The Tale of Mak Pr'ft, or How to Trade: Split Style [DiD]

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The Tale of Mak Pr'ft, or How to Trade: Split Style [DiD]

Post by Triaxx2 » Sat, 18. May 13, 19:00

Since I can't seem to get back into Best Served Cold from a dead start, I'm going to do this one which has been in the back of my head for a while now. Normally I go very combat heavy and end up spending all my cash funding a rather large destruction spree. This time I'm going all out trader. Should also be the first time I've reached one billion credits.

Presuming I don't die.


Chapter 1: Inconvenience of timing.

To call Mak Pr'ft the most unlucky Split in the universe is perhaps the greatest understatement ever evidenced by sentient life. (Okay, seriously, I died during the setup, twice.) He arrived in the sector known as Avarice barely two hours before the Terrans arrived to ravage it. A passenger transport docked at one of the local stations, and Mak stepped off, and tapped a free communications terminal. He entered his choice of com destinations, and a moment later was connected to the main communications room aboard the Guardian.

“Hello Uncle H'nt.”

“Mak, hello. How did you get here?”

“Aunt Vo sent me. She said that you were my best choice to get started as a trader.”

“Ah. Warrior training not going well?”

“No. I suspect skewering my instructor is counted as a disqualification.”

“Not normally.”

“With a butter knife? At a formal dinner?”

“Ah. So I see. And she said you should come see me?”

“Mostly I think it was to get me off her ship before I started another incident.”

“Stop. Don't tell me any more. I'm sure I'll hear it from just about everyone.”

“How was I supposed to know that was a main battery emergency fire control?”

“Oh brother. Look, I've got some spare cash. I'll arrange for you to get to Herron's Nebula, and have a couple of ships waiting. A Jaguar and a Caimain. I'll wire some more funds when you get there, so they aren't sitting there, daring people to steal them.”

“Thanks Uncle H'nt.”

“Sure kid.”

Mak boarded a transport bound for Montalaar and was just jumping away from the Argon Free Trading Station as the Terrans arrived in Avarice.

Mods: All the usual suspects:

CODEA, Military Transport, Personnel Transport
Bailing Add-On
Lucike's Script Collection
Improved Boarding


Dead is Dead, except for those two while starting up.
Minimal Combat, Mak is a bad combat pilot, and while he might improve, because he is Split, most combat will be life or death and for escape if possible.
No Racial Restrictions, Mak isn't proficient enough to annoy any race, and while he will trade with pirates, he's not going be pirating myself.

Start: Humble Trader, Split edition. Meaning I've swapped out the Mercury and Discoverer for a Caiman and Jaguar.

Goal: One billion credits or bust.

Mak arrived at the trading station in Herron's Nebula, with sorrow in his heart. His two uncles were gone destroyed in the ravages of the Terran fleet. The two ships he had were the only remnants he had of them. He resolved to do them proud.

Launching both ships, he found that they contained navigational data for the entirety of the Herron's Nebula sector. The Caiman he sent straight for Space Fuel distillery Alpha. He knew he didn't have a lot of credits, but he intended to put every single of one of them to use. Mak mean while made his way to Space Fuel Beta. With more resources and product than Alpha, Beta was selling below the average, so he ordered a change of course for the Caiman. Making a run to the Trading station, Mak remembered that he lacked the basic necessities of a trader, the Trading System Extension. Fortunately, the Jaguar is a fast ship. A second run boosted his capital.

On the way back an Argon High-Tech Transporter gets in first and buys up all the stock. Fortunately, by then Alpha is above average, unfortunately, the Trading Station is now chock full.

However, Alpha is completely empty of energy, so he heads north to power circle. By the time Mak returns to Herron's however, Alpha has been filled. However another opportunity presents itself in the form of Ore Mine Beta, which is completely empty of energy, and full of Ore. From there, it's a fast run to Argon Prime to sell the ore at the the Light Weapons Complex Alpha in the south. While the Caiman docks, so does Mak, taking the opportunity to snatch up a Trading System Extension and Navigation command software. A couple of engine tunings puts the Jaguar over the 200 m/s mark.

