X³: Reunion - Linux support thread

Ask here if you experience technical problems with X³: Reunion, X²: The Threat, X-Tension or X-Beyond The Frontier

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Post by bladerunner_92 » Fri, 1. Feb 13, 23:51

@timon37: The optimus stuff was already posted above, but just to confirm this: the only thing that needs to happen is for the game to be started with any environment vars and all the other prepended stuff bolten on :)

With this update, though, when I launch from Steam, the config screen appears (I used to have X3R_config symlinked to X3R_main, but the update reverted it). When I then press Start X3, X3R_main is launched *with primusrun*! So it might have been magically fixed by itself ;)
(I can only confirm it for the German version though)

Keep up the good work, this looks like it will be in tip-top shape very soon. :)

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Post by mathw » Sat, 2. Feb 13, 00:05

timon37 wrote: 1. You mean the portraits are wrong all the time? This can happen with some ffmpeg versions (e.g. ubuntu 12.04) but the game includes a good one so it shouldn't.
Update/verify files, and if it still happens enter game dir and do "strace ./X3R_main 2> log_strace", quit the game, and give me the file log_strace.
When I posted I had experienced it only with that particular mission I mentioned, but I have tested again today and right from the first mission the portraits are wrong, so yes, at least for the storyline missions it's all the time.
So, regarding the log file. I tried it and the portraits showed just fine on the first mission. Tried launching both X3R_main and X3R_config from the Terminal and they also showed fine. Tried launching the game from Steam again and the problem reappered.
I'll try to get a savegame further on the storyline and update this post if I find something unusual.
edit: did a few tests with some save files. They seem to confirm the last results: when running the game through steam and loading any of them it shows the wrong portraits, but when launching from a terminal(working directory as the X3 executable folder) they display normally. But only some characters are affected. Noah, for instance, has the correct portrait even when running on steam, whereas Brennan, Saya and Dogun's display wrong when running from steam.
Mellen wrote: There's also a dotted greenish line under the portraits when this bug occurs.
I think I can see it on your image, but I failed to notice it in mine. Here's a screenshot(pretty lady is actually the old guy who gives you the first mission :S).
Another weird thing is that the portraits seem to change for brief periods of time especially between character lines. Here's how the same man looks when that happens.
timon37 wrote: 2. Windowed or fullscreen, and with what mouse grabbing setting? It doesn't cause issues for me (at least with the current version).
Fullscreen. I haven't really found the mouse grab options so I'll just go with "default". Also, I don't know when the last patch was released, but I tried to reproduce it again today and it's more difficult. Sometimes it bugs right after a couple quick overlay shortcuts, sometimes it takes a lot of spamming.
I have yet to do more testing, but yesterday I was pestered with it during normal gameplay/usage of the overlay, without actually trying to trigger the bug.
johndrinkwater wrote:Someone has reported stuttering sound, https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steam- ... issues/919 has anyone else had a similar issue?
I experienced it for some time, but the problem vanished after some patches. I can't really recall when.

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Post by sakuramboo » Sat, 2. Feb 13, 03:25

mathw wrote:
johndrinkwater wrote:Someone has reported stuttering sound, https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steam- ... issues/919 has anyone else had a similar issue?
I experienced it for some time, but the problem vanished after some patches. I can't really recall when.
I experience a sound stutter, but it's not really a stutter. When I fly close to another ship, I hear a "krrrrrrrrrrrrrssshhhhhhhhhhh" and the length of time I hear it varies. But, recently, the time has been shorter.

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Post by MrPopinjay » Sat, 2. Feb 13, 08:57

mathw wrote: But only some characters are affected. Noah, for instance, has the correct portrait even when running on steam, whereas Brennan, Saya and Dogun's display wrong when running from steam.
I think those are the same characters that are getting effected by this in my game and Brennan is the same green alien as in your screenshot so I guess it isn't random.

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Post by SkyBon » Sat, 2. Feb 13, 09:43

Started getting this today:

Code: Select all

************************* X3 - Reunion BETA *************************

Please be aware that this Linux version is in public BETA TESTING.

Failed to launch, which usually means missing dependencies.

