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Post by Lyth » Mon, 3. Jun 13, 18:04

Rednoahl wrote:I won't be re-subbing when the time comes. All the ships I was interested in and skilled for have or are being turned into brawlers. I've tried to adapt, but brawling isn't something I find fun.
I was going over this the other day too, I hadn't played in about 3 years and was expecting tonnes of new features and things to do, I can honestly say their is a lot less to do. Science and exploration always did it for me but with the new changes coming up in the update it looks like once again they are removing content in favour of a flashy GUI with no depth. :(

Still playing for the time being though, very proud of our new corporation.

- On the DOS attack, I am holding my breath, the new launcher is so bad and full of pointless calls to the servers I am skipping it entirely but the issues of the weekend are identical to those they fixed when they implemented it.

- Good fortune and happy hunting on your road to world domination Jannix.
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Post by (/\)arped » Thu, 6. Jun 13, 09:15

I just resubbed after a 18-24 month break. I spent the evening just getting used to the changes and remembering where all my stuff is. Sitting in an NPC corp after getting booted from my old one for being idle (not suprising) and deciding where to go from here.

Yet to try the new scanning/explo interface, but did notice flying about that the UI picks up "unknown anomalies" I think as you fly? Not sure what that was about yet, but if it's related to explo that could be kind of cool.

I should probably learn to play again before trying anything daring mind you...

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Post by JungleJim » Sun, 9. Jun 13, 16:08

(/\)arped wrote:I should probably learn to play again before trying anything daring mind you...
I had been playing WoW because that's what my friends played. However, I'm very bored with it and have always preferred SF to Fantasy. I am VERY seriously thinking of starting Eve (total NEWB!).

However, my research leaves me feeling a bit intimidated.

Do I get more than a single char/toon per account?

Also in the X universe I have tended to prefer "carebear" type activities until I learned the interface. Then I swap between activities depending upon mood. When low energy then I maintain the massive "empire" in X. When high energy I like to clear out enemy sectors.

Not sure how to approach character generation or even how to start in Eve.

Do any of you recommend any particular guides? I've been scouring the internet and reading up on Eve in my spare time as preparation.
Be seeing you,

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Post by (/\)arped » Sun, 9. Jun 13, 16:57

I think starting as a new player now is entirely different to starting a few years back. Even when I started in 2009, there was a structure of introductory-like missions in various parts of the game, which have been expanded significantly (as far as I'm aware) since.

An account by default has 3 character slots. Up until recently only one character could be training skills (in realtime) at a time. Now there is potential to have 2 of them (perhaps all 3, I am unsure) training at once, but it involves paying for it (via in game, or real life cash). To be honest, I find one character is easily sufficient, having a second just splits useful training between characters.
(Unless you have an entirely alternate account)

There's a tonne of stuff to do for both playing actively, or more sedately. Mining is probably the initial choice for more sedate playing, as it has a low SP entry point and you can do it in one of the initial frigates (though of course, it's equivalent to mining in an M4/M3 in X3)

Mooching around high sec space scanning down dynamically generated points of interest I find quite easy going, as it's mostly just zipping about and exploring. Sometimes you'll find some rats, but being highsec they shouldn't be overbearingly tough. You can also find extra asteroid belts by scanning which might have less common ores in too. (I'm not a miner myself mind)

Other activities like trading are possible, but need large isk backing to make work, I think. It's not something I've gotten into, because even now I wouldn't say I know the market well enough to take big gambles except with a very few items I know kind-of-okay.

For active play to begin with, every NPC corporation has agents who offer missions (typical quest-style stuff). These can also be fairly laid back (eg, courier or mining missions) but can also be "go here and kill this stuff." The latter is how I make a pretty significant amount of my money still, as sooner or later you get to a point where these can be completed fairly easily for a solid, low risk, reasonable reward income. (Many still think high level missions still pay too much for the small risk involved in fact)

Much later, once you have some isk and proper skill training under your belt, incursions are dynamic combat missions which have a view to pay very nicely. They're tougher than typical combat missions from agents, and need to be done in a group (solo is neither a reasonable idea, or worth it, as the reward is scaled depending on the number of participants) but the potential income if you get into a good group is a big jump over other high sec combat activities (in my experience so far).

There's also other stuff out there I don't know too much about. General industry is obviously a big business, but I don't do much except a few T1/T2 rigs, so couldn't comment on how easy it is to get into.

