The Sagan Chronicles (3 chapters)

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The Sagan Chronicles (3 chapters)

Post by keitherwild6 » Fri, 16. Sep 05, 00:14

I love the X universe so much that I decided to convert one of my ongoing works to include the various races introduced in X universe. In time, with the approval and support of Egosoft, I wish to write a series of books based on the X universe. I have chosen a very distant timeline in order to make space for any plans the fiction department of Egosoft have. Any reference to existing official or fanfic works, are owned by their respective authors. If you have problems with me referring to them please inform me at

I have decided to make the first of these books available to everyone. Then God willing maybe Egosoft will take note of it.


The Sagan Chronicles


This story is mildly based on the X universe. It takes place several thousand years after the events of the X series. After the Reunion, the human race set out to reclaim its destiny among the stars. A major catastrophe occurred however; a stellar shift in the galaxy caused the gates to malfunction. An alignment shift occurred that unbalanced the entire X universe. Splinters of every race were left to fend on their own for thousands of years. Eventually some were found by their respective races or their allies and were reclaimed, however they sadly realized that some of them has evolved into an altogether different race. Some were too culturally apart that they had no interest in being part of the original race.

Among those lost was Earth, it seems once again the humans have managed to lose their home world. Major expeditions were launched to attempt contact with Earth but every fleet sent were never heard from again. Eventually the Terran alliance started building colonies in the direction of Earth in hope of someday finding home once again.

With most of the gates rendered useless, considerable resources were placed in the redevelopment of the gateless jump drive, introduced when a lone test pilot from Earth stumbled in a Teladi sector. It was a success, but the device dubbed the ‘hyper drive’ still needed a marker in the target destination; this can either be a gate or a sophisticated satellite that emulates a space gate’s unique signature.

The Humans

Back in Earth, GovCentral of the Terran Alliance found itself besieged by several insurgencies. Most notable of these is the Order, a monarchy lead by the Lord Protector Gabriel Builder in the Vega sector. They are known to be fanatics; they believe that only the ‘pure’ genetic line of humans deserves to exist. Their propaganda network has caused a major uproar especially when talk about a merge between the Terran Alliance and the Argon Federation surfaced.

Exploration reached a new height as old and new sectors are discovered. Trade once again flourished, but the human race quickly discovered that the greatest enemy they have was themselves as many of the variations of the Human genetic line were found to be hostile.

Teladi Company

Neutrality used to be the official stand of the Teladi with all the other races, this changed however after the catastrophe dubbed the ‘scattering’. The major Teladi sectors found it self flanked by both the Argon and the Boron with the Khaak taking every chance they got to liquidate the company assets. With the main Split and Paranid colonies too far to be of any use, the Teladi officially allied themselves with the Argon and the Boron.

Technologically the Teladi Company surpasses any single race, but is known to rather sell any acquired technology than apply it to their needs. Despite this the Teladi Company research division remains to be the most poorly funded sections of the company.

The Teladi holds the least number of systems among the races, give the fact that they are usually allowed to build colonies within other races territories, Teladi exploration and colonization is nearly nonexistent, but any Teladi sector is defended by the most advance defense systems available and are present in great quantity.

Coming Soon:

The Boron Kingdom
The Split Dynasty
The Argon Federation
The Terran Alliance
The Khaak Hive
The Paranid Monarchy
The Outer Worlds Confederation
The Draconii Combine
Chapter 4
Last edited by keitherwild6 on Mon, 19. Sep 05, 23:15, edited 3 times in total.

Posts: 44
Joined: Sun, 12. Dec 04, 17:39


Post by keitherwild6 » Fri, 16. Sep 05, 00:16

// Use the Edit/find t navigate through the chapter, ENJOY!

Chapter 1

York station, New Horizon 8942 A.S.

Although she was seated in the corner of the room away from the thirty-two seat table full of relatives she has never heard of nor cared for, she felt amidst the artificial storm that seemed appropriately chosen by the random weather generator of York station. Pulled from the boring routine that was her life she never thought that she will regret the joy of being torn from the seamless classes that went on and on. From the rigors of academic study, annoying music practice, to the methods and ridiculous arts of charm, she hated it all. She couldn’t remember a time where she had a say in her life. She can only whisper the dreams that were in her heart. Now it seems her fate will be sealed.

