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List of 3D-bodies - complete (actual X2-Version (1.4))

Posted: Thu, 10. Jun 04, 15:39
by Earthpilot
Hi folks.

Some time ago Commander Jamison made his Goner agressor by simply adding additional bodies to the original mesh.

What I want to know:

Is there a complete list around somewhere, that states, what body-file of the v-folder contains what?
(dunno, maybe 109.bod contains the mesh of a perseus-laser)
and if not, could we build one?

Edit: Seems not. So i will have to do it by myself.
Any help would be very welcome.
Edit: The list is now complete. I will update it to the actual versions of X2 when i have the time.


I got the notice that a russian programmer has made a bodyviewer for X2
(thanks to Commander Jamison for the link)


I will shortly review my list in order to fix some bugs, ut i 'll suggest you get that Viewer too because it makes things a lot more easier.

Posted: Thu, 10. Jun 04, 19:26
by InvrSmall
I started going through the list and here is what I have at the moment.

00280.bod -
00281.bod -
00282.bod -
00283.bod - 283_tropic_planet.max
00284.bod -
00285.bod -
00286.bod -
00287.bod -
00288.bod -
00289.bod -
00290.bod -
00291.bod -
00292.bod -
00293.bod -
00294.bod - Alaser
00295.bod - AlaserC
00296.bod - Laser
00297.bod - Laser
00298.bod - LaserC
00299.bod - LaserC

00300.bod - Flash fuer powerplant
00301.bod - kistemn
00302.bod -
00303.bod - cf
00304.bod - Bohrer/ Arm oben
00305.bod - Bohrer /Arm unten
00306.bod -
00307.bod - Fab Build door
00308.bod -
00309.bod - halter
00310.bod - Wolken
00311.bod - shield
00312.bod - rad
00313.bod -
00314.bod -
00315.bod - blur
00316.bod - Container fuer Fab Build sequenzen
00317.bod - Rampe fuer fab build
00318.bod - 00318_dialogue_chat01.max
00319.bod - Communication Face

00320.bod - Gate
00321.bod - Farm sphere2
00322.bod - paranid wing
00323.bod - Xenon Powerplant
00324.bod - Goner temple refl lampe
00325.bod - Asteroid Big
00326.bod - Container part1
00327.bod - Gitter
00328.bod - Container Part2
00329.bod - Stahltraeger
00330.bod - Fab Builder
00331.bod - Fab geruest
00332.bod - Ground
00333.bod - Platte
00334.bod -
00335.bod - GalaxieMap
00336.bod - Bohrer /Bohrer
00337.bod - EXPLOSION TEST 01
00338.bod - EXPLOSION TEST 01
00339.bod - EXPLOSION TEST 01

00340.bod - EXPLOSION TEST 01
00341.bod -
00342.bod -
00343.bod -
00344.bod -
00345.bod -
00346.bod - Ore mine werbung
00347.bod - silicon mine werbung
00348.bod -
00349.bod - Bliss place werbung
00350.bod - Masoom werbung
00351.bod - Split hace
00352.bod - Sun oil werbung
00353.bod - RocketD
00354.bod -
00355.bod - thq
00356.bod -
00357.bod -
00358.bod -
00359.bod -

00360.bod -
00361.bod -
00362.bod - Flare 01
00363.bod -
00364.bod - Shadow
00365.bod - Map wuerfel in scene
00366.bod -
00367.bod - Argon Gate
00368.bod - Boron Gate Carrier
00369.bod - Split Gate
00370.bod - Gate Paranid
00371.bod - Teladi gate
00372.bod - Xenon Gate
00373.bod - Argon hace
00374.bod - the end
00375.bod - 00375_Laser_front2.max
00376.bod - A Game by
00377.bod -
00378.bod - paranid hace
00379.bod - Boher/ Motor

00380.bod - Split space station
00381.bod -
00382.bod -
00383.bod - Rampe
00384.bod - Boron hace
00385.bod - glowboronen
00386.bod - Arm Docking
00387.bod -
00388.bod - squash mine fab
00389.bod - Intro
00390.bod -
00391.bod -
00392.bod -
00393.bod -
00394.bod -
00395.bod -
00396.bod -
00397.bod - weappon Fab
00398.bod - quash mine werbung
00399.bod - Drone fab

00400.bod - Snail
00401.bod - Glit
00402.bod - Soja Husk
00403.bod - Flowers sun
00404.bod - Teladianum
00405.bod - Swampplant
00406.bod - Nostrop
00407.bod - Spaceweed
00408.bod - license Argon
00409.bod - Licene Boron
00410.bod - License Split
00411.bod - Licene Paranid
00412.bod - Licene Teladi
00413.bod - AseroidScanner
00414.bod - Erweiterung Handelscomputer
00415.bod - Frachtscanner
00416.bod -
00417.bod - Glit
00418.bod - Drone werbung
00419.bod - laser fab

00420.bod -
00421.bod - Lasertower werbung
00422.bod - Boron eck stueck
00423.bod - 423_Bio-Gas-Werbung.max
00424.bod - Split logo
00425.bod - Teladi werbung
00426.bod - 426_Spices-Werbung.max
00427.bod - 427_Plankton-Werbung.max
00428.bod - Boron living
00429.bod -
00430.bod -
00431.bod -
00432.bod -
00433.bod -
00434.bod -
00435.bod -
00436.bod -
00437.bod -
00438.bod -
00439.bod -

00440.bod -
00441.bod -
00442.bod -
00443.bod -
00444.bod -
00445.bod -
00446.bod -
00447.bod -
00448.bod -
00449.bod -
00450.bod -
00451.bod -
00452.bod - paranis sign
00453.bod - bofu chemical lab werbung
00454.bod - Cahona backery werbung
00455.bod - Boron t-verbindung
00456.bod -
00457.bod -
00458.bod -
00459.bod -