For technical support please visit:

Error log:

Distro info:

ID: gentoo
ARCH: 64

Press enter/return to close window...
Happens with both Steam Overlay enabled and disabled. Running X3R_main from virtual terminal locks up my system Oo

UPD: =media-libs/libtxc_dxtn-1.0.1-r1 introduced new ABI_X86 flag on x86-64 systems. Now one MUST add ABI_X86="32 64" to make.conf.

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Post by SkyBon » Sat, 2. Feb 13, 11:11

Also, since the last X3R update all illustrated animations are mixed up for some reason. Incorrect video is shown for every single person or good.

File integrity check didn't find any errors.
Last edited by SkyBon on Sat, 2. Feb 13, 15:46, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by loggy » Sat, 2. Feb 13, 15:21

So, this is xev output of pressing & releasing ^ on german dead keys keyboard. The key ist located directly left of "1 !" and with shift its supposed to produce the ° (degree) char.

Code: Select all

KeyPress event, serial 40, synthetic NO, window 0x7400001,
    root 0x299, subw 0x0, time 2191816, (-561,-222), root:(2796,581),
    state 0x0, keycode 49 (keysym 0x5e, asciicircum), same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 1 bytes: (5e) "^"
    XmbLookupString gives 1 bytes: (5e) "^"
    XFilterEvent returns: False

KeyRelease event, serial 40, synthetic NO, window 0x7400001,
    root 0x299, subw 0x0, time 2191940, (-561,-222), root:(2796,581),
    state 0x0, keycode 49 (keysym 0x5e, asciicircum), same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 1 bytes: (5e) "^"
    XFilterEvent returns: False
I am sorry, I had an update right now, and the Joy-Mapping page is definitely new, I will check out the "Key stuck" problem.

-- Update -- I cant get any key stucks any more - and I ripped a lot of my poor Busters in dogfights for testing... Its a really good feeling that someone actually works on incoming bug reports, thanks so much!

Btw. when starting a new Mission (first entry): Ban Dana is shown as Saya (or her Mother in a Kimono?), and Julian definitely is a Teladi pilot... not just one frame or so, just the whole plot. This was different on the first version played. Index shuffeled?

Another thing I got: Using a joystick (TM16000) I am not too much able to enable SETA - somewhat the joy sends keystrokes? Most of the time I cant get SETA in for more than a second. I even kicked in a 100% dead zone on the joy, and i can get SETA in just in some rare times.

Speaking of the joystick:

1st: So nice work you did with the joy panel, its great!

2nd The throttle of the joystick behaves somewhat strange, I have a range of about 3mm out of 30mm where I can set the speed from -10 to +100%. jstest-gtk shows X3 reacts on values between -16000 to +16000 (16384? ;-)) but my joy works from -32767 to +32767.

The Hat does not work at all, even though it acts as Axes 4 and 5, also from -32k to +32k, as I like it for strafing it would be nice to get it working.

I really do not want to rant, the work you do is very nice, and appreciated very much! Thanks again!
Last edited by loggy on Sun, 3. Feb 13, 09:44, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by SkyBon » Sat, 2. Feb 13, 16:14

loggy wrote:Btw. when starting a new Mission (first entry): Ban Dana is shown as Saya (or her Mother in a Kimono?), and Julian definitely is a Teladi pilot... not just one frame or so, just the whole plot. This was different on the first version played. Index shuffeled?
Probably that or the 00001.dat got "fixed". Looking at Julian's and Miria's mismatches, approx 3 minutes of video were probably inserted between Neu and Julian.

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Post by SkyBon » Sat, 2. Feb 13, 16:40

timon37 wrote:
loggy wrote:Three issues so far:

1. When in Game, never ever press ^ or you will have to press every key twice until you completely close X3 and restart. This is on german keyboard with "dead keys" enabled.

2. Sometimes a key gets stuck until you press that key again - annoying in dogfighting, when a cursor key gets stuck. The fighter turns around like crazy until the same key is pressed again. I am not able to reliably reproduce, but playing, then press a key very fast twice has a good chance to get it stuck.

