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Sabrina Bergin
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 19. Feb 13, 12:17

Its always nice to get comments thanks:

Getting the Spook home:

Janz went through the numbers carefully the ships funds were enough to cover them for several months of operations but if he was to get a replacement for the Dragon he would have to start doing missions for the Borons and Teladi with a veangence. Fortunately his rep was on the rise with both races meaaning they would pay more for his services.

The question was how long would the Dragon be able to sustain combat duty, Harkness was doing his best and he had authorised his supplies requests but he had to assume a limited period of operations.

His first task would be to get the Boron spook back to Atreus Hq from there he would consider his options but the would not tie himself to the Boron. Teladi space seemed the best place to generate funds quickly he called up the maps of the local sectors plotting a course that would see him back in Black hole sun in six to eight weeks.

For the moment he would have too wait on the Boron who need a trip back via the military out post in Veil of Delusion but that was okay he was being paid per diem.

Janz folded away the screens and took a stroll through the ship, it was something he had always done the crew saluted him as he passed but they were used to these encounters and carried on with their duties. He paused briefly in engineering where Harkness was busy supervising a conduit replacement and was assured the man had scourced all the materials he needed for the moment. Returning to the bridge he checked the ordinance. They had plenty of poltergeists but they would have to be used sparingly. For missle defence they now had plenty of mosquitos and weapons wise they were good to go.

So it was justa question of waiting for their tardy Boron to show up.
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 19. Feb 13, 21:00

Leaving in haste:

The Boron spook showed up in the early hours during alter-day shift He was so agitated that Janz was called to the lower docking port where the crew were keeping an eye for movement on the docks." Report "he ordered ignoring the Boron for the moment." Sir this guy ran aboard like the devil was after him and we've seen movement in the dark spaces" reported the duty man. "Seal the hatch and get him to my day room" Janz ordered before making his way to the Bridge, Liam had obviously just arrived before him and had ordered the crew to stand to. "Your orders sir" he asked flipping the safeties of the fire control station. "Disengage from the station I want all weapons manned but no action till I order it set a course for the north Gate and give me an alternate to jump to the west gate Veil of delusion". "Aye sir called out the navtac officer plots are ready scanning for hostiles, Sir we have two m3 fighters powering up at the station estimate ten seconds till they undock"." Understood Janz replied make the jump now override mass proximity alarms all hands to combat stations".

"Navigation on reentry I want a hard turn to port and down 70 degrees" "aye Captain", "Com,s I want a micro burst transmission to our split friend let him know where we are going but advise him to be cautious. Liam if you would be so kind have our Boron brought to my day cabin and search him for weapons".

Liam left the bridge signaling a crew security man to follow him.

jump kicked in and a few seconds later the ship was diving hard clearing the gate and the ambush waiting for them, more pirates supposedly Janz thought for the moment he needed to make a hole through them. "Tacnav I want those ships targeted guns you are weapons free. Helm bring us to range".
The battle was brief but bloody the ambushers had not anticipated the Dragons innitial manouver and as a result had been caught out of position and badly outgunned Janz took direct control scattering the attackers his turrets kill confirmations coming through till finaly there were no attackers left he laid in a course for the military outpost then released the controls."Nav tac you have control". We have control aye sir course is set".
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sun, 24. Feb 13, 22:12

A Spook's Help:

"Set a course for the outpost" Janz told Liam as they cleared the debris field of fighters.
They had evaded the ambush by the narrowest of margins but there would be other threats whoever wanted the spook dead was playing hard ball.
"tactical I want full scans these bastards weren't alone".
"Aye sir" responded the crewman looking alarmed as his scan data began coming in and throwing the results onto Janz's tac screen, not good he thought seeing the data himself the pirate Hades was vectoring on his position with a bunch of escorts.
Given a choice he would run for the safety of the outpost but it was too far better to bring the fight to them and shorten the range before the Hades stated launching missiles at them.
Taking helm control he changed course the Dragon responding instantly its engines audible as they went to max.
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Wed, 13. Mar 13, 08:12

Sorry: (written whilst weeping softly to oneself)

there will be a temporary hiatus as cooling fans for my my mother board failed and it has just developed a very unpleasant burning smell and I've lost output to both sound and video my hard drive appears unaffected but I wont know for sure till I have made the necessary repairs;

At the moment I can use my Laptop for regular use but not for game play as the fps just sucks and It runs 32 bit not 64 bit so I cant transfer files to it from my gaming rigs hard drive.

