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Post by Idleking » Wed, 24. Jul 13, 09:53

Poor Thulhu, everyone gets horrified and tries to kill her :shock:

Maybe she should just start saying 'hello' to new people instead of peeking around the corner? :D
As the size of an explosion increases, the number of social situations it is incapable of solving approaches zero.

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Litcube wrote:Don't succumb to the "I figured it'd be ok".

Song Of Obsidian
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Post by Song Of Obsidian » Wed, 24. Jul 13, 12:22

Federal agent vibe, huh. I hope Stacy's interest in Jackson isn't a professional one.

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Post by Poseidon » Wed, 24. Jul 13, 18:39

I picked up the Dearg the next morning, and spent a couple hours learning the handling. It was everything I had hoped, but I didn’t have time to explore everything it could do. I dismantled some Lasertowers to retrieve their Plasma Beam Cannons, and emptied every 25MJ shield complex within 15 sectors. It would have to do.

When I’d specified the Dark Space Installation for the meet, I hadn’t needed to be more specific. There was only one, in the corner of an Unknown Sector out behind Oort Cloud in Terran Space. Initiating a meeting there sent many messages, the most prominent of which was ‘I know your secrets’. This wasn’t entirely true, but I hoped it created reasonable doubt.

Jackson’s bag of toys was welcome. The first item was a stainless steel ring, with grooves cut into it like a circuit board. This was paired with a clear plastic oval film. The ring was a controller, and fit neatly on my index finger. I pressed the plastic film onto my thumb, and it stuck like an invisible layer of glue. That was my interface to the ring. The next item was a pair of contacts that would provide a thermal overlay when triggered by the ring. The last item was a bag of small clay spheres: adhesive smoke bombs. These could also be triggered by the ring.

Aside from the new toys, I was wearing my protective bodysuit under the semi-formal khakis and sport coat. My overt weapon was a military-grade plasma sidearm; the orange crystal knife was concealed in a sheath up my left sleeve, hilt down.

And then, of course, the 500M credits of digital currency stored across a fifty microchips in a small briefcase. The chips themselves weren’t marked or traced, but I’d had my accounting package record the cryptocodes for every credit. Once this deal was over, we might be able to use them to track Tomes’ influence across the universe. While multiple chips and a briefcase weren’t technically unnecessary, I was in a dramatic mood. Checking the contents of every chip would be frustrating and time consuming for him; I didn’t mind.

The Dark Space Installation was less dark than expected. While its location provided some obscurity, it wasn’t far off the main trade lane. I did not envy the entrepreneur that misconstrued it as a new mining facility. They ran a quick check on my credentials, and then granted me docking.

I had intended for our meeting to be in a private conference room, but Tomes had left a message for me at the docking terminal, indicating a restaurant and bar. The front of the business was floor to ceiling glass windows, tinted dark. I palmed a few of the smoke bombs, and let them fall from my right hand as I walked through the front door. I activated the contacts, and made a show of examining the room while my eyes adjusted to the dark.

It reminded me of an airport restaurant back on Argon Prime. Low lighting, a semi-circular bar built into the wall on the left, with free-standing tables and chairs placed at messy intervals. There were also a couple empty booths along the right wall. The contacts indicated four warm bodies… one seated in the back at a table, one at the bar, one at a table near the front, and the bartender. I turned down the brightness on the infrared, but left it active, then moved towards the table in the back. Tomes was waiting, seated. I dropped a couple more smoke bombs while I took a seat.

“So, are we done with this little charade? I’m not terribly good at it,” I started the conversation.

Tomes sneered. “You’re right; you’re not. I don’t like you, so let’s get this over with. Do you have the money?”

I slowly swung the briefcase up onto the table, but left it closed and locked. “I want everything. Design Access to the Woden, and any information you have on this alleged M0 warship we’re seeing on the front line. In return, 500M credits and an offer of Asylum.”

His expression flickered at the mention of Asylum. He drew a datapad from his breast pocket, pushed a couple buttons, and a schematic presented itself on the screen. From across the table, it looked like the Woden to me. I nodded, and he tossed it on the table next to the briefcase. I punched in the unlock sequence for the briefcase… 40 digits I’d spent all night memorizing. When it clicked open, I spun it around to Tomes. He produced another datapad, and socketed one of the chips; I pocketed the first datapad.

His datapad beeped a confirmation, and then the walls erupt in an explosion. The front windows were completely gone, and there was a hole in both of the side walls. I dropped to the floor and triggered my ring. The smoke bombs popped and the moderate smoke from the initial explosions was soon consumed by the thicker and more prolific gas from my grenades. I flung myself backwards against the wall, trying to limit my vulnerability. Before the smoke had fully obscured my form, two plasma bolts impacted my chest. I slid to the floor.

“I got him. You, gather the briefcase. You, watch the door,” Tomes’ voice commanded.

“I thought they said he was a civilian? Civilians don’t come to secret meetings toting military sidearms and smoke grenades.”

“Whatever. He’s dead now. Just do your job while I search his body.”

My contacts registered three moving forms in the smoke; it appears the bartender had been caught in one of the explosions. The smell of ozone told me the suit was still bleeding off the energy, but I could move my arms. I rest them in my lap, and grasped the knife in my sleeve. Then, I closed my eyes into a relaxed squint and waited.

Tomes’ standing form emerged from the smoke. He looked down at me with a mixture of curiosity and contempt. The pistol flashed two more times; it was all I could do not to flinch, move, or cry out. The suit had grown uncomfortably warm, working overtime to dissipate all heat. Confusion over the glowing blue seams didn’t stop him from bending down to go through my pockets.

As he came into range, I drew the knife and swung towards his neck in a single smooth motion. I expected to cut his throat, so I had prepared to cover his mouth. Instead, the knife severed his head and my left hand knocked it backwards and away from his body. I quickly pushed the body over backwards so it wouldn’t splurt on me. My gag reflex expressed itself, but was ignored.

I quietly rose to my feet, and started moving through the smoke. The contacts gave me a distinct advantage, and I moved over to the thug retrieving the briefcase. Cover his mouth, cut his throat, lower him slowly. Jackson’s training made the motions reflex, for which I was grateful; I wasn’t quite in a thinking mood at the moment.

“You ok over there, boss?”

Shit. The guard by the door was scanning the room with his pistol drawn, and the smoke was clearer near him. He still didn’t have vision on me though, so I drew my own pistol, aimed carefully, and dropped him with a bolt to the face.

The explosion wasn’t my doing, and it was certain to draw attention from the local security, so I needed to get out of there. I moved back over to Tomes, and looted his other datapad. The briefcase had already been re-closed, so I snagged it on the way by, and then triggered the transporter device on the Dearg. It was time to get off this rock.

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Post by Idleking » Wed, 24. Jul 13, 20:35

That was a blast.. literally..

Jackson did a good job on your training, you made this.. issue.. look like child's play.
From Commonwealth Spy to hard as nails killing machine in about two seconds.. not too bad I'd say :twisted:

But well, with that kind of mess taking place with you around, I can't think of the Terrans liking you much longer.
No matter how you look at it, you tried to buy high grade military secrets, and after that failed for some reason or another, killed three Terran agents and then just stole the data you wanted to buy not two second earlier. You not even being a Terran doesn't make things any better either...
Hope your Jumpdrive doesn't fail you :roll:

You should have business cards with 'Ee ai ee ai oh' on them as a Trademark :P
As the size of an explosion increases, the number of social situations it is incapable of solving approaches zero.

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Litcube wrote:Don't succumb to the "I figured it'd be ok".

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Post by Poseidon » Wed, 24. Jul 13, 20:57

You say two seconds... I see 40k words and over six weeks of gameplay. And I only got out alive through some deus ex machina, aka gear given to me by npcs. Without the bodysuit, knife, contacts, and smoke bombs, I would have been dead a dozen different ways. Jackson or Stacy likely would have been able to pull it off without the toys.

I've had the last couple chapters, along with the next few, roughed out for the past two weeks... I've just been trying to get the gameplay to a place where it mirrored my intended plot. I'm not about to post something until I'm actually there. That means, if I get dead before I reach one of my roughed out chapters... ce la vi. Some chapters have had to change based on gameplay already.

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Post by Idleking » Wed, 24. Jul 13, 21:19

I only said two seconds because you've never been in a 'real' kill-or-die situation before.
Of course you had your (quite extensive and I'm sure a bit masochistic) training with Jackson and the Suicide Kings, but that has always been in a controlled environment etc.

But still, in that scene you described you went from businessman to badass in two seconds, which is awesome, if I couldn't get that point delivered in my previous post..!

Other things I forgot to mention:
I'm curious how you're going to tell Maddy what happened :P
I really liked the scene about 'Only Jackson could handle her... combat'. Not really sure about it quite yet, but I think it has something that reminds me of this :D
As the size of an explosion increases, the number of social situations it is incapable of solving approaches zero.

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Litcube wrote:Don't succumb to the "I figured it'd be ok".

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Post by Poseidon » Wed, 24. Jul 13, 22:29

Ahh, makes sense. I probably over-reacted. I'm a bit sensitive to establishing precedent for any ass-pulling I do. I've gone to great lengths to create in-game backup for most things I do with the plot.

I attribute the proper reactions to being 'in the zone'. I've been training for this exact sort of situation every days for weeks. If I'd taken a week off before this, I likely would have frozen and gotten dead. Other rationalizations are already included in the next chapter.

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Post by Poseidon » Wed, 24. Jul 13, 23:56

It was worthless.

I set the autopilot to jump to Savage Spur via Xenon Core 023, Gaian Star, and Moo-Kye’s Revenge. I only spent about 15 seconds in each sector, so I was in no real danger. The hostile forces in each sector, along with the potential that I had flown off instead of jumped away, should have been enough hassle to dissuade or distract any pursuers. In Savage Spur, I hid off the main grid and swept my ship for tracking devices. The docking logs may have recorded my ship and identity, but I didn’t need to lead them back to the Mandelbrot Complex.

The Yaki still weren’t happy with me, so I didn’t stay long. I jumped back to Legend’s Home, and set a docking solution for the Lobby. With a few minutes to breath, I took a look at the datapads.

The Woden schematic was a fracking screen saver. It contained just enough detail to fool from a distance, but not enough to be useful upon closer examination. The datapad included similar images for every single ship in the Terran fleet… It was a form of intelligence, but certainly not enough to justify the risks.

The second datapad was encrypted. During the 5 minutes back to the Lobby, I tried all the most common exploits and loopholes, but none of them worked. This was going to require some serious cryptanalysis.

I had gone into the meeting assuming an ambush, but there was an off chance he was on the level. I had to play the part as if the deal was going down, in case he really was willing to hand over military secrets for cash. There was never any Asylum to offer, but you can buy a lot of safety and comfort for 500M credits. So, real credits, and real negotiations, instead of guns blazing. In the end, it hadn’t mattered.

Stacy was waiting for me when I arrived that evening. “How did it go?”

“About how we expected, aside from the explosions and getting shot. Within my contingency plans, at least. The trip was mostly a waste of time. I don’t suppose you know any cryptanalysts that can crack this thing in a hurry?” I waved the datapad in the air.

“Perhaps. Want me to take a look?”

“Depends. Tomes had intel on me he shouldn’t have had. I’m not entirely certain I trust OTAS at the moment.”

She looked at me for a moment, then shrugged. “That won’t be a problem, then. I don’t work for the military.”

We stared at each other. When she wasn’t more forthcoming, I handed her the datapad. She was either Private, Corporate, or Federal. Private or Corporate I could handle on my own. Federal, but non-military, meant she was part of the Intelligence community. Frankly, I could use their help about now. I was in over my head.

The so-called Major tucked the datapad into her belt. “Now what?”

“Now I move on to contingency Plan C.”

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Post by Poseidon » Thu, 25. Jul 13, 04:30

For the record... you know how I was just talking about the gameplay changing my plans? Welp, here's an example.


“Jackson, wake up.”

I heard some rattling from within his quarters, then the large black man stood before me at his door. He shook his head like it would wring the sleep from his eyes, then looked at me wearily. “Yeah boss? What’s up?”

“It’s go time.”


“Right now. My Op went south. At this point, I’ve got 3 counts of murder and an empty datapad to show for it. Every minute counts.”

He turned his back on me, and trod back into his quarters. I waited. From around the corner, I heard a rattle, a hiss, and a gasp. He returned, and handed me a hypospray. I looked at his questioningly. “Combat Stims,“ he replied. “You look like hell, and it sounds like it’s going to be a long night.”

I shook the metal cylinder, and pressed the nozzle to my inner elbow. There was a loud hiss, and my veins froze. I gasped. When the sensation subside, I could still feel the chemicals working their way through my blood stream. Yup. Definitely awake now.

“Go wake the men, and prep the teams. How many have we got?”

“We’ve got five fireteams as of yesterday. You lucked out; I’m number twenty-one.”

“Alright, see you in the docking hanger.”


Creeping into the bedroom late at night was a familiar challenge: make enough noise so that Maddy didn’t freak out, but little enough to keep her dozing. I bent over and gave her a hug.

“Muu? Ah. Don’t forget the chicken,” she mumbled sleepily.

I kissed her neck. “I love you, dearest. Sleep well. I’ll be back soon.”

“Loves…” she wrapped both her arms around one of mine, and went back to sleep. I stayed that way for a moment, then carefully extract myself.

Thulhu was waiting by the bedroom door. I gave her a hug too.


The Woden is confused. Nobody can tell if it’s a Destroyer or a Carrier. 36 guns, 30 dockable ships, 12GJ of shielding, and 90m/s… nothing compares to it. Now that my non-violent plans had fallen through, it was my intent to capture one. The hard part was finding one… or so I thought.

Jupiter had two, along with an Odin, surrounded by more M7s than I cared to count. This was not a wise place to engage. I made another pass through all of known Terran space, but found nothing. It appears I would be forced to do the capture in contented territory.

I hopped down to Asteroid belt, and flinched. Well, damn. Change of plan.


Ban Rider had been in charge of an ATF Valhalla for six minutes when he made his first mistake.

“Jump to the Asteroid Belt. Upon arrival, turn Port 90 degrees, and set the throttle to -10m/s,” he ordered.

The helmsman was a fresh Ensign, but good at following orders. He did exactly as told. The jump went smoothly. A few moments after they arrived, there was a slight bump, and a minor explosion.

“What was that?”

The Ensign gulped, and looked up. “That was the Jump Beacon, sir.”

The new Captain paled. “All stop. We’ll guard this sector for the moment.”

“Yes sir.”


Ban Rider had been in charge for 27 minutes when the AGI invaded.

“Please repeat that, Ensign?”

“I’m counting 20 Xenon Corvettes at the South gate, and moving our direction. PXs, sir. A brief scan suggests 800MJ shields and Pulsed Beam Emitters.”

Ban was not intimidated. He was captain of a Valhalla; the most dangerous warship of the Terran fleet. “All hands, Battle Stations. Incoming AGI fleet!”


Tracy Brooks slammed the throttle, and dumped the Vidar out of the Valhalla’s docking bay. She’d been waiting to take the fight to the AGI all her life, and now they’d brought the fight to her. Her ship was no Vali, but it’d taken a lot of favors to get her assigned to an M6 at all.

The Valhalla was already taking heavy shield damage, so there was no time to be picky. She lined up with the first target she could find, and unload a persistent stream and Matter/Antimatter rounds. The PX absorbed the blows, but was not interested in dodging the incoming fire. She swung around for a second pass, and finished it off.

Her next target went down faster as she dumped a couple Spectre missiles from her meager cargo hold. If they’re not going to dodge, no reason not to use them. The explosion blinded her briefly, and from the corner of her eye she saw thrusters ignite on a near invisible set of projectiles.

Boarding Pods? The AGI are boarding the Valhalla?


Jackson looked at me across the commlink. “This isn’t a Woden, boss.”

I shrugged. “The opportunity presented itself. It was this, or try to take a carrier while in the presence of two other carriers. Can you make it work?”

Jackson grinned. “Of course we can make it work. Probably.” His face fell as he finished his scan of the Hull. “Maybe.”


Twenty minutes later, we were drifting towards the Federal Argon Shipyard in Argon Prime. It was difficult to find friendly sectors with Jump Beacons, and the Valhalla needed some minor repairs.

I was doing administrative work. Uncertain of the Terran response, I issued orders to all my freighters to pull back from Terran space. Once that was done, I pulled up my Messages.


From: United Space Command
To: Riordan Clery
Date: 768-05-27 03:26

A recent investigation has concluded at a Terran facility you recently visited. Station logs indicate that you have performed a great service to the Terran people by terminating a traitor and spy, Sir Tomes Nedley. In appreciation for this feat, and your outstanding loyalty and dedication, we are Promoting you to Hero of Sol and granting you Command Access. We are honored to have you representing our people and interests.

Thank you, and congratulations.

United Space Command
General James Randall


I stared at the message, and laughed. With Hero of Sol status, I had the authority to purchase a Woden, no questions asked. Too late for that now. I opened the next message.


From: AGI Task Force
To: Riordan Clery
Date: 768-05-27 08:53

Two ships owned by you were seen at the scene of an AGI invasion earlier this morning. Until further investigations can be performed, you are now considered an Insurgent and Known AGI Sympathizer. Your kind is not welcome in Terran space.

AGI Task Force
Agent Anthony Quinn


Oh well… easy come, easy go. I waited for the Valhalla to dock, hopped back to the Dearg, and set the autopilot for home. I needed a nap.

Song Of Obsidian
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Post by Song Of Obsidian » Thu, 25. Jul 13, 12:08

A Valhalla. And 20 PXs to take down its shields. Hot damn. Hope you didn't lose anyone. I always worry Jackson's going to die on these ops :P

Did the Valhalla really take out the jump beacon, or was that creative license?

Favorite quote, though:
Poseidon wrote:Thulhu was waiting by the bedroom door. I gave her a hug too.

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Post by Poseidon » Thu, 25. Jul 13, 12:29

I'll be honest, I didn't really want a Valhalla. But the Wodens were in a bad spot, and Riordan would want the Valhalla if he had the chance.

The 20 PXs were my super-secret surprise I've been working on this entire time. Using only Xenon ships to capture an ATF vessel seems like an excellent way to camouflage the espionage activities required of me by the Colonel. But, Xenon ships require fully 5-star marines, and they still chew through your boarding parties. And no Xenon ships can use boarding pods, so I had to bounce something into sector for at least a second. I considered using a Terran vessel, but that would have been traceable anyway, so I didn't bother.

I stumbled across the Valhalla while looking for a Woden to capture. The Valhalla can't use jump gates; it MUST use a Jump Beacon. There was no Jump Beacon in Asteroid Belt, so I took creative license to cover the mistake.

All 21 marines survived. The timing there was literal though... my 21st marine finished his/her training minutes before I called Taranis out for the Op.

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Post by Song Of Obsidian » Thu, 25. Jul 13, 12:39

A shame it's impossible to raise ATF far as I know. Now you're stuck with that last part.

I kept wondering what you meant with all the big brother/little brother stuff. Guess now that question has been answered.

Good call on the jump beacon, though. Not sure I would have even noticed.

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Post by Poseidon » Thu, 25. Jul 13, 12:49

Well, I could raise my ATF reputation using the complexes I have in Terran space. They'll still trade with them, and generate positive reputation. That said,

I had intended to personally pilot a Q for the event, but I was tired of dragging out the plot waiting for marines to train, so I kicked off the pending conflict a bit early. This forced me into a situation where I couldn't be directly involved in the fight, which was more suspenseful for me as a player, anyway.

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Post by Song Of Obsidian » Thu, 25. Jul 13, 12:52

I rather enjoyed the way it turned out too. Wonder if we'll see either of the named Terrans again.

Spoilering yourself. Love it.

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Post by Idleking » Thu, 25. Jul 13, 14:38

Awwww... almost a pity they promoted you to Hero of Sol just moments before you took their flagship :D
As the size of an explosion increases, the number of social situations it is incapable of solving approaches zero.

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Litcube wrote:Don't succumb to the "I figured it'd be ok".

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Post by Poseidon » Thu, 25. Jul 13, 16:13

The nap was not meant to be.

My return home was lost among the flurry of activity at the Lobby. It’s no small effort to outfit a wing of Xenon ships, and the ones that survived were being refueled and rearmed. I had no intention of using them again, but no reason not to keep them loaded at this point.

The clock read a little after 9am. I’d been up literally all night… so I was surprised to see Stacy and Jackson standing in the docking hanger in full combat gear. My inquisitive look resulted in a wave from Stacy and another metal cylinder from Jackson. The Major gave us both a disapproving look, but I was dead on my feet so I welcomed the Stim.

“What’s up,” I asked when I could speak again.

“I finished decrypting the second datapad. No schematics, but bad news nonetheless,” Stacy said as she handed me the tablet.

I scanned the data files she had open. Emails. Transmissions. Orders. There were numerous communications between Edgar and Tomes over the last few months, long before I came on the scene. “Son of a bitch,” I muttered.

“Yup,” she agreed. “Tarquin is the traitor.”

“And you’re a spy,” I mentioned. “For whom, precisely?”

“Argon Intelligence. He was very careful to keep my work compartmentalized; I believe he always suspected me.”

I sighed. Jackson was looking back and forth between us. “What was his angle?” he asked.

Stacy spoke up. “Scapegoat. He planned to defect to the ATF for some reason. While the Federation will accept almost anyone who requests an Asylum, the Terrans are a bit more mercenary, and require some additional incentive. He offered Commonwealth tech, and needed a scapegoat.” She gestured towards me. “You. Tomes was supposed to kill you. Terrans get the tech. Tomes and Tarquin both look like heroes to their respective sides, and the Colonel can retire to Earth with no strings attached.”

“Except you two are too good at your jobs,” I observed. “Between the Spec Ops gear and the Marine Training, I got out alive.”

Stacy laughed. “This isn’t entirely our fault. You went from lab rat to interstellar billionaire in months. It was bound to attract some attention, and the cashflow certainly enabled you to do things nobody expected.” She gestured at the Dearg.

“I still need to make a couple modifications to that design. Anyway, why are we standing here? What’s the next move?”

Jackson and Stacy glanced at each other. “We go over to OTAS HQ and rough up a fugitive.”

I turned around. “All aboard. Let’s go make a mess.”


The mess was not meant to be either. Or rather, it had already taken place. Tarquin’s office was a small disaster, and he wasn’t present. Given the lack of personal effects, it was safe to assume he wasn’t coming back.

Stacy gestured towards the wall between reception and his office, and Jackson nodded. The marine set his footing, and punched a hole in the wall near the corner. As he stepped back, Stacy reached in and dug around, then withdrew a small box: a recording device.

It took her a few minutes to download the data to her workstation. Aside from audio logs, it also contained logs of all wireless traffic, encrypted or otherwise. She pulled up the most recent transmission.


From: …
To: …
Date: 768-05-27 08:11

Your goat jumped the fence. Fall back. We’re done waiting.



“So what does this mean?” I asked.

Stacy smiled. “It means you get to join a real clandestine operation, instead of the fake bull Edgar dumped on you. Congratulations on your promotion, Field Agent Clery. You can keep the pseudonym.”

“Wonderful. I sort of wanted some time to myself after all of this.”

The Agent shrugged. “If Tarquin defected to the ATF, then the war is about to start in earnest. Get you affairs in order, and then join the War Effort. I have faith in you, Mac.”

Jackson nodded. “You’ve got this boss. We’ve got your back.”

I sighed and trudged back towards the ship. It appears I had a couple more things to do before I got that nap.

Song Of Obsidian
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Post by Song Of Obsidian » Thu, 25. Jul 13, 16:19

And I thought Tarquin was a prick before.

Almost time to start the game's actual plots, then?

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Post by Poseidon » Thu, 25. Jul 13, 16:49

There’s nothing quite like a grandiose explosion to end your day.

I sat in Megnir, hiding in a corner of the map, watching hostile freighters and military vessels fly by. Tomorrow, I would be killing them. Today, they were buying food and purified water from my factories.

…and weapons. Commonwealth Weapons. Weapons that would be killing Commonwealth soldiers.

We couldn’t have that.

Since the first food complex was built, I’d been adjusting the prices. Paying more for goods, selling the products for cheaper. I was taking a loss on everything, but a large portion of the Terran economy revolved around the 400M in stations I’d built for them.

Oh well.

Self Destruct Sequence Initiated. 10… 9… 8…

It took a while, but in the end, all weapon facilities were destroyed. I left the food, water, energy, and mines. Maybe they’d develop a taste for Chelt or BoFu, and end the war for easier access? Who knows.

My work done, I hopped back to the Lobby, and fell asleep. Tomorrow, I went to war.



Thanks for reading my Albion Prelude Prelude. It’s been a good seven weeks, but I have to put down the game for now. Playing and Writing are exceptionally time consuming, and real life happens. Perhaps I’ll pick it up again after things settle down.

There will be one last update to the Sidhe Ships mod, to address some power concerns on the Dearg. Likewise, I will post one last updated pdf export of the story content. I'll make a save available, if someone requests it.

Also, I will still be reading and involved with Song of Obsidian’s DiD, so go over there and read his (her?) incredible writing.

Old MacDonald, signing off.

Song Of Obsidian
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Post by Song Of Obsidian » Thu, 25. Jul 13, 18:33

Bah. Life always gets in the way of good things.

It's been a good read though. I'll miss your story, and do hope you can and choose to bring it back sometime.

And thanks for the added pressure of your plug right before I post something I'm not even sure I like yet. Damned X2 sagt Bussi auf Bauch sea god...

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Post by Idleking » Thu, 25. Jul 13, 19:50

Awww.. RL sucks :shock:

Come back soon! :P
As the size of an explosion increases, the number of social situations it is incapable of solving approaches zero.

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Litcube wrote:Don't succumb to the "I figured it'd be ok".

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