A gaudy dressed man, plump and round his belly was exaggeratingly emphasizing his words with the waving of his short, fat arms. “I tell you aunt Selma, Daryl Roberts is the perfect match! Think! Her family owns nearly eighty-percent of NHMC! I checked the stocks this morning! It’s unbelievable! They practically own two of Victoria’s moons!”

The tall woman next to him merely huffed. If it wasn’t for her near perfect figure, stunningly blue eyes and angelic face, the gesture would have been distasteful. “I told you, every mining corporate has been contracted by Govcentral to supply the expansion effort. They are wealthy but there is clearly no advantage whatsoever since all production for the next century belong exclusively to Govcentral. Credits don’t buy everything nowadays cousin.” She smoothed the folds of her blue suite, and arranged the short skirt that seemed inappropriate for her age. “All the suggestion so far is well and good but I am still her mother and I know what’s best for my…”

“Now don’t get all excited dear.” A head shorter than the woman, the man was well built and obviously of French-ethnic origin. Even the drawl of his voice hinted on the strong accent of his preferred language. “This is a family council after all. Everybody has a say in the matter, else why bother dragging everyone here?”

“Indeed. I think your husband has a point. This very well would affect every asset this family has managed to…” The elderly woman paused for a moment, seemingly realizing that something was a miss. “Where is Lalaine? Where is you’re daughter?”

A few corridors and handful of halls away, Lalaine slowly took hold of the flimsy ribbon that was tied to her blonde hair pulled it and uninterestedly studied it for a moment before dropping it carelessly on the floor. She looked at her reflection at one of the glass windows that separated the controlled atmosphere and the cold emptiness of space. She held out her hand and gingerly touched the surface of the glass.

Cold. Like everything else in my life. She thought.

There was some heavy breathing and an undignified yelp followed by a warm and wet tongue across her leg. “Ruff!”

“Howard! How did you get here? Oh!” Lalaine hugged the brown ball of fur that was her dog, cherishing the warmth the little thing provided her. “Oh! Stop licking my face!” She couldn’t help but giggle.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw a man standing as if in attention. Attired in a black suit his face was a mismatch. His head was shaved balled, a curios tattoo lay flat across his face and big rings adorned his ear. Lalaine giggled again.

It was his bodyguard Seine.

Has sadness left you mistress? A voice in her mind said.

Seine, is a members of the Far’see, a faction known for there abstinence of anything higher than level two technologies. Lalaine often wondered how they lived as they did without even the benefit of a steam engine. Their race however developed abilities that were far removed from a normal evolutionary scale, virtually a new species of sapiens. Across the stars and with the grace of time and genetic manipulation from within and without the race of man grew ever apart. Seine is among the discontent of his race, unlike his peers he was ever eager for everything that technology had to offer. Reluctant to hire someone who hasn’t even received a basic neural enhancement companies spurned Seine. Off world and unemployed he turned mercenary. Her grandfather bought his contract long before Lalaine was born; given access to the data links Seine gobbled up every bit of data he came across with a vengeance.

He and Howard were literally her only friends. Except maybe for her grandfather, but since he's almost never there he doesn't really count.

“No. But I feel a lot better. Thank you Seine.”

I am glad mistress. Would you like me to escort you back mistress?

Lalaine didn’t bother to consider. “And watch them decide what’s left of my life?”

The mistress is very young.

“Huh? Grandpapa promised me he’ll take me away on my birthday! That’s two weeks from now! I’ll finally get a life! They want me married on Rainer’s day! That’s a forth night from today!” Tears welled up in her eyes, yet she stubbornly refused to let them fall. “It’s not fair!”

Then perhaps the mistress would like to see her visitor now?

“Visitor? Oh no! Another one of the agencies probably clamoring for a speech.”

The mistress is ever popular.

With her fists on her hips Lalaine mustered a glare.

I see that the mistress is happy.

“No you idiot! I’m not happy I’m mad!”

But the mistress is smiling.

Another distinct trait of the Far’see was there lack of expression. Every member of his race wore the same blank stare. Lalaine refuses to acknowledge this, reasoning that twenty years off world would have him cured by now. However, she has her suspicions that the odd glint that appeared on his eyes once in a while was an expression of laughter.

Seine had that glint in his eyes right now.

Lalaine rolled her eyes, and gave Seine an irritated look. “Whatever Seine. So whose is it this time? The English society? The Charity Commision?”

Right this way Mistress.