Speaking of which any suggestions I may as well upgrade at this time as my old board was getting a bit dated I'm thinking Intel I5 or I7 any suggestions would be appreciated.

My display is a 24" flat screen with hdmi input and I have a 2 gig graphics card which may or may not be trashed (Slams forehead on keyboard) and obviously I will be investing in new cooling fans and temp sensors.
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Post by Zaitsev » Wed, 13. Mar 13, 11:15

I'm running an i7-3820 on a MSI X79A-GD45, but the 2011-socket, which the 3820 belongs to, is aimed at workstations, so it's a bit overkill for a gaming rig.

An i7-3770 or an i5-3570 will do just fine. As for motherboards I mainly use Gigabyte and MSI, and both have performed very well for me. So, something like this will probably do the trick.
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am :D

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sun, 17. Mar 13, 09:27


Thanks for the reply i've made the necessary repairs /upgrades using a giigabyte mb and an I5 chip my old hard drive has my program files but wont boot so I aam hoping to salvage the situation this week using an extternal hdd docking port to transfer the data.
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Post by Zaitsev » Sun, 17. Mar 13, 19:10

Ouch. Well, good luck and hope it works out :)
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am :D

Eye of the storm Completed
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 19. Mar 13, 04:42


Well that was painfull the hard drive was also unusable so the game files are lost as is all my steam stuff so it looks like Ill have to start over.

good newas is that my new rig is pretty to look at and is realy fast.Im afraid both Nomad and Marcus will have to wait till I can recreate that game point the hard way.
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Wed, 3. Apr 13, 00:59

Nomad :

There will be a short interval before Janz gets back in the saddle.

I had to restart and have just completed the Terran plots and taken the first steps to get Janz back where he should be story line wise.

Naturaly the story line will diverge from the original but my aim is to get a nearest sit/rep to where I left it and then I will continue.

As regards Marcus his story will be encompassed within Janz's so I hope you will all accept the slight changes.
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 7. May 13, 00:16

Janz is back;

Well almost I'm rerunning the same start but there have been slight changes but not enough to deflect the story line to date. I just need to refresh the mem cells then its back to business.
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Thu, 16. May 13, 23:20

it Veil of Delusion:

Janz finaly relaxed as they docked at the outpost his clothes drenched in sweat from his exertions the Hades had managed to tag them but he hoped the damage was within limits.
"Liam all hands to repair duties In want reports on damage and repair estimates Asap".
"Understood sir I have response teams moving we have no critical issues at the moment but the chief is on line for you".

Janz hit the com link and settled back seeing the anger in the chiefs eye's.

"Captain are you trying to give me a heart attack ?, I.ve got systems down all over the ship and I need extra crew just to keep containment".

Chief you will have whatever help you need but the situation was unavoidable contact Liam and let him know what you need you will get it I assure you".

The Chief seemed somewhat mollified as he cut the link but Janz reviewed the ships status reports anyway she had taken a beating but the systems were being brought back on line at a steady pace he would have to give the repair crews a bonus looking at what they were having to face.
Which just left him with the spook to deal with.

Janz Had the spook escorted to his day cabin under guard after he returned from his meeting on the station.

"I will transport you to Atreus headquarters as per our deal but then I will be going elsewhere. I expect you will approve the funding for the repairs to my ship?".

"This is not an unreasonable request Captain the spook replied and I am sure your wish's will be accommodated by my government".

"Ok we will be at station till all of our systems are back online then we will drop you of but I don't want to meet you any time soon after that understood ?"

"Perfectly captain it is regrettable that our association must end but I understand I will wait in my cabin till we dock at Atreus Hq."

With the spook out of the way Janz toured the ship, the crew were busting their nuts to get her up to spec even with the new stores they were going to be hurting till they hit a shipyard but in that regard he had a promise of help from the spook so he laid in a course for the shipyard in Queens retribution. |Not that he didn't trust the spook but he needed his ship fixed before he cut him loose.
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sun, 9. Jun 13, 15:15

Making the spook pay up:

Liam tensed up as Janz took his seat.

"ready to undock sir all systems are green".

"Very good Liam set course for the shipyard in queens retribution"

"don't you want us to jump there sir if we travel in normal space it will take days to get there ?".

" No jump drive except under emergency conditions Liam the Chief has expressed some concern as to the ships current status and this is not the time to risk her".

