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Re: Coronavirus: COVID-19

Posted: Thu, 8. Sep 22, 11:13
by Tamina
I am amazed how some people were able to avoid Covid for so long. A good friend of mine works in retail and still got Covid for the first time a couple weeks ago.

Re: Coronavirus: COVID-19

Posted: Thu, 8. Sep 22, 15:59
by linolafett
Hope it gets better for you soon, Arsaneus.
I also managed to avoid it so far, but i am a weirdo and wear a mask a lot. Even made it past the gamescom without getting it.

Re: Coronavirus: COVID-19

Posted: Thu, 8. Sep 22, 16:51
by Arsaneus
linolafett wrote:
Thu, 8. Sep 22, 15:59
Hope it gets better for you soon, Arsaneus.
I also managed to avoid it so far, but i am a weirdo and wear a mask a lot. Even made it past the gamescom without getting it.
Thanks Lino!

Nothing "weirdo" about it! We've been quite careful as well. Disinfecting and wearing masks (That's the Japanese side of us I guess) but it's hard when nobody else doesn't care anymore. We still need to go shopping after all. That's probably how I got it.

Re: Coronavirus: COVID-19

Posted: Thu, 8. Sep 22, 17:01
by Tamina
About the "not care". I presume most people already got it, so I guess those people (like me) "don't care" because we should be immune already and there is nearly no risk to catch or transmit it anymore.

And if I am really honest: I would love to get infected again as long as I still have some immunity left. As it was a horrible experience for me likewise and I would rather have many minor colds than another hefty one next year. 😁

Re: Coronavirus: COVID-19

Posted: Thu, 8. Sep 22, 17:04
by Arsaneus
Immune? Some of my coworkers had it 3-4 times already. Every time they are off work for 1-2 weeks. Luckily only a minority have long covid.

Re: Coronavirus: COVID-19

Posted: Thu, 8. Sep 22, 17:17
by Tamina
Yeah but you are immune for something like 3 months, longer if you keep getting vaccinated. Anyway, your colleagues, was every infection as bad as the first time?

Re: Coronavirus: COVID-19

Posted: Thu, 8. Sep 22, 17:23
by Arsaneus
Tamina wrote:
Thu, 8. Sep 22, 17:17
Yeah but you are immune for something like 3 months, longer if you keep getting vaccinated. Anyway, your colleagues, was every infection as bad as the first time?
Differs. Some say the last was the worst. Others say the first one and others had no symptoms at all. I'm still waiting for the Swiss government to offer the 4th vaccine. Not sure what they are waiting for.
I'm just happy my wife didn't get it (or it was just so weak she didn't notice) :)

Re: Coronavirus: COVID-19

Posted: Thu, 8. Sep 22, 20:56
by Observe
I had my second bout with covid two months ago. The first time, was early on in the pandemic. I have maintained a diligent regimen of mask wearing, but that is a pretty futile practice these days, with so many vaccinated people throwing care to the winds, while continuing to spread the virus - often unaware that they are infected.

I have remained unvaccinated for a variety of reasons. For one, I am not interested in perpetual boosters for this or any other virus; especially since the vaccine doesn't actually confer immunity. As I am in my 70's, I fit into a high risk group, but I prefer to rely on my natural immune system - for better or worse. Being largely a hermit, hasn't helped me avoid it unfortunately. Both times, were pretty rough for me, but I didn't need to seek medical attention and was fortunate to be able to tough it out at home.

Re: Coronavirus: COVID-19

Posted: Tue, 25. Oct 22, 10:28
by mr.WHO
Now that's mildy disturbing, I thought gain of function was banned in US?

Now it looks like Boston University made 80% mortality COVID - basically airborn Ebola.

Re: Coronavirus: COVID-19

Posted: Wed, 26. Oct 22, 00:08
by Tamina
This guy doesn't seem to have a very good reputation from what I can read online, and other sources depict a way less clickworthy story, in short: Less deadly but the researchers had no permit to manipulate the virus. I guess most people here don't have an indepth medical understanding about this specific case, including myself, so we have to rely on different sources and create our opinnion from that. However, I have seen way too many uproar-videos about the Corona virus that I am kind of getting tired from random Youtube videos claiming stuff, turning out to be bollocks, more times than not.

Re: Coronavirus: COVID-19

Posted: Wed, 26. Oct 22, 08:11
by mr.WHO
Tamina wrote:
Wed, 26. Oct 22, 00:08
This guy doesn't seem to have a very good reputation from what I can read online, and other sources depict a way less clickworthy story, in short: Less deadly but the researchers had no permit to manipulate the virus. I guess most people here don't have an indepth medical understanding about this specific case, including myself, so we have to rely on different sources and create our opinnion from that. However, I have seen way too many uproar-videos about the Corona virus that I am kind of getting tired from random Youtube videos claiming stuff, turning out to be bollocks, more times than not.
The guy does give a coverage of what you said above, despite a bit overdramatic 1st minute (which I believe is usual bad YT/media clickbait for algorithm and keeping engagement).
He specifally say that 80% mortality rate on (humanized) mice might not necessary be adequate with 80% human mortality.
Plus, he does provide sources at each of his slide and under the video, for anyone to dig deeper for cross reference and further fact checking. Not perfect, but still better than 99% of YT.

I think my only beef with whole situation is that perhabs the potentially world ending viruses shouldn't be researched, or worse made, in populated areas?
It's like smoking a cigarete in a shed full of dry hay :(

I'm sure the research need to be done for security sake (I have no doubt Russians and Chinese have no moral brakes to do this), but perhabs this justify to create new, level 5 biobabs?