“It isn’t the Riding Club is it? I hate those old geezers!”

They entered the elevator where Seine datavised the service program designating their destination. As the elevator descended (or ascended, one can’t usually tell in a space station) floors with people going about there business zipped pass Lalaine’s view, while she stood there holding Howard close to her breast. There was knit on her brow, the kind she has when she is trying to figure a puzzle.

“Who is my visitor?”

I believe it’s the SLI (Space Liner Industries) mistress.

“The BUS company?” Lalaine said incredulously. “What in Sol would they want with me?”

I believe we are here mistress.

They arrived in the departure section of the hangars of York Station where they approached a small Sting class scout ship. Although ships in Sol usually have a bulky no non-sense design, the scout ship was splattered pink, the hull smooth and shiny, and Lalaine had no trouble spotting several parts that was obviously had no other functionality but to make it look... cool.

Now what was up with that? Must be a setting for a commercial or something she thought.

The pink doors opened with a satisfying SHINK! What greeted Lalaine wasn’t a stuff shirt agent nor was it high-pitched woman who looked eighteen but was probably over fifty; what greeted her was a flat monitor in the ceiling suspended by a robotic arm. The monitor blinked once then an old man with a soft smile greeted her.

“Grandpapa!” Lalaine cried with joy. She was staring at the monitor with unabashed joy when she realized she was about to hug a MONITOR!

The joy turned to a tantrum as Lalaine started stomping on the plush oriental carpet that covered the floor. “WHERE ARE YOU?” Lalaine shouted on the top of her lungs.


“Don’t call me sweetheart! My birthday is in two weeks! Where are you? If you aren’t in New Horizon yet… It’ll take you months to get here if you haven’t left yet!”

The old man visibly swallowed. He took his glasses off and wiped the smudge that only he could see.

“Well uh… Do you like you’re birthday present?”


“The ship!”

“The ship…” Realization slowly crept into Lalaine’s inflamed demeanor.

“The SHIP? You mean you sent it to come and get me?”

“Yes… well…”

“Oh! Gradpapa! You’re the greatest!”

Lalaine paused and casually placed her index finger on her lower lip suddenly in thought. “That’s not even you Grandpapa! That’s a memory construct!”

Communication between far flung colonies was as much as a nightmare as it was in 16th century Earth. Message packet takes months even years. Although several ships relaying a signal increase the pace, the time it takes for it to arrive is still significantly prohibitive. A memory construct is a partial copy of a person's persona. It is a program given certain functions and responses making it the norm in long distance communication in space.

"I'm afraid so my dear. I am in..."

Just then a beep signaling an incoming call stopped the old man short.

"Lalaine! What are you doing there? Come back here this intant!" Said her mother's voice.

“Computer vocal commands activation only!” Lalaine daren’t risk linking via neural interface. Any ship while in the hangar can be overridden by York security.

“VOCAL COMMANDS ONLY: ACTIVATED” The computer faithfully replied.

"Lalaine? Gawd! Valerian! Your daughter is running away!"

“Set a course to point of origin! When clear proceed to jump on level nine!” Lalaine jumped into the pilot’s seat, while Seine took the one beside her.


"Laine! That's not where I am! Set a course to..." The old man tried to tell Lalaine but she was already strapping her harness to brace for the jump.

"Lalaine Marie O'Daren! You tell that computer to abort or so help me I..." Lalaine father tried to say at the same time.

"What Grandpapa? You're not? Where are you?"


Lalaine's face fushed red in anger. "Computer initiate jump NOW!"


"Overide systems perimeters jump NOW!"

"You're gonna get yourself killed! Not to mention wreck the hangar doors!" His father exclaimed.

"JUMPING IN..." The computer churtled.

Lalaine was scrambling over the dashboard, trying to reset the course while outside several pilots swerved away quickly seeing the light blue exaust that was starting to build up in the pink ship's thrusters.


"Grandpapa I'll just jump again, I don't have enough time! They'll have me married tommorow for sure!"


"But Laine..." The old man tried to explain.


"Now daughter no need for all this if you don't want to marry Daryl that's fine..." Lalaine's heart stopped short. "You can marry Jonathan instead! His even richer than Daryl and only forty-two years old!" Lalaine managed to stop herself from shouting the cancel command. She settled back to her seat and tightened the jump harness.


"Goodbye mother."


