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Posted: Fri, 25. Jul 08, 14:42
by YBnorml
When using the MD how does one go about adding or removing notoriety?

When ever I try to add it I get no lookup for any attributes. I also can't seem to find anything showing how to us this command.

One small example is all I need :-)


Posted: Fri, 25. Jul 08, 15:30
by Ketraar

Code: Select all

    <relation race="argon" exact="10000"/>
No lookup is needed.
Note that you can use min/max instead of exact.
If you want to set a specific notoriety rank you will have to do this in two steps.

Code: Select all

<set_value name="this.notorietyvaluerank2" exact="{lookup.notoriety@notop2}"/>
This will give you the exact value of the 2nd positive rank

Code: Select all

    <relation race="argon" exact="{value@this.notorietyvaluerank2}-{player.notoriety.argon}"/>
Here you add the full amount of the notoriety, but since it gets added you just remove the existing amount that the player has to that specific race (argon in this case).

As an alternative you can just lookup the amounts yourself and replace the set_value step with those.

Hope this helps.



Mission Director

Posted: Fri, 22. Aug 08, 22:10
by Gilesey
While I'm waiting for TC to come out, I'm planning to revist X3 to get back into the swing of things but would rather have some new missions to do while I'm there.

I read of the Mission Director a while ago, but I can't find much content, there are only two missions in the sticky at the top of the page... I looking in the wrong place, is there anything else.

Can anyone help.

Posted: Sat, 23. Aug 08, 03:46
by eladan
Those are the only ones I know of.

The mission director is relatively new. People need to learn it and test what it can do before they are able to start producing missions with it. There isn't an established base of people familiar with it as there was with the script editor when X3 came out.

Posted: Fri, 12. Sep 08, 21:03
by Jedi Rebel
is there a command dictionary:stating what each commands function is;
im not use to these high level languages;so use to programming in assembly without an assembler/editor.((z80 & 6502)the ancients languages)
if its not designed for x3 then surly someone could write a compiler???
anyone remember what a R.O.M. did? but a rom kept processing the code continually;making the programme slow and with high level languages,there are things you just cant do as with machine code(Assembly).

Posted: Fri, 12. Sep 08, 21:08
by Cycrow
what do you need a compiler for ?

the mission director is not a programming language, its designed for a very specific task, creating missions via the use of game events.

due to the use of xml and the schema, theres no need for a "command dictionary" as everything you need is explained in the schema, you jsut need to use a program that can understand it

Posted: Sat, 13. Sep 08, 14:16
by XGamer
All you need is the VWD 2005 Express Edition which can be downloaded for free from the Microsoft Website. Link

And for the "Command Dictionary" just open director.htm in the Director Folder with any Browser such as Internet Explorer. It lists all available Commands, Variables and stuff that you can use and explains briefly what they do.


Posted: Wed, 24. Sep 08, 16:05
by Stu Austin
I can't find any info but is Mission Director going to be included with Terran Conflict?

Posted: Wed, 24. Sep 08, 16:11
by CBJ
Yes, of course!

Posted: Wed, 24. Sep 08, 16:15
by Stu Austin
Thanks CBJ.

Posted: Sun, 12. Oct 08, 09:03
by troop5
Hello guys,

I'm kinda new here, is there somewhere else in the forum to ask for advice on how to get a certain mission i am working on to do what i want it to? I'm kind of running into a dead end. Would this be the place to ask?


Posted: Sun, 12. Oct 08, 10:51
by XGamer
Yes, this Topic is the Very best place to ask for help regarding the Mission Director and Problems on making own missions. So just fire away :)


Posted: Mon, 13. Oct 08, 04:33
by troop5
Thanks for the reply.

Well what i have been working on was just trying to modify one of Xenon Slayers sample missions, it was BM04 Retrieve Unmanned Ship.

This is what it looks like, not much has changed other than giving the reward to the player.

