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Posted: Sun, 10. Jun 07, 18:38
by Tenlar Scarflame
Hah... I had that same experience in a Buster. I nailed one with a full volley of BPAC's and laughed maniacally as I sent a silkworm barreling for his nose...

I then checked his shields, which I had managed to budge about one notch. :o

^ while I had the above expression on my face, I failed to react in time to his rear turret and was pasted. :roll:

Incidentally, the new Thin Line is now up. ^^


Heh... yes, now that I've reduced the first two in volume, Blind to the Power does sound a bit loud. :roll:

Posted: Sun, 10. Jun 07, 18:51
by KaZsaru

You have no idea how happy my ears are right now. All tracks are now saved, copies made, normalized, and placed into my X3 game.

Time to rock (and roll)! :D :D :D

Posted: Mon, 11. Jun 07, 02:53
by Tenlar Scarflame
Quite welcome. :thumb_up: I think I'm going to finish out the combat tracks before I move on to the sector tracks... not that there's anything wrong with the original combat tracks, but it still bugs me whenever one of them pops up instead of the edgier recent stuff. Without the edginess I simply don't fight as well :P


let me clarify... the rest of the combat tracks will be done this summer. :D Now that there's actually time and incentive to sit down and compose. I may also have some sector tracks done this summer, we'll see.

Posted: Thu, 10. Apr 08, 19:42
by coppercore
I used to have all three tracks... utter masterpieces :D

I just started playing X3 again and tried to get them and it's saying the file no longer exsists. Is there anyway you could repost them? I'd love to get them again, they make excellent combat music.

Posted: Thu, 10. Apr 08, 20:15
by Tenlar Scarflame
Wow, there's still interest in this? Giant ego boost. :D

Yeah, I figured the links would be dead by now. I'll get them back up on the double.

Unfortunately, the project is just a bit slightly, uh... on hold. Due to some epic RL issues. If anyone's in architecture school you'll understand. :shock: But don't worry, I haven't abandoned this... I do have ideas churning for Teladi and Boron combat tracks, among others. ^^

Posted: Thu, 10. Apr 08, 20:32
by enenra
The thing is that you can't assign combat tracks to a specific reace iirc. :think:

Posted: Thu, 10. Apr 08, 21:31
by Tenlar Scarflame
Well no, but there are 5 combat tracks and there are 5 main races... figured that lined up well :)

Posted: Thu, 1. May 08, 05:08
by Tenlar Scarflame
Now performing some epic level necromancy to report the completion of my fourth track! It's the Argon sector track entitled Children of Sol, Brothers of Sonra.

It and the three completed combat tracks will be uploaded post-haste. :)

Posted: Thu, 1. May 08, 18:30
by Tenlar Scarflame
uploaded. Enjoyment and feedback welcome :)

Posted: Thu, 1. May 08, 19:23
by Brinnie
Tenlar Scarflame wrote:uploaded. Enjoyment and feedback welcome :)
I stopped the music in the X3 options in favour of playing my own playlist with a small mp3 player.

I listened to 3 of your tracks and I think you've done very well.

Having listened to "Blind to the power of the three" I am curious to know if you listen to bands like Symphony-X or Dream Theatre?

Posted: Thu, 1. May 08, 23:25
by Tenlar Scarflame
Brinnie wrote:
Tenlar Scarflame wrote:uploaded. Enjoyment and feedback welcome :)
I stopped the music in the X3 options in favour of playing my own playlist with a small mp3 player.

I listened to 3 of your tracks and I think you've done very well.

Having listened to "Blind to the power of the three" I am curious to know if you listen to bands like Symphony-X or Dream Theatre?
Aha! Dream Theater fans unite! :D

The original inspiration for the sound of Blind to the Power was actually Planet Hell by Nightwish... somewhat different side of the metal spectrum ^^

Glad you enjoy what I have so far. Means I'm more likely to make more X-tunes sooner :wink:

Posted: Fri, 2. May 08, 01:22
by Brinnie
>>> Tenlar Scarflame:

Don't know much of Nightwish, I've only got one song "Sacrament of Wilderness" if that is even the title.