As a new character you can expect to be dropped into high-sec empire space as part of an NPC corporation and minimal stuff - not too dissimilar to a new X game. When I first started I think I made good use of the evelopedia, and another site I hear is useful are the Eve University pages.

After that, once in game there is a "rookie" channel open for general noob questions for people starting out. Your initial NPC corp chat will also likely be full of new players who might be able to help you out - but you should consider finding a player corp that suit your interests quite fast.

First: They have an invested interest in helping you out, no one else necessarily does.

Second: There's a good chance a player corp tax rate is much lower than the NPC corp default of 11% -> that's a tax charged on every transaction, bounty, and mission reward you get.

Third: EVE really is a social game. The more people you know and get on your goodside, the better. While EVE is infamous for tales of players totally screwing one another over, it's actually much more common that you'll get offered "mates-rates" by your corp members, or even just gifts to help you get started. (Many larger corps offer schemes for training new pilots, and ship replacement setups)

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Post by Lyth » Mon, 10. Jun 13, 08:13

Having restarted with a new char I have to say there is a lot less content than their used to be. They shut down 90% of all level 4 missions, removed Concord stuff completely, all the level 5 missions which were for groups except about 5% which are all security and only in low security space so Pirates can kill new players unless you know them all well which seemed very unfair to me but they are fantastic for setting traps, just don't be surprised if you get jumped by Dreads and Motherships if you do. :) Missions are grouped poorly and if it is your cup of tea to do the same missions over and over for a few years straight I say go for it, I got very bored of grinding the same missions after a week though. Wormholes used to be the best things to do but you have to use triple groups of carriers now so just another thing new players cannot do. Faction warfare seems the only thing they did okay.

Incursions are just awful, they make missions look like fun and I have actually heard two people cry on voice because things went bad, so recommend fielding your own fleets for that. Aslong as you have atleast one logistics ship type per squadron they are just like any standard level 4 epic arc mission, they aren't harder just more time consuming but boring after the second or third one.

I still have all my old blueprints so not in too bad a situation as we can churn out 20 battleships, battlecruisers or cruisers for PVP fighting or trading and have a good solid corporation going but so very unimpressed as always. Eve talks a big game but just cannot deliver, its not an intellectuals game as it claims to be, it's just a patience game which I am amazed is still going to be honest.

Of 500K active accounts in February, atleast 2 in every 3 players has a minimum of 2 accounts, some have as many 4 with the record being 20. For all CCP takes the mickey out of Wow that atleast has 6.5 Million active accounts, CCP are a good marketing company, poor gaming company. If you really want to muscle in it's very simple, the game is not as hard as they make it out to be, just pick your friends with care and go for it. The simple fact is you have to invest several years into Eve to get the full benefits and by that time you are stuck and trapped. Better to just pick a goal, spend a maximum of 3 months getting to it and have fun doing what you love and take the rest as you go.

Eve has never been successful because it is the best MMO space game out there, it has survived because it is the ONLY space MMO out there.
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Post by Antilogic » Mon, 10. Jun 13, 13:11

For crying out loud, EvE is not about sitting in high security space running missions. If that is all the game was to you then yes the content will be extremely poor.

Incursions are intended to be extremely hard encounters intended for coordinated corporations working as a team as a preparation for fleet engagements. Yes you can die running them, yes you SHOULD die running them.

The game as mentioned above, more then anything else is a social game. Yes, picking your friends carefully is vital. It's not about pirates killing players as they enter low security space, it's about learning about teamwork and working together. Missions in high sec exist only as a source of training and cash for newbies, they should not be considered as a long term investment by anyone.

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Post by (/\)arped » Tue, 11. Jun 13, 00:38

Lyth wrote:snip.
If you just restarted with a new character, how do you know any of this? If it's from reading online opinions, (lul) then it's almost entirely biased against any changes that make the game harder. With the recent changes I actually find there's more to do again. Sure, some of them are risky, but that's the point. The reason 5s are only in lowsec, is to get players into lowsec (it's not very effective mind) for having extra challenges for extra cash. And y'know, risk does make the game more fun.

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Post by Lyth » Tue, 11. Jun 13, 01:29

Case and point Anti, typical Eve player response, ;) I think you missed the point about the Eve posts being about the content/activities for new players and what they should expect.

They asked what were good things for a new player to do in Eve and I was giving an honest reply as someone who actually has restarted as a new player recently and is talking from experience.