00460,bod -
00461.bod - Clouds fuer intro
00462.bod - Asteroid mit tunnel
00463.bod - 463_MASTERMENNEW_03.max
00464.bod - STart und Ziel
00465.bod -
00466.bod -
00467.bod -
00468.bod -
00469.bod -
00470.bod -
00471.bod - Xenon Wrack
00472.bod -
00473.bod -
00474.bod - Radar Body im Cockpit
00475.bod - Player logo
00476.bod - BoronLogo
00477.bod - Gate Broken
00478.bod -
00479.bod - Target2
00480.bod -
00481.bod - Grid
00482.bod - Communication Text
00483.bod - Logo des Spielers
00484.bod -
00485.bod -
00486.bod - Cargobay Xtension
00487.bod - 10 prozent speedup
00488.bod - Rudder optimisation
00489.bod - Docking computer
00490.bod - A Pilot
00491.bod - Tactical Navigation system
00492.bod - Zoom
00493.bod - Hybernate
00494.bod - Hybernate2
00495.bod - Ekliptic Projector
00496.bod - Jump device
00497.bod - Teleporter
00498.bod - crate
00499.bod - Schlitten

00500.bod - 500_Int_Chipplant_C_rev1.max
00501.bod - Mine
00502.bod - Sattelit
00503.bod - 00503Kampfdrohne2.max
00504.bod - Orbitallaser
00505.bod -
00506.bod -
00507.bod -
00508.bod -
00509,bod -
00510.bod - Turbo boost
00511.bod - Cargo live system
00512.bod - Strafe drife
00513.bod -
00514.bod -
00515.bod -
00516.bod -
00517.bod -
00518.bod -
00519.bod -
00520.bod -

More to come soon.


Posted: Thu, 10. Jun 04, 21:16
by Earthpilot
Thanks Pal, i'll now paste yours with the english words
(Am besten machen wir im deutschen forum auch so nen Thread auf)

00000.bod - white cube with arrows, seems to be the default body
00001.bod - reference body for stations
00002.bod - a curve inside a station
00003.bod - split engine
00004.bod - argon mercury engine
00005.bod - a crossing inside a station
00006.bod - a white point
00007.bod - Gate - gondola
00008.bod - ?
00009.bod - trading station interior - entry
00010.bod - ?
00011.bod - a white point
00012.bod - gravidar
00013.bod - display - pilot menu
00014.bod - cockpit
00015.bod - argon Logo
00016.bod - trading station interior - part behid docking points
00017.bod - part of boron dolphin
00018.bod - rear part of AP Gunner
00019.bod - a part from inside a station
00020.bod - trading station interior - sphere
00021.bod - main body of xenon M0
00022.bod - ?
00023.bod - trail of comet?
00024.bod - display - ship menu
00025.bod - cargo container 1
00026.bod - cargo container 2
00027.bod - cargo container 3
00028.bod - cargo container 4
00029.bod - display - HUD
00030.bod - a white point
00031.bod - ?
00032.bod - mosquito
00033.bod - wasp
00034.bod - dragonfly
00035.bod - silkworm
00036.bod - hornet
00037.bod - nebula
00038.bod - display - menu
00039.bod - display -ship menu -background
00040.bod - display*****
00041.bod - oremine interior*****
00042.bod - plane with stars*****
00043.bod - khaak station - sphere*****
00044.bod - khaak station - stick*****
00045.bod - XTension lasercannon interior equipment dock*****
00046.bod - front part of AP Gunner*****
00047.bod - front part of goner ship*****
00048.bod - display - menu*****
00049.bod - display - sectormap-text*****
00050.bod - a red point*****
00051.bod - green 6-sided part of station
00052.bod - Cockpit
00053.bod - M6 docking area at spaceyard
00054.bod - part of asteroid
00055.bod - discoverer engine
00056.bod - Asteroid with drill whole and construction site
00057.bod - display - galaxymap - text
00058.bod - warp tunnel
00059.bod - station interior (dunno which one)
00060.bod - some sort of arm*****
00061.bod - background of gravidar
00062.bod - ?
00063.bod - ?
00064.bod - ?
00065.bod - nebula
00066.bod - display black
00067.bod - engine trail-green*****
00068.bod - glow *****
00069.bod - station interior - rastar refinery*****
00070.bod - station interior - satellite factory*****
00071.bod - station door-teladi*****
00072.bod - station door*****
00073.bod - split station - tower*****
00074.bod - station interior*****
00075.bod - station interior*****
00076.bod - EGOSOFT-logo*****
00077.bod - station doors - boron*****
00078.bod - position light - station*****
00079.bod - station doors - argon*****
00080.bod - Argon Advertisement*****
00081.bod - debris?*****
00082.bod - XTension satellite ground antenna*****
00083.bod - a white point*****
00084.bod - a green point*****
00085.bod - ?*****
00086.bod - a blue point*****
00087.bod - a red point*****
00088.bod - Ring of jumpgate*****
00089.bod - rear laser of argon nova*****
00090.bod - ?*****
00091.bod - rear cockpit of argon M3*****
00092.bod - display - arrow*****
00093.bod - planet*****
00094.bod - a yellow circle*****
00095.bod - asteroid*****
00096.bod - red display*****
00097.bod - warp vortex*****
00098.bod - a yellow circle*****
00099.bod - astronaut*****
00100.bod - ?