"Lalaine!" The three adults shouted.


Lalaine sighed and clutched Howard tighter as the stars collided with her in a rush, then there was oblivion.


Chapter 2

Liberty Space


She felt a neural program activate in her mind, preparing her body for the return to normal space. Half asleep she felt Howard stir on her chest. She hugged him tightly close to her.


The stars seemed to pass her more slowly now. She can already see them as individual stars, and not as straight lines of light.


I’ve arrived…


The neural program allowed her to open her eyes.


Still groggy with sleep Lalaine tried to grasp the situation. The radar seemed to be malfunctioning. There was a large area of red around where her ship was supposed to be.

Mistress, please stay on your seat and do not remove your harness.

It was Seine, he didn’t sound groggy at all. Lalaine took one look at the cockpit window and decided she was seeing things. Three ships zipped passed in pursuit of a smaller craft. She rubbed her eyes and took a look once again. There were no ships in sight.

“Must be dreaming… Seine what’s wrong with radar? It’s all red.”

There is nothing wrong with it mistress.

Lalaine glanced at Seine expecting to see his expressionless face. It seemed quite odd that he was wiping his bald head of sweat while typing commands into the console. That’s odd she thought, it feels rather cold inside the ship. Now why would he be sweating?


There was a sizzle and a crash as the ship’s shields absorbed an impact. The ship violently tilted sideways and Lalaine gasped at her seat.

“Seine?” Lalaine whimpered.

As the ship turned Lalaine saw what was before hidden from her view.

A vast armada of ships was firing at a flotilla of corvette class ships. The corvettes were faster, but lack the fire power of the destroyer ships in the armada. Several of the corvette’s hulls were breached and were now slowly retreating. Fighter ships were exchanging fire and loosing missiles at the destroyers.

“What’s going on?” Lalaine screamed.

We’re smack right in the middle of a battle mistress. Please remain calm.

A stray pulse beam struck their ship causing several panels inside the cockpit to spew out wires and sparks. Howard fell from Lalaine’s lap and landed under the console.

“Stay CALM? This is the perfect time NOT to stay calm!” Instead of retrieving Howard she jumped under the console in obvious panic.

Howard turned his head sideways, raised one of his ears and gave her a look of puzzlement.


Outside the battle continued with the armada firing in quick succession at the corvette ships. One ship, a corvette, turned and left its fleeing comrades and charged at the destroyers. The ship was fast and maneuverable; it went straight at the pulse beams and lasers dodging every one at the very last instant.

Three medium sized fighters emerged from the corvette. The small squad shot down missiles that were meant for the corvette. The corvette’s batteries let loose a volley of depleted uranium shells at the closest destroyer. The large ship didn’t even manage a turn and thus was hit repeatedly.

In less than three minutes the lone corvette destroyed two support ships and disabled another with its fighters. It took four minutes for the captains of the armada to get their crews to obey the words that were hurriedly coming out of their mouths.

A fighter squadron was launched by the closest destroyer. The five ship squad broke formation and headed to attack the corvette ignoring the enemy fighters. The Elite class fighters adapted from old Argon designs were less maneoverable, but had enought fire powere to threaten even a destroyer class ship.

Two of the corvette's fighters that were of the Interceptor class equiped with ion beam shield depleters and rear missile launchers ganged up on one of the Elites, managing to deplete its engines with successive Ion beams. Afterwards the two fighters broke off and then launched a missile barrage via the launcher located behind their ships. The Elite fighter tried to dodge it but was too slow, with its shields depleted the pilot decided to eject before the missiles reach him.

The rest of the destroyer's fighters were busy barraging the corvette with particle emitters while dodging the return fire of its turrets. Two of the attacking Elites managed to beat down the shield enough so that the other fighters were able to get a few shots through, effectively destroying one of the side turrets. The corvette received several hits to its main hull before the shields finally managed to flare back to life, a bluish glow covered the corvetted momentarily before finally a distortion field could easily be seen surrounding the corvette.

Suddenly the last of the corvette's fighters, a Lancer class fighter, ignited its front thrusters then stoped its engines entirely. Its only laser mount located at the nose if its cockpit was huge, it gave a satifying hum as its muzzle caused a white glow to gather. The laser mount was an upgraded version of the high energy plasma thrower called a plasma beam, it is normally used in capital ships. The width of it beam is exponential and its range was long. The resulting blue cone that was released managed to catch three of the destroyer's fighters, the resulting debris veered of and had hit the last of the fighters from the destroyer. The Elite class fighter spun out of control towards one of the solar panels of a power plant.