"Understood sir course laid in and set, all hands main-day crew to stations alter-day crew to rest that is all".

Janz placed his fingers together as he considered his next course of action, getting rid of the Boron spook was the first step but then he had to consider what to do after that.

The Dragon was no longer fit for combat the chief had given him the harsh facts after the last debacle.
That left him little choice but to up his schedule. He comm'd C'Parrt at the station and told him where they would meet.

The trip to the shipyard was tedious but once they arrived swarms of Boron engineers were all over the hull repairing damage.
Inside the ship itself the chief was installing new systems as fast as he could rip the old ones out.

The men got a much needed furlough before he gave the orders to dock at Atreus Hq.

"You seem perplexed Captain" said the boron spook "I have paid for the repairs you requested, I would prefer it if we parted company on good terms".

"You have honoured our agreement" Janz agreed "regrettably this ship is no longer capable of completing my mission I will attempt return to Terran space to get my crew home at least, I do not bear you any ill will but it would have been useful if you had briefed me properly as to your mission".

"A valid point Captain but in my trade one learns to trust no one I regret the harm to you and your ship but what I did I did for Menelaus".

"Hopefully you will return as an ally and perhaps a friend" offered the boron.

"Hopefully" Janz replied as the docking hatch opened and the boron spook disappeared into the crowd.

"Liam he called"pressing the com link "set course for the Aldrin base as discussed".

Janz made his way to his day cabin wondering if he or his crew would survive the next jump.
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Fri, 12. Jul 13, 00:27


The Dragon Lurched as it entered aldrin space, then the mains fired as they headed for the ship production facility.

The com buzzed and Janz hit the reply button to find the chief wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Sorry about that Captain the boron's didn't do a proper field alignment to our engine spec's that's what caused the coordinate fade. I've patched it for now so jump is still available if needed".

"I don't think that will be necessary chief we're booked into a dry dock at the yard for those structural repairs we discussed good work chief now get some rest."

"aye sir" said the chief though Janz doubted the man would leave the engineering deck till the ship was safely docked.

"All Hands main day crew to rest alter day crew to stations" he ordered over the ship wide com's. " Liam your with me if you will"

Janz led the way to his day cabin where Janz poured them both a coffee then sat down with a data pad and asked liam to select the ship with the best specs to replace the Dragon whilst she was being refitted.

Liam studied the data then looked to Janz. "The best ship for mission use at present is the Hyperion vanguard impressive shielding and weaponry. and a large cargo bay. Only problem is its not for sale and if it was you'd be looking at twenty to thirty million credits".

"As it happens you are right it's not for sale so we are going to steal one".
I have arranged for Leiutenat Danson and his men to join us here in the scabbard we acquired. they have spent the last two months undergoing intensive training for the moment though we have sufficient funds to get a Spring blossom it will mean leaving some of the crew on the Dragon but they can help with the refit and take some much needed R&R. I want you to pick a prime crew for the Spring blossom Liam, I'm afraid I am going to be putting all of us in harms way".

Liam nodded aware of their mission's urgency and the resolve of Janz to complete it. "I'll have a crew list ready for your approval before we dock sir" he said finishing his coffee before returning to the bridge.

Janz poured himself another coffee going over his plans a lot of what he intended to do was downright illegal and unethical by any standards but he had a mission to accomplish that could save the lives of millions.
Both Terran and commonwealth.

" We are cleared to approach sir the Yard want's to use tugs to move us into the refit dock". Said Liam.

"Let them Janz allowed slow to minimal speed then switch all engines to standby, those refit docks cost billions Liam they just don't want us scratching it"

" Understood sir" said Liam sending orders to the crew and a signal to the waiting tugs to approach.

The shipyard was immense even by Terran standards withg a huge number of support craft moving about in the immediate vicinity.

Janz watched via the ships main viewer as they were gently coaxed into the refit dock. They came to a stop without a shake and the berthing lines were secured.

"Secure main engines switch to external power once the hook ups are made.
Main day and alter day crew stand down in port watch procedure to begin at 0800 ship time " He ordered "Liam we have an appointment at the dock masters".
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sat, 27. Jul 13, 06:39

Janz looked up his inventory of acquired ships and began transferring them to the shipyards closest to them. It was a lengthy and time consuming business but eventualy he had sold all the spoils he had acquired since arriving in NPC space.

