Keyboard Problems

Ask here if you experience technical problems with X³: Reunion, X²: The Threat, X-Tension or X-Beyond The Frontier

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Orb Weaver
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Keyboard Problems

Post by Orb Weaver » Thu, 2. Sep 04, 06:18

Ok before anyone tells me this needs to be in the technical support forum...I know...

I cant post in the Tech forum for some strange reason...

The problem i'm having is with the keyboard...Keys stop working as I play the game...A good example of this is the main menu.

When I start the game up I can navigate the main menu options by using the arrow keys...however after about 5 seconds it stops working and I can no longer navigate the menu and must use my mouse.

Another example is when playing the game...I can bring up the menu by hitting (I think) enter. But after a few minutes hitting enter no long brings up the menu. same with esc as the back button....And after about 15 minutes I cannot use the keyboard at all and no keyboard commands work and I must play the game with mearly my mouse and keyboard.

I have an athlon 3600
with 1 gig ddr ram
radeon 9600
and a nvida nforce motherboard integrated sound card

Please help me fix this I cannot play the game.

And for the record I applied the 1.3 us patch
and then applied the 1.4 us patch.

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Post by DrunkenPirate » Thu, 2. Sep 04, 06:23

I believe access to the Tech Support forum section is only available to members who have registered their game.

Orb Weaver
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Post by Orb Weaver » Thu, 2. Sep 04, 06:33

How does one register their game?

EDIT: Nevermind Figured it out....(Not the keyboard problem, figured out how to register)

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Post by -TD-13- » Thu, 2. Sep 04, 07:26

Now that your registration is all set... and you can now post in the tech forum....

Off to the tech forums :)
Topic moved.

Edit- And duplicate threads of this topic have been deleted

Orb Weaver
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Post by Orb Weaver » Thu, 2. Sep 04, 08:16

Great how do I fix the problem?

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Post by pjknibbs » Thu, 2. Sep 04, 08:36

Well, couple of things:

a) Do you have a wireless keyboard? People have reported problems with those unless the batteries are absolutely top-notch and fully charged.

b) What version were you starting from? If you started from 1.0us you should have applied the 1.2us patch and then the 1.4us patch, not gone directly to 1.3!

Orb Weaver
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Post by Orb Weaver » Thu, 2. Sep 04, 09:01

I do not know what version I started from because it would not tell me

after installiation of 1.4 I could tell it was 1.4 because it said 1.4 in the lower left of the main menu...but before I installed it there was nothing there...

Ne ways its not the patch because Ive reinstalled 15 times and each time i tried starting with a differant patch and have tried every combination.

Yes Im using a wireless keyboard.
But why should that cause problems I have played well over 200 differant games with this keyboard and never had any issues.

So far my impressions of this game arnt very good Ive been trying to play it for the past 6 hours reinstalled countless times, patched, downloaded, configured and nothing...

TO be quite honest im starting to belive the devs of this game learnt how to program from c++ for dummies. I havent seen a game so riddled with problems right out the box....perhaps it runs on your computer fine...but not on mine...

Forgive me if I come off as rude, im a really nice guy, im just highly aggitated and fustrated.

Perhaps they make a 700 page book on how to get this game to run correctly...hell its a game just getting it to work.

If you have any suggestions Ill listen but if I cant get it to work by tommarow ill uninstall it, use the cds to make a disco light ball, and write bad reviews for it on every webpage I can possibly imagine.

Thanks for your time

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Post by The_Abyss » Thu, 2. Sep 04, 09:10

It tells you the version on the top right of the startup screen. Check and see if this is 1.0, 1.2 or 1.3. Also be sure to check what region of the game you are running, i.e. Europe, UK, US, Aus etc (the publisher might give this away).

Now, uninstall your game, and also delete entries in the registry under Egosoftware.

Install the game - check the version number

Go to downloads page here. It will list the patch you need (basically, if you're already 1.2 or over, just 1.4). Install patch.


