[X3] Problems installing the US version? READ THIS!

Ask here if you experience technical problems with X³: Reunion, X²: The Threat, X-Tension or X-Beyond The Frontier

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Post by CBJ » Mon, 6. Mar 06, 01:29

Why are you asking your question here? You say "they" so you have clearly understood that the publishers are the people you need to talk to, so why not use the contact details provided in the first post and ask them directly?

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Post by MasterQueef » Mon, 6. Mar 06, 02:28

It's called Quality Control and even your disc manufacturer should know something about it. Boy, you guys suck. I expect this sort of thing from LucasArts but, for Shame on all of you!!

This game better not suck as much as I've been hearing it does once I get it installed.
Disc 2 Missing Files...Yeah, It's called Quality Control you morons.

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Post by CBJ » Mon, 6. Mar 06, 02:48

The whole point of this thread is to explain that Egosoft has nothing to do with disk production and therefore cannot help with problems with the physical media. That is why there are contact details for the publisher for the US who are the people who arrange for the disks to be pressed.

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Post by shanergb » Mon, 6. Mar 06, 22:53

CBJ wrote:Why are you asking your question here? You say "they" so you have clearly understood that the publishers are the people you need to talk to, so why not use the contact details provided in the first post and ask them directly?
I wasn't asking a question. I was making an off-the-cuff suggestion. If I could talk to someone useful at Enlight, then I would certainly suggest it to them. The most I got from them was the same canned response - I need to return it to the retailer and exchange it.

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Post by CBJ » Mon, 6. Mar 06, 23:02

You were told to return it to the retailer even though you have the 5-disk version and cannot read disk 2? That's strange because the details I posted in the first post were provided by Enlight specifically for people in your situation. If you are using those details and they are then simply redirecting you to the retailer please let me know so that I can follow this up.

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Post by Nova_Cain820 » Wed, 22. Mar 06, 17:00

To help you follow this up then:

I just bought X3 from best buy, being the 3.5 version stamped on the disk. Same fabled Error begining with mov/00144.dat and every file thereafter on the second cd disk. I made sure to read this post and have contacted Enlight, or tried to. I'll call later today but as for email same responses as before please return to retailer. So thats what I plan to do, but I hope to cause a bit more of a stir than just taking it back. I copied the post from enlight and the post from this forum about the specifics of the problem, and I'll also take my computer to best buy with me. I plan on letting them know that there is a good chance that many of their stock is faulty and unusable, probably meaning that on up the distribution chain that most US best buys that carry the game will have some (or more) faulty products, and so they are losing a lot of money. I can only hope that if a major company like best buy starts a fuss then enlight will be alot more likely to make sure that they fix the problem. My personal opinion is that a great game made by a very good developer shouldn't be massively hindered by having a cheap distributor with bad ethics.
Oh and as for me, I said I would take my computer with me so if I can convince the manager I plan on test installing his copies of the game on my computer in the store. So hopefully I can A) get a working copy of the game and B) show him how many of his copies are faulty prompting him to make more of a fuss on up the chain of command. My only worry is that instead of making enlight fix the problem best buy would rather just not carry the game, but I'm pretty sure that the latter won't happen.
I am really looking forward to playing X3, I even have slowed down my drives to deal with any potential starforce problems, I'm trying to stay ahead of the game. Btw, the demo is what hooked me, excellent demo. But back on topic I'll post later this afternoon to say how everything went.

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Post by CBJ » Wed, 22. Mar 06, 17:22

Your dedication to the cause is admirable. We'll be very interested to hear how you get on. :)

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Post by Nova_Cain820 » Wed, 22. Mar 06, 17:36

Quick update:

I just called Enlight and actually spoke to someone :o
He told me that the enlight.com email address didn't receive the file but the aol address did. He asked for another email with my address to send me out a replacement file, other than obviously being in a hurry to get me off the phone he was actually pretty helpful. I made sure to ask for a confirmation of them sending the replacement in an email because otherwise I'll still go to best buy and let them know about this problem. It felt a bit like blackmail but honestly you have to give companies alittle fire to get them moving on anything. I also used the "send it or I'll keep pestering you" method where if they don't email confirmation to me I'll call again tomorrow. I only have 2 worries, is that A.) they won't send me the disk at all B.) they'll send me disk 2 which according to this forum doesn't have any problems, the trouble is in disk 1 which isn't patched which if they do that means I'm no better off than I started with. I'll keep everyone updated, as to being deticated it may have been only 40 US$ but no one outs me 40 buxs and expects they'll get away with it.
I'll be power posting shortly an update