Dream Theatre I got into cause I really like the drummer but I think I only know a few of their songs ( i am working on finding more), Symphony-X I know more of. Have you heard any of their stuff?

A few questions for you:

How do you make your music, Keyboard/Synth and MIDI sequencer?
What about the drums/percussion?

Reason why I am asking is that if you are writing MIDI I could help you with drums (that is of course if you want any help).
A long time ago I wanted to play the drums, it never came to anything and I don't play drums , but I like to write drums parts on a sequencer ( sometimes).
If you are interested you could send me bits of MIDI instrumentals and I can send them back to you with drum samples, not suggesting there is anything wrong with your drum composition, just for fun.

Posted: Fri, 2. May 08, 08:16
by Tenlar Scarflame
@Brinnie, I do know a bit of Symphony. Though not nearly as much as DT. Both are in my iTunes though ^^

As far as composing these, I just use Garageband and my dusty old Roland EP-88. Fairly low tech setup, but this is college and music is not my major :P Luckily my roommate is a drummer so I actually employed him for Blind, the others were done using Garageband's inbuilt MIDI drum kits. What sort of stuff do you sequence? I ask because I'm going dry on ideas for the Teladi combat track... I know I want it to have a stroke of Middle Eastern sound in it but I haven't been able to achieve that with the MIDI kits I've been using.

Could be fun... :D

Posted: Fri, 2. May 08, 09:21
by Brinnie
>>> Tenlar Scarflame

I don't want to give you the wrong impression, first of all I am not good at it, second it is something I only did occasionaly.

I just write drum lines , usually based on other drummers, the thing is that I am really useless at the music/melody parts so being limited to the percussive side of music I don't sequence very much.

It was just an idea, I thought you composing all the music might have appreciated some input on the drums, not even as a final product , mostly so at first you can concentrate on the music not worrying about the drums.

Also my drums would be more useful on tracks like "Blind to the Power of the Three" being closer to my musical background although I 'll have a go at anything.
I am no substitute for a real drummer, if your roommate is available you'd be better off with him.

Finally about the Middle-Eastern sound for the Teladi , I think it is a good idea, I myself thought it would be good to have the sector music themed with the races, a bit like Movies soundtrack.
Example that comes to mind would be The Lord of the Rings, the way the music theme changed when the Orcs or any of the other races were on the screen.

I gotta go now, I'll speak to you later.

Posted: Fri, 2. May 08, 17:09
by Vayde
For an old fart like me just being able to hear the Blue Danube playing when I docked was nice enough for me. However I do like where you are going with this and I am looking forward to any other releases...

Posted: Fri, 2. May 08, 20:19
by DarrenTomlyn
Woffin wrote:church organ + combat music + choir...

If you want - you could try my peice Excalibur - (orchestral/choir/organ) - (though a) the photograph on my web-site is really crap/old - (all I had) - and b) the peice really needs a better orchestral/choir package - (EWQLOS/Edirol Orchestral arn't good enough for it - too muddy/languid).

You might like to try some of my other music too? See what you think?

My web-site is in my sig - (I did warn you about the photograph, didn't I? ;) ) - (Need a better photograph so I can get a myspace page up)

Posted: Sat, 3. May 08, 04:53
by GlorfindelX
Tenlar, your music is awesome. Keep it up.

Posted: Sat, 3. May 08, 05:37
by AjaxDude
Tenlar, awesome music, but I downloaded it and put the files in my music folder. Now, no sound plays at all! :evil: Explanation? Grrrr...the game sucks without music!

Posted: Sat, 3. May 08, 17:52
by Tenlar Scarflame
AjaxDude wrote:Tenlar, awesome music, but I downloaded it and put the files in my music folder. Now, no sound plays at all! :evil: Explanation? Grrrr...the game sucks without music!
That's a bit odd. You're sure you named them the right way? :?

Posted: Sat, 3. May 08, 18:16
by defiant1
nice music, I like it...sounds awsome :D