3. In gameconfig, the "key names" that are bound to a function are all lower case. There are two bound "t" but actually thats one "t" and one "T" bound. Same on "." and ":" - on german keyboards on the same key, one with shift one without. In menus its just "."
1. Can't reproduce even after setting a german layout though I couldn't find ^ ;p Where is it?
Hmm it might an extra key, give me the xev output for it which looks like this:

Code: Select all

KeyPress event, serial 32, synthetic NO, window 0x4400001,
    root 0xd4, subw 0x0, time 188629241, (635,396), root:(3115,1292),
    state 0x10, keycode 41 (keysym 0x75, u), same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 1 bytes: (75) "u"
    XmbLookupString gives 1 bytes: (75) "u"
    XFilterEvent returns: False
2-3. Should have been fixed, did you update?
loggy wrote: I have also a slight feeling that the game gets slower - but as I played it mostly on my notebook it also could be the heat.... I will check with a running "top" parallel to x3.
Mainly check the memory usage, if it starts going beyond 1.5gb there's probably a leak.
But first make sure you have the newest version.
loggy wrote: I it just me? I am trying to set my own ship where I am pilot to fly to a station in another sector, and on the portals the autopilot just flies loops instead of just flying through?

Ship => Orders => Navigation => Dock at.... another sector's station

I was starting in Menelaus' Paradise and wanted to dock at Ocean of Fantasies Equipment dock. I am sitting in Julians Buster.
Path-finding can sometimes have trouble path-finding;p It's os independent.
Unless it happens 50% of the time in different circumstances (so if it happens just in one place, it's just that the algorithm has issues there).

CodAv wrote:A few findings from my side:
  • The mouse cursor coordinate is offset some pixels to the right in menus, most noticable on scrollbars. I run the game in windowed mode, but turned off window borders in KWin to have the game appear as fullscreen.
  • The game stores profiles in the Steam game data directory. If Steam updates the game or you manully check the local game content, the profiles will be overwritten with the default ones. I'd be better if any changed profiles would be saved in the same directory as savegames, in the user's home dir.
  • The bug with fast repeating keys occurs for me as soon as I plug in and use my MS Sidewinder FF2 joystick in the game. I had this problem with the LGP version as well, and as far as I remember it could be fixed by assigning the correct number of buttons in the launcher. In the current Steam version, most of the buttons and axes are not assigned correctly, e.g. the pitch axis actually sets the speed instead of the throttle control. I'm looking forward having a proper joystick configuration interface in the launcher.
  • Running the game in fullscreen mode, it'll crash KDE4's plasma desktop. I'll try to get some error log or stack trace on this one.
I'm playing Xі on Gentoo Linux x86_64 and KDE4.
Yeah the cursor is offset, I noticed it but because it's actually completely internal I assumed it's just the way it is, but I just checked on windows and it's not offset, so I'm missing something;p

Profiles shouldn't be overwritten anymore, (or starting with the next update).

Hmm report if the fast-key-repeat still happens with the current version. I'm guessing it will and I'll have to add some button remapping/disabling:|
mathw wrote:1- Character portraits seem to be crazy. On the second story mission Saya's portrait was of an Argonian male, another character with female voice was too a male, and mine(Brennan) showed as a Teladi. On the first mission my portrait showed Brennan's face just correctly.(I'm not sure if this is already known, so I'm not providing a savegame yet)

2-From what I gathered to reproduce the bug you just have to enter and exit steam overlay 2~3 times in a short interval.
1. You mean the portraits are wrong all the time? This can happen with some ffmpeg versions (e.g. ubuntu 12.04) but the game includes a good one so it shouldn't.
Update/verify files, and if it still happens enter game dir and do "strace ./X3R_main 2> log_strace", quit the game, and give me the file log_strace.

2. Windowed or fullscreen, and with what mouse grabbing setting? It doesn't cause issues for me (at least with the current version).
ZyanKLee wrote:I have a problem with my multi-display setup.
In general all I can say at this second is "welcome to linux and it's 1001 stupid issues";p
My personal solution for stuff like this is just play in windowed mode, set the window borderless (there's a config.yaml option if your wm doesn't support this) and position it so it takes the whole screen (or three for eyefinity like setups;).
There's a bunch of reasons why it is broken like this, and some are nvidia's fault. When I get to switch to sdl2 this might get better, if not I'm afraid it'll probably be the last thing I try to fix (it's a huge can of worms with angry penguin faces).
etonbears wrote:Latest update seems to have fixed these sectors. Thanks very much. What was the issue btw?
A missing texture that causes a black dummy to be used, but since this is a debug build it should have been a pink texture (but apparently something else also went wrong;p).

