it ..??.. :roll:

-prepping ships .. sry .. guess I would make a bit to 'powerfull' then(but just use the SRS .. and you can have them take it all onboard)

-equiping ships .. 2 options here .. the equip-command (it will outfit all fighters off that type .. not just 1)
or DL my TUDS (wich holds SRS) ..

- :lol: .. this is more or less the first version where I dropped the station command .. (if you'd really like it .. I could put a 'simple' version back in again (simple --> like the ones for M2/TL/M6s ..)

-QFLS X .. select the Carrier as target .. and you have a CAP (I guess you mean Carrier air patrol)
ships patrol around the carrier (6 waypoints .. above/below/front/behind/left/right) .. they will attack anything within 10km and return to the patrol if the target should leave a 12km range ..
(so you didnt read up to well .. :P :D )

do take in mind .. I could improve this script pretty much .. but as the game already favours the player .. it wouldnt make it much fun .. so I still kept it somewhat 'stupid' so the players 'mind' is required here and there ..

EDIT: about the main-command .. if its working prop. you shouldnt see it running on an M1 ..


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Post by Glare » Sat, 2. Jul 05, 19:19

-launch-amount .. same as above .. wouldnt mind making a "launch.amount"-script that sets M5's etc on a min. off 2 Fighters .. but have you ever seen a cluster break up close to the carrier? .. cause then first off all ships get launched at the cluster .. than when the cluster breaks up .. the carrier only launched individual ships at the M5's .. but only if there are not more than x fighters airborn .. so here it would not matter to much .. but when a cluster breaks up .. and the carrier starts launching at every individual ship .. means it will start launching about 40 fighters for 1 cluster ..
in my method (dont need more than 1 ship/M5) you keep it at a minimum .. and still have a Fighter targetting every individual M5 ..
Okay I see what you mean. Makes sense that way. Haven't yet launched against the Khaak yet as I'm running terradine.
-launching vs M1/M2 .. wel this is more or less somethig I added just in case .. cause 'auto' launching vs them is kinda a death-wish ..
also I have been experimenting a bit with "wing-sizes" .. and came to the conclusion that 2 wings off each 4 fighters usually do a better job than 1 wing off 8 fighters .. (also take in account that the lead-ship is usually the first to go boom..)
Aint that the truth. It still launches in groups of 4(5) but I just set the max as twelve not the 60 or so it was. Just personal preference as I can always rerun the command again if I need to send to send more than a squadron. They only fly in support of a big ship that is attacking it any way.

Yes flight groups of 4 are good because they are versatile. Thats why I love this script :D
-X is handy isnt it ..??.. Rolling Eyes
Damn skippy it is :lol:
-prepping ships .. sry .. guess I would make a bit to 'powerfull' then(but just use the SRS .. and you can have them take it all onboard)

-equiping ships .. 2 options here .. the equip-command (it will outfit all fighters off that type .. not just 1)
or DL my TUDS (wich holds SRS) ..
Already have almost all of your scripts loaded :D TUDS, FDS, QFLS
What I mean is that whenever you launch or auto launch your fighters, it checks for the target and assigns a loadout to the ships. For example, if its an M5 then the ships would only have say 10 dragonflys onboard and maybe a few silkworms as well, no more than five. If its an M3 then launch with more dragonflys (20?).
Launch against a big ship and you'll load any where up to 40 Hornets and say a max of 20 Dragonflys/silkworms. When the ships land back on the carrier they then unload all munitions back into storage. This way you don't have to constantly keep track of who has what where. This script sets it up for you on each launch. Like I said, I'm lazy and micromanagement of tons of fighters is not my cup of tea. I know the equip command loads the value inputted per type but I just feel that this is a nicer way of doing it. Take it as you will.
-QFLS X .. select the Carrier as target .. and you have a CAP (I guess you mean Carrier air patrol)
ships patrol around the carrier (6 waypoints .. above/below/front/behind/left/right) .. they will attack anything within 10km and return to the patrol if the target should leave a 12km range ..
(so you didnt read up to well .. Razz Very Happy )
Oops, sorry. I suffer from a mild form of dyslexia in that I sometimes read what isn't there. I thought it said 'protect' the carrier not 'patrol around and protect' the carrier. My bad. Oh and CAP stands for Combat Air Patrol, actually what you have set up is a BARCAP (BARrier Combat Air Patrol - close patrol of carrier if aggressors get through the outer air defences)
do take in mind .. I could improve this script pretty much .. but as the game already favours the player .. it wouldnt make it much fun .. so I still kept it somewhat 'stupid' so the players 'mind' is required here and there ..
I have the ai version of this as well and am trying to make it work for all other races carriers in the game. Alas my knowledge of scripting is non-existant so many a swear word has been launched at my monitor as the scripting engine blows raspberries at me :lol: I'll get it eventually though.
EDIT: about the main-command .. if its working prop. you shouldnt see it running on an M1 ..
I know, I just preferred my naming conventions. As I said, nothing against what you had set up just personal preferences.


