Orginanzed Crime: Chapter 4 and 5.

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Mauser Kar98K
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Orginanzed Crime: Chapter 4 and 5.

Post by Mauser Kar98K » Thu, 6. Oct 05, 09:03

Chapter 4: The Lesson.

The Intrepid’s head engineer was hard at work on fixing bugs in the new computer systems. “Dr. Creeper” couldn’t believe that Terra-Corp was sending these things out to a new M1. But his real head-ach with Terra-Corp was that the oxygen sensor component had somehow reversed polarity. Dr. Creeper looked up from his Teliday test equipment to rub his eye when he saw the man that gave is groovy name.
“Captain Berdan! Nice to see a human for once instead of this circuitry crap.”
“Hey Creeper! What all did you find in that Mandalay a couple of days ago?” Asked Berdan with Commander Shern looking over his shoulder.
“Not much, except a wonderful piece of a long range communications system, well, what is left of it. The Argon Police really hates pirates.”
“No kidding civie!” came back Shern. “I used to work for them. We lost more officers hunting pirates that the Argon navy. Poor training was one factory and the only factor I got my LT. rank.”
Creeper nodded in agreement then continued, “It appears to be a Teliday component. I am not too sure but the handy work says it all. They never can hold a soldiering laser to well, plus the program has a little sloppy basic speak, but all that could be from the burns and jolts from the fight.”
“Creep, if you say its Teliday, Its Teliday,” Said Berdan.
“Why do you call him Dr.Creeper?”
“Because what he what knows is creepy.”
The good Doctor looked at Shern and smiled. Shern could obviously see he that he liked the gloating. But if your good at what you do, it gives you the right to strut and swagger.
Berdan lead Shern back to her shuttle that had finished being off loaded. Berdan took her on a little detour and showed her the “Avengers.” She was quite pleased on the armament, and the size. It was a little bigger than her old Nova she flew with in Berdan’s old squad.
Berdan was a mentor and a lover. He still mentors her but going big in the Navy crushed any means of happiness with distance. Plus, the Navy looked down upon marriage, relationships at that, in the service. She loved for actually who he was, an eyeless, ship commander who was lax but stern. The stories she had read when she was a little girl about rough and tuff Captains usually had a deformity or a big war wound that added to their grit and hard-assness towards the crew. Not Berdan. When you first meet him, you think he might tear your hide out just for being in existence. The Eye patch with line scares down his face, especially down the corner of his right eye, just leaves you the impression that he hates life just because he lost his eye. Then he surprises everybody with, “What is the last thing a space-fly sees before he crashes into your ship. His sparky-but!!” Not the best joke, but it breaks the ice.
Berdan met Shern even before he became a Squad Leader. She still remembers him not shutting up on flying during flight school. He had excelled every step of the way with grades and practical flight, but all that made up for his fooling around and disobedience. The fun part of flight school for her was seeing flight instructors asking, “How you do that?” The he reply, “well sir, its like this!”
Turning the last corner in the hanger, the two were stepping in cadence and pivoting every turn. Just before Shern walked on board, she turned to Berdan, “Diner tonight, my ship?”
Bernard chuckled, “as long as I bring my cook. I remember that food on Revenge. Of all the things I couldn’t train, it was the damn food. Speaking of the Revenge, how did you get my old ship?”
“Easy, Banner. He said it was time. Commodore Klisp wasn’t too happy, not because I got the Revenge, but because I was going to close to you.”
“You did remind him that your boyfriend had a new Carrier at his command with fighters?” nudged Berdan.
“Actually Banner reminded him.”
“That ole, sly space dog.”
“Sly Dogs? How the hell did you get to command a new Carrier?”
“I knew somebody, who somebody, who killed somebody. That and I like to break ships.”
“Fits you perfect.” Said Shern.
Shern turned to board the ship, but was grabbed by Berdan by the arm, “Oh, my dear, why don’t we sell the ships and go to the corner of the Universe and live happily ever after?” Berdan said in a Dracula style voice.
“Because my dear, it’s hard to hind and transport 125 Million credits.”
“Your right,” Berdan leaned forward to kiss Shern on the check when she stopped him by her hand.
“No, No, lover Captin. Not in Uniform.”
Berdan then reached up, unbutton his top button of his uniform and continued on with the check locking.
What shocked Shern was that he did it in front of the whole hangar crew. She turned around without saying a word and walked onboard. Berdan walked back and saw the Shuttle leave out the airlock. He then turned and saw the crew still looking in amazement.
He quickly buttoned up his jacket and marched off.
“I hope yall were paying attention cause there will be a test tomorrow. The ladies are excluded!”
The hangar erupted in laughter that turned back into sounds of military metal being worked on.
Mauser mit Dem Mauser.