@Optimus users
I understand your pain. I'll try to add something to the config dialog, though can you guys sum up for me what the options should be so we cover all setups/possibilities and what they should result in (meaning how to execute the main binary)? Sorry but I don't have any optimus laptops, so I'll need your help here.

Sorry but I'm somewhat gonna ignore any input bug-reports before this post;p
I'm not saying it's fixed right now, but I wanna make sure I know what's happening with this exact version.
So first make sure you have the newest version (restart steam, verify integrity etc).
The current version has a very different input config dialog with axis mapping.
So post any new reports with "This is on the joystick remap build".

I'll start adding some version numbers somewhere with the next build, and I'll also include some special schortcut so I we can tell what's sticking precisely.
Also say if it happened when fullscreen or windowed, and if "mouse grabbing" is set to 0, 1 or 2.
^ = Shift+6

As I am getting 'portrait craziness' as well, here you go:
(Loaded the main menu then quit)

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Post by timon37 » Sat, 2. Feb 13, 17:55


Well for now you'll have to work around it like that or through some other means, I'm sorry but there's not much I can do right now:( Though the "correctly positioned, borderless window, on top" is still the best option imo, since it allows you to use the other monitor for e.g. IMs or http://www.xdatabase.de ;p Most WMs that aren't deliberately primitive will allow you to do that.
Maquis196 wrote:We just need either primusrun/optirun passed to the executable. Like it has been mentioned earlier, Valve want it done through an environmental option (so the user can pick which bumblebee program to use), so as long as the game starts with;

optirun/optimus x3r_main (or whatever the executable is called) then we're gravy.

So maybe have the config main menu check to see if it was prefixed with anything when it started and then pass it on if so?

Until nvidia pull out some proper drivers this will be a nice workaround, and I'd hate to see you having to work around the issue beyond just checking the start flags.


thinking about it, can you do it like other games where you can right click the game in steam library and either start it or run the options? That way steam will pass the program to the executable as expected and we can set the options as normal anyway \o/.

my 2pence :)
The last one was actually part of my initial plan, originally the config and game were fused together and I split it for a few reasons, I'll try to do it now, though it might cause problems or not work (steam can be annoying sometimes).
Checking if the executable was prefixed by anything is actually harder than it sounds, because it actually isn't "prefixed", "optimus x3r_main" runs optimus that does magic and in turn runs x3r_main.
I was thinking along the lines of adding a combo box to the config dialog like "Run on default graphics card", "Run with optirun", "Run with primusrun", or just a textbox that allows you to run it however.

ezra-r wrote:I have played a few minutes and I can confirm the sticky keys bug occurs. In my case strafe right remained active and I found no way of disabling it, so I had to quit.
Hmm if it doesn't unstick after a few presses of the key that is stuck then it's very likely a slightly different issue from what I'm seeing, you'll have to give me a while to work out how to tackle this.
CodAv wrote:As long as the stick detects me holding it, the bug occurs. The moment I release the stick, it goes away. Hope this helps a bit to isolate the problem :)
Yeah that sensor is probably reported as just another button, and any button being held makes the game do that (it's the same on windows), I'll do something about it sooner or later. In the meantime you can probably check which button it is with evtest and try to disable it somehow (e.g. xorg.conf options like ButtonMapping) though I'm guessing sdl opens evdev directly so the only way would be some kinda evdev filtering kernel module (I don't know of any apart from my own, which I wouldn't recommend and you'd have to modify it either way).
bladerunner_92 wrote:With this update, though, when I launch from Steam, the config screen appears (I used to have X3R_config symlinked to X3R_main, but the update reverted it). When I then press Start X3, X3R_main is launched *with primusrun*! So it might have been magically fixed by itself ;)
Actually they may have screwed something up, or at least whatever they did probably stops it from using the libs I packaged, which causes the other issues people started having:|

mathw wrote:
timon37 wrote: 2. Windowed or fullscreen, and with what mouse grabbing setting? It doesn't cause issues for me (at least with the current version).
Fullscreen. I haven't really found the mouse grab options so I'll just go with "default". Also, I don't know when the last patch was released, but I tried to reproduce it again today and it's more difficult. Sometimes it bugs right after a couple quick overlay shortcuts, sometimes it takes a lot of spamming.
I have yet to do more testing, but yesterday I was pestered with it during normal gameplay/usage of the overlay, without actually trying to trigger the bug.
Ok, the full option range (0-2) is in config.yaml, or you can change it in the input config dialog ("Always grab cursor") but it doesn't matter for fullscreen where it's always grabbed either way.

