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Post by Jericho » Mon, 31. Jan 05, 15:39

... Buy a chocolate chip muffin without checking the "Best Before..." date first. Someone in the canteen forgot it was 2005. Hmmm. That first mouthfull is always the best. Luckily the bin was close at hand.

Anyone else eaten less-then-fresh lately?
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Post by Apothos » Mon, 31. Jan 05, 15:42

I had a tangerine that was mouldy under the peel, with no external signs of unfreshness.

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Post by Lutzie » Mon, 31. Jan 05, 15:46

Went to have a cabbage thats till had 4 days left on it beofre it "ran out" and that was just a black mess inside.

Had peas instead.
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Post by cappedup » Mon, 31. Jan 05, 16:29

Quality topic...

I worry about bread.. The mould on bread is microscopic until there is enough of it for you to see.. so that means that there is mould there before you can see it, just not enough for you to see.. :gruebel:

gone are the days when i would simply pick the mouldy bits off and then toast a couple of remaining slices.. the whole lot gets binned at the first sign now.

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Post by gillrichard » Mon, 31. Jan 05, 16:32

why? mould will not necessarily hurt/harm you...some types are bad but certainly not all...
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Post by Jericho » Mon, 31. Jan 05, 16:36

gillrichard wrote:why? mould will not necessarily hurt/harm you...some types are bad but certainly not all...
I think you answered your own question. SOME types will, some types won't. Who knows what type is growing on your food at the time?

Egon Spangler might I suppose "I collect Spores, Moulds, and Fungis."
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Post by private mofo » Mon, 31. Jan 05, 17:02

i once drank gone off milk. No matter what anyone says milk gone off an left out in the sun does not taste of cream.

I also ate gone off soup that to was nasty
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Post by Some Idiot in PA » Mon, 31. Jan 05, 17:28

Years ago, when I was in high school and still living at home with the parents, my mother decided she would make tacos for dinner....

She didn't have any beef for the taco meat.......... so she used BBQ pork meat. It was not expired or anything, but it might as well have been, it was the NASTIEST piece of crap I have ever eaten! Everyone who ate it complained, and I actually threw it back up. My ma just said, "What's the big deal? It's just meat...." As I recall, she ate a sandwich instead of the tacos. :evil: :evil: :evil:
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Post by Tsar_of_Cows » Mon, 31. Jan 05, 17:40

I poured some cream onto apple crumble.

Ok, I tried to pour the cream onto some apple crumble, and nothing came out. I tipped it all the way, and still nothing. My Dad asked me if it was empty... I looked at it was full... and completely solid. :shock:

Also, I have had off milk with stale corn flakes before

I spat it out instantly and washed my mouth out three times, while trying not to throw up... That was pretty horrible. :shock:

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Post by dzhedzho » Mon, 31. Jan 05, 18:07

gillrichard wrote:why? mould will not necessarily hurt/harm you...some types are bad but certainly not all...
its believed that the bread (black) mould is dangerous. The green one(which you get on a lemon for example) is ok... if you dont mind constipation.

When i was in army there was a time when we ate meat which was freshly defrosen, however its been in the deep freezer for more than 10 years... (not sure if it was actually older than me). The best part was that there was nothing else... ok, ok, maybe some moulded bread and old youghurt... weirdly enough never got sick. Was only for 2 weeks though...

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Post by The_Abyss » Mon, 31. Jan 05, 18:22

Aha - interesting thread, and one to which I believe I can make a very out of date addition :D

I came back from my first year at university and stayed over a mates house for a while - he was living in it with his brother, borrowed off his Nan & Grandad who had no longer used it for some time (moved to London). It was quite a tiny country cottage, and boys being boys, they had done virtually nothing to it since moving in, aside from install a TV and sound system and not empty the bin.

A wild day of drinking happened one day in the weekend - starting with waiting at Somerfield for them to serve alcohol (this was when the supermakrets adherred to licensing hours) and then progressed from there. The day went on, much drinking and SEGA Megadrive (shows you how old this is) as well as board games and brief visits to the pub at lunchtime and evening.