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Post by Nova_Cain820 » Wed, 22. Mar 06, 17:48

Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 08:23:43 -0800 (PST)
From: "Nick Drumheller" <rockinthecasbah20@yahoo.com>
Subject: My address for replacement
To: Pglintense@aol.com

Just to make sure everything is understood about my problem I'm getting Error 1309 unable to open files past mov/00144.dat starting on disk 2

My home address is: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Please send me a confirmation email that you received this email and that you are sending a copy of the CD to me. Otherwise I will be contacting best buy and letting them know that some if not many of their product is faulty, because if I am not sent a replacement I have to return the game to them and find one that works of their stock. Also I will be posting in the Egosoft forum if you send the CD because according the the forum this would be the first replacement disk actually sent by Enlight.
Thank you for your help, if you don't send me the confirmation email I will be calling to make sure you sent my replacement tomorrow. Again thanks

From: Pglintense@aol.com
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 11:25:05 EST
Subject: Re: My address for replacement
To: rockinthecasbah20@yahoo.com, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Please send out a new set of X3 CDs by mail. Do not send them in the box and we can save on postage.


In a message dated 3/22/2006 11:23:52 AM Eastern Standard Time, rockinthecasbah20@yahoo.com writes:
Just to make sure everything is understood about my problem I'm getting Error 1309 unable to open files past mov/00144.dat starting on disk 2

My home address is: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
If there are any further updates I'll make sure to post them. In regards to anyone else having this problem, call during business hours EST. Make sure that you email using the aol address that Enlight has sent. Other than that I retract my previous statement on Enlight being unethical, though the cheap still stands. Save money on postage :lol: They were very very quick to aid me in my problem. I hope they are helpful in fixing anyone elses problem, I think that it would do egosoft some good in posting on this site a better way of telling customers about this problem with the disks so they don't have to go searching through the forums for a sticky thread on why their US version isn't working. Other than that I hope to see you all in the gameplay forum when I get the game.
Nick "Nova_Cain" D :twisted:

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Thank god!!!

Post by thedarius » Thu, 23. Mar 06, 04:01

I am getting the same thing, so i just emailed them, using your wonderful wording, I should get a responce soon.

Thanks for all the great posts, I dont feel soo lost.

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Post by im187 » Fri, 24. Mar 06, 15:23

i JUst sent off my email to see about getting anew copy of the game thanks for all the info guys

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Post by thedarius » Fri, 24. Mar 06, 21:30

Just to update folks, I have tried to send emails to both address, and cant get to either of them. I also put a call in, and it looks like Paul at enlight is only taking voicemail these days. I left my issue and my name and Cell # with them hoping someone will contact me soo. :o I soo want to play the full version its killing me. Guess I just have to re download the demo again. The start playing 20 Min later. :)

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Post by Epicman » Fri, 24. Mar 06, 22:47

Well, I called Tuesday and left a voicemail. E-mailed Wednesday and still haven't heard anything back. You know, for a company they sure are not professional. I mean, at least lie to me and send me an e-mail back saying you are looking into it.

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Post by thedarius » Fri, 24. Mar 06, 22:57

:lol: No kidding!!!

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Post by Nova_Cain820 » Sat, 25. Mar 06, 18:39