Once the ore is sold, Mak decides on names for his ships. The Jaguar is now Fast Trade, while the Caiman is The Big Score. Arriving at the shipyard to have some dents pounded out, (told you he was a bad pilot), Mak orders the Caiman to head to the Equipment dock to get outfitted.

Watching the stars out the window as the mechanics restore Fast Trade to factory condition, Mak dreams big dreams. Of one billion credits in his account. But for now, the dream is a far cry from occuring, and he instead looks towards the Argon Supply Mammoth. A TL would be a great boon to a growing empire. Being able to trade in mass quantities, and move stations. It's a glorious goal to shoot for. Mak smiles a Split smile. The Teladi had better watch out.


Fast Trade, Split Jaguar
The Big Score, Split Caiman

Credits: 56,026
A Pirate's Revenge Completed Now in PDF by _Zap_
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Post by Zaitsev » Sun, 19. May 13, 17:36

Hm, a Split trader? Could be interesting :)
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am :D

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Post by Triaxx2 » Sun, 19. May 13, 20:33

Definitely is interesting. More than I'd anticipated. I'm really loving the Jaguar over the Discoverer. Interesting note, this is the first time I've ever actually played the Humble Merchant Start. Then again, I'm not exactly playing it.


Chapter 2: The Knocking of Opportunity

Undocking from the FAS, I head south, while sending The Big Score back north for another load of energy. I've been told by those at the bar that I can get Jumpdrives down here. They're M -class cargo though, so Fast Trade can't fit one. However, The Big Score can.

Terracorp does have them, and they will sell them, but at just over a hundred grand, it's a bit out of my price range at the moment. However, the local crystal fab is completely out of silicon, and the silicon mine in Herron's is low on energy. Meaning The Big Score is going to be able to drop it's load of energy and pick up a full load of silicon, then sell it big here, and pick up a jump drive.

While I'm not a Marine type of person, I'm willing to sell to them, and the local marine training facility buys Spacefuel. I have four units. Fantastic. And I can get more and sell it there. Heading north, I realize that I require something with a little more space in the hold than Fast Trade. A TM, while it's technically a military ship, has some value, since I can dock Fast Trade aboard it for quick missions. The Argon Magnetar is only three hundred grand and it'll haul quite a bit, plus it can mount a jump drive.

Someone is asking forty thousand credits for a buster sentinel at the Argon Shipyard. It's in pretty bad shape, and while I want it, I don't have the cash straight away. Then I get a call that The Big Score is at the Silicon Fab. Selling the energy nets me enough cash to buy the sentinel, which then sells to the station for nearly two hundred thousand credits. Now that's what I call start up capital. I make a small profit moving some space fuel, but it's not worth the time for the money. Heading east into President's End, looking for opportunities there, I don't find anything, but that's to be expected. I'm actually heading further east, into Elena's Fortune. There's a Centaur patrol that's just come out of the east gate to Elena's, so I'm not too worried about what's on the other side. Nothing. No job opportunities either. Turning around, it seems that The Big Score has arrived at the Crystal fab. The sale of the Silicon nets me just over the price of a jump drive. Being able to jump to a destination will make me lots of money. Meanwhile, I'm heading south to Cloudbase Southeast. There are rumors of a Shipyard and I'm going to see if they're true.

It is, but they don't sell the Magnetar. Useless. Stopping at the trading station, I pick up a full engine tuning, and max my cargo space.

Crossing Argon Prime, it seems that the information the station gave is wrong. A Magnetar, which they won't sell me, is a little less than 500,000 credits. Ranting at the idiocy of Argon, I slip through the north gate. Well, that's not exactly a dead dream, but it's annoying. Heading up to Herron's, the Distilleries are selling for low, and the trading station is buying high. I'm not willing to risk The Big Score on the cops, but Fast Trade is fast enough to evade the rozzers, so I'll do the dirty deed.

With The Big Score now Jumpdrive equipped, it means a bit of Energy management, but with only two ships, it's not that difficult. Heading south to Home of Light, I find a return ship mission in Argon Prime. The Dolphin Hauler makes it with a little less than a minute to spare. As it's doing that, I head to Red Light. The Big Score Mean while is hauling Ore to the Quantum Tube Fab in Home of Light. Red Light shows me a Paranid who wants a Jaguar Hauler returned from Priest Rings. It's a little tight, but I think I can do it.