By this time the corvette's speed was effectively reduced to sixt percent of its optimum speed due to the strain on the hull. The destroyer had gained ground and was finally in firing range. The resulting photon pulse globes were slow but were so numerous that the corvette wasn't able to dodge. The resulting explosion caught the interceptors and the lancer who were trying to take formation beside it.

The result was what was expected. While the rest of the flotilla escaped, the lone corvette lay tattered and lifeless. The fighter planes were either captured or destroyed. There were it seemed no survivors from the ship that valiantly charged at overwhelming odds to let its comrades escape.


“Is it over?” Lalaine asked form under the console.

The fighting has stop, but the ships have not left mistress.

Lalaine took hold of the edge of the console and slowly took a peek.


It is not clear whether Seine fell from his chair from fright or surprise, but it was clear why Lalaine was screaming bloody murder.

A body happened to slam on the cockpit window. Through the suits' visor it wasn’t visible enough to tell whether the person was alive or not. The face was quite pale however, but Lalaine couldn’t tell whether it was because of the glare of the light or if it was because of the condition of the man.


The First Admiral of Tau Ceti was in a foul mood. He was enjoying a much earned vacation with his family when news of the insurrection reached him. It seemed that colonies have the habit of proclaiming independence after a few decades. With the Argon Federation busy defending the Teladi sectors from the Khaak, the Terran Alliance was left to fend off the insurgients by itself.

"Call a staff meeting in nine hundred hours, and make sure the captives are kept in close surveilance." The Admiral told the his second.

"Sir one of the captives just died, med bay says he came in too late."

The Admiral rubbed his forehead in thought. "And the other one?"

"She was put to sleep, she managed to decapcitate both her guards and nearly killed the doctor treating her."

"Wasn't she searched for weapons?"

"She was Sir, she managed to grab the surgical laser from the doctor treating her."

He took a moment to absorb this before asking. "While the doctor was operating on her?"

His second, a woman in her early twenties managed to look indignant before replying. "Yes Sir."

He nodded curtly and decided to pay the prisoner a visit. Perhaps the psi division can turn this woman into an asset.

Just then the radar officer called out to the admiral. "Sir, there is a Sting appraching the area where the corvette exploded!"

"What? Scramble the fighters, it might be trying to get survivors!"

"Sir we have all the survivors."

"Then what's it doing there? You get the ship on screen! Full amplication."

The monitor showed a ship but it was too far to be recognizable, the radar officer, pushed a few buttons in the console and managed to amplify the image.

There was a notable silence in the bridge, when they saw the ship.

"I-i-it's pink..." Stammered one of the cadets.


"Let me get this straight." Lalaine was pressing two finger on her temple, rotating them in an attempt to understand what Seine was going to do. "You are going to go out there and drag a dead body in?"

Mistress, the scans say that the man is alive, though barely so. Seine said through the mind link.

Seine has finished strapping on his space suit and was getting ready to enter the exit chamber when Lalaine grabbed his arm.

"Do be careful Seine." Lalaine said, her eyes betraying the fear that she had been battling since their exit from hyperspace. In an attempt to sound brave however she added "Or I'll find another bodyguard!"

I will Mistress. Standby to retrieve when I catch him.

Lalaine just nodded and watched the exit chamber's hatch close.

The First Admiral's face was first undescribable as he tried to digest the fact that a Stinger class scout ship, one of the deadliest of the scout class, was approaching the battlefield. Also he was trying to determine whether his eyes were playing tricks on him, since the ship looked like it was painted pink.

The old, but burly man cleared his throat. "Are those fighters out or not?"

The second took a few moments to compose herself, then she accessed the com through her neural net.

"Echelon squad is approaching target, ETA four minutes."

The Admiral rubbed his chin slightly and found that he is due for a shave. "Scan report."

The second hesitated. "Sir, we are detecting several devices that may or may not be weapons."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"They don't register as weapons, or our database do not have any information about them."

"Anything else?"

The second's eyes glazed for a moment as she read the data once again from her neural link. "Fusion booster, Split configuration."

The Admiral cursed and shouted at the crew. "Tell them to launch drones as soon as they are in range! We don't have anything that can catch that thing if it manages to fire its boosters. We should..."

