The Rise of InfiniCorp-CHAPTER 1

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The Rise of InfiniCorp-CHAPTER 1

Post by Miazma32 » Mon, 11. Jul 05, 15:27

I'm not too big on introductions so I'll just get right to the story...

"Ha ha! Why can't we do this more often, Miazma?" came an excited voice over the radio. All other noises were coming from ship computers and the static of the radio.

"Because this is the sort of thing that will certainly end in your demise, demolishing any possibility of my future corporation having an elite heavy fighter squadron! And you know what, Matt? I want an elite heavy fighter squadron!" Replied a man sitting in the cockpit of a modified teladi buzzard. It had an increase in speed as well as turning ability.

The pilot had brown hair at about shoulder length which he kept pushed back at all times. He was clean-shaven and wore a black, red, and white pilot outfit with a blaster strapped onto his left thigh. He was quite the looker.

"If I'm as good 'a pilot as you say then how come you worry?" asked Matt.

"I worry not for your sake nor for the sake of my future company...but for the sake of myself. If I do not have an elite heavy fighter squad my defense will be much less effective unless I can train my future pilots to handle a buzzard like myself." replied Miazma

"Whatever..we just need to get out of here. You take the lead and follow behind since I have the rear turret."

The two were in the heart of argon prime each with a cargo hold full of Argon Whiskey. They had picked it up in Herron's Nebula. Matt decided he wanted some action and, despite Miazma's ranting, flew into argon prime for a shortcut to Brennan's Triumph. Miazma had no choice but to follow.

They flew straight through the center of the sector. Miazma said that the police rarely scanned the ships in the heart of the sector. It made sense...what pirate is stupid enough to fly through the middle of the Argon home system with a hot cargo bay?
I must express my gratitude for my Teladi Hibacht. If it were not for that ship I would not be as successful as I am today.

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Post by KiwiNZ » Tue, 12. Jul 05, 00:51

Good start! Keep it coming. :thumb_up:

Posts: 85
Joined: Mon, 1. Nov 04, 17:57

Post by fegnoid » Tue, 12. Jul 05, 05:54

liking it keep the story roleing
He got owned by a sink....

Posts: 10
Joined: Sun, 2. Jan 05, 21:41

Post by nnaney » Tue, 12. Jul 05, 18:19

Yes. Very nice, Seth. Keep it coming.

Posts: 3
Joined: Mon, 11. Jul 05, 14:55

Post by Miazma32 » Wed, 13. Jul 05, 17:54

The two were approaching the east gate, not 15 kilometers from their destination.

"We got trouble, Mia!" Yelled Matt over the radio.

"Don't call me Mia, and yes I see it too. We should have saved some space in our holds for some energy cells. A jumpdrive would come in handy at the moment. We're not too far from the gate and besides, they won't fire on us unless we fire first or if they give a few warnings." replied Miazma.

"Stop your ships and drop your freight! This is Argon Corvette Patrol leader. You don't stand a chance against four centaurs." came an unfamiliar voice over the radio.

"What are four Centaurs doing in one sector? Even the home sector. You better think of something quick." said Matt

"I have an idea. Stop your ship." Replied Miazma

"What? Stop my ship?" exclaimed Matt

"Yes. Your nova may not be the best ship in the universe as far as maneuvering ability but you can still destroy one centaur."

"One centaur? I don't understand...there are four." replied Matt

"If you stop then one of the 'vettes will have to stop to arrest you. The other three will follow me. I can dodge all of their lasers and you can destroy the one that stopped for you. I'll keep the other three busy while you head for the gate. Once your through I'll work my way to the gate while still dodging fire and go through. They can't follow because they are patrolling Argon Prime."
I must express my gratitude for my Teladi Hibacht. If it were not for that ship I would not be as successful as I am today.

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