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About how many people are staying loyal to X2 here?

Posted: Thu, 15. Nov 07, 22:06
Hey, I've been working on a Galaxy Map for the past couple months, and I was thinking about uploading it, but before I do it, I wanted to know:
About how many people are still playing X2?

If its only a few people, I might not upload.

Just wondering.

Posted: Fri, 16. Nov 07, 02:14
by TycHouse
Well i am working on a script that i started in 2004 !!
Got set aside by X3, then health problems & now pc problems ! I'm beginning to think maybe this script is trying to tell me something :evil:

Posted: Fri, 16. Nov 07, 03:10
by Mik Balser
I'm still pegging away at it. There's much about X3 I don't like. No docking at M2's for example. Claiming leftover ships, etc.

Even some of the new ship designs are not as good as the ones in X2.

RA's mod and Harlocks Top Gun have breathed new life into it for me, so I'll be playing it for a while to come. :)

Posted: Fri, 16. Nov 07, 04:35
Yeah, I heard that X3 had awesome graphics and everything, but that there were many downsides to it. That's why I'm not going to get it. I'm going to stay with X2 for quite a while.

So, @ Mik Balser, would you download my map for a sort of Top Gun 3.5 when I finish it?


Posted: Fri, 16. Nov 07, 10:55
by dathion
I have X3 but I mostly play X2 because of cockpits or the lack of them in X3 and no docking at stations. I must admit the lack of modders and scripters for X2 is dissapointing to say the least. I have tryed to do my own modding with no succes. But still enjoy X2.

Posted: Fri, 16. Nov 07, 12:14
by Omnicron Lyrae
X2 was the first game I ever got after I got my first Nvidia graphics card.
That is why I shall remain loyal to X2. :D
I have only ever played the X3 demo ONCE and it didn't really make me want to jump up and buy it and with the number of games i've played over the last 8 years, that most definitely means I don't like/want it.

Posted: Sat, 17. Nov 07, 05:51
by Duendote
I have X3, and I too prefer X2, Sure the graphics are cool, but most of the ships suck. The only cool ships in X3 were modded in by the great modders from x2 who went over to x3.
So I am one to stay with X2.

Posted: Sat, 17. Nov 07, 10:29
by Chris Gi
X3 looks better, it has some new features from a modder's or scripter's point of view. But a plain X3 installation sucks. It's the community's work that make X3 interesting. But: there's something missing, I don't exactly know what, but it's that part that makes X2 the great game it is. I'm addicted to X2 :-)

But I must admit: I won't use your map. At least not on a regular basis. But this has nothing to do with your work but mine. I'm working with a few other people on a mod. This mod has it's own story and will be compatible with the original story. Therefore we need to use our own map especially designed for this purpose. No chance for your map, sorry!

One of the greatest things about X2 is that you can change many aspect of the game to your liking. You want a different layout of the universe and sectors - change the map. You want new ships - make a mod. You want the ships do something different - write a script. Some players want to do that, but don't know how to do it, so they need to use the work of others. You will never know, if many people will use or like your work. But it's not that important. I'm sure there's always one or the other who likes it - but there's one who has to like it - and that's you. Create your map and make it available - other people will thank you even if you may not know it.

Posted: Sun, 18. Nov 07, 04:19
by Mik Balser
Swahili, sure, I'll give it a go mate !


Posted: Sun, 18. Nov 07, 15:03
Thanks, Mik Balser!

I must admit it'll be a while before I finish, the map's only around 50 sectors at the moment. However, at the rate I'm working on it, I should be done by either late December or early January at the latest.

Posted: Mon, 19. Nov 07, 00:42
by Duendote
I forgot to say that I too will give the map a go. :oops: Can't wait to see how it turns out.

Posted: Mon, 19. Nov 07, 02:45
Sweet. I've been working nonstop (except for the eating break) for the past few hours and I have added 7 complete sectors to it.

I can't wait to see how it turns out, too! :D

Posted: Tue, 20. Nov 07, 10:46
by blazermick
X3 is better graphically, but to me it's not as good as X2 overall. Without the modders out there its just a graphic engine. I do like the ability to play as others but i wouldnt play it at all without the cockpitmod.

So, i'm back in X2. I've made scripts, countless maps and am still working on a megamod of my own with ships taken from TopGun, DeadlyDa, Rebalance and numereous others.

However its finding the time to finish it among RL responsibilities.

I only hope that X4 will rectify the glaring inadequcies... maybe a merging of the X3 graphics and multi character options and the overall modding fun of X2 (as a basic upgrade), with the obvious new sectors etc as required for a new version.