"Sir! Someone just exited the ship!"

"On screen!"


Seine slowly made progress to the drifting man. His suit released bursts of gases to steer itself. It was very easy to overdue it and cause a spacer to spin out of control. Seine managed it efficiently however, he unfortunately did not have enough energy to get back to the ship. He had to rely on the harness for that.

As he caught the man, the ship computer sent him an alarm.


"Fighters approaching, ETA three minutes and twenty six seconds."

Seine took no time in securing a harness on the man and sending Lalaine the retrieve signal.

The Far'see larynx has all but atrophied after thousands of years of neglect. It was probably the first time Seine ever considered the need for vocal chords.

One of the fighter pilots has opened communications with the ship. Seine listened tensely as he waited for the confounded harness to retract.

"This is Echelon Leader to Sting, stop your engines, lower your shields and prepare to be boarded."

Seine hastedly started pulling himself toward the ship with the unconcious man in tow.

"I repeat, this is Echelon Leader to Sting, stop your engines, lower your shields and prepare to be boarded or we will open fire."

The fighters were now visible through Seine's visor, he was sweating with the effort of trying to return to the ship. To his horror he saw the fighter's shields distort momentarily as drone emerged from its bays.

Drones are fighter compliments that provided extra firepower and cover for the pilot. It is armed with a light laser, is very fast and is usually deployed in groups of five. It has a secondary function where it detonates as a small EMP bomb, effectively draining shields and support systems. Its only drawback was that its power source only lasts an hour in a battle.

To a small ship fifteen drones is a sure death sentence.

One of the drones zipped pass Seine and the unconcious man, one hovered near Seine's face and extended a small camera. Seine ignored it and continued to pull himself towards the ship when suddenly the harness finally worked.

Both of them were rudely pulled back to the ship bay. Just before the bays closed however, Seine saw the drone retract its camera. The red lights surrounding it were turning blue.


Chapter 3

Unwanted Visitors
TA Vigilance

From the bridge the First Admiral watched in satisfaction when several of the drones detonated in small EMP shockwaves near the Sting. Blue bursts expanded to disks and then finally faded to into the void. The squad leader of the assaulting fighters reported that the ship’s shields were now out commission.

“Excellent, now disable the engines and board them.” The First Admiral said, his voice cracking through the com due to the interference.

On screen one of the fighters released a few shots at the Sting’s engines and proceeded to hover closer the ship.

“This is Echelon leader, initializing pre-scan of the ship.”

A scan is always made before teleporting, as the device sends a dummy in the form of a cylindrical light on the target. This serves to make sure that the subject is not teleported in an irregular space, and not end up losing parts to obstruction.

“Co-pilots are teleporting in ten seconds. Further orders Sir?”

“Just make sure you bring some back alive.”

“Will do Sir!”

With Lalaine’s help Seine was able to drag the man out of the exit chamber. In his haste Seine was only able to get rid of his suit, he had to drag the man in with his suit on. An average space suit usually weighs three hundred pounds.

After the EMP attack Lalaine has been trying to scream Seine’s ear off. He was wondering if it would have been best if the Far’see lost the need for hearing as well.

Mistress take the helmet off while I take off his suit.


He will soon suffocate with the pressure change, he needs to get it off.


Howard cautiously approached the man while Lalaine struggled to get the helmet latch off. The helmet gave a small hiss as pure oxygen was released. After the excess gasses dissipated Lalaine slowly saw the features of the man.

It turned out to be a young man of about in his early twenties. His black hair was pulled back straight and tied into a ponytail. He had thick eyebrows and a strong nose, his skin was mildly tanned. He had earrings and had a nasty scar starting near his temple and across his left cheek down to the left of his chin.

“It’s a pirate!” Lalaine uttered while staring at the young man’s face. Howard gave a small bark that snapped Lalaine’s attention back to the present situation.

There was a feint cylindrical light that formed a few inches from them. Then another and another.


What is it Mistress?

The first of the men materialized and proceeded to hit Seine with a stun rod.

Before Seine saw the alarm in Lalaine’s eyes he felt a presence suddenly appear behind him. He felt the attack, the purpose of the man was screaming at him. He spun at the last moment and caught the man’s hand and he gripped it tightly and twisted, he heard a crack as the arm broke. A split second before he could release the man another appeared swinging at him, Seine did not have enough time to release the man and confront the new threat at the same time. He reached out with his mind, felt the main arteries of the man and he followed it slightly and found the one leading to his left arm. He squeezed.

