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Posted: Sun, 14. Dec 08, 23:53
by rage909
Hi there,

Fairly new to the X3:R thing, but played X2 a while back and thought it'd be worth revisting :)

I'm running v2.5 + XTM 0.74 and a load of your scripts, but i'm having some trouble with this one... :(

Managed to join the guild once i found a post stating that the join message was random (kind looked like a bug to me, personally i'd make it permanent, but still... :) ), and took a lvl 1 mission to kill a TS.

Went off, found the TS, blew it up, and nothing... i've jumped around, run the SETA for a while, and nothing...

Not to be put off i went to grab another mission, fly off to a pirate sector, found the Toucan Hauler fine, but every time i blow it up (well literally just before) the game freezes and i have to kill it off in Task Manager... :cry:

I've removed the scripts written by LV (using the plugin manager), which doesn't seem a bad idea anyway as they seem to clash with several decent scripts written by other people... but i'm still getting the same problem every time.

Is there any help and advice anyone can give here at all?
This script sounds right up my street, so is a real shame i can't use it :(

Posted: Tue, 16. Dec 08, 10:33
by leyo
Any script which has effect on the "SIGNAL.KILLED"?

If you find the TS and destroy it but no message response, the problem could be there ... no return of the SIGNAL.KILLED.

If i remember well, some scripts of invasion or response fleet modify something about this.

Excuse for mistake i'm french.

Edit: if i remember well how the scripts are ... built( sorry i haven't another word)... when the target is destroyed, his followers get a new order : to kill you. :P . So if you check this, if the followers don't try to kill you, it means that they don't know the target is killed, and it means that the "SIGNAL.KILLED" doesn't work. i really suppose. If ever we could have Cycrow's opinion about this, it might be a great information, also for me cause i've modified the script and all his interest is now on the followers who have to kill me, they are at least 3 m1, 8 m6 and 20 M3, so if any script i could install in the future would make the "SIGNAL.KILLED" out of order, i'll really come back to my decision about this.

Cycrows guild scripts

Posted: Sat, 24. Jan 09, 03:01
by Recluso
ive got pretty much all the cycrow guild scripts on my x3 and their working great! but i was wondering how do i check my ranking for the guilds? ive been trying to find out how but had no luck, can any1 help me?

{Merged to one of the appropriate threads. jlehtone}

Posted: Sun, 25. Jan 09, 19:52
by Snike7603
Try to check in your current ship commands -> special -> guild stats.

Posted: Tue, 10. Feb 09, 00:10
by Arbenowskee
does anyone know how much XP is needed for each level?

Posted: Sat, 28. Mar 09, 23:05
by Black Friday
I seem to be having a problem with this script. I've assassinated two ships, but so far I haven't gotten any reward, XP, credits, or otherwise. I'm running Xtended along with LVs plugins, the EMP and the Bonus Pack.

Posted: Mon, 10. Aug 09, 17:47
by Starfire Commander
I seem to be having a problem with this script. I've assassinated two ships, but so far I haven't gotten any reward, XP, credits, or otherwise.
I'm having this problem too. I thought I had done a fair few missions, so I went to my status and it says I have 0 experience. T'is rather irritating as all these missions have netted me nothing.

I'm running v2.5 along with a few other scripts that say they're compatable with everything else.

Posted: Tue, 11. Aug 09, 00:55
by Buck_Rogers
Black Friday wrote: LVs plugins
If by this you mean LV's bounty boost, then that is incompatible with this script.

Posted: Tue, 11. Aug 09, 11:58
by Starfire Commander
Damn it, I've got that as well. I thought it was ok with the assassins guild. I'll get rid of it and keep the guild.

Posted: Sat, 29. Aug 09, 17:35
by gilboa
Hello all,

Short question:
I've restarted the game - this time with the Race Response Fleet (RRF) script.
Assassin's guild seemed to work just fine, until I reached level 5.
Most likely the M6's kill signal is being yanked by some other script (RRF?) - preventing me from getting the reward for killing the target. (In most cases the M3 escorts don't even notice when the M6 is killed)

Any idea how I can debug / check who is handling the target's kill signal?
Can I somehow short circuit the target's kill signal? (By manually starting the appropriate script?)

- Gilboa

Posted: Fri, 4. Sep 09, 09:26
by gilboa
... Come to think about it, I also use the Bail signal extension script. I wonder if it's has something to do with Assassins Guild failing to work at level 5 (or above...)

- Gilboa

Posted: Fri, 4. Sep 09, 10:11
by Buck_Rogers
I know LV's PRF script uses the Signal_Killed, as it prevents the PilotAI script working properly. Not sure about RRF. I think the problem is the Bail Signal Extension script?

Posted: Fri, 4. Sep 09, 15:01
by gilboa
Yep. As both you and I guessed, it's bail signal extension.
I've disabled it managed to score my first level 5 kill.

I wonder if I can fix it somehow...

- Gilboa

Posted: Fri, 4. Sep 09, 17:16
by Cycrow
the problem is with the signal handling of X3.

u can only have one signal per ship, the assassins guild uses the signal to detect when the ship is killed by you.

unfortuatlly there are scripts out there that override some signals on all ships, this basically prevents these from working correctly.

only thing u can do is change the offending scripts to stop overrighting all signals.

the problems also exist with things like LV bounty boost, that replaces everyships SIGNAL_KILLED

Posted: Fri, 4. Sep 09, 22:11
by gilboa
I understand. Thanks for the help.
Last question - can you point me to the script, within AG, that handles the KILL signal?

- Gilboa

Posted: Fri, 26. Mar 10, 16:02
by jojo179
I'm having trouble finding any BBS entries for this script, the mercenaries script and the bounty hunter script.

Ive enabled Thereshallbewings and used cycrows installer. I'm pretty sure there installed cause I can hire mercs to destroy stations and all the mods are in the options.

Can anyone help?

I have been to about 50 stations now?

Posted: Fri, 26. Mar 10, 16:20
by Buck_Rogers

Have you checked the 1st post of this thread?

* Guild outposts is now the only place for you to join the guild

Basically, have you visited any of the guild outposts? As they are the only place you can join. I believe it is the same for the other guilds to.

Posted: Fri, 26. Mar 10, 18:30
by jojo179
Sorry, what I meant to say was I cant find the location of any of the stations in BBS.

Re: [SCRIPT] Assassins Guild V1.60 : Update 07/08/2006

Posted: Sun, 22. May 22, 16:23
by UserAlert
Anyone can provide fresh links? Cheers

Re: [SCRIPT] Assassins Guild V1.60 : Update 07/08/2006

Posted: Sun, 22. May 22, 17:56
by Cycrow
i've updated the link in the first post