00101.bod - front part of TP
00102.bod - engine trail-yellow*****
00103.bod - Boron optics for TP
00104.bod - Xenon Cockpit
00105.bod - engine-trail-blue*****
00106.bod - laser - single barrel
00107.bod - laser - double barrel
00108.bod - engine trail - red*****
00109.bod - ?*****
00110.bod - Paranid optics for TP*****
00111.bod - Laser barrel*****
00112.bod - light helix*****
00113.bod - display*****
00114.bod - engine trail - blue*****
00115.bod - cockpit*****
00116.bod - blue nebula*****
00117.bod - Teladi optics for TP*****
00118.bod - elevator*****
00119.bod - Cockpit*****
00120.bod - Xenon station*****
00121.bod - Khaak M1 sphere part*****
00122.bod - ?*****
00123.bod - Cockpit - TS*****
00124.bod - xperimental*****
00125.bod - khaak - M0 "arms"****
00126.bod - khaak - carrier "arms"****
00127.bod - engine trail-yellow ****
00128.bod - cockpit TL - side*****
00129.bod - Xenon fighter front section*****
00130.bod - Cockpit*****
00131.bod - construction droid*****
00132.bod - blue stripe****
00133.bod - xenon fighter engine*****
00134.bod - xenon fighter rotating thingy*****
00135.bod - a white point*****
00136.bod - a green point*****
00137.bod - Xenon K - middle section*****
00138.bod - gun cockpit of cruiser*****
00139.bod - khaak cockpit*****
00140.bod - Xenon K - side section*****
00141.bod - Cockpit*****
00142.bod - Cockpit*****
00143.bod - a red point*****
00144.bod - shockwave of explosion*****
00145.bod - A-IRE*****
00146.bod - B-IRE*****
00147.bod - G-IRE*****
00148.bod - symbol mosquito missile
00149.bod - symbol wasp missile
00150.bod - symbol dragonfly missile
00151.bod - symbol silkworm missile
00152.bod - symbol hornet missile
00153.bod - symbol discette
00154.bod - symbol 1MW shield
00155.bod - symbol 5MW shield
00156.bod - symbol 25MW shield
00157.bod - symbol 125MW shield
00158.bod - symbol energy cells
00159.bod - symbol swamp plant
00160.bod - symbol chelt meat
00161.bod - (no idea what this is)
00162.bod - symbol silicon
00163.bod - symbol rhime
00164.bod - symbol argnu meat
00165.bod - symbol whiskey
00166.bod - symbol warhead
00167.bod - symbol crystal
00168.bod - symbol quantum tube
00169.bod - symbol microchip
00170.bod - symbol computer component
00171.bod - (no idea)
00172.bod - (no idea)
00173.bod - symbol stott spice
00174.bod - symbol bofu
00175.bod - symbol soja beans
00176.bod - symbol chelt
00177.bod - symbol "Sojagrütze"
00178.bod - (no idea)
00179.bod - plant
00180.bod - container
00181.bod - Xenon M0 rotation part
00182.bod - yellow nebula
00183.bod - white nebula
00184.bod - blue nebula
00185.bod - measure grid
00186.bod - yellow sun
00187.bod - Xenon K engine part
00188.bod - yellow sun
00189.bod - blue cloud
00190.bod - symbol options menu
00191.bod - Planet, tropical
00192.bod - Cockpit
00193.bod - Asteroid
00194.bod - Planet, destroyed
00195.bod - display, a line
00196.bod - Planet, Earth-type
00197.bod - some sort of gas in planet shape
00198.bod - display - blue background
00199.bod - Moon
00200.bod - white sun

EDIT: did research on 2-150. the "?" do mean that i haven't seen anything when looking at the body. if you know what it is, tell me and i'll post it in here.
EDIT2: got 151-220

Posted: Wed, 21. Jul 04, 14:41
by Earthpilot
OK Exams are over, i passed, so let's go on with the bodlist
(i will split up post to 100 bods each. I think it makes things easier)

00201.bod - green sun
00202.bod - debris
00203.bod - XTension jump vortex
00204.bod - Planet, with big oceans
00205.bod - display - menu
00206.bod - Planet with rings
00207.bod - Planet with big Oceans 2
00208.bod - Planet
00209.bod - Xenon K - front part
00210.bod - moon
00211.bod - Planet
00212.bod - Planet - Uranus type
00213.bod - sun
00214.bod - green light
00215.bod - green nebula
00216.bod - moon
00217.bod - green nebula
00218.bod - sector background - red
00219.bod - sector background - orange
00220.bod - display
00221.bod - Planet, marstype
00222.bod - Planet, tropical
00223.bod - Propeller
00224.bod - yellow Nebula
00225.bod - space jellyfish?
00226.bod - Shockwave
00227.bod - white thingy of satellite factories
00228.bod - gleaming sphere
00229.bod - rotating arm of solar power plant
00230.bod - Solar-Powerplant - inside
00231.bod - Part of Goner Temple
00232.bod - clouds
00233.bod - Goner Temple - Pylon
00234.bod - XBTF- Intro
00235.bod - Advertisement
00236.bod - external buildungs of ore/silicon-mine
00237.bod - engine trail-green *****
00238.bod - Nebula
00239.bod - engine trail-yellow *****
00240.bod - Explosion-trail
00241.bod - Implosion
00242.bod - Majaglit (symbol)
00243.bod - Cockpit
00244.bod - EGOSOFT-Sphere
00245.bod - white spot
00246.bod - explosion clouds
00247.bod - drone
00248.bod - interior of a station (don't know, which)
00249.bod - white spot
00250.bod - Kessler-ring - Circle
00251.bod - Kessler-ring - ellipse
00252.bod - yellow nebula
00253.bod - intro-sphere of Xtension
00254.bod - yellow nebula
00255.bod - insterior of a station - long tube
00256.bod - interior of a station - ring
00257.bod - Lasertower of Xenon M0
00258.bod - XTension - tactical navigation system
00259.bod - background for sector (BFS), reddish
00260.bod - XTension - Display of Camera
00261.bod - background for sector , blueish
00262.bod - spotlight
00263.bod - transparent blue sphere
00264.bod - green nebula
00265.bod - yellow sun
00266.bod - background for sector , greenish
00267.bod - interior of a station - tamper?
00268.bod - purple nebula
00269.bod - display - shipmenu
00270.bod - display - target menu
00271.bod - missile
00272.bod - engine trail, red*****
00273.bod - engine particle, yellow
00274.bod - atmosphere of planet
00275.bod - atmosphere of planet
00276.bod - part of a station - some sort of ring
00277.bod - Planet
00278.bod - Planet
00279.bod - Planet
00280.bod - Planet
00281.bod - Planet
00282.bod - nebula
00283.bod - 283_tropic_planet.max
00284.bod - atmosphere of planet
00285.bod - Planet
00286.bod - background for sector , black
00287.bod - background for sector , black
00288.bod - background for sector , black
00289.bod - background for sector , blue-green
00290.bod - background for sector , black
00291.bod - background for sector , black
00292.bod - background for sector , black
00293.bod - display
00294.bod - symbol, Alaser
00295.bod - symbol, AlaserC
00296.bod - symbol, Laser
00297.bod - symbol, Laser
00298.bod - symbol, LaserC
00299.bod - symbol, LaserC
00300.bod - flash