Only time will tell. Any maps that r made avail will be well received because there are many of us out here that will play the maps provided. Currently i have over 50 new maps that i've made (from the Xenon and pirate dominated universes to race dominated), but with loose txt files.

Eventually, i want to be able to package my mod with a no of supplied, playable maps of varying sizes... some for plots, some without for freeplay.


Posted: Tue, 20. Nov 07, 15:02
by Carpi
I'm still playing X2 for two reasons:

1. For some reason I didn't feel like I have to buy X3. I have no actual hardware, so I'm worried about the performance. X2 runs fine.

2. I have not that much time and only play until I got strong enough to kill everything, so I'm interested in small quick maps. This is why I use Xehonks editor and generate small random universes (just ensuring that every race has it's sectors). It's great, and it's only available for X2.

Custom Map update

Posted: Wed, 21. Nov 07, 00:51
Hey, this message is for anyone who is thinking of downloading my galaxy map when Top Gun 3.0 comes out:

I was hanging out after school today and I had an idea: Why don't I make a second galaxy map where the entire universe (or 99% of it anyway) is controlled by Pirates?

So, I began working on the Piracy Galaxy Map.
You start in Brennan's Triumph, a crowded, asteroid and pirate filled sector. I plan on there being only 3 or 4 sectors that aren't controlled by Pirates: Getsu Fune, Omicron Lyrae, Depths of Silence, and possibly Wastelands.

The story behind the Piracy Galaxy Map is this:

Late in the 764 Jazura of the X-Universe, Pirate forces in Loomanckstrats Legacy amassed in great numbers. A recent raid on a neighboring Xenon sector supplied them with layouts of capital cruisers, which the Pirates used with great effectiveness.
They started in CEO's Doubt, where after they destroyed that sector, the ships split up, half the ships taking the East Universe, the other's taking the West Universe. Sector after sector fell under the power of the Pirate fleet. Only the forces in Getsu Fune were able to stand up against the battalion, and slowly, the five races slowly put aside their differences and they began to set up the headquarters of the newly formed Galactic Races Union, or the GRU withing a dense asteroid field in the far northern part of the sector, concealed by a massive sensor-obscuring nebula. The shipyard in this system holds all the ships and stations built by all of the races.
Through unknown ways, the Pirates and Xenon formed a allience and they began to attack the Universe together. They both set up strongholds in several sectors scattered across the Universe. The Pirates allowed the races to set up some stations in the sectors so they could easily access the goods required to run their outposts.

What do you think? I'm probably going to offer this one as well as the Top Gun Galaxy Map when I finish them.

Let me know what you think!

Posted: Wed, 21. Nov 07, 02:43
by Duendote
I like it, Are we talking about all of the sectors being Pirates execept the ones you mentioned? 50+ sectors, that is a lot. You would have to start with a big M1 just to stay alive. None of this running around in a M5 and slowly trying to build up your fleet. Kind of geared more as a take over the Galaxy one sector at a time type feel.
I do like it.

Posted: Wed, 21. Nov 07, 04:07
Sweet, I'll start working on it.
And yep, every sector except the ones mentioned, the Xenon sectors, and the Kha'ak sectors (even the Unknown Sectors have been taken over!)
In Danna's Chance you'll need a Sovereign to survive in there, I added in 6 Phantoms, 4 K's and 2 J's as well as various other Pirate ships!
It's going to be fun when it's finished!

Posted: Wed, 21. Nov 07, 19:43
by Omnicron Lyrae
I like the idea. Very imaginative!
One question though. If the player starts in Brennan's Triumph, then he/she would need either
-A maxed out Capital Ship
-Or a 'Temporary alliance' with the Pirates, then something happens and then they become your enemy.
I think it sounds like a good map for Top Gun mod. A perfect opportunity to unload at many enemies and marvel in the fine work done. You should look into that further.

~Teh Ninja

Capital Ships

Posted: Wed, 21. Nov 07, 22:15
Good point. I'll add a player-owned capital ship to the sector. What should it be? The possibilities:
Argon Colossus
Argon Titan
Argon Durango
Argon Exeter
Argon Sovereign
Argon Starbase (when 3.0 comes out)

Boron Shark
Boron Ray

Paranid Achilles
Paranid Odysseus
Paranid Zeus

Split Raptor
Split Python
Split Star Destroyer

Teladi Firebird
Teladi Condor
Teladi Phoenix MK II

I'm leaning toward a Sovereign with Heavy Lasers on each turret and either Antimatter Cannons or Phase Cannons for the main weapons, as that is fast, and it would be the best ship to have in a Universe like this!

Off to work on it some more,

Posted: Thu, 22. Nov 07, 12:44
by evilweeja
:x2: :khaak: X2 FOREVER ! :khaak: :x2:

What more needs to be said .. ???