I am Legend

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Carlo the Curious
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Post by Carlo the Curious » Mon, 28. Jul 08, 19:11

Mars Mug wrote:The Last Man On Earth (1964), Vincent Price, is the first of the adaptions of the book. Like I have said, I have not read the book, but from the descriptions people have given here this sounds like the closest of the three films with Vincent Price being more dark and tragic than the stars of the other two films.
Thanks, I must have missed that somehow (and practically a Hammer Film as well - how remiss of me!).

From the synopsis it looks quite close to the book.

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Post by Bishop149 » Tue, 29. Jul 08, 09:08

DrCBVI wrote: The problem with a film adaptation failing to resemble the book at all (as Abyss mentions, the point of the book is completely missed in the film) is simply... why bother? Why bother buying the rights to the movie-of-the-book if you're just going to brush it aside? Why not just come up with your own story? An obvious answer is that they do it just to cash in on any popularity the book has and that, I imagine, is what irks a lot of people.
I think that is what bothers me. . . . they could quite easily have made almost exactly the same film and not referenced the book in anyway. In Star Trek, Data has a positronic brain. . . . yet they don't put "Based on the work of Isaac Asimov" in the credits do they, because the rest of it bears no relation to his work. Same here.

The thing which really pissed me off was the way they changed the meaning of title. . . . richard matheson obviously put a lot of thought into that title and at the conclusion of the book it become clear what it means in a moment of self realisation that the entire book has been building to. The whole thing was very cleverly written.

The film effectively bastardised this carefully planned conclusion and crow barred its own very tenuous and not nearly as clever interpretation on the end. In effect they dumbed it down. . . resulting in another "all American hero saves the day" film. Its this general trend of dumbing down that is really objectionable. That and its like making a version of Lord of the Rings that had nothing to do with a Lord or a ring. . . . plain stupid.

They effectively did the same with Neville's character, trandforming him from a fairly deeply flawed average joe, into some kind of military scientist superman.
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Post by Jericho » Tue, 29. Jul 08, 10:04

Bishop149 wrote:
DrCBVI wrote: The problem with a film adaptation failing to resemble the book at all (as Abyss mentions, the point of the book is completely missed in the film) is simply... why bother? Why bother buying the rights to the movie-of-the-book if you're just going to brush it aside? Why not just come up with your own story? An obvious answer is that they do it just to cash in on any popularity the book has and that, I imagine, is what irks a lot of people.
I think that is what bothers me. . . . they could quite easily have made almost exactly the same film and not referenced the book in anyway.
I wonder about this as well. I had not heard about the book until the film was first being written (see below). I just wonder if the amount they paid for the rights to the book was really in line with how many people they thought would go and see it based on the name.

This forum is a fair cross-section, and there are people on here who voice "I refuse to see it blah blah blah although I know nothing about the finished product, I've already decided it is going to be crap" about games and films that are based on comics, or are sequels etc etc.

I Am Legend (the book) is not lord of the Rings when it comes to popularity, so I am not certain that raking in those existing fans would have been the prime reason. Instead it was probably icing on the top.

Someone probably option the rights a long time ago, and didn't do anything with them. Then when their time was running out, they threw something together. The first draft of the script was probably like the book. And each version distanced itself further and further as the 'Suits' got control. Then of course Will Smith was signed on, and it had to be tailored into a Will Smith vehicle.

I remember a long long time ago when Schwarzenegger was announced as the lead. This was not long after T2 I believe, when he was at his height of popularity. So the wheels move very slowly.

Did anyone see the War of the Worlds? The 'faithful' version I mean? Not the original, or the Cruise version. It bombed (I shouldn't comment, I haven't seen it). But it may have been down to bad acting and (lack of) budget.

What about the other version of Legend: I Am Omega which hit the DVD market before Will Smith could hit the screens. I haven't seen it, but with a martial arts action star in the lead, I can imagine him roundhouse kicking vampires.
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Post by Java Jawa » Tue, 29. Jul 08, 10:14

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Post by Carlo the Curious » Tue, 29. Jul 08, 10:37


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Post by cappedup » Tue, 29. Jul 08, 10:40

The_Abyss wrote:It Another recent example was Stephen King's The Mist. I first read this years ago, and went through periods of excitement and dread when I found out it was finally being made into a movie - after all let's face it - Stephen King adaptions have normally either been terrible or excellent - Christine, Carrie, Shawshank Redemption on the positive, most other stuff on the negative. The Mist proceeded on a relatively low budget to virtually mirror the story word for word, scene for scene, and for me managed to translate the book pretty effectively to the scren. Until the last 10 minutes, where clearly in a fit of Hollywood "you can't end a film like this" re-writing, they added an additional part which totally took the ending away from the imagination of the viewer / reader, and handed it to you on a plate, although admittedly not the normal "everything is ok now" ending normally scene.
i was about to say, 'think you may have got mixed up there, dont you mean the Fog?' then, with the aid of IMDB managed not to make an arse of myself by saying that! :oops:

See, when i read this - "A freak storm unleashes a species of blood-thirsty creatures on a small town, where a small band of citizens hole-up in a supermarket and fight for their lives. i think that sounds like a great film.. if i hadnt known it was a Stephen King adaptation i wouldnt take that preconception into the film.. as it goes from what you, and others, say its pretty good..
More recent Stephen King works are now also in production - From a Buick 8 and the truly excellent Cell - I am left with the same mixture of anticipation and dread for these.
hmmn, i read the Cell, and actually thought it wasnt one of his best works.. Mainly because there was nothing left to my imagination, a book's Joker Card.. i remember thinking that it may actually come over better as a film, although in reality would probably end up, just another zombie flick with a new (mobile phone) twist..

Me and the gf watched American Psycho the other day.. she has read the book, i have not.. i thought the film was great, she thought it was a total let down.. thing is you cant ignore the fact that you have already got an image of the work (writing) in your mind, everything else is a comparison to that.. pandoras box? red pill, blue pill? /trying to come up with a euphamism

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Red Spot
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Post by Red Spot » Thu, 31. Jul 08, 13:19

the brother of my GF has the collectors edition wich has a 2nd version of the movie on the 2nd disk .. one with an alternative ending.
dont know if anyone has seen it, but let me tell you that you should be happy with the end in the main-version ....... :shock:

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Post by g04tn4d0 » Thu, 31. Jul 08, 20:30

I just watched it to see the Cobra at the beginning. :D

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