301 - 400

Posted: Wed, 21. Jul 04, 15:21
by Earthpilot
and the next ones:

00301.bod - ring of containers
00302.bod - red sun?
00303.bod - interior of crystal factory
00304.bod - drill/upper arm
00305.bod - drill/lower arm
00306.bod - interior of crystal factory - rotating thingy
00307.bod - Factory build door
00308.bod - interior of teladi trading station
00309.bod - entry to trading station
00310.bod - clouds
00311.bod - shield
00312.bod - wheel
00313.bod - biogas?
00314.bod - muzzle flash of ion disruptor*****
00315.bod - X2 - Logo
00316.bod - container
00317.bod - Rampe fuer fab build
00318.bod - gravidar
00319.bod - display - Communication Face
00320.bod - docking place****
00321.bod - Farm sphere2
00322.bod - paranid trading port wing
00323.bod - Xenon Powerplant (Xtension)
00324.bod - Goner temple refl lamp
00325.bod - Asteroid Big
00326.bod - Container part1
00327.bod - grid
00328.bod - Container Part2
00329.bod - Stahltraeger
00330.bod - XTension station construction droid
00331.bod - XTension factory construction site
00332.bod - ground
00333.bod - Plate
00334.bod - Asteroid
00335.bod - Galaxy map
00336.bod - drill
00337.bod - EXPLOSION TEST 01
00338.bod - EXPLOSION TEST 02
00339.bod - EXPLOSION TEST 03
00340.bod - EXPLOSION TEST 04
00341.bod - stripe
00342.bod - asteroid
00343.bod - letter "I"
00344.bod - letter "I"
00345.bod - letter "I"
00346.bod - Ore mine advertisement
00347.bod - silicon mine advertisement
00348.bod - symbol flash
00349.bod - Bliss place factory advertisement
00350.bod - Massom mill advertisement
00351.bod - Split hace
00352.bod - Sun oil factory advertisement
00353.bod - RocketD
00354.bod - long yellow nebula
00355.bod - THQ
00356.bod - flash
00357.bod - white Nebula
00358.bod - long yellow nebula
00359.bod - cloud
00360.bod - white nebula
00361.bod - gun
00362.bod - Flare 01
00363.bod - explosion
00364.bod - Shadow
00365.bod - Map dice in scene
00366.bod - display, reddish
00367.bod - empty
00368.bod - empty
00369.bod - empty
00370.bod - empty
00371.bod - empty
00372.bod - empty
00373.bod - spot
00374.bod - "The End"
00375.bod - gun barrel
00376.bod - "a game by"
00377.bod - destroyed ring of jumpgate
00378.bod - paranid hace
00379.bod - Drill engine
00380.bod - interior of Split space station
00381.bod - blue stripe
00382.bod - particle trail
00383.bod - Ramp
00384.bod - Boron hace
00385.bod - glowborons
00386.bod - Arm Docking
00387.bod - moon surface?
00388.bod - squash mine fab
00389.bod - Intro
00390.bod - spacefly
00391.bod - Jumpgate debris
00392.bod - Interior of Goner Temple
00393.bod - tamper
00394.bod - cube with mission briefing?
00395.bod - cube with mission briefing?
00396.bod - cube with mission briefing?
00397.bod - weappon Fab
00398.bod - squash mine factory Advertisement
00399.bod - Drone factory
00400.bod - snail

Posted: Thu, 22. Jul 04, 16:39
by Earthpilot
and the next ones:

00401.bod - Glit
00402.bod - Soja Husk
00403.bod - Sun Flowers
00404.bod - Teladianum
00405.bod - Swampplant
00406.bod - Nostrop
00407.bod - Spaceweed
00408.bod - license Argon
00409.bod - License Boron
00410.bod - License Split
00411.bod - License Paranid
00412.bod - License Teladi
00413.bod - Asteroid Scanner
00414.bod - trade computer enhancement
00415.bod - Cargo bay scanner
00416.bod - Credits
00417.bod - Glit
00418.bod - Drone factory advertisement
00419.bod - laser tower factory
00420.bod - explosion
00421.bod - Lasertower factory advertisement
00422.bod - Boron corner
00423.bod - 423_Bio-Gas-Advertisement.max
00424.bod - Split logo
00425.bod - Teladi Advertisement
00426.bod - 426_Spices-advertisement.max
00427.bod - 427_Plankton-advertosement.max
00428.bod - Boron glow
00429.bod - Boron living
00430.bod - debris
00431.bod - debris
00432.bod - debris
00433.bod - debris
00434.bod - atmosphere of planet
00435.bod - planet
00436.bod - shockwave of PSG *****
00437.bod - sun
00438.bod - red arrow?
00439.bod - clouds of planet
00440.bod - shockwave of PSG *****
00441.bod - clouds of planet
00442.bod - sun
00443.bod - red stripe
00444.bod - muzzle flash of HPT
00445.bod - muzzle flash of IRE
00446.bod - muzzle flash of PPC?
00447.bod - muzzle flash of PAC
00448.bod - planet
00449.bod - shockwave of PSG *****
00450.bod - muzzle flash of ?
00451.bod - debris
00452.bod - paranid sign
00453.bod - bofu chemical lab advertisement
00454.bod - Cahoona backery advertisement
00455.bod - Boron t-connection
00456.bod - stripe
00457.bod - muzzle fire, red
00458.bod - debris
00459.bod - yellow trail generator
00460.bod - debris
00461.bod - Clouds for intro
00462.bod - Asteroid with tunnel
00463.bod - 463_MASTERMENNEW_03.max
00464.bod - Start and Goal
00465.bod - debris
00466.bod - advertisement
00467.bod - goner temple - central pillar
00468.bod - debris
00469.bod - lighting thingy
00470.bod - blue spot
00471.bod - Xenon Wreck
00472.bod - debris
00473.bod - screen for mission briefing
00474.bod - Radar Body in Cockpit
00475.bod - Player logo
00476.bod - BoronLogo
00477.bod - Gate Broken
00478.bod - debris
00479.bod - Target2
00480.bod - debris
00481.bod - Grid
00482.bod - Communication Text
00483.bod - Logo of player
00484.bod - Hangar of Argon1
00485.bod - Hangar of Argon1
00486.bod - Cargobay Xtension
00487.bod - 10 % speedup
00488.bod - Rudder optimisation
00489.bod - Docking computer
00490.bod - A Pilot
00491.bod - Tactical Navigation system
00492.bod - Zoom
00493.bod - Hybernate
00494.bod - Hybernate2
00495.bod - Ekliptic Projector
00496.bod - Jump device
00497.bod - Teleporter
00498.bod - crate
00499.bod - Schlitten
00500.bod - 500_Int_Chipplant_C_rev1.max