.308 Holes make invisable souls.

Privateering; alive and well in the X Universe

Mauser Kar98K
Posts: 81
Joined: Mon, 3. Oct 05, 12:00

Chapter 5: Why you are here.

Post by Mauser Kar98K » Thu, 6. Oct 05, 09:05

After a one seizure long chow break in the galley with most of the crew, Berdan was back in “The Hot Seat” of the Intrepid reading system reports. So far the ship was doing well, but the shack down was coming up with failures in some vital system components. Creeper was doing his best finding and fixing them, but some new hardware and software were needed.
Terra-Corp wasn’t really putting out their best effort when making the new systems. Vital crashes and errors kept coming up after fixes from the old problems. Creeper had asked if Terra-Corp had become the lowest bidder in the Argon defense budget, “they are sure acting like it!”
A beep came from the Comm-station on the bridge, “Sir, its Vice Admiral Banner from the Argon Centura,” said Hertz.
“Patch it through to my quarters Hertz,” ordered Berdan.
“Aye Sir.”
Berdan walked to his quarters that was just twenty feet away from the bridge. Most captains liked to be close to the bridge in case the Argnu crap hit the ion driven cooling device. Berdan enter his room and locked the slide door behind him. He then walked to his desk and sat down in front of the small comm-screen. After punching a few buttons the screen light up with the face of a clean-shaven fifty-year-old human. He had some pits in his face but his true scares were under his skin.
“After-noon Captain Berdan,” greated Banner with a clean smile.
“After-noon Vice Admiral, what brings you to my screen this hour?”
“Not much, just needing the sixth day report of the Space Trials of the Intrepid.”
“Yes I have them right here.” Berdan opened his desk and produced a small computer notebook. With a system link cable, he hooked it up to his comm-screen and began sending data, “over-all we are doing dandy, only computer and some hardware problems, but nothing drastic. Our new pilots still need lots of work. The formation flying is sloppy. Fighting wise they are okay.”
“How are the Nova-cats doing, they are my big concern.”
“Well, Banner, I might just keep them for my-self. The new Nova’s are flying perfectly. No computer failures, no hardware failures, just the rear gunner crews need more practice. Other than that the Xenon, the Pirates, and the Khaak are going to have a big surprise when we have the first engagement.
Speaking of engagements, we helped nail a Pirate Mandalay with the Argon Police. Our Delta-Bakers chased him from the South Jump-point but it took a M3 class to bring the final punch. Overall, four ships involved.”
“Ah yes, I got the report a day ago. I concur with the more training bit. Did you find anything in the wreckage?”
“Nothing much, but a Teliday long range comm-link device. And that is coming from ‘Dr. Creeper.’” This was a small jab at the intel report that Berdan received. Highly sensitive matters are treated like third rate conversations, in case the conversation is being monitored.
“Did you pick-up any transmissions from it?” Apparently Banner was concerened. If something like a long-range comm-link is found a M5 ship, it is a good possibility it was a scout.
“None that we detected. So it could be nothing,” which means, “I am looking into this with open eyes and ears.
“Rodger that Captain! Keep up the good work and the training. Oh, and do start doing some orbiting maneuvers by the Three Worlds. See how that thing reacts to gravity in high stress.”
“Rodger that sir, Captain Berdan out,” and with that he shut down the comm-link and walked back to the bridge. There on the bridge at a sharp parade rest and a uniform to match was Lieutenant J.G. Barron Genus, his eyes forward and not flinching.
“Well, speak of the devil, Mr. Genus, how long have you been waiting!?” asked Berdan while adding a friendly punch to the LT’s shoulder.
“Not long sir,” replied the young XO-in-training, never moving after the hard jab.
Berdan looked at the time on the his chair and noticed that Genus had only slept for five Seizures, “Hey Lt, aren’t you suppose to be asleep still?”
“No sir, in the Academy that taught his to up and functional on five Seizures of sleep. I also want to know about my progress from last night.”
“Well,” Berdan began, “you may be functional physically on that much sleep, but your brain isn’t. That is why you will have an XO on board your ship that can take command of when you get tired or sick, or you need to sleep. And it is also why you have a “Chief of the Boat” so he can take command in case both of you are occupied. Twenty credits says that a good “Chief of the Boat” can operate and manage you M2 or M1 Class ship better than the Commanding Officer.
As for your progress last night, just a couple of things. First thing is, respect your NCOs, they are the heart and soul of the ship, not you. Second, power down all engines when one goes bad. That is to make the mechanics work faster.”
“Sir, I thought it would be great practice for them to work on it under power. They will not be always fixing a problem under non-combat conditions,” returned Genus.