I think my KB is upto about 40 Pirates killed in low sec space now, with about 5 or 6 from High Sec who have tried to jump my corp members whilst trying to do missions and that's just in 2-3 months, will just guess you passed this stage along time ago Anti before all the missions became book marked as standard. I wasn't complaining btw, our bounty cash is flying up and we love a good fight but I sympathise with individual new players being denied access to the next stage of the game and if I didn't fly with friends I wouldn't stand a chance.

I really must disagree with your comment about Incursions too, my corp has never lost a ship in an incursion mission, they just require good transfering cover which is something we have had to do since the start to beat the pirates that have 50 x our SP's, I did my first one on my new char when we all had 3-3.5mill SP's a few weeks ago and we lost nothing, after a few they are just boring though, and the big ones were just a nightmare of temper tantrums, crying, screaming and chaos so we just left, these weren't new players either but 5+ year Eve vets from major alliances screaming at one another and making war decs at one another in the middle of a fight. :roll: It's all exactly the same thing over and over again just like the missions which is the opinion of so many that makes fielding full private corp fleets impossible. If a new player wants fun and profit, they should do level 5's or get into faction warfare instead with their friends and skip all the drama. Incursions are a nice challenge to start with and I was really looking forward to them but what a disappointment. If you have no life at all then Incursions might be your thing, I personally hate being trapped in something that feels like grinding and atleast L5's give your corp more freedom and variety.

50-100 mill isk per hour incursions or 40 mill isk bounties + 50 mill isk loot + 200 mill isk LP items per hour for Level 5 Missions with ten times the freedom, you just have to watch out for Pirates. It's a no brainer really. Complexes were always the alternative/next step up from L5's but I won't get started on how broken those things are now.

We are currently getting ready to take our first Sov' but none of us are under any illusions the game will get any better when we do, it really is just something to do for us. I have had sov before the last time I played and would love to know what you think changes so much about the game once you do, other than being able to make easier cash and having to patrol alot?

They asked for an honest reply on what were good things for a new player to do in Eve, it's not that missions and mining are the best things to do, they are again the ONLY things new players can do where time playing is not a factor against them. The first time I played I was only interested in Science and Exploration and I had so much fun but none of those things exist the way they did anymore so I cannot recommend them if I wouldn't do them myself anymore. No new player can compete with ME 20+ blueprints or a 20 mill SP Trade char that knows all the routes.

Saddest recent thing I read is that Eve devs recently said they wanted to make mining more like games like Egosofts X games with the spewing of ore that had to be collected, which I thought was funny because I have never once mined like that in any X game.

I would think I am just alot more competitive, aggressive and anti-social than you anti, outside of my alliance and corp I rely on no-one and consider anyone who wants a fight with my team as fair game, that's what we have PR people for, these people love that stuff more than the game which is fine. My point was simple, do what you enjoy doing and go for it. It's a big Universe with not very many people in it. New players only need to get 5-10 close friends to game with and make it theirs, it's that or join as random member x in a big corp/alliance and become a zombie player being told what to do with no real input or strategy/tactical value whatsoever which CCP is trying to shove on people, that, I think new players should reject immediately, far better to join a low/middle alliance and make a difference, I assure you those big alliance will still call on you for help. - The biggest fight in Eve contained a total of 3,161 players from 262 alliances consisting of 715 corporations involved in the battle, so much of the game is just well spinned illusion.

The bottom line for me is this, If you want to pay a game company to help you make friends then go join a dating site instead, if you are paying to play the game then just don't expect too much from it and you won't be disappointed.
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Post by Lyth » Tue, 11. Jun 13, 01:38

(/\)arped wrote:
Lyth wrote:snip.
If you just restarted with a new character, how do you know any of this? If it's from reading online opinions, (lul) then it's almost entirely biased against any changes that make the game harder. With the recent changes I actually find there's more to do again. Sure, some of them are risky, but that's the point. The reason 5s are only in lowsec, is to get players into lowsec (it's not very effective mind) for having extra challenges for extra cash. And y'know, risk does make the game more fun.
I played for 2.5 years then stopped and started again a few months ago with a group of friends from my gaming clan. This is a full comparison of old game vs new game.