Posted: Fri, 23. Jul 04, 21:48
by Earthpilot
00501.bod - squash mine
00502.bod - Satellite
00503.bod - 00503 fightdrohne2.max
00504.bod - Orbital laser
00505.bod - blue spot
00506.bod - debris
00507.bod - debris
00508.bod - impact of HEPT
00509.bod - white spot
00510.bod - Turbo boost
00511.bod - life support for cargo bay
00512.bod - Strafe drive
00513.bod - display
00514.bod - red impact*****
00515.bod - red impact*****
00516.bod - muzzle fire of PPC
00517.bod - PPC-Blast
00518.bod - muzzle fire of PPC
00519.bod - double barrelled Laser
00520.bod - Khaak-Blast
00521.bod - red stripe
00522.bod - chip plant
00523.bod - (dunno this one)
00524.bod - a crown with a sphere on it??
00525.bod - a violett laserbolt
00526.bod - a white laserbolt
00527.bod - a yellow laserbolt
00528.bod - nebula
00529.bod - nebula
00530.bod - interior of a station
00531.bod - (dunno this one)
00532.bod - (dunno this one)
00533.bod - crystal
00534.bod - display menu
00536.bod - nebula
00537.bod - nebula
00538.bod - nebula
00539.bod - nebula
00540.bod - interior of a station
00541.bod - interior of a station*****
00542.bod - lighting tube with nebula?*****
00543.bod - interior of shipyard *****
00544.bod - interior of station with "1234"*****
00545.bod - hatch with grid? *****
00546.bod - orange sphere
00547.bod - violet muzzle fire
00548.bod - blue transparent circle
00549.bod - yellow transparent circle
00550.bod - white transparent circle
00551.bod - white stripe
00552.bod - halo of planet
00553.bod - brown nebula
00554.bod - invisible object
00555.bod - diffuse white lighting
00556.bod - planet atmosphere
00557.bod - invisible object
00558.bod - invisible object
00559.bod - invisible object
00560.bod - invisible object
00561.bod - Asteroid
00562.bod - Asteroid
00563.bod - asteroid
00564.bod - explosion
00565.bod - explosion
00566.bod - particle generatot
00567.bod - engine housing*****
00568.bod - PAC-bolt
00569.bod - PAC-bolt *****
00570.bod - green spot
00571.bod - HEPT-Bolt
00572.bod - HEPT-Bolt
00573.bod - shockwave of PSG *****
00574.bod - shockwave of PSG *****
00575.bod - shield-effect
00576.bod - planet
00577.bod - planet
00578.bod - shockwave of PSG *****
00579.bod - 2d-body
00580.bod - transparent tube
00581.bod - impact of IRE
00582.bod - impact of PPC
00583.bod - debris
00584.bod - (dunno this one)
00585.bod - 2d-body
00586.bod - impact of HEPT
00587.bod - impact of PPC
00588.bod - spot, yellow and red
00589.bod - spot, yellow and red
00590.bod - display with specs of Argon Nova
00591.bod - 2d-body
00592.bod - invisible object
00593.bod - green spot
00594.bod - nebula
00595.bod - nebula
00596.bod - best buy-extension
00597.bod - best sell-extension
00598.bod - UFO upper Part
00599.bod - UFO lower Part
00600.bod - greenish background for sector

Posted: Sat, 24. Jul 04, 13:27
by Earthpilot
ok this time it's pretty fast:

00601.bod till 00700.bod

these are only backgrounds for sectors in different colours.
(If you're interested in the details, let me know.)