Needless to say, the bravado of young men with excess alcohol inside them soon took over, and several bets and drinking games then followed. I drew what I thought was a pretty safe one - eat a dish of their choice from the cupboard. It was then I realised the full horror of my bet - I was presented with a rather tarnished tin of Princes Shrimp - get this - 7 years out of date! :o

Rather horrified, I cast my mind back to some old Blue Peter episode when they opened tins of Jam from the First World War and they were still edible, so I opened it up and ate the lot. Not a jot of a problem at all - an amazing 7 years out of date and I was not ill. I must admit though that the shrimps (in brine I think) had virtually disintegrated. But I did survive it, a testament to good packaging and highly dangerous preservatives used some time ago.... :)
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Post by Circumcisor » Mon, 31. Jan 05, 19:33

Food has to have a certain level of tolerance in the best before labelling - you can't expect something to be fine one day but completely inedible an hour later when it goes past the date. It's very often fine for a while after the date, but 7 years is pushing it a bit !

Anyway, it just goes to show the remarkable ability of the human body to cope with all the crap we throw into it. It can even cope with Pot Noodle.
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Post by Guest » Mon, 31. Jan 05, 19:35

Last week I cooked rice in the Chemistry lesson instead of experimenting with it.
I don´t think it was fresh anymore, but after all it was edible...

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Post by private mofo » Mon, 31. Jan 05, 20:14

i just remembered that i once ate a 3 year old mars bar that i found in my drawers. It gave me diahora (or however you spell it) and tasted disgusting.

Also while on the topic i thought i would ask has anyone ever mixed food or drink to find it tastes vile.

Unfortunally i am one of those people who won't back down on a dare and
through my many experiences i have drunk (and choked on) a fare few recipes that are foul enough to make eating the cats litter seem nice.

Here they are:

+Milk and Ribena Concentrate in one vile drink

+Non-alchoholic beer, spit (other peoples), orange juice and peel, biscuit all mixed in a pint glass (i almost threw-up after this)

+guiness with other beer and lager and an old fag butt

Never ever ever drink these unless you wish to spew on everyone.
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Post by jannix » Mon, 31. Jan 05, 20:34

A steak that was probably off the rump of some extinct herbivour that roamed the earth a 1000 years ago. Unfortunately the spices didn't hint me to this, and i got myself a case of food poisoning. :shock: That was fun!

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Post by Ankhst » Mon, 31. Jan 05, 20:40

Whilst working for Her Maj the QofE in a civilian capacity I heard that the MoD were still using tinned corned beef that had been tinned up during the second world war, they stock piled the stuff for emergencies (WW3 or some such) and ended up having to use it anyway. I am told it was still perfectly edible! that wasn't.......I used to open nuts with my teeth, until one time I crunched open a Brazil nut...and it was very very off....I was outside walking the dog at the time so had to keep salivating and spitting for about half an hour to get rid of the taste!
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Post by Wraith » Mon, 31. Jan 05, 20:43

Well, it wasn't out of date, but the campfire cooked lasagne was a VERY big mistake. I ended up feeling this colour --> :shock:

Bottom layer of pasta was welded to the tin, the layer of meat was ok (which is probably the only reason I avoided hospital), the top layer of pasta was in the same state as when we took it from the packet, and the cheese sauce was still frozen (as in more solid than the top layer of pasta :o )

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Post by Rapier » Mon, 31. Jan 05, 22:11

Wraith wrote:campfire cooked lasagne

:lol: Who the thought that was a good idea? :? :lol:

I was stage managing the A-level Theatre Studies play, which included a breakfast scene. The cast were helping strike the stage after the final performance and one of them took the breakfast tray. It wasn't until 4 weeks later that I discovered they'd just put it down on a table in another, rarely used room. Milk, toast, marmalade, butter, even the fruit juice was covered in mould.

All month I've been drinking Coke that 'goes off' in a little under three hours being sold cheap in the local shop.
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Post by LV » Tue, 1. Feb 05, 00:39

Off the top of my head i cant remember any specific foods that ive eaten but there are plenty of occasions i know i have.

I will always remember lugging down half a pint of chunky milk after a drinking session though. Linda Blair eat your heart out!!

A mate of mine may be top of the dodgy food league though. After brewing a batch of magic mushrooms many years ago he decided to drink it 7 years later, needless to say he was a touch messy that night :D
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Post by Free Trade Inn » Tue, 1. Feb 05, 04:49

Oh those M&M's can go that way LV.......But thats another story.
When I used to live in Holand ( not exactly a tenuous link afterall :wink: ) I used to marvel at how long the bread lasted. I used to take a big block of chese and a loaf to work every day and make my bait at work. Absolutely magic! Where I did go wrong is with a fishmonger ( who I shopped with all the time ) What I thought I was eating was smoked Kippers, what I actualy ate was smokey covered fish!
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