Just remember you said that when a single pirate flies in kills one NPC ship and breaks the mission tags so everyone fails the mission for you. Killing them is very little satisfaction... well. :) There is no risk vs reward, they just wanted more PvP and couldn't think of a better way to do it.
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Post by Antilogic » Fri, 21. Jun 13, 23:02

So I've started playing again. Old friend started playing again, so I joined him.

4 of us atm in my little corp. Pretty relaxed stuff so far, just doing some missions for a week with minmatar to raise our faction standings with them so we can get some factional warfare going with frigates and other small fry. Planning on a little exploration on the side again.

As for what newbies can do, it's been a long time since I was a complete newbie, so ill let this post talk for me: http://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/1g ... ary_place/

Forgot how damn fun this game is.

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Post by Lion Around » Wed, 3. Jul 13, 04:24

*Sigh.* My alliance got DESTROYED.

It's a good thing I moved ALL my personal assets out of that wormhole before I unsubbed. I haven't be able to go back due to financial reasons. At this point I wonder if my alliance will even be there when I get back... :roll:

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Post by Antilogic » Thu, 4. Jul 13, 22:24

Sorry to hear that mate. Happens to everyone at some point or another.

I got myself back into PVP with finding a ratting cyclone while hunting FW targets. Killed it solo in my Merlin. Was quite pleased with that, esp since he dropped faction loot as well.

A rather more impressive kill was scored in 0.0 in the war in fountain recently: http://eve-kill.net/?a=kill_related&kll_id=18534196
52-0 is a damn good KD.

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Post by Arsaneus » Tue, 9. Jul 13, 08:28

Lion Around wrote:*Sigh.* My alliance got DESTROYED.

It's a good thing I moved ALL my personal assets out of that wormhole before I unsubbed. I haven't be able to go back due to financial reasons. At this point I wonder if my alliance will even be there when I get back... :roll:
Not nice.

My little corp is far away from having a POS or even being able to do wormhole stuff. We're really just beginning. We can't even pay PLEX ingame yet :D

Still it's fun for us few the way it is in High sec. With no relations it would be hard for us to venture out yet. I am shocked by the amount of scammers sitting around in Jita every time I go there...phew..


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Post by Lion Around » Tue, 9. Jul 13, 20:34

I've heard from a friend who still plays the game and is in my alliance. They are currently rebuilding. They aren't down and out, which is encouraging. They'll bounce back.

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Post by Lion Around » Wed, 10. Jul 13, 20:50

Heh... so, the first ever Revenant Super Carrier was destroyed.

The story ended up on Forbes.

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Post by Gosnell » Sun, 28. Jul 13, 11:25

Here are some tutorial videos for Eve.God knows its got a steep learning curve.
http://youtu.be/FiAtWe6Kn5o :User interface

http://youtu.be/Ar7rBN4WEN8 :Mining

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Post by Antilogic » Mon, 29. Jul 13, 05:44

The biggest engagement in EvE Online history took place today. The CFC attacked a primary defence node of TEST alliance in fountain, and 1000's of players lined in in a fight which took around 5-6 hours to resolve. In the End, CFC held the field, inflicting a crushing defeat on TEST Alliance. TEST Alliance declared they SURRENDER to the CFC, and are falling back to the Delve region.

http://dog-net.org/brdoc/?brid=22498 Battle Summery (not completed yet, other reports estimate 2,500+ ships destroyed)

Battle report from CFC: http://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/1j91sm/br_6vdt/

TEST Surrenders: http://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/1j ... undeploys/

The Verge live covered the battle: http://www.theverge.com/2013/7/28/45655 ... in-history

TEST and allies don't completely can it in, they just took out a CFC titan that got itself knocked out of a forcefield: http://i.imgur.com/HGzh91W.jpg

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Post by Arsaneus » Mon, 29. Jul 13, 08:36

So that's what it was. There was a smaller skirmish in perimeter yesterday involving several battleships. Was a bit suprises to encounter such a view so close in wmpire space.

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Post by AkrionXxarr » Mon, 29. Jul 13, 09:49

Arsaneus wrote: Not nice.

My little corp is far away from having a POS or even being able to do wormhole stuff. We're really just beginning. We can't even pay PLEX ingame yet :D

Still it's fun for us few the way it is in High sec. With no relations it would be hard for us to venture out yet. I am shocked by the amount of scammers sitting around in Jita every time I go there...phew..

After 10 years in the game I can say that the big guys are overrated. x3

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Post by Antilogic » Mon, 29. Jul 13, 16:09

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