If it didn't happen when you tried and happened all the time when you didn't, it most likely is due to a minor difference in what you're doing. Try to notice what that is (e.g. holding a joystick button, while switching, or moving the mouse while switching), if you manage to find a reasonably repeatable method of triggering it then that's 50% of the fix;)
loggy wrote:So, this is xev output of pressing & releasing ^ on german dead keys keyboard. The key ist located directly left of "1 !" and with shift its supposed to produce the ° (degree) char.
Hmm there seems to be some xorg keymap tricks to this key, it doesn't behave like the rest, so yeah don't use it for now;p It might even be impossible to work around this (other than changing the keymap), so sorry but I'm gonna file this for much later.
loggy wrote:Another thing I got: Using a joystick (TM16000) I am not too much able to enable SETA - somewhat the joy sends keystrokes? Most of the time I cant get SETA in for more than a second. I even kicked in a 100% dead zone on the joy, and i can get SETA in just in some rare times.
Hmm might be a few things, first try to disable the throttle (in the sense that the actual joystick throttle axis isn't mapped to anything, and nothing is mapped to JoyThrottle (source -1)) and enable everything else like you would normally use it, report if that fixes it.
loggy wrote: 2nd The throttle of the joystick behaves somewhat strange, I have a range of about 3mm out of 30mm where I can set the speed from -10 to +100%. jstest-gtk shows X3 reacts on values between -16000 to +16000 (16384? ;-)) but my joy works from -32767 to +32767.
Does the config dialog value bar go through the full range? Also there is some "Throttle Sensitivity" setting in the in-game-controll-settings where you have the deadzone, try fiddling with those and other options.
loggy wrote: The Hat does not work at all, even though it acts as Axes 4 and 5, also from -32k to +32k, as I like it for strafing it would be nice to get it working.
If the hat reports as an axis (and the value bar changes when you assign and press it) then you should be able to map them to e.g. Joy2X/Y and set those in the in-game settings to strafing or anything else. Keep in mind it's very subtle (best to test at 0 speed near a station), also I'm not sure if strafing doesn't require some ship extension or is only on some ships.

Regarding completely wrong portraits when running from steam, or the error terminal:
Looks like steam screwed with something and it launches the game in such a way that it can't find the included libs, it should work when you launch from the console. If the error doesn't happen for someone when launching through steam please report asap.
If someone has an idea of what steam could be doing that screws with RPATH, also please tell me.
Either way I'm working on it.

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Post by SkyBon » Sat, 2. Feb 13, 19:29

@timon37 I am getting CTD during the final battle cutscene, right after Paranid Crystal Fab explosion and Julian ejecting. Here's the paste of terminal output:
(Аварийный останов is emergency stop in Russian :p)

UPD: strace output:

UPD2: The same very crash happens on my Lenovo ThinkPad U410 running GeForce 610 via optimus w/ nvidia-313.

UPD3: Also happens on ASUS K42JK w/ ATI Mobility Radeon HD5145.
Savegame to follow on:
https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_DNLsh ... sp=sharing


UPD4: Bug fixed.
Last edited by SkyBon on Mon, 4. Feb 13, 17:21, edited 8 times in total.

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Post by Mellen » Sat, 2. Feb 13, 20:14

Seems like keyboard input in windowed mode has been fixed for me. It was overly sensitive before making it very difficult selecting menus with arrowkeys. And mousegrab set to "1" allows for easier switching between X3 and other windows. When set to "2" it is difficult defocusing the game window.

Fullscreen is working well for me, both on one screen and across both. Had to explicitly set a non-auto modeline in xorg.conf though.