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Post by Red Spot » Sat, 2. Jul 05, 19:40

Glare ..

give me an hour (am busy making dinner).. and I upload a new version (removed the launching at M1/M2s and the carrier sends a mess. )
also as it sounds you have the 2th newest version ..
(will be uploading new versions off both reg. and AI QFLS.. just some minor tweaks ..)

about the AI-QFLS .. DL the modded 'attack.enemies.range'-script I made .. it will 'kick'-start AI-QFLS on every M1 .. ;)(you dont have to do anything any more if you have that installed ..only change is that it will run AI-QFLS ..been testing this one the Col. in AP .. it may not be to deadly vs the player .. but it sure is fun ..:D)


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Post by Glare » Sat, 2. Jul 05, 20:16

No rush.

I take it you mean you removed the auto launch against Capital Ships (M1,M2,TL)?

If so thats cool, now you only attack those ships with fighters when you specifically target them right?

As for the 'attack.enemies.range'-script do you mean the on your site?

What I'll try do is write a script that adds in the auto-prepping I mentioned earlier (load missiles before attack, unload after ships have landed.) Might as well start learning to script and its something I want to add so we'll see if I can do it. If and when I get it sorted I'll post a copy for you to check out and see if you want to add it.


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Post by Red Spot » Sat, 2. Jul 05, 21:00

Glare ..

this is the script I was refering to -->
if you install it .. it will activate the AI-QFLS on "all" M1s ..(doesnt have much use if the M1s lack the M3s you'll have to check-up on that )

about the equip'ing-part
-you could do it this way ..
check the 'target'class in the launch script(s .. there are several)
than if class = big ship .. check for hornets on homebase etc etc ..(check the SRS on how to .. make sure you have all checks in there)

you will have to make it 'flexibel' .. think off Mamba's .. they are M3s but cant carry Hornets .. (if I'm not mistaken .. else take the Ori as example .. :roll: )

-update .. check first post ..


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Post by duke8202 » Wed, 6. Jul 05, 04:48

Hello Red Dot,

I downloaded the RS Tool and QFLS for player M1 and AI_QFLS for non-player M1. However, I am having a hard time locating the command menu to launch fighters and etc. There is no command in Ship Command Console nor in the secondary additinal command slots. Do I have to purchase it from eq. dock or trading dock? Is there a main script that I need to run from the Script menu? Sound pretty interesting. Please advise. :(


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Post by Red Spot » Wed, 6. Jul 05, 11:25

Duke ..

You need to buy the QFLS SoftWare from an Argon Equip. Dock ..

also I'd advise people who have no/little scripting experiance "not" to DL the AI-version .. (its not a script that you have to install and presto .. it requires the player to first off all check up on the M1s .. than you have to alter the 'starter-script' (and run it manually) or DL the script I mentioned in the post above yours (RS.Mod.KillEnmyRange) ..)

if you are sure all M1s on the map have enough M3s docked .. and you want the AI-version to run on all M1s than DL and install the RS.Mod.KillEnmyRange-script .. this will start the AI-QFLS on all M1s that are on 'kill.enemy.range' (that is every M1/M2/M6 and most other fighters)

hope this helps ..;)


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Post by duke8202 » Thu, 7. Jul 05, 06:29


Hehe... :lol: Thank works ggrreat. Thanx

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Post by Red Spot » Thu, 7. Jul 05, 13:45

you're welcome ..:P

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Post by Red Spot » Thu, 14. Jul 05, 03:56

need some help ..

I'm completely remaking this script ..
but I'm working in a way I havent done much (io working with scripts I now work with the actual 'fly' commands ..)

it seems to be working for as far as I have remade it and tested it ..
but its so much .. and so many things to keep in mind .. that its very likely I just look over things .. and there I need some testers ..

when I say complete remake .. I mean so .. even the commands have been altered and reorganized ..
I'm using an other beta (my AMA.AMDS script) in a slightly altered version for the M4s ..
a new way off making sure that all enemys are being engaged ..
and no more tasks in the background (so no more 'manual override' command)
etc etc

so if any-one is interested in helping me out with trying to break this .. I'd very much apreciate it
(just send me a PM.. and I'll send you a link where you can pick it up ..;))

Thanks ..


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Post by BlueSwede » Thu, 14. Jul 05, 08:48

I like the QFLS script. I watched it for awhile and it was quite cool when it launches fighters when a cluster appears.

I now have a Shark patrolling my factory complex in Presidents End together with my Odysseus...

I have only bought 40 M3's for it so far (20 Nova and 20 Perseus), but it'll have to do for awhile.

Greate script anyway!

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Post by Red Spot » Thu, 14. Jul 05, 12:46

Thanks ..

and its going to be much better ... :roll:

If it is working as I'm going for .. and bugs are squashed .. than I might actually even put this one up for signing (well I first off all have to check up on about what I picked up on the German forum about new signed script .. and the 'TelCat' script being one off them .. if it is .. I'm not putting it up for signing)


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