Play X3 with X2 Graphics

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Play X3 with X2 Graphics

Post by daneren2005 » Thu, 4. Jan 07, 19:52

I was wondering if there is any way to play X3 with X2 graphics. The reason is that I got X3 over a year ago, and I still haven't really been able to play the game. I can't play through the storyline, I can't fight, and I can't even really trade because everything lags too much. X2 ran just fine though. I have no clue how you would do this other than just replacing all of the X3 grpahics files with X2 ones though. I know this is a long shot, and the answer will probably be no, but I thought it would be worth a try because I'm tired of not being able to play a game I payed what, $50 when it first came out?

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Post by saber1 » Thu, 4. Jan 07, 19:59

I am not sure if this would help.
You could propably replace all models with old, less "complicated" (less polygon and less GPU-heavy), but you would still have X3 engine, and much more objects that was in X2.

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Post by daneren2005 » Thu, 4. Jan 07, 20:05

how would I do that? Replace all the mov files?

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Post by saber1 » Thu, 4. Jan 07, 20:19

No - it would propably need complete new mod with new models (well ok. - the models would be imported from X2, but still - X3 got its own files for other data). There are also models for ships variants etc... it would be much work, and I personally would not even think about it (I am after all very "green" in modding - for now only some scritping and translating - 3D modelling - ouch - no way!)

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Post by Cycrow » Thu, 4. Jan 07, 20:56

it really depends which are your system is sruggling with.

lag can be caused by many things, including the sheer number of objects in the game, which no amount of graphics tweaking is going to help.

replacing all the models with lower quality, less complex ones might help a little, but the main problems with X3's graphics is the engine that uses all the special effects, alot of them you will not be able to control.

also, you cant simply replace the models, u'll have to edit TShips as well, as make sure all the turret/cockpit and gun entries all match up with the new model, and they are all in the correct positions, etc.

another way to increase performance would be to edit the jobs file, removing alot from that will reduce the number of objects in the game and should increase performance.

if you want to go even furher, u could create a new smaller universe map, with less sectors and stations, should also give a boost in performance.

but if you really cant play the game at all now, then ur system must be pretty old and low spec, what is it exactly ?

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Post by daneren2005 » Thu, 4. Jan 07, 21:18

I think most of my problem is with my graphics card. It's a NVIDIA Geforce4 Ti 4200. I probably won't be able to get a newer one anytime soon though, and I want to play X3...

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Post by Allmight » Thu, 4. Jan 07, 21:27


Yes. the gfx card is definitley a big contributor to a laggy game in this case. And honestly, doubt you will get much out of X3 with it. I think your only option here is to upgrade. But the GeForce 7600GS and 7800GS series are quite checp today, and even the 7300 series would run the game just fine, and they are considered low budget today.

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Post by Cycrow » Thu, 4. Jan 07, 21:32

the graphics card is definatly your problem, and i would seriously think about upgrading if you can.

you could get something like a 6200 pretty cheap, or a 7300. there not great cards, but they will be a vast improvement over your current one.

also, its very unlikly many newer games will even work on that card, so unless u just stick with old games then an upgrade is required.

as for price, u can get a 6200 for about £25, which is less than a single game ;)

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Post by daneren2005 » Thu, 4. Jan 07, 21:41

yah, I know. I went out and bought Quake 4 and Doom 3, and neither work. The problem is that I don't have a job, and I have to go through my bros and my mom to get stuff for the computer, which takes forever. I actually got a card that was way better, but the computer alarm went off whenever I treid to start my comp, so I had to go back to my old one.

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Post by neumanf15 » Fri, 5. Jan 07, 02:25

I was able to play X3 first time around with a Ti 4600. I just had to avoid fighting in certain sectors and had eveything turned down to low. Oh, and I just couldn't do an XI mission...

I'm amazed at how much better the game looks on a 7900GT with everything turned up!

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Post by Tiedyeguy » Fri, 5. Jan 07, 02:53

Daneren2005: how old are you? Just say "the computer is broken and I need 40 P to fix it." What kind of way better card do you have? Computers beeping when started after a grfx card install is most likely that the card is not compatible with your computer or that the card was not all the way in the socket. An unlikely one is that the card is critically damaged but unless you see lots of burn marks, chiped pieces, or cracks/breaks in the card it will usually get farther than that before error happen.

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Post by daneren2005 » Sun, 7. Jan 07, 04:47

sorry for the long time between responses. I'm 17, and my parents don't just give me everything I want like a lot of other parents do. I actually think I figured out what the problem was. My bro was the one that gave it to me, and I guess it needs to be hooked up to the power on the comp. I didn't even look for that because my old card wasn't like that. And of course it's turning out to be a pain in the but to get a cord to connect it. It's a Radeon 9700 (I'm pretty sure), which is quite a bit better than the card I have now.

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Post by tensin » Sun, 7. Jan 07, 05:06

yah, I know. I went out and bought Quake 4 and Doom 3, and neither work. The problem is that I don't have a job
The cost of one of those games would have gotten you a working graphics card for the other.

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Post by daneren2005 » Sun, 7. Jan 07, 06:15

unfortunately, I didn't know that at the time. For most of my life my bros have done all of the comp work, so I've had no need to learn anything about them. It's really been just recently learning anything about computers. Till just a while ago all I ever knew how to do on a computer was what was on the screen as opposed to in the tower.

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Post by Tracker001 » Sun, 7. Jan 07, 07:23

Well this fourm is an excelent place to pickup information.
And the ppl here are most helpfull. Everything takes time and learning is a process. So crack the books open (sorry)
I mean open links and read,read and than read so more.

I don't know what you know. But here is a starter kit. Click on the "PDF version"
There is another farther down for computers designed in the last 15 years.
Ya like doing math long hand. But Physasist (spll) do it long hand ,and so can you.
And go to sits like Nvida, Ati . AMD and Intel and read thier spec pages to get uesd to the lingo.

is it zero or is it one . is on or is it off. opened or closed. I don't know . But it all adds up down the line. :wink:

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Post by Cycrow » Sun, 7. Jan 07, 14:49

daneren2005 wrote:sorry for the long time between responses. I'm 17, and my parents don't just give me everything I want like a lot of other parents do.
of course, u could jsut get a job ;)

my parents never give me anything, so i was working from the age of 12 to be able to buy things

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Post by daneren2005 » Sun, 7. Jan 07, 17:53

I could get a job. But then, whats the fun in that? I'm taking several AP classes, so between school, homework, and a job, when would I have any time to play and spend that money? Seems kind of pointless to have money that I don't have any time to do anything with...

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