Engine sounds (dopplereffect) is a nuisance currently. It often creates a very annoying fast looping high pitched sound, especially when near larger ships.
X3: Reunion for Linux
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Post by RussianNeuroMancer » Sat, 2. Feb 13, 21:53

timon37 wrote:In general all I can say at this second is "welcome to linux and it's 1001 stupid issues";p
My personal solution for stuff like this is just play in windowed mode, set the window borderless (there's a config.yaml option if your wm doesn't support this) and position it so it takes the whole screen (or three for eyefinity like setups;).
There's a bunch of reasons why it is broken like this, and some are nvidia's fault. When I get to switch to sdl2 this might get better, if not I'm afraid it'll probably be the last thing I try to fix (it's a huge can of worms with angry penguin faces).
AFAIK multi-monitor issues (and probably also Alt+Tab - doesn't sure about that) resolved in SDL2, so please consider switching to SDL2 before release :)

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Post by Mellen » Sun, 3. Feb 13, 00:12

It's been a long time since I played X3R on Windows but I don't remember docking was as slow as I'm experiencing with larger ships on Linux. Ie. A TP arrives at a station, the docking arms extend fully and everything seems ok. It then sits there for 2-3 minutes before being able to interact with the station. Is that normal?
X3: Reunion for Linux
Screenshots: http://goo.gl/sv6qn
My Issues: http://goo.gl/uDk1H
System Information: http://goo.gl/l74Dh

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Post by Chromatix » Sun, 3. Feb 13, 00:45

It looks like the old docking bug is still there, yes. IIRC, it was fixed in TC and remained fixed in AP but never seems to have been backported to Reunion. I don't think it affects ships that you're not flying yourself, so the workaround is to dock manually via the communication menu. Still very annoying if you forget to disconnect the autopillock in time.

Which brings me to another important point. I just tried flying manually using a joystick, since axis remapping was added. As a test scenario I used the combat simulation exercise from the main menu, rather than a savegame. The joystick is incredibly oversensitive, even after reducing sensitivity to 5% (the minimum where it still works at all). It is therefore difficult to keep the lead indicator within the auto-aim cone, never mind hitting the target without auto-aim.

The good news is that hardware reasonably contemporary with the Windows release still seems to work well. I'm using an Opteron 185 (essentially a 2.6GHz Athlon X2 with extra L2 cache), 2GB DDR400 RAM, a GF 8800GT and a Logitech Wingman Attack 3. Linux Mint 13 64-bit also features. In my experience, clock speed doesn't matter as much as you'd expect, so probably people with 2.0GHz A64s should be fine.

ETA: I've suggested a possible fix for the sensitivity problem here: http://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php? ... 31#4016331

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Post by MrPopinjay » Sun, 3. Feb 13, 10:13

Happy to report that my xbox 360 controller is working much better now, hoorar! The triggers are understandably un-usable, the sticks are a little too sensitive near the middle and the D pad doesn't work but other than that it's all good :)
Would love to see the D-pad working!

Slightly off topic- does anyone know where the save games are located? Or if they are saved on the steam cloud?

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Post by X2-Illuminatus » Sun, 3. Feb 13, 10:42

timon37 wrote:Generic information:


Savegames are by default stored in a hidden folder ".config/EgoSoft/X3/save/" in your home directory as X00.sav, X01.sav etc.
Windows savegames should be two-way compatible and shouldn't be flagged as "modified", if there are any issues please report a bug.
Nun verfügbar! X3: Farnham's Legacy - Ein neues Kapitel für einen alten Favoriten

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The official X-novels Farnham's Legend, Nopileos, X3: Yoshiko as Kindle e-books!

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Post by MrPopinjay » Sun, 3. Feb 13, 10:47

Thank you!

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Strange choice of direction

Post by Adrulion » Sun, 3. Feb 13, 15:21

When starting a new game, after the intro stuff, about to shepherd some rookies through space, I don't seem to be looking the way I'm flying.

Throttling up on my joystick makes me fly downwards, the only way to fix this seems to be to autopilot to something. Even then, after dissengaging the auto pilot I end up flying diagonally "south" of where my crosshairs are pointing. (about 10 degrees or so out of alignment)

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Post by MrPopinjay » Sun, 3. Feb 13, 16:59

Sounds like X3 is guessing which axes you wish to use and is getting them wrong, mapping strafing to the axis you're using. Have you gone into the in game control settings and set what you want to each axis?

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