It gave him the credits he needed to accelerate his plans but he could not remain idle for long.

The dock master was not cooperative to put it mildly but Janz had the clout and the credits to get what he wanted.
Plus the fact that the repairs to the Dragon would earn his station millions of credits bought him around.

The spring blossom was ready save for a few necessary upgrades but it had the speed and fire power that would be required to complete phase two of his plans.

They left the dock masters office and went to the gallery overlooking the spring blossom. "Liam I want an armed detail to scan that ship before we go aboard check for bugs and unwanted locater beacons"

"You suspect what "? asked Liam.

"I suspect everything Liam we are starting to raise interest which given our task is unwelcome and there is no need to take any more chances than we have too"

Understood sir I'll have the marines check her out but we will need to get a CLS system installed before we can provide quarter's for them.

" That's a given" Janz agreed " we'll get her outfitted here sufficient for our need then a few jumps to pick up the necessary upgrades and we'l return for Lt Danson and his men have you got a crew list ready?".

Liam handed him a datapad and Janz scanned through it not surprised that Liam had made the same selections as himself bar one.

"Ensign Franks I want to stay with the Dragon he ordered and I want him watched".

"Is he a problem ?" Liam asked

"Possibly I suspect he is working for Kal Onin or the USC intelligence either way I don't trust him".

"I'll have him watched sir" Liam replied calmly making an alteration to his data pad and transmitting the updated orders to the Dragon.

"Now Lets get some Lunch our Split friend should be waiting for us" Janz concluded leading Liam towards the promenade where the restaurant's were located.
Last edited by Sabrina Bergin on Mon, 19. Aug 13, 20:18, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sun, 28. Jul 13, 13:33

C'parrt looked up as his friends arrived the journey here had been interesting having chosen to take the risky but shorter route through xenon sectors but it had given him another route to terran space without the risks of traveling through the war zone.

"Janz you have timed this well my ship is ready I take it you have favours to ask of me".

"I do did you map out Megnir and Althes ?".

"Of course or I would not be taking my leisure here will you have a drink so that we can discuss our next move ?".

"I think you will find my plans to your liking Janz said signalling for the coffee pot to be refilled and additional cups sent to the table.

I have purchased a spring blossom as we discussed but it needs upgrades that I want you to get for me, natuaraly I would expect you to add such upgrades to your own ship at my expense."

"This is acceptable agreed C'parrt where shall I bring these upgrades ?".

Althes the orbital base that's where I'm going first but I need your cls system to allow my men to come with me".

"This poses no difficulty to me C'parrt agreed I will have the system delivered to your ship, but the upgrades you have specified will be expensive I take it you have a means to recover the cost?".

"I have Janz agreed and there will be more than enough bounty for both of us".

" Then I will leave you I have much to do I will be in touch once I have completed the task you have set me".

Janz poured himself a fresh coffee, as his friend left for the docks feeling a little unsure of what the future held but accepting that he had committed himself to a task that could get both him and his men killed.

"You seem troubled sir" Liam noted "is it something I should know about?.

"Not really, get the spring blossom loaded and file a flight plan for Althes once the CLS rig is installed have Lt Danson and his men quartered aboard and have the crew transfer on board, I have a few people I need to see I'll be back on board by 0400 hrs".

"Very good sir Let me know if you need any help"

" Of course now to business I will see you later Liam by then I hope I will be able to give you a fuller breifing".
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sun, 28. Jul 13, 17:07

Janz waited till Liam had left the restaurant before leaving to find the office that admiral Dealy had given him as an asset address.

The office was non descript and run down far from the docks and promenades. the receptionist was a stern looking woman of some what daunting appearance none the less Janz handed her the data pad and asked to see the boss.

The women pressed a keypad and a door opened at the far side of the room "go right in dearie" said the receptionist handing him back the data pad.

"Your report?" asked the man behind the desk.

"I have an in with the Boron and the Teladi but I need more time than Cal Lint allowed the mission status is in this data pad I will be leaving for common wealth space in two days so I nee a response before then".

"Understood interrogate the nav sat in Althes when you get there it will have a message for you good day Captain".

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 30. Jul 13, 00:02


This was where much of my future plans were to be based, far enough from the Xenon to avoid the need for a heavy defence set up but with close access to Aldrin and Terran space.