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="director.xsl" type="text/xsl" ?>
<director name="template" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="director.xsd">
    <author name="JM" alias="Troop5" contact="" />
    <content reference="MMSR01" name="More Missions Ship Retreval 01" description="Retreive Unmanned Ship"/>
    <version number="0.2" date="10/10/08" status="Sample" />
    <cue name="MMSR01 Add Mission">
        <add_bbs_quest name="MMSR01" priority="500" max="1"/>
        <cue name="MMSR01" instantiate="static">
              <bbs_quest_evaluated quest="MMSR01"/>
              <match_object object="{player.dockobject}" race="default"/>
            <do_all exact="5" comment="Checks if there is a suitable sector nearby for the unmanned ship to spawn in.">
              <find_sector name="MMSR01.Test Sector" sector="{player.sector}" min="1" max="2"/>
              <do_if value="{sector.race@MMSR01.Test Sector}" exact="{lookup.race@argon}">
                <set_sector name="MMSR01.Ship Sector" value="{sector@MMSR01.Test Sector}"/>
              <do_if value="{sector.race@MMSR01.Test Sector}" exact="{lookup.race@boron}">
                <set_sector name="MMSR01.Ship Sector" value="{sector@MMSR01.Test Sector}"/>
              <do_if value="{sector.race@MMSR01.Test Sector}" exact="{lookup.race@paranid}">
                <set_sector name="MMSR01.Ship Sector" value="{sector@MMSR01.Test Sector}"/>
              <do_if value="{sector.race@MMSR01.Test Sector}" exact="{lookup.race@split}">
                <set_sector name="MMSR01.Ship Sector" value="{sector@MMSR01.Test Sector}"/>
              <do_if value="{sector.race@MMSR01.Test Sector}" exact="{lookup.race@teladi}">
                <set_sector name="MMSR01.Ship Sector" value="{sector@MMSR01.Test Sector}"/>
              <do_if value="{sector.race@MMSR01.Test Sector}" exact="{lookup.race@pirate}" comment="1.5 The Reward">
                <set_sector name="MMSR01.Ship Sector" value="{sector@MMSR01.Test Sector}"/>
              <do_if value="{sector.race@MMSR01.Test Sector}" exact="{lookup.race@xenon}" comment="Double The Reward">
                <set_sector name="MMSR01.Ship Sector" value="{sector@MMSR01.Test Sector}"/>
            <cue name="MMSR01 Mission Offer">
                  <check_value value="{sector.exists@MMSR01.Ship Sector}" exact="1"/>
                  <set_value name="MMSR01.Offer Race" exact="{player.dockobject.race}"/>
                  <create_actor name="MMSR01.Offer Actor" character="{random.pilot.{value@MMSR01.Offer Race}}" comment="For In Space Testing"/>
                  <set_value name="MMSR01.Random" min="0" max="100"/>
                  <offer_bbs_quest quest="MMSR01" author="{ Actor}" text="[center][u]Ship Retreval[/u]\n\n Greetings my name is { Actor} and i run a small space tour company. Recently one of my transporters was attacked by pirates on the way to a pickup destination, fortunately the pilot ejected and was picked up some time later. However it seems the attackers didn't destroy or take the ship for themselves, my transponder still reads its in the vicinity. I need someone to get my ship back. I will pay 4,500Cr for the retreval. It is no farther than 2 sectors from here. Please contact me if you are interested.[/center] \n\n[center][select value='Accept']Contact { Actor}[/select][/center]"/>
                <cue name="MMSR01 Accepted">
                    <bbs_quest_selected quest="MMSR01" answer="Accept"/>
                      <accept_bbs_quest quest="MMSR01"/>
                      <set_object name="MMSR01.Offer Station" value="{player.dockobject}"/>
                      <set_sector name="MMSR01.Offer Sector" value="{player.sector}"/>
                      <set_value name="MMSR01.Mission Start Time" exact="{player.age}"/>
                      <set_value name="MMSR01.Mission Time Limit" exact="100s"/>
                      <incoming_message author="{ Actor}" popup="1" text="Thank you for responding. The Last Known Coordinates of the ship is 10.13.8 in the { Sector} Sector. Please find it and return it at your convinence."/>
                      <set_value name="MMSR01.Unmanned Ship Hull" min="22" max="60"/>
                      <set_value name="MMSR01.X Position" min="5" max="15"/>
                      <set_value name="MMSR01.Y Position" min="5" max="15"/>
                      <set_value name="MMSR01.Z Position" min="5" max="15"/>
                      <create_ship name="MMSR01.Unmanned Ship" class="tp" typename="{random.type@SS_SH_A_TP|SS_SH_B_TP|SS_SH_P_TP|SS_SH_S_TP|SS_SH_T_TP|SS_SH_A_TP_1|SS_SH_B_TP_1|SS_SH_P_TP_1|SS_SH_S_TP_1|SS_SH_T_TP_1}"
                                   race="neutral" capturable="1" highlight="1" racelogic="1">
                        <position x="{value@MMSR01.X Position}km" y="{value@MMSR01.Y Position}km" z="{value@MMSR01.Z Position}km"/>
                        <sector sector="MMSR01.Ship Sector"/>
                        <equipment loadout="minimum"/>
                        <command command="none"/>
                      <set_hull object="MMSR01.Unmanned Ship" exact="{value@MMSR01.Unmanned Ship Hull}"/>
                    <cue name="MMSR01 Unmanned Ship Destroyed">
                          <object_destroyed object="MMSR01.Unmanned Ship"/>
                          <incoming_message author="{ Actor}" popup="1" text="I had a bad feeling about hiring you. How could you let my ship be destroyed!? Well, not only do you NOT get paid. I have taken a substantial loss, i'll be sure not to contact you again."/>
                          <cancel_cue cue="MMSR01"/>