The man screamed and dropped the stun rod to nurse his left arm, pain driving him to his knees.

Lalaine was screaming at the top of her lungs hysterically while nearly choking the life out of Howard in a tight embrace. This had the unfortunate effect of distracting Seine, he did not sense the third man appear near his right flank. Before Seine could react the man had hit him at the back of his neck with a stun rod. Seine collapsed in a heap.

Abruptly Lalaine stopped screaming. “Seine! You-you-you!”

Lalaine saw the side arm on the unconscious pirate; she grabbed it and aimed with both arms at the invader.

Perplexed at seeing the hysterical girl suddenly aiming at him with a pistol the man hesitated.

“Give me the gun girl, don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.” The man took a tentative step towards Lalaine.

The girl took a glance at Seine; the man saw this as an opportunity. The man lunged for her as Lalaine’s fingers squeezed the trigger. With uncanny dexterity the man twisted away and managed to dodge and activate his personal shield as went down by pressing the button on his belt. The succeeding blasts from the pistol sizzled as it dissipated in blue and red sparks. The Personal shield hummed once more and was now vaguely visible.


The universal sound of a gun out of ammo filled the small ship.

The man slowly got to his feet and walked towards the now defenseless girl. He switched his shields off and raised his arms towards Lalaine as if to fend of an attack.

“We can do this the easy way or the hard way girl, your choice.”

Lalaine answered by throwing the pistol at the man and the man merely laughed as the gun bounced of his breastplate harmlessly.

“Now come here!”

As the man grabbed at Lalaine, Howard jumped and took a bite at the man’s hand. The small needle sharp teeth dug into his fingers.

“Yeow! Damn mutt!”

“Leave him alone!”

Lalaine desperately tried to grab the man’s shirt.

“I only have so much patience girl!” With that the man back handed Lalaine.

Lalaine spun with the impact, she hit the floor hard. Her vision was blurred and she felt dizzy, the metal floor seemed so soft all of a sudden. She felt something wet across her mouth, she wiped it and found blood. Darkness crept in as she saw the man standing over Seine. The man gave Seine a short kick to make sure he was unconscious.

“Vigilance, this is Echelon one, mission is complete. I repeat, the Sting has been pacified. Echelon four and six are severely wounded. Requesting e-vac immediately.”

The man waited for a reply on him com. Lalaine saw him nod and then turn to look at her. He took something from his belt and walked towards her as her vision finally dimmed and saw no more.

Back in the Destroyer TA Vigilance, the First Admiral received a call from the Terran Alliance Headquarters. He went to his office to converse privately.

The image of a woman around her forties with short curly hair and thick framed glasses appeared a few inches above the floor in the middle of the room.

“First Admiral Davidson.”

“Senator Takhis, a pleasure as always.”

“I am sure, we understand that you have captured prisoners from the Pirate Confederacy and that one of them died in your care.”

Davidson shifted a document on the desk. “Senator the results of a battle are never certain, casualties and death are a sure part of…”

“Tsk. Please.” The senator’s face twisted in annoyance. “I am not about to reprimand you about the death of some rabble.” The old woman stopped as if considering what to say next. “As you know, we have been reacquainted with some of our long lost cousins over the last thirty years. Some of those cousins have evolved into something… different.”

“Ma’m this rabble, as you like to call them, were not left in isolation for some thousand of years, they are rebels of the neighboring system of Lyra.”

The senator nodded her head slowly and crossed her arms.

“You have heard of the Draconii?”

Davidson nodded and shifted uneasily in his chair. “Yes. Some fifteen years back the Split sent a reconnaissance force to the Draconis system. A Python class carrier and a generous complimentary escort of the Paranid went with them.” The First Admiral cleared his throat. “According to reports they encountered humans that were not affiliated with either the Terran Alliance or the Argon Federation.”

“Yes, and the only one to make it back was a Teladi stowaway.”

“Senator, those reports were not confirmed. As you well know our government didn’t send scouts immediately and when they did send them, they found out that the gate used to enter that system was blockaded by the Paranid, and you know how they are when you ask them questions.”

“The official statement of both the Split and Paranid was that the Draconis sector held high yield Nividium asteroids.”