I had Liam scan the asteroids on the way here and Megnir looked to be the source point for the Ore and silicon I would need. Which posed another problem I needed freighters with Jump drives so that they would have minimal exposure to AGI/XENON attacks.
That Meant Otas so I would have to start building an infrastructure in Commonwealth space to improve my Argon rep to get access to the ships and weapons I would need for them.

The comm's screen lit up and I took the call to see the worried face of The chief who was still apparently on the engineering deck of the Dragon.

"Chief an unexpected call do you have a problem ?".

"I am not sure sir ensign Franks has gone AWOL"

"Chief don't worry unduly about this the kid may show up or not this is not your fault just keep on with the repairs to the dragon I'm going to need her again son.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 30. Jul 13, 22:59

Althes: They docked at the defence base and got the jump drive and other upgrades that they would need. fortunately he had been able to source a full weapons load out.

They where as ready, now it was time to brief the Crew. "All hands to the Mess hall" he ordered over the com system.

He donned his flight Jacket and made his way to the Hall aware Liam joining him as they arrived to find the entire company present.

He let them all settle down before he began.

"Ladies , Gentlemen We are now on active service, our mission is to find a means to bring an end to the conflict with the commonwealth.
This will be no easy task it means we are going to have to go out there and acquire the means necessary to achieve our goal.
This will involve combat on a fairly regular basis far from home".
From this moment on we will operate totally independently I do however expect everyone here to maintain discipline and professionalism.
"Any questions ?".

"Sir when you mean acquire do you mean steal ?".

"That's exactly what mean Karlson but we won't be targeting innocent civilian's we'll be stealing from Pirates and mercenaries, our primary goal is to get the funds needed to purchase stations and ships to build a trading organisation to finance all our operations, we also need to gain reputation with all the races out there which means we won't be engaging their military units unless we have to".

"This is not going to be easy I am asking a lot of you but if it brings an end to the conflict then I think it will be worth the effort anyone who doesn't want to be a part of this can leave before we undock that is all resume your duties.

Liam woke him the next morning with a coffee and status report before returning to the bridge. No one had left that pleased him. Otherwise everything was ready. He finished his coffee then went to the bridge.

"Okay Liam set course for the equipment dock in queens retribution all weapons to missile defence".

The ship was fast Liam had gotten used to it, that speed had been an essential factor in going for the spring blossom to replace the Dragon.

It was basically an armed merchant vessel, it would be used for that but not often.

The Jump alarm sounded and then they were emerging into normal space
The proximity alarms sounded as Liam accelerated away from the gate.

"Sir we have hostiles all around us they're targeting us". shouted the tactical officer.

"What race ?" he asked

"Pirates sir"

"Target them he ordered weapons are free, Liam take them out but see if you can get some to bail we may as well get paid for our efforts".

Liam returned a grin as he began targeting the incoming fighters that must have been loitering near the gate a tactic Janz had seen Pirates using before.

Janz took over the controls selecting the targets he wanted taken out first before moving onto the larger M3,s within minutes the missile warnings vanished. Janz looked around for new targets but didn't see any within sensor range. He did see two abandoned ships and set a course for the nearest a falcon the second a nova was a bit further away.

"Well done Liam alert the engineering crew they are going to have to patch them up a bit.

Janz claimed the two ships and after stripping them of their upgrades and cargo he ordered them to dock at the shipyard. "Okay Liam lets dock and meet C'parrt".

The meeting took place at one of the dockside bars C'parrt claimed he didn't like to go any deeper on a Boron station unless he had to.

"I see your journey home was not wasted I witnessed the battle on the monitors" he indicated the screens on the walls around them.
"Now to other matters I have spoken to my family of your plans and they are not hostile to them, they will allow you access to our sectors but any hostile acts will be responded to".

"I have also contacted the Teladi they will allow you access to their facilities" in their sectors for a price of course".

"No change there but I expected that what are your plans now ?".

"I will join you our has meeting proved fortuitous and you embark on a bold enterprise one that will bring honour to all who participate".

"As yet we do not have a ship that can dock fighters" Janz told C'parrt .

"Then I will join you on yours given the speed with which you have achieved so much I do not believe it will be long before you have such a ship".

"I'll make the arrangements we disembark at 0800 replied" Janz.

"I will fetch my kit" He nodded to Liam and Janz as he left for his ship

"This will be interesting" noted Liam pouring himself another drink from the pitcher on the bar.