I think the trick is to play the role of the heckler...keep calling. voicemails have to be listened to just start with your name and then say your problem, keep calling, call twice a day it's easy to play off emails but remember I got through, on my first try at that, maybe i'm just lucky but I know that the number isn't false because Paul from enlight picked up. Keep trying eventually he'll be there because I'm pretty sure that this is one of his personal office phones, he can't just ignore it if it's ringing off the hook and all he gets are emails. Secondly they aren't going to believe that alot of you have even bought the game without some kind of evidence to support it. Give him your online reg code, heck even the bar code, some kind of evidence that you have the box with the cd's but the cd's don't work. I didn't show my first email I sent out but I left my online reg code because I think they just give you a new copy of the game not just the one cd, but we'll see I still have yet to recieve my fixed game. Thirdly when I called he said that even though the emails say they didn't get through apparently they did, this I can't explain but while I was on the phone with him he asked my email address and when I started saying mine he finished the address for me, meaning he had it in front of him further more he said he got it. So...again fill the role of the heckler, just in the emails state the problem, state evidence of ownership, state your address and perhaps even ask for a confirmation email otherwise you'll keep calling to make sure it got through. I don't know what else to say, I'm still waiting on my game that they promised, hopefully this helps. In regards to best buy and me saying that most of their product is no good, apparently it doesn't matter how many are in actuallity no good, unless enlight issues a recall or X amount of people return the game in the states they still have to sell the busted games, due to a legality they can't even warn people that it may be broken. Ahh...don't you love major retailers. One final thing, I still say that here on the website there needs to be a more prominent link talking about this issue, if there are so many people having trouble with this US install it would make sense that egosoft even though they aren't responsible for the issue, make sure to let everyone know about it, otherwise you'll be losing a ton of new buyers, on this game and possibly the next. Not very many people will search through a forum to find a unpopular sticky to find out why the heck their game doesn't work, most will just return it but I know that a large volume would willingly go to the game website to see if anything is stated there, but not the follow through to the forum. Just food for thought

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Nova_Cain820 is the man!!

Post by thedarius » Mon, 27. Mar 06, 20:30

After a week of attemts, I just got off the phone with Paul, the CEO at Enlight, and after explaining the issue, and giving him my email address, he told me, that they had received my emails, and he will forward it to the right folks how will send out a new cd set tomorrow.


So the the Nova_Cain820 formula works well!

If you are having this issue, make sure to send as much information in the email as possible. The error messages, the titles listed on the CD's, your online registration code, what you have done to try and fix the problem. And finally, your address to send out the new CD Set.

Hey Nick, let us know when you get your CDs please!


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Post by Nova_Cain820 » Mon, 27. Mar 06, 23:05

Funny you should bring that up, I just got my new copies in the mail, i'm installing them now, barring all issues otherwise the installer disk reads X3 1.3 5 so it should work, it took 4 working days to get them, keep trying all those who can't get through you will, and enlight does send out the disks if you provide the correct information in your emails or your phone calls *though i think they prefer specifics in your email over the phone* just ask for a confirmation email to be sent back to you and they'll send you one.
Remember they mail from Delware US so it may take more or less depending on location. Keep your hopes up

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Good News!!!

Post by thedarius » Mon, 27. Mar 06, 23:25

So sometime next week I should be getting my copy to install!!!

Thanks for keeping us up to date Nick!

Funny thing, I talked to Paul 3 times this morning. Each time I called he picked up. The frist 2 times I called he was on a conference call. First call went like, Hi im Guy Fugatt and im calling about an issue with my new Purchase of X3. He said, 'can you please call me back in 10 min, i'm on a conference call." Sure thing. Gave him 15 just in case. he was still in the call, but he sounded appoligetic this time around. Then the third call, 20 Min after the 3rd, he confirmed everything in my email, and I thanked him for his time, and told him that I completely understand the reasoning for re packaging the CD's with the 1.3 patch. He ended the call by saying that he would see me later. While I do live in Las Vegas, everyone comes at least once I guess.


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Post by Epicman » Tue, 28. Mar 06, 17:29

Well, after reading a couple of replies on here last night I realized that on my first e-mail I didn't include any real useful information. Late last night I sent out another e-mail with all the information that they would need. 5 minutes ago I called expecting to get voicemail but Paul actually picked up. He had the e-mail in front of him and said they would be sending out the CDs today or tomorrow.

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stupit people

Post by daytek » Fri, 31. Mar 06, 17:33

I just got the game five days a go and i still have not hear a word from them i email them with the problem with the u.s 5 cd and the have not got back so what am i going to do and you would think to at thay would pull the broken copy of the game off the shelves. i got my copy at wallmart in kingston, ontario they had 5 of them on the shelves. so if some one know how to get new cd please tell me i hate wasting money for games that i cant play.

p.s. i dont have a phone so i cant call them

email me at


thank you
Steve Fortier

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