“And the Terran Intelligence says otherwise?”

“First Admiral, when we first encountered the Argon Federation the technological breakthroughs all over the Terran and Argon sectors skyrocketed to unprecedented levels. We rivaled the Teladi and even the Paranid technologically. The same thing happens every time a new race is discovered.” The senator paused and looked at the Davidson. “Imagine if the reports about these, Draconii are real. And somehow the Paranid and the Split gained a new ally in the process?”

“Senator, that doesn’t make sense. If the reports are true, then these Droconii hates those pigs more than the Boron does!”

“That was fifteen years ago! Reports say that the Split and Paranid have been sending ships into Draconis.”

“Then they are probably out for revenge you know how the Split are…”

“Davidson! They have been sending freighters! Not fighting ships! Whatever past animosity the Draconii have must have been forgotten!”

Davidson rubbed his hands on his lap and settled them on the desks once more.

The Senator’s voice toned down to a whisper. “There have also been… reports near the fringe of sector Light of Heart of a ship rivaling the infamous Xenon planet destroyer.”


“Yes! Rumors! It is the job of the Terran Intelligence to investigate these rumors and prove them to be just that!” Takhis closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “It started as rumors you know. The Xenon planet destroyer managed to obliterate several planets before the Argon decided it wasn’t a rumor.” The senator’s eyes seemed to be seeing something else, as she gazed in the office window. “I have been to those sectors where those lifeless planets were.”

A few minutes past before the First Admiral decided to break the silence. “This doesn’t explain why you want those prisoners Senator.”

Takhis nodded her head and replied. “According to our agents the rebels of the Lyran system were in contact with the Draconii after the incident with the Split and the Paranid. Apparently they still have contact even after the blockade.”

“What makes you believe this?”

“I am not at liberty to say…”

“Madame, I am the First Admiral.” Davidson pointedly said.

The hologram of Takhis sighed. “You are going to pull rank, yes?”

“There should be no need to.”

“Very well.”
Last edited by keitherwild6 on Mon, 19. Sep 05, 23:10, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by Sagan » Fri, 16. Sep 05, 10:32

Nice writing style :)

But... I don't remember writing these Chronicles?? :gruebel:

I'd much rather regret the things I've done, than regret those I haven't.

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Post by keitherwild6 » Fri, 16. Sep 05, 16:15

ER... Hi Sagan, (????) Didn't realize someone has this name here! Hehe. No the Sagan Chronicles is a work done enitrely by me, half way done I suddenly decided to incorporate it in the X universe. It is a series (well soon to be series.) of stories telling a scifi drama.

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Post by Lorien » Fri, 16. Sep 05, 19:31

keitherwild6 wrote:ER... Hi Sagan, (????) Didn't realize someone has this name here! Hehe. No the Sagan Chronicles is a work done enitrely by me, half way done I suddenly decided to incorporate it in the X universe. It is a series (well soon to be series.) of stories telling a scifi drama.
Keep up the good work. :)
Things I've procrastinated on...

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Post by keitherwild6 » Sat, 17. Sep 05, 01:45

Last edited by keitherwild6 on Mon, 19. Sep 05, 23:06, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Sagan » Sat, 17. Sep 05, 10:26

Nice work on Ch2 :wink: ... good pace, and with a gentle touch of humour too :)
I'd much rather regret the things I've done, than regret those I haven't.

Urashima Keitaro
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Post by Urashima Keitaro » Thu, 29. Sep 05, 21:25

Sags is famous!!! :lol:

Nice style, nice humour, and a great touch with the plot twists. :wink:

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Post by keitherwild6 » Fri, 30. Sep 05, 00:59

Looks like I am getting the audience I tageted for. Originally I wanted to draw manga, SAGA is practically a manga on a novel format.

I am trying to merge it with the x universe.

Chapter 4 and 5 would be posted on sunday. The rest will probably be a long time a coming, since I will be going to Guam for some work.

Any questions or comments would be highly appreciated and inspire me to post more chapters.


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Post by KiwiNZ » Fri, 30. Sep 05, 03:12

Nice reading and yet a different approach!

Looking forward to the next part! :thumb_up:

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Post by rmarceliper » Thu, 18. Feb 10, 06:27

Holy crap its still here... Is it possible to take control of this account? This is mine like 5 years ago. I've deleted the email for it like years ago and couldn't get it back. I want to continue it....

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