                    <cue name="MMSR01 Unmanned Ship Destroyed by Player">
                        <object_destroyed_by_player object="MMSR01.Unmanned Ship"/>
                          <incoming_message author="{ Actor}" popup="1" text="You idiot! You were suppose to retreve my ship, not destroy it! I'm considering putting this reward money into a bounty on your head!!"/>
                          <cancel_cue cue="MMSR01"/>

                    <cue name="MMSR01 Unmanned Ship Captured">
                        <match_object object="MMSR01.Unmanned Ship" race="player"/>
                        <time exact="3s"/>
                          <incoming_message author="{ Actor}" popup="1" text="You found my ship, well done! Now bring the ship back to the { Station} in { Sector} for your reward. I have someone waiting to pickup the ship so be sure to have one of your own to transfer to if you are flying it in, so we may complete this transaction."/>
                        <cue name="MMSR01 Ship Returned">
                                <object_docked object="MMSR01.Unmanned Ship" param="{object@MMSR01.Offer Station}"/>
                                <check_value value="{player.ship}" exact="{object@MMSR01.Unmanned Ship}" negate="1"/>
                              <incoming_message author="{ Actor}" popup="1" text="Thank you for returning my ship. As promised, the sum of 4500Cr has been deposited into your Account. It's been a pleasure doing business with you."/>
                              <set_owner object="MMSR01.Unmanned Ship" race="{value@MMSR01.Offer Race}"/>
                                <money exact="4500"/>
                              <cancel_cue cue="MMSR01"/>
The problem is, the mission becomes complete only when i automate the ship to return to the destination station when i am not inside it. Which is fine but i would like to be able to fly it in myself and change ships when i get there too.

How would i go about making it work, say for example, completing only after i return the ship at the station and switch to another ship that is docked there?

I realize i can make the negate variable go away, but if i do that i get rewarded and ship is taken away as soon as i dock. But then you run into problems, flying the same ship that's not suppose to be there.

I've fooled around a bit with other things like player_changed_ship and i just cant get anywhere with this.

Any suggestions?

Posted: Mon, 13. Oct 08, 11:33
by Ketraar

Code: Select all

<object_docked object="MMSR01.Unmanned Ship" param="{object@MMSR01.Offer Station}"/>
<check_value value="{player.ship}" exact="{object@MMSR01.Unmanned Ship}" negate="1"/> 
just try to use object_is_docked instead of object_docked, and it should work, since the object_docked is event driven unlike object_is_docked.

Like this

Code: Select all

<object_is_docked object="MMSR01.Unmanned Ship" param="{object@MMSR01.Offer Station}"/>
<check_value value="{player.ship}" exact="{object@MMSR01.Unmanned Ship}" negate="1"/> 
Hope that helps



Posted: Tue, 14. Oct 08, 05:20
by troop5
Thanks for the reply Ketraar.

I'll give this a shot and let you know if it works. :)

Posted: Tue, 14. Oct 08, 05:49
by troop5
It worked perfectly! :D

Obviously i need to go through that XMD guide more closely i think. I cant believe i missed that.

Thanks again Ketraar.

Posted: Thu, 7. May 09, 08:45
by jlehtone
Random thought: Would it be technically possible to backport X3TC MD content into X3R?

Posted: Thu, 7. May 09, 10:50
by Ketraar
In general. No.

The amount of commands available in TC that are missing in X3R MD is huge. You can try though, open the TC MD files with the X3R director.xsd and you'll see.

Not to speak that there are several bugs in the X3R MD, so that I have put it aside and there is no turning back, no more X3R MD... ever!



Posted: Thu, 21. May 09, 05:45
by Sir_Maniac
Just curious. I haven't been able to access a string set with <set_value>. The variable {value@val} returns '0'. Is there a way to compare a string's value, or insert a string inline?

So hypothetically the following would be possible.

Code: Select all

  <do_choose >
    <do_when value="{value@this.colorNum}" exact="0">
      <set_value name="this.var" exact="Green"/>
    <do_when value="{value@this.colorNum}" exact="1">
      <set_value name="this.var" exact="Blue"/>
   <do_when value="{value@this.colorNum}" exact="3">
     <set_value name="this.var" exact="Yellow"/>
   <do_when value="{value@this.colorNum}" exact="4">
     <set_value name="this.var" exact="Red"/>
  <play_subtitles text="You have {value@this.var} lips."/>

Posted: Thu, 21. May 09, 10:55
by Ketraar
You can't save Text in values.