Posted: Sun, 25. Jul 04, 20:13
by Earthpilot
number 701 till 800

00701.bod - background for sector (black)
00702.bod - background for sector(blue and green)
00703.bod - Question mark
00704.bod - display-menu
00705.bod - explosion
00706.bod - display-menu
00707.bod - wormhole
00708.bod - gun tower
00709.bod - brown nebula
00710.bod - red nebula
00711.bod - green nebula
00712.bod - nebula*****
00713.bod - nebula*****
00714.bod - turret cockpit
00715.bod - part of a cockpit****
00716.bod - ammunition feeding?
00717.bod - Cockpit
00718.bod - Cockpit
00719.bod - green spot *****
00720.bod - white spot
00721.bod - yellow spot *****
00722.bod - red spot *****
00723.bod - dunno *****
00724.bod - dunno *****
00725.bod - a crystal structure?
00726.bod - nebula
00727.bod - flashing nebula
00728.bod - flashing nebula
00729.bod - nebula *****
00730.bod - nebula *****
00731.bod - sector background?
00732.bod - yellow sun
00733.bod - corona of sun (yellow)
00734.bod - corona of sun(orange)
00735.bod - transparent ring
00736.bod - interior parts of equipment dock
00737.bod - Cockpit of Teladi Bussard
00738.bod - a spherical element of a station
00739.bod - transparent circle
00740.bod - transparent pentagon
00741.bod - transparent hexagon
00742.bod - part of satellite factory
00743.bod - advertisement
00744.bod - red circle
00745.bod - a half circle
00746.bod - clouds of a planet
00747.bod - planet
00748.bod - planet
00749.bod - planet
00750.bod - clouds of a planet
00751.bod - spotlights
00752.bod - invisible object
00753.bod - white star *****
00754.bod - white star
00755.bod - Front Section of Xenon M1
00756.bod - Khaak rotating arms
00757.bod - Pirate Cockpit
00758.bod - Pirate ship - engine section
00759.bod - main Body of Pirate Bayamon
00760.bod - white spot
00761.bod - sun
00762.bod - stripe
00763.bod - stripe
00764.bod - stripe
00765.bod - main part of pirate base
00766.bod - white spot
00767.bod - pirate base - ring
00768.bod - pirate base - "satellite"
00769.bod - ship module (khaak)
00770.bod - engine trail - blue *****
00771.bod - front of khaak M3
00772.bod - thruster of khaak fighter
00773.bod - particle generator, yellow
00774.bod - engine of paranid pegasus
00775.bod - spotlight
00776.bod - yellow sun
00777.bod - white doublesided arrow
00778.bod - yellow circle
00779.bod - particle generator, red *****
00780.bod - "X-Universe"
00781.bod - stripe
00782.bod - engine trail - blue *****
00783.bod - engine trail - yellow *****
00784.bod - cockpit
00785.bod - rotating part (dunno which)
00786.bod - rotating section of boron M1 *****
00787.bod - asteroid
00788.bod - display
00789.bod - rotating part (dunno which)
00790.bod - asteroid
00791.bod - planet
00792.bod - planet
00793.bod - planet
00794.bod - planet
00795.bod - planet
00796.bod - laser
00797.bod - laser
00798.bod - laser
00799.bod - khaak beam
00800.bod - khaak beam

Posted: Mon, 26. Jul 04, 19:33
by Earthpilot
number 801 till 900

00801.bod - red stripe
00802.bod - Asteroid
00803.bod - Argon M2 - front part
00804.bod - Argon M2 - middle part
00805.bod - Argon M2 - ring part
00806.bod - Argon M2 - Bridge
00807.bod - Argon M2 - Rear Part (the X-part)
00808.bod - Argon M2 - Thruster
00809.bod - Argon M2 - ring part-inner part
00810.bod - Argon M2 - Sensor Array
00811.bod - Argon M2 - radar dish
00812.bod - part of a station
00813.bod - converter?
00814.bod - a crossing
00815.bod - interior of a paranid station
00816.bod - tube?
00817.bod - part of shipyard
00818.bod - part of shipyard
00819.bod - part of shipyard
00820.bod - part of shipyard
00821.bod - part of shipyard
00822.bod - part of shipyard
00823.bod - part of shipyard
00824.bod - connection thing
00825.bod - part of shipyard
00826.bod - part of shipyard
00827.bod - part of shipyard
00828.bod - part of boron shipyard*****
00829.bod - part of shipyard
00830.bod - part of shipyard
00831.bod - tower *****
00832.bod - advertisement
00833.bod - advertisement
00834.bod - advertisement
00835.bod - platform
00836.bod - advertisement
00837.bod - advertisement
00838.bod - advertisement
00839.bod - advertisement
00840.bod - advertisement
00841.bod - main part of crystal factory
00842.bod - advertisement
00843.bod - crystal factory - tube things
00844.bod - space fuel destillery?
00845.bod - advertisement
00846.bod - tank
00847.bod - Rotating section of Cahoona-factory
00848.bod - rhime - fact? ******
00849.bod - advertisement
00850.bod - tank
00851.bod - advertisement
00852.bod - advertisement
00853.bod - advertisement
00854.bod - cube of computer plant
00855.bod - advertisement
00856.bod - docking place for M6
00857.bod - advertisement
00858.bod - part of teladi station
00859.bod - advertisement
00860.bod - advertisement
00861.bod - part of a station
00862.bod - part of a station
00863.bod - advertisement
00864.bod - teladi sphere
00865.bod - split-tower
00866.bod - split-tower
00867.bod - part of chelt-station
00868.bod - advertisement
00869.bod - advertisement
00870.bod - advertisement
00871.bod - interior of a station - tube
00872.bod - interior of a station - curve
00873.bod - interior of equipment dock
00874.bod - docking place for stations
00875.bod - "airlock"
00876.bod - part of door
00877.bod - advertisement
00878.bod - paranid pillar
00879.bod - advertisement
00880.bod - ring of massom mill (inside)*****
00881.bod - ring of massom mill (outside)*****
00882.bod - advertisement
00883.bod - advertisement
00884.bod - advertisement
00885.bod - Cockpit-teladi
00886.bod - engine part (fighter)
00887.bod - gun
00888.bod - Cockpit (interior)
00889.bod - Part of Cockpit-Interior
00890.bod - Split Trading port - outer ring
00891.bod - Split Trading port - middle ring
00892.bod - Split Trading port - inner ring
00893.bod - Split Trading port - disc
00894.bod - Split Trading port - sphere
00895.bod - Teladi Trading station - anchor *****
00896.bod - Teladi Trading station - central section *****
00897.bod - arms of boron royal trading station
00898.bod - tube of argon trading station
00899.bod - backside of argon trading station
00900.bod - display

Posted: Tue, 27. Jul 04, 02:15
by Jedediah Q
Thanx, mate! Very helpful indeed! :)
Keep 'em coming...