If not, ask back here.
Strung out on Britain's high, hitting an all time low

Orb Weaver
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Post by Orb Weaver » Thu, 2. Sep 04, 09:54

I have version 1.2 US on the CD.
I applied patch 1.4 and it still does the same thing

Orb Weaver
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Post by Orb Weaver » Thu, 2. Sep 04, 10:18

Same Issue none of the keyboard commands work.

Mouse and Joystick work fine but non of the main keys on my keyboard work

In the input setting where you can select a few keys to map to keyboard like lctl alt and the such I let as default

Then when I get in the game none of the keyboard keys work except the arrow keys a q and w to rotate the ship

a and z do not speed up my ship they do nothing, pressing enter does nothing, right clicking my mouse brings up the menu but esc does not take me back a step.

And as I mentioned before I can navigate the main menu with the arrows for about 5 seconds, then it stops working.

I’m getting very agitated. I feel like *Rant Mode On*

1. Is this even a game or just some cruel trick by software developers to piss people off?
2. What’s with the patches? Other games got it figured out...if you have version 1 2 3 or 7 if you download version 8 it doesn’t don’t have to install patches in order just download one patch and it will patch it from any version...Is this really so hard? And if the answer to that is yes perhaps you should go back to school and slap the person who gave you your degree for failing you as a teacher.
3. Why is this game so system intensive? I have played much much much better looking games: Far Cry, Doom 3, UT, that don’t use nearly as many resources as X2. The answer is simple...bad programming. Good programmers can make a game look good and still run better than this.
4. Why haven’t you fixed the bugs you know about? Apparently they have been there awhile...Is this so hard? And if the answer is yes refer to the solution in #2
5. How did this game get such great reviews? must have slipped crystal meth in with the demos you sent to reviewers, so that their brains would be so fried it would obliviate any perceived buggyness that is inherent with this game.

*Rant Mode Off*

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Post by gillrichard » Thu, 2. Sep 04, 11:20

pjknibbs wrote:a) Do you have a wireless keyboard? People have reported problems with those unless the batteries are absolutely top-notch and fully charged.
The thing is...there is no thing.

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Post by pjknibbs » Thu, 2. Sep 04, 12:50

Well, let's see. Firstly, the performance of X2 is only partially related to the pretty-pretties you see onscreen--the game is keeping track of a LOT of objects (something in the region of 4000 in a normal game) and this takes a lot of processor oomph too. If there's a deficiency in either graphics card or CPU X2 will find it. Comparing it to FarCry and similar games is pointless because those games simply don't keep track of more than a few objects at once (count the maximum number of enemies you can see onscreen at any one time)--also, a typical X2 sector may look fairly empty, but there's still a hell of a lot of polygons in it for your graphics card to chew over!

As for not fixing bugs which are known about--exactly what did you think the patches DID? The only outstanding bugs in the game at the moment are ones which are due to new features in the 1.4 patch (e.g. the problem with captured Khaak M5s docking at M6s), not ones which have been there since the game first launched.

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Post by mad_axeman » Thu, 2. Sep 04, 13:40

pjknibbs wrote:As for not fixing bugs which are known about--exactly what did you think the patches DID? The only outstanding bugs in the game at the moment are ones which are due to new features in the 1.4 patch (e.g. the problem with captured Khaak M5s docking at M6s), not ones which have been there since the game first launched.
Not quite true (besides, you probably need level 5 access to even see which problems are recognised as bugs and then becasue of the NDA, probably won't be able to talk about them), but close enough.

Orb Weaver
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Post by Orb Weaver » Thu, 2. Sep 04, 19:24

Ok yes I have a wireless keyboard.

How would this effect the way I play X2?
as you can see it is having no difficulties typing in this forum.

It has no problem in Microsoft Word.
It had no problem in Doom3, Far Cry, Rainbow Six 3, BF1942, BFV, Freelancer, Fallout 1+2+3+tactics, morrowind, Jedi acadamey, Knights of the old rebublic, The sims, Wizardry, Starcraft, Diablo 1+2, Baldurs Gate 1+2, Neverwinter Nights, and on and on.