With the Jaguar Hauler safely returned, I hire an economy and supply trader pilot for The Big Score and try to have him start working in and around Empire's Edge. He's not listening though, so I'll have to do a little research into why.

Well, the Paranid only like me enough to let me fly through their sectors, not land. Split Say URGH!

Fine. I'm going to head north again, and see if Ore Belt is more friendly. No. Hmm.. Maybe I need more rep as a trader. Lovely. Returning a Perseus Vanguard puts me 5% off the necessary rank to dock in core sectors. So close. I duck back to Argon Prime and land at the local Trading Station. Perhaps I can pick up a good tip there.


Fast Trade, Split Jaguar
The Big Score, Split Caiman

Credits: 135,273
A Pirate's Revenge Completed Now in PDF by _Zap_
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Post by Triaxx2 » Tue, 21. May 13, 23:23

This is the first trader character I've ever played. And I've never realized how hard it is to actually figure out what kind of profit you're making, because so much of your money is always tied up in trades. It's... very interesting.

Chapter 3:Time to burn

Heading north from the trading station back into Herron's Nebula, two things go pretty right for me. First is a mission to get a Discoverer Raider for an Argon on Distillery Alpha, it's 49 minutes and the ship makes it from cloudbase southwest just in time. It's a hundred and forty-three thousand credit payout, plus reputation.

Then a Teladi wants some asteroids scanned in Herron's Nebula and Power Circle. He's offering elven hundred credits a roid and there are ten to be scanned. Good thing I picked up a Mineral scanner. While I'm doing that, I get a message from The Big Score that it's finished it's task, only to find out I've sent it to the wrong station. Argh. Sending it on it's way to the correct station, and hoping it arrives in time, I slip through the North Gate into Power Circle.

Seems like my luck as a trader isn't much better than my luck as a warrior. Perhaps it'll turn around. There's still a profit to be made when The Big Score arrives, and I send it back to the SPP for another load. Even if the Low-Yield sidearms station is full when it comes back, there's always a market for energy. Sliding south again into Herron's, I'm on my way to deliver the results of the scan. A few minutes later, I'm 13k richer.

From there I stop at Distillery Alpha, and pick up some fuel. Then I drop it at the trading station. I'm doubling my money, but I'm only making 17k a run. Yes, it's not chump change, but I want to start making more profit. I sound like a Teladi, but there you go. What it means, is that I need more TS's.

Puttering around, I notice that the SPP in Ore Belt is getting low on stock so my profit margins are falling, so I redirect The Big Score North to Power Circle. I'm nearly at 300,000 credits, so I'm startinto look for second hand freighters. Someone has cleaned out Herron's Distill Alpha, so I'm headed to Beta. The margin is slim, but that's okay. The Big Score is bringing a load of energy to Alpha, which will put it back to full operation and me to a fatter account. The Trade station is full of fuel, but that's alright. I can sell it to the Marine Barracks in Home of Light. It means traversing Argon Prime, but I'm fast enough I can get away with it.

Landing at the station, I actually take a loss on the fuel. I'm considering investing in this new Travel Drive, which is supposed to speed up ships which can't mount a jumpdrive. I've seen them offered at several FATS, but I'm not sure if it's worth it. I'm going to sit down with some of the marines here for a drink and see if anyone knows more about it.

As I'm moving around, I keep seeing Argon Cerberus piloted by the military and the private corporations. I'm thinking that as helpful as a TL will be, I might want a Cerberus. True, my combat prowess is somewhat lacking, but in a capital ship that won't matter so much, and I can start moving goods through areas where pirates are preventing less well equipped traders from going.

Even as I think this, I see a deal on a Mercury Hauler at one of the Ore Mines. 162,000 credits for a ship with 69% of it's hull remaining? Yes please. Gaining Ground officially joins the fleet by heading to the Ore Belt SPP for a load of energy, starting the repayment process. Mean while The Big Score is jumping from Emperor Mines to Home of Light, bringing a load of Silicon for the Crystal Fab, and the news that I am now a Paranid Nomad. Frustratingly, the Crystal Fab has been filled to the point where I won't make any profit. However, there's a chip plant in Red Light which could be in need of some. Unfortunately, it's near the south gate, and Home of Light connects with the East gate. And TBS only has 10 energy. Fast Trade lives up to it's name and picks up some energy. Fortunately, I had the foresight to install a transporter device, and in moments I'm seeing on my scope that the Chip Plant is completely out of Silicon. Score... 40k profit. Now that I can work with.