Posted: Tue, 27. Jul 04, 11:35
by marklaverty
:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

:D :thumb_up:

Posted: Tue, 27. Jul 04, 17:02
by Earthpilot
ok, here we go again, :D :D
number 901 till 999

00801.bod - Paranid trading Dock - Sphere
00902.bod - Royal Boron trading Station - central part
00903.bod - display - gravidar
00904.bod - wings of Teladi M3
00905.bod - engine trail - yellow*****
00906.bod - engine housing*****
00907.bod - wings of Teladi M4
00908.bod - part of Argon TS
00909.bod - wings of Argon M3
00910.bod - Cockpit of Split TS
00911.bod - Thruster of Split M5
00912.bod - engine trail - yellow*****
00913.bod - Wing of Boron M3
00914.bod - Cockpit-Boron
00915.bod - Cockpit-Argon
00916.bod - Thruster of Argon M4
00917.bod - wing of Boron M5
00918.bod - wing of split M3
00919.bod - Laser of Split M3
00920.bod - thruster of split M3
00921.bod - front section of Teladi TS
00922.bod - middle partof Argon M4
00923.bod - front Part of split M6
00924.bod - thruster of M6
00925.bod - front Part of boron M6
00926.bod - rear Part of boron M6
00927.bod - front Part of paranid M6
00928.bod - front Part of argon/teladi M6 *****
00929.bod - rear part of argon M6 *****
00930.bod - wings of teladi m6
00931.bod - thruster (teladi M6) *****
00932.bod - wing of paranid M3
00933.bod - cockpit (paranid)
00934.bod - split TL - docking part
00935.bod - split TL - ST-container
00936.bod - split TL - cramp
00937.bod - wing of split M1
00938.bod - split M1 - central section
00939.bod - turret cockpit
00940.bod - reference-body for ships
00941.bod - side part of teladi M2
00942.bod - engine section of teladi M2
00943.bod - part of teladi TL
00944.bod - Xenon M2 - gun cockpit
00945.bod - front part of boron M1
00946.bod - front part of paranid M1
00947.bod - front part of split M1
00948.bod - rotating part of Boron M2
00949.bod - front part 2 of boron M2
00950.bod - gun cockpit of argon M3?
00951.bod - display
00952.bod - X2-logo
00953.bod - engine of paranid M2
00954.bod - part of paranid M2?
00955.bod - (dunno)
00956.bod - laumch pad of Teladi M1
00957.bod - invisible object
00958.bod - invisible object
00959.bod - invisible object
00960.bod - display
00961.bod - display
00962.bod - a stripe
00963.bod - a stripe
00964.bod - a stripe
00965.bod - a stripe
00966.bod - a stripe
00967.bod - a stripe
00968.bod - a stripe
00969.bod - a stripe
00970.bod - a stripe
00971.bod - empty plane
00972.bod - laser
00973.bod - a snorkel?
00974.bod - (dunno)
00975.bod - enhanced satellite
00976.bod - camera drone
00977.bod - a device
00978.bod - khaak laser
00979.bod - a device (sinza?)
00980.bod - (dunno)
00981.bod - gun tower
00982.bod - display
00983.bod - display
00984.bod - display
00985.bod - display
00986.bod - display
00987.bod - display
00988.bod - display
00989.bod - display
00990.bod - display
00991.bod - display
00992.bod - display
00993.bod - display
00994.bod - display
00995.bod - display
00999.bod - boron cube

these four have over 1 mb of size, but i can't see anything.

Posted: Tue, 27. Jul 04, 21:01
by Earthpilot
i have no idea why, but the next numbers start at 10000.

10001.bod - nebula
10002.bod - nebula
10003.bod - nebula
10004.bod - nebula
10005.bod - nebula
10006.bod - nebula
10007.bod - nebula
10008.bod - nebula
10009.bod - nebula
10010.bod - nebula
10011.bod - nebula
10012.bod - nebula
10013.bod - nebula
10014.bod - nebula
10015.bod - display
10016.bod - nebula
10017.bod - nebula
10018.bod - display
10019.bod - green sphere*****
10020.bod - cockpit
10021.bod - cockpit*****
10022.bod - a corvette bridge*****
10023.bod - display*****
10024.bod - khaak M5
10025.bod - khaak M5 *****
10026.bod - a corvette bridge*****
10027.bod - a cockpit? ******
10028.bod - sphere
10029.bod - buildings
10030.bod - a large room (Dannas room?)
10031.bod - windows *****
10032.bod - door *****
10033.bod - chair *****
10034.bod - table *****
10035.bod - miniatures of M6-ships *****
10036.bod - plant*****
10037.bod - dunno*****
10038.bod - propeller*****
10040.bod - a block *****
10042.bod - a sphere?
10043.bod - display
10046.bod - display*****
10047.bod - display
10048.bod - air taxi
10049.bod - pirate logo
10050.bod - boron logo
10051.bod - position light, red
10052.bod - boron logo
10053.bod - split logo
10054.bod - goner logo
10055.bod - xenon logo
10056.bod - terracorp logo
10057.bod - unknown logo
10058.bod - teladi logo
10059.bod - question mark
10060.bod - question mark
10061.bod - display
10062.bod - a sequence building
10063.bod - display
10064.bod - train
10065.bod - Argon TL of opening sequence
10066.bod - red flair
10067.bod - display
10068.bod - a pilot
10069.bod - plane
10070.bod - a sphere
10071.bod - display
10072.bod - Boron scene - all underwater ground stuff
10073.bod - Boron Scene - super jellyfish
10074.bod - a blind
10075.bod - (dunno)
10076.bod - nebula
10077.bod - nebula
10078.bod - nebula
10079.bod - nebula
10080.bod - nebula
10081.bod - nebula
10082.bod - nebula
10083.bod - nebula
10084.bod - nebula
10085.bod - nebula
10086.bod - nebula
10087.bod - nebula
10088.bod - nebula
10089.bod - nebula
10090.bod - nebula
10091.bod - nebula
10092.bod - nebula
10093.bod - nebula
10094.bod - nebula
10095.bod - nebula
10096.bod - nebula
10097.bod - nebula
10098.bod - nebula
10099.bod - nebula
10100.bod - nebula

Posted: Tue, 27. Jul 04, 21:02
by Earthpilot
ok this is very quick:

10101.bod -

only nebula

Posted: Tue, 27. Jul 04, 21:15
by Earthpilot
10201 - 10300.