Somewhere remote, like Alaska, Greenland or North Scandinavia.
With full military exclusion zone all around, like in Area 51.
With shoot on sight anyone who try to enter without permision.
With shoot on sight anyone who try to leave without 1-month compulsory quarantine.
Possibly (for ease of mind) a few tactical nukes, to glass whole thing if necessary.
And full 24/7 data and security link to backup labs, to pick up the pieces after glassing.

Maybe a bit paranoid, but something like that might get general public to accept such reseach...instead offshoring it to China.

Re: Coronavirus: COVID-19

Posted: Wed, 26. Oct 22, 18:40
by fiksal
in US it's usually CDC that deals with deadly diseases,

and they have the several levels of protection

Re: Coronavirus: COVID-19

Posted: Wed, 26. Oct 22, 20:43
by Alan Phipps
I don't think we're discussing the Covid 19 pandemic anymore, but an unrelated and possibly speculative claim made on unofficial media. Feel free to start a different thread if you wish to pursue that topic.

Re: Coronavirus: COVID-19

Posted: Mon, 20. Feb 23, 10:19
by Arsaneus
Sorry to revive that thread but unfortunately the topic is not dead even if it is gone from the media

Has anyone that experience long covid found anything, and I mean "anything", that helps to make you feel better? I'm now suffering form it since last July and I feel it is getting worse, not better
Luckily my boss is a very understanding guy so I'm not losing my job (yet) but to be honest, I do not earn my keep anymore with my current performance.

Doctors, as usual, are clueless so I'm open to all kind of advice...

Re: Coronavirus: COVID-19

Posted: Mon, 20. Feb 23, 11:59
by Ketraar
Arsaneus wrote:
Mon, 20. Feb 23, 10:19
Doctors, as usual, are clueless so I'm open to all kind of advice...
So if Doctors are clueless, you think you get better/any advice from forum users? I fail to understand the logic, if the experts don't have the information, why would random people in a space game forum do? Seriously curious.



Re: Coronavirus: COVID-19

Posted: Mon, 20. Feb 23, 12:28
by mr.WHO
It's a longshot, but if doctors can't find it - maybe it's not post COVID and it's just coincidence - like if it's more or less since summer, maybe it's Lyme disease from unspotted tick bite?
Alternatively, COVID might have been last straw that enhanced symproms of something else that was hidden before.
If doctors are too focus on COVID, they might miss something else.

The only suggestion would be to find a medical professional who care enough and is willing to cast wider diagnostic net.

Edit: One more thing, if doctors can't find anything, it could be environmental polution - something that would give you symptoms, but no immediate physical effects and hard to notice.
Air polution, sounds below hearable levels, electromagnetic polution - like above, alone they are too sublime, but stacked with COVID weakening it might have continous negative effect that prevent you from recovering.

Re: Coronavirus: COVID-19

Posted: Mon, 20. Feb 23, 12:30
by CBJ
Ketraar wrote:
Mon, 20. Feb 23, 11:59
So if Doctors are clueless, you think you get better/any advice from forum users? I
Sometimes people have anecdotal suggestions that (they believe) have worked for them, so I assume that's what's being asked for here.

However, we should probably have a forum rule that stops people providing medical or legal advice on the forum, since both are highly dangerous to get from random internet strangers. :)

Re: Coronavirus: COVID-19

Posted: Mon, 20. Feb 23, 12:40
by Gavrushka
I think, like many conditions new to medical science, doctors do indeed either show scepticism or a simple lack of knowledge with such things. - Look at fibromyalgia - My sister suffers from it, and yet she had a doctor (a few years ago) tell her it was not real! - Luckily, she now has the network of support she needs to make her life bearable, if not exactly pleasant.

But the thing that's helped her most has been support groups of likeminded people. - Arsaneus, there will assuredly be a group of long covid sufferers in your locality (and if not the internet will bring them into your living room.) - I'd reach out to them and find out how they are dealing with it, and they may just come up with suggestions that may just change your life for the better. - One might tell you they found a particular vitamin helped, or avoiding certain foodstuffs. - There will be, if not a solution, an aid that does improve the quality of your life.

Wishing you well.

Re: Coronavirus: COVID-19

Posted: Mon, 20. Feb 23, 14:45
by Tamina
I can only wish you a speedy recovery, from the bottom of my heart. I know this doesn't help you much, just wanted to say that.

Also, many people often disregard their mental health care as being part of their well being and fail to take preventive measures when they start to feel stressed out by their current situation. That probably won't help your Covid but I could roughly imagine this to be challenging so wanted to leave that as a general advice. :)

Re: Coronavirus: COVID-19

Posted: Mon, 20. Feb 23, 15:15
by Arsaneus
Ketraar wrote:
Mon, 20. Feb 23, 11:59
Arsaneus wrote:
Mon, 20. Feb 23, 10:19
Doctors, as usual, are clueless so I'm open to all kind of advice...
So if Doctors are clueless, you think you get better/any advice from forum users? I fail to understand the logic, if the experts don't have the information, why would random people in a space game forum do? Seriously curious.


I do, yes. As I am not looking for a medical answer but just some little things like "I went for a walk up in the mountains" or "I went to take a swim in low temperatures" or just better pacing. Not a solution but things that help make things a little bit better.

I did talk to my doctors and did several tests. They did admit that they simply lack data and research about the topic and recommended to ask around for people with similar issues to see how they deal with it (minus self medication of course) and that's what I am doing here.