Shelling out another 20k credits for a busted up Discoverer Hauler sounds like an insane move, but I'm going to try flipping it for scrap. If nothing else a fast mover which can haul a jumpdrive is going to be valuable. The shipyard has two ships for sale. One of them is a mercury for 600k. The other is a Mercury Hauler, for which the owner is asking 1.7 Million credits. Gaining Ground is looking like a better purchase all the time. It's full and on it's way back to the station it came from to sell 6000 energy cells. I love the Caiman, but the Hauler moves so much more it's not funny. The ability to cut the competition out because you're moving enough to undersell them is nothing to be laughed at.

I personally am on my way to rendezvous with The Big Score and deliver some more energy so it can jump up for refueling. Also on the agenda is finding some more shields. The Big Score is running around with only a single 5MJ, while Gaining Ground is completely unshielded. I believe there's a Medium Shield Complex in CBSE. I'm going to run through Herrons to the Distilleries and run some fuel south to the barracks, then go have a look. Gaining ground just made 114k moving energy cells, which is a 42k profit. It's now hauling ore up to the Quantum Tube Fabs in Home of Light. It's a bit of a gamble, if they haven't used up enough, I won't make a profit. If all else fails, I can have it head elsewhere. Uncle Ea't always did say, 'No Risk, No Reward'

Of course mostly he said things about the Boron I can't repeat.
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Post by Timsup2nothin » Wed, 22. May 13, 18:19

Good stuff.

Been a long time since I used the Economy Supply Trader script, but I remembered it having some prereqs. Looked it up, and I'm guessing you don't rank 'trader' or above on your trade rank yet. Once you get it that EST is a potent script.
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Post by Triaxx2 » Thu, 23. May 13, 01:46

Yeah. I use it over the Vanilla Sector Trader, because EST doesn't do it's best to go out and hug the Xenon.

I knew there was a rank I needed but didn't remember which one. Mak didn't know that though. He's not exactly the brightest Split in the universe.

Glad you're enjoying it. Some of the best fun is in the early game. I think Mak might be going into the mobile mining business. I've not done that in a DiD. Coulds be interesting.
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Post by Timsup2nothin » Thu, 23. May 13, 07:11

There's a bright Split in the universe?
Trapper Tim's Guide to CLS 2

On Her Majesty's Secret Service-Dead is Dead, and he is DEAD

Not a DiD, so I guess it's a DiDn't, the story of my first try at AP
Part One, in progress

HEY! AP!! That's new!!!

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Thu, 23. May 13, 07:38

If you are thinking of mobile mining think shields lots of shields and patience or you'l end up like a bug on a windscreen.

Loving the story by the way.
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Post by Triaxx2 » Thu, 23. May 13, 11:33

Yes, there are bright Split.

Yeah, I don't do mining without full shields.

And I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it.
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Post by Triaxx2 » Fri, 31. May 13, 18:43

As much as I like this chapter, I really hate ones like this. It's very interesting to read, but playing it just sort of drags in the middle. It happens a lot when I start trading, which is why I like to do pirating, but what happens is that I start to saturate the area with goods, and then I have to go looking for more areas. Even when I can automate it, it's frustrating to see things moving slowly.

Plus the heat has been pretty bad around here so actually playing has seemed like more of a chore than is really necessary. Finally did it though.


Chapter 4: Beer Run

I'm moving Fuel. Not just me now, but also the Disco Hauler. I've got it running via the auto pilot, moving fuel from the distilleries to the trading station in Herron's Nebula. It's another gamble, this one slightly more dangerous than the last but I'm willing to chance it. Profits get tight for a minute, then The Big Score makes a delivery to the Crystal Fab, just in time for my new purchase to get some fuel to sell.

Me, I'm headed to the barracks. The Trade is good, and then I'm on to CBSE. Gaining Ground, once it finishes it's run, will head to be repaired, and have it's engines tuned. It's running at a horrifyingly slow 32m/s and it really does need to move faster. Especially if it's going to finish paying itself off before the universe dies of old age.

Heading north again, I find a mission to retrieve a Scorpion Raider one sector west, in Red Light. I've got an hour, so it's a doddle. A few more missions mostly asteroid scans and I end up in Okracoke's Storm. The Yaki aren't hostile, but they aren't friendly. Turning around, I head for Paranid Space. Landing at an SPP in Empire's Edge, I settle in for a night's sleep in the cockpit. I've heard about Paranid Bars. I'm not interested in getting into a fight.

Ugh. It's been a couple days since my last journal entry, and frankly, my mouth feels like someone has been shoving cotton balls in it. I'm not sure where the time went, but I'm back to work. The freighters have been sitting idle, which while fine by the pilots, now is bothering me. I give them some sharp orders to get back to work, and then do so myself. Someone wants 10 roids scanned, 9 in Savage Spur and 1 in Preacher's Void. Can do. A few minutes and 12k richer, I'm on my way north to the Split Sectors.

Why? Because I want to see about a Turbo Booster. The Fast Trade is fast, but I was getting a bit concerned about getting back in time to complete the mission. Entering CBSW, I notice a bit of a brouha near the north gate. A Yaki Susanowa has taken a rather significant dislike to an Argon Trader, and leaves him nothing but a couple of S-size missiles and an expanding cloud of debris. He then turns on an Argon lead convoy, BBQ's two of them, then the third one bails from his Vulture Tanker. I have a look around, then move in. Pride is pride, but a free ship is a free ship. Even if it's junk, I can sell it.

It's still got a 25mj shield on board, which I'll give to Gaining Ground, but I think it'll be cost prohibitive to repair it. While I'm taking it, a local Argon HCP is busily rendering the Yaki into the same expanding cloud of meat paste he turned the trader into. There's nothing left but a Windstalker missile. Another scan roid mission sends me rocketing back to Ore belt. Along the way I see an Argon laughably trying to sell his Nova Vanguard for 2.5 million credits. Fat chance finding a taker for that.

Making it back to Red Light just in time, I dock at the local Trading Station. Perhaps someone there will have a hot tip.

No. Figures. A return ship mission goes a bit awry. As In I realize, that I can make more money selling the ship than they're offering for it back. As in 4x what they're offering. They get a little annoyed, but that's okay by me. Chasing down two ships in Family Rhonkar and Family Tkr means that I'm spending some of my money to get a TM. The Big Score meets up with my new Magnetar at the AP shipyard, and gives up it's jumpdrive. The Magnetar jumps to me, and then drops off a Jaguar in Family Whi and comes to me in Family Tkr.

The Vulture Trader it turns out was far more valuable to me given to a Teladi in Rolk's Fate than it is sold at the shipyard, particularly with a bunch of left over missiles.

Heading back through Shareholder's Profit, I see a bunch of pirates which nearly gives me a heart attack. However, it turns out to be profit on the day, as they tangle with a Strong Arms Weapons Dealer and get a demonstration of his wares. Of a Nova, Harrier, and Buster, the Nova and Harrier both bail out. The Nova even comes with a shield, a HEPT and a canister of Spacefuel. So, a prize and something to celebrate with. The Harrier is mounting less, but that's okay. I'm not that greedy. Nothing quite like a free ship, except two.

I take a minute and plug in one of the 25MJ shields into the generator core on the Magnetar. It's not a lot, but every little bit helps. I stop part way across Shareholder's and spend a few minutes rubbing my neck. The best thing about a TM, is that there's an actual bed instead of sleeping in the cockpit. With my freighters given orders, I set the alarm and lay down for the night.


Fast Trade, Jaguar
The Big Score, Caiman
Gaining Ground, Mercury Hauler
>Discoverer Hauler
>Pirate Nova
>Pirate Harrier

Credits: 182,685


Anybody have a suggestion for a name on the Magnetar?
A Pirate's Revenge Completed Now in PDF by _Zap_
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Post by Zaitsev » Sat, 1. Jun 13, 04:04

Mmm ... I love the smell of updates in the mornin'. Nice chapter there, Triaxx :)
Anybody have a suggestion for a name on the Magnetar?
Bird's Nest, perhaps?
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