"He will be useful Liam the man has a wealth of experience dealing with the type of people we will be targeting and he's also a good fighter pilot.
I think I'll have him speak to Lt Hanson His men are going to be on point on a lot of our missions any advice he can get on boarding tactics will be a bonus.

For the initial part he planned to scout out the known sectors as far as he could he would need a supply base somewhere he could build tech stations to supply his needs which would increase rapidly once he had achieved his primary goals.

They went back to the ship and made arrangements for C'parrt to be given quarters near the bridge.

Liam went to his own cabin whilst Janz went to the bridge to contemplate his plans for the future. The two pirate ships they had sold had given a welcome boost to his funds

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Mon, 19. Aug 13, 21:06

Janz spent the next few days heading west from Queens Harbour taking missions as and when they arose.

Janz made a point of Mapping Lasting Vengeance as they began to return to the sector Distant clouds and buying some illegal software that would lessen the risks they might face in the near future.

For the moment he was surprised at the number of transport ships that were either en-route or leaving the Headquarters station known as Dukes Haven.

There was also a few Capital class pirate ships apparently patrolling the sector, which confirmed the rumours he had heard of an alliance between the Duke and the Pirates.

"Okay Liam we've seen enough here jump to The distant cloud coordinates the Boron TL should be there by now and we need that complex up and running".

"Understood sir what of the fighters we have docked in Heavens assertion ?".

" Sell them use our agent on the station and remind him this is just the beginning and not to be too greedy" Janz Ordered.

"He is Teladi C'parrt advised for him not too be greedy would be a novel thing for one of their race".

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Wed, 21. Aug 13, 19:49

Distant Clouds:

Janz manouverd the spring blossom to a point high above the eliptic to give him a better view of the complex alignment.

He contacted the TL's Captain to begin dropping the factories in a precise sequence that C'parrt had drilled into him as being the most effective the contacted the captain and contracted him again to return to the Boron shipyard for further stations and construction supplies.

The Boron was delighted at the sudden continuation of being paid for his travels and left almost as soon as he had placed the last station.

"You Have done well Janz remarked C'parrt as he studied the system display, once these factories are linked as a complex together they will begin to provide a surplus of supplies the Boron desperately need in these sectors.

"you will have to appoint an agent to act as your factor to monitor the local markets"

"Aready done" Janz replied "he's local and a man off some ambition he was referred to me by our spook friend so I think he can be trusted".

Sir Came the com call LT Dansen and his men have assembled in the mess hall.

"I'll be there in a moment" janz answered signalling C'parrt to follow him.

Lt Dansen and his men were waiting as he had been told Janz signalled them to remain setaed as he walked to the display screen he had prepared earlier.

"Gentlemen Ladies this is the moment you have been training for the time for study has passed I am sorry for having put you through it but it was necessary".

"We have a mission to return an abandoned ship".
This ship to be precise its Teladi owner was somewhat careless in his choice of captain who bailed when he was attacked in a sector bordering Xenon space". Janz activated the display which gave a complete rundown on its construction and specifications.

"Now normally I would retrieve the ship and return it to its rightful owner, that is not going to happen this is where you come in I want you to board that ship keeping damage to a minimum and then I want you to defend it against any and all till I can get you to safety".
C'Parrt nodded to Lt Dansen " Alvin I will give you what advice I can offer know that even abandoned there is great risk in this task if you wish I will join you on the raid in that I would be honoured to fight at your side".

Lt Dansen stood "your offer is accepted C'Parrt if you could lead one of the teams, I will lead the other point men we have details to work out Captain we will not fail".

"That is all I ask Captain I will arrange the logistics and let you know when the arrangements are complete" Janz left the hall confident that between C'parrt and Lt Dansen their plans would be ready long before his own.

"Okay Ladies and I mean all of you" said Lt Dansen "the time has come to pay our way C@parrt here will now tell us how we take this ship and how to keep it with minimal and preferably zero casualties, pay attention to this man or you will be a casualty, C'parrt if you will.

C'parrt strode to the monitor and began scrolling through the various system defences they might encounter, giving specific guidance on blowing hatches and how to clear strong points.
The marines were all paying attention and it was some time later that he allowed them to question him in detail of each aspect of a successful boarding sequence.

He returned to his quarters late that night having felt a sense of comradeship he had almost forgotten. These warriors for they were that had taken his advice to heart and seen to the core of his reasoning.
They were warriors to be respected he decided.

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