“Nice point, but it is also too dangerous under peace conditions for that. Equipment is easy to replace, not life and training. Speaking of equipment, next time you demand something, you’d better be asking for it nicely if it is just some stupid component that can be easily replaced! Demanding things makes unfavorable towards other ship Captains.”
“Well sir, we are out here to help each other…”
“Yes, that’s true too, but if you are getting your butt handed to you and demand help like you are doing now, those ship Commanders will take the long way to get to you. Keep that in mind Genus.”
Genus was still looking forward but his expression became a little hard in the face.
“What is your mind James?” asked Berdan to the young Genus.
“Sir, I don’t approve of your methods,” he replied.
“And what are my methods!” added Berdan. The crew by now was somewhat turned in their seats to see Captain Kit Berdan finally go off on someone. Berdan has never lost his but a once, and the people who were there to witness it said it was not pleasant site. One thing was a fact, they were all going to enjoy seeing the ass of a LT. J.G. get his butt hammered, and they hope that Berdan uses the glare of the eye-patch to his full advantage.
“Sir, respectfully, you are too lax on the crew. They never wear their uniforms except you, and yours isn’t spot to Fleet regulations. The crew just wears blank flight suits with just their rank and name tags. Proper uniform regulations states that ‘all crews present in their duties must were the Argon Fleet 2nd issue blues except mechanic and engineering workers,’ too sum it up. They are wearing 3rd rate uniforms.
Second, your crew shows no respect to you, or any other superior except to repeat commands or confirm orders.
Last, sir, kissing another ship commander in uniform tops my complaints.”
“Is that all young LT!?”
“Yes sir!”
“Good, for one I was out of uniform. I had unbuttoned my uniform on the top, so you failed the test. Second, care to take guess why you are here?” Berdan’s voice had rose and was a little sterner now.
“Sir, my guess is to report on you.”
“Wrong!! How many other ships have you been on for ship commander training?”
“Two sir, the Rapier and the Claw!”
“Yes, the Rapier and the Claw, two of the best ships with fine commanders in the fleet. Now you are with a second rate Commander on Space trails! Space TRAILS!!”
Berdan looked onto his crew who turned back to their stations when the new one-eyed beast turned, “Helmsman Markus, front and center!”
With a loud “aye sir” the 20 year old was standing at attention between the two officers, “Helms man Markus, explain to Mr. Genus why you are here.”
“Sir, I am here because I was personally picked by Captain Berdan.”
“How many posts were you at before me Helmsmen?”
“Sir, I was on four others, a fighter group with my own ship, then down graded to helmsman after failing fighter-school. Subsequently three other M2s before the Intrepid.”
“And why is that Helmsmen”
“Because I kept running into other ships and objects and kept getting disoriented in stress situations.”
“That is all Helmsmen, go back to your post. Radioman Heckter front and Center!”
Hertz was at attention just as fast, “Mr. Hecter, explain to Mr. Genus why ‘you’ are here?” asked the Captain.
“Sir, I was personally picked by you.”
“How many other posts had you been on?”
“Sir, I was five others; all M2s.”
“What happened?”
“I kept mis-interpating messages, and use proper channels and uninformative in the conversations between other ships. That and I had a studder due to being nervous.”
“That is all, back to your post.
Do you get it now LT. You are here for a second chance. Your problem is that you are too up tight. The academy is a far cry from the real Navy and you have to adjust. Be nicer, be courteous to everyone, but still be a little stern.
I picked you myself cause you needed an attitude adjustment. You have talent kid, I give you that, but your demeanor sucks. Okay, everyone on here has some kind of qualification that doesn’t send them to the wash room to get booted out of the Navy, and on the first or second failure at that. I am here to refine and train to go out to the real fleet.
As soon as this ship is ready for frontline security and battle, I will get transferred to another new ship for Space Trials, and again I will pick my crews.
The only parts of the crew that isn’t second rate is the “chief of the Boat” and the fighter pilots. They are either here on request, training, or frontline defense cause I have second-rate gunners.
As for you, you don’t EVER, EVER, call out a commander in front of the crew! It’s bad karma, and two can jeopardize the ship. For that you have four days to make an impression on me before I request for a new XO and you will be out of here to see Vice Admiral Banner. After that, transport duty might be your new forte. Son, you’re dismissed, and get off my bridge until 1800 hours.”
“Yes Sir!” with that Genus did an about face and marched off the bridge with a face like he was in a knock out-drag out fight.
Berdan went back to his seat to rest. He then looked on to the silent crew and saw them a little stiffer than,…well ever.
So Berdan did what he does best, breaking the ice…
“…did yall ever hear about the dumb Teliday that was trying to catch space-flys…”
Mauser mit Dem Mauser.

.308 Holes make invisable souls.

Privateering; alive and well in the X Universe

Mauser Kar98K
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Post by Mauser Kar98K » Thu, 6. Oct 05, 09:09

Hope yall like em. Ya they can be a tad bit boring but it is going to get a hell of a lot better come Chapter 6. 8)

By the way, Can anyone point me to a guide of the X-Unviers like proper names of species and PLanet names. I need to know if I am spelling them correctly, plus need the names of the Three Worlds. The actual names.

PLus, can regular ships go through the atmospheres of worlds, or am I gonna have to make somethng up. After all it is fan fiction!
Mauser mit Dem Mauser.

.308 Holes make invisable souls.

Privateering; alive and well in the X Universe

Urashima Keitaro
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Post by Urashima Keitaro » Sat, 8. Oct 05, 00:46

Try Argonopedia. I'm not sure if its a .com or a, so you'll have to ask ESD or someone for that.

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Captain Chris sTc
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Post by Captain Chris sTc » Sat, 8. Oct 05, 14:45

Urashima Keitaro
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Post by Urashima Keitaro » Sat, 8. Oct 05, 20:42

See? I'm useless, me. :lol:

Mauser Kar98K
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Post by Mauser Kar98K » Sun, 9. Oct 05, 04:22

Still doesn't help me some. Need to know what the name of the Thee Worlds are?

Oh, can regualr ships like M3's and TP's go on world without the assiastence of a TL??
Mauser mit Dem Mauser.

.308 Holes make invisable souls.

Privateering; alive and well in the X Universe

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Post by Mastery » Sun, 9. Oct 05, 10:09

no they need a lander, but who cares, this is fiction

Mauser Kar98K
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Post by Mauser Kar98K » Sun, 9. Oct 05, 13:19

That's cool. I will make it intresting. 8) 8)

I just can't find the names of the "Three Worlds."

I am still working on Chapter 6. Make it matuckulas, but trying to not make it sound like a cheap porn movie dialog. :lol: Might do it in parts, kinda long.

But I will say this. Hope yall like edge of your seat flying, and includes fighters. hehehehehe.

If you have em, Rev Horton Heat goes great with this. What I'm listen to as I am writing this, and it is adding spice.
Mauser mit Dem Mauser.

.308 Holes make invisable souls.

Privateering; alive and well in the X Universe

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