But in X2 it's all the sudden my keyboards fault and not the game?

Hell my wireless keyboard even works in games that were designed before the wireless keyboard was even invented.

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Post by CBJ » Thu, 2. Sep 04, 19:47

Do you have a normal keyboard you can try it with, just to make sure that it works correctly with that? At least then the problem would be narrowed down.

With regard to why the wireless keyboard might not work, there are a number of possibilities.

The first is the battery. A number of people have found that if the keyboard batteries are even slightly weak, they have problems. This can happen even when the batteries are fine for normal use, possibly because the game keeps the processor quite busy tracking 16000+ objects in the X-Universe.

Another possibility is the line of sight between the keyboard and the base unit. Again, a weak signal can cause more problems within the game than outside it.

Finally there could be a driver issue. Although all applications use the same drivers, every application stresses them in different ways. It is possible that there is a problem with a specific aspect of the driver which does not manifest itself elsewhere because other applications do not use that particular part of the driver in the same way.

Orb Weaver
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Post by Orb Weaver » Thu, 2. Sep 04, 20:11

Well i know its not a battery issue because about 5 minutes ago I purchased some brand new Energizer E2 Lithum Batteries withc cost $10 for a 4 pack. And still the same problem.

The line of sight is also not the issue seeing how my recieve is litterally about 4 inches from my keyboard and mouse.

As far as drivers go I have reinstalled drivers and I do belive that drivers it's using now is the standard 102 keyboard and mouse.

The keyboard I have is a microsoft wireless keyboard and mouse combo.

The weird thing is. some keys do work while others do not.

For instance when navigating the main menu I can do so with the arrow keys for about 5 seconds then the arrow keys stop working, however when I start a game the arrow keys become functional again to steer my ship. I can always steer my ship with them they never stop working. But if I go back to the main menu they stop working again.

I find that all the keys in the input consol on the startup menu work in the game. all the other keys only work for a very limited time.

Please forgive some of my above comments. I really would like to play this game and have been trying now for 3 days to do so. I enjoy space sims and there really arnt many new ones that ever come out which is why I wish to play this one so much.

As far as trying a new keyboard I have tried plugging in a wired keyboard with no success my computer will not even boot up with a wired keyboard attached.

Edit: Right now im trying to download the offica; drivers for my keyboard and mouse from microsoft.

I belive its called the intella type and intelli point software. Ill let u know if that helps.

Orb Weaver
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Post by Orb Weaver » Thu, 2. Sep 04, 20:53

Yay! I have fixed it...the new drivers did the trick!

So anyone having this issue in the future with the microsoft combo wireless keyboard and mouse just simply download the InteeliPoint and IntelliType Software for your keyboard and mouse!

Thanx so how do I eject from my ship.... :)

Ali McDonald
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Keyboard Problems

Post by Ali McDonald » Thu, 2. Sep 04, 20:56

I've just logged on to try and sort out the same problem. I have an almost identical setup (including the microsoft wireless keyboard / mouse- with new batteries)
The problem is exactly as you describe it. Only the arrow keys, q,w Tab, and Control will work after a few seconds of playing the game. The mouse works fine.

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Post by CBJ » Thu, 2. Sep 04, 20:58

Glad that's sorted Orb Weaver, thanks for reporting back. The eject key is Shift-E by the way. ;)

Ali McDonald, it seems the solution is to apply the latest official drivers from Microsoft. :)

Orb Weaver
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Post by Orb Weaver » Fri, 3. Sep 04, 16:04

Hey Ali check this site out if your not sure which one you have: ... ?type=Sets

Click on the picture of the one u think is yours then click the link to the left called download software...I think its the same software so dont stress if you click the wrong picture.

Download both the IntelliType and IntelliiMouse Software and then look on the bottom of your keyboard and mouse when it asks whichs model.

After a quick reboot you will soon be playing X2.

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