10201.bod - nebula
10202.bod - nebula
10203.bod - nebula
10204.bod - asteroid field
10208.bod - navigation pod
10209.bod - sun
10210.bod - yellow light
10211.bod - black circle*****
10212.bod - display
10213.bod - boron airlock
10214.bod - part of boron door
10215.bod - boron plane
10216.bod - part of paranid door
10217.bod - paranid door
10218.bod - part of paranid door
10219.bod - part of paranid door
10220.bod - tube
10221.bod - display
10222.bod - display*****
10223.bod - display
10224.bod - boron airlock
10225.bod - display
10226.bod - teladi airlock
10227.bod - connection thing

10228.bod -
10289.bod rank symbols

10290.bod - display
10291.bod - display
10292.bod - plants
10293.bod - display
10294.bod - display
10295.bod - propeller
10296.bod - a sphere showing a planet
10297.bod - wreck of station*****
10298.bod - white cube
10299.bod - boron hydra
10300.bod - khaak logo

Posted: Wed, 28. Jul 04, 16:24
by Earthpilot
10301 -10400 (almost done)

10301.bod - window
10302.bod - "X2 - Die Bedrohung" (i got the german version of X2)
10303.bod - interior of train
10304.bod - display
10305.bod - (dunno)*******
10306.bod - engine housing******
10307.bod - some sort of door
10308.bod - ST-Container for TL with M6 landing bay
10310.bod - nebula
10318.bod - particle generator
10319.bod - engine housing******
10320.bod - particle generator
10321.bod - engine housing******
10322.bod - invisible object
10323.bod - position light, yellow
10324.bod - position light, gree
10325.bod - position light, yellow
10326.bod - position light, red
10327.bod - position light, blue
10328.bod - position light, green
10329.bod - position light, yellow
10330.bod - front HUD
10331.bod - crosshairs
10332.bod - crosshairs
10333.bod - crosshairs
10334.bod - crosshairs
10335.bod - crosshairs
10336.bod - crosshairs
10337.bod - crosshairs
10338.bod - crosshairs
10339.bod - crosshairs
10340.bod - crosshairs
10341.bod - crosshairs
10342.bod - crosshairs
10343.bod - white stripe
10344.bod - red stripe
10345.bod - u-section of Xenon station/shipyard*****
10346.bod - display
10347.bod - display
10348.bod - some sort of cube*****
10350.bod - khaak M0 sphere element
10351.bod - khaak M0 sphere element
10352.bod - arm
10353.bod - khaak M0 arm
10354.bod - khaak M0 inner part
10355.bod - khaak M0 super laser
10356.bod - invisible object
10357.bod - wreck of argon M2
10358.bod - wreck of argon M6
10359.bod - debris
10360.bod - engine debris
10361.bod - debris
10362.bod - white ring
10363.bod - crosshairs
10364.bod - crosshairs
10365.bod - crosshairs
10366.bod - black circle
10367.bod - long laser beam
10368.bod - position buoy, blue
10369.bod - position buoy, red
10370.bod - display
10371.bod - display
10372.bod - display
10373.bod - display
10374.bod - display
10375.bod - display
10376.bod - display
10377.bod - laser (khaak)
10378.bod - display
10379.bod - display
10380.bod - display
10381.bod - display
10382.bod - display
10383.bod - display
10384.bod - display
10385.bod - laser beam of orbital laser
10386.bod - display*****
10387.bod - display
10388.bod - jumpdrive warp effect******
10389.bod - display
10390.bod - display
10391.bod - display
10392.bod - container*****
10393.bod - khaak debris****
10394.bod - debris
10395.bod - khaak debris
10396.bod - gate gondola
10397.bod - explosion animation
10398.bod - display
10399.bod - yellow stripe
10400.bod - crosshairs

Posted: Wed, 28. Jul 04, 16:31
by Earthpilot
the rest. these are the last of bodies X2 V1.2 sports

10401.bod - crosshairs
10402.bod - crosshairs
10403.bod - crosshairs
10404.bod - crosshairs
10405.bod - crosshairs
10406.bod - crosshairs
10407.bod - crosshairs
10408.bod - crosshairs
10409.bod - crosshairs
10410.bod - crosshairs
10411.bod - crosshairs
10412.bod - crosshairs
10413.bod - crosshairs
10414.bod - crosshairs
10415.bod - crosshairs
10416.bod - crosshairs
10417.bod - crosshairs
10418.bod - crosshairs
10419.bod - crosshairs
10420.bod - crosshairs
10421.bod - dunno***
10422.bod - split fighter wing
10423.bod - wreck of station
10424.bod - wreck of station
10425.bod - Cockpit of TL
10426.bod - display
10427.bod - display
10428.bod - Cockpit
10429.bod - Boron Cave
10430.bod - display
10431.bod - hornet texture? ****
10432.bod - Xenon Power Plant
10433.bod - some sort of arm*****
10434.bod - light plane ******
10435.bod - engine trails
10436.bod - gun
10437.bod - plane
10438.bod - Khaak M0 - generator
10439.bod - display
10440.bod - display
10441.bod - display
10442.bod - display

that's all, folks.

Posted: Sat, 31. Jul 04, 17:51
by InvrSmall
Nicely done. :thumb_up:

Now to see what we can do with them. :)

Posted: Sat, 31. Jul 04, 23:52
by Earthpilot
i'll suggest giving me some help at the bodies i haven't figured out yet.

then correcting me on those that are wrong.

and THEN making starships that fiddle through a gate just with millimeters between the